Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 852: The next goal is to transform the natural environment


The president of the grain and oil industry group asked Ye Zishu if he wanted to continue to increase production capacity. At present, their grain production capacity has increased to 100 million tons. Although it is still far behind my country's demand, it is still quite a lot.

At present, there are still a large number of farmers and farms growing food in China. They have to consider the impact. With the current production capacity, they no longer dare to expand production randomly.

The current production capacity can still be digested domestically, and the excess can be used for export. Any further increase will inevitably have a major impact on the existing grain production pattern.

In response to this problem, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said: "You will build another 100 million tons of grain production capacity this year, and expand the production capacity to 200 million tons.

If it really cannot be digested domestically, it will either be sold to China Grain Reserves as a grain reserve, or exported to curb fluctuations in international grain prices.

Some people like international panic in order to profit from it, but we don't need it. The more stable the world is, the better it is for us. "

What he said was not for nothing. Food was originally a tool to maintain the stability of the world, but it was used as a weapon to disrupt the world in order to gain huge benefits from it.

The industries under him all have absolute advantages, and world stability is conducive to them gaining benefits from the whole world, which is exactly the opposite of how some countries gain benefits.

And if there is no expansion of production, domestic grain cultivation will definitely continue, but except for large-scale farms that can make some money, small farmers can't make money at all.

It's better to make plans as soon as possible to grow crops with more economic value. What you grow can be more profitable than growing grain, and it can also enrich the variety of domestic agricultural products.

Now that this question is asked, he is considering whether to also sell food at low prices to the world, so that some countries can't be better than others, and they can further squeeze their opponents out of the international market.

But after thinking about it, I still forget it. It doesn’t make much sense to maintain long-term low-price exports. Our country has a huge grain reserve system. When the international food crisis really comes, we can just sell these grain reserves directly.

It can not only maintain the stability of international grain prices, but also update the grain reserves. With my country's huge population base, the amount of grain reserves is also very large.

As long as you want to, you can immediately stabilize the international food price, and our country uses industrial production anyway, which is not affected by the natural environment such as weather, so it can naturally ensure food stability.

Some countries are willing to sell food at a low price, let them sell, and people all over the world can benefit from it, which is equivalent to using government subsidies to send benefits to the world.

When they want to make trouble, we will open the warehouse to release the grain and sell it at the normal price, and they will not be able to use the grain as a weapon.

Moreover, the grain and oil industry group itself also has redundant production capacity.

The purpose is to avoid unforeseen problems, which will cause some factories to fail to produce normally, so there will be redundant production capacity arrangements.

No matter how the situation changes, our country's food security can definitely be guaranteed. As long as this foundation is solid, how we want to do things outside does not depend on our mood.

The edible oil production of the Grain and Oil Industry Group has reached 50 million tons, which is enough to meet domestic demand, and even a part of it can be exported, so there is no need to continue to expand.

To be honest, he is not very willing to export agricultural products, because agricultural products are the basic industry of many countries, and exporting these products will definitely cause a big blow to international agriculture.

They have no money to make, so they can't buy our country's high-tech products. Agriculture and planting are hard work. It would be a bit cruel to be deprived of even this income.

Kirin Energy Industry Group will build 3 trillion watts of solar power generation facilities this year, so far the cooperation goal they have reached with the Qinghai government has been completed ahead of schedule.

At that time, they will have solar power generation facilities with an annual output of 10 trillion kWh in Qinghai. They asked Ye Zishu for their opinions on whether to continue to increase power generation facilities in Qinghai.

Qinghai is enough, but putting the energy base in one place actually has great hidden dangers. In case of a natural disaster, the impact on the whole country will be too great.

"I think it's better to forget it. The construction of 10 trillion kilowatt-hour power generation facilities in Qinghai is already a lot. Next, you should choose another place to build a new power plant." Ye Zishu said.

"Which place does Mr. Ye think is more suitable?" asked the president of the energy industry group.

"Do you think nmg is suitable?" Ye Shu asked.

"Why does President Ye want to build a new power plant in nmg?" asked the president of the energy industry group.

"You also know that the Agricultural Development Group has a large number of meat production factories. Their mutton and beef are relatively cheap and of good quality, which has an absolute advantage in the development of animal husbandry.

Although we have digested some livestock practitioners through some industrial arrangements, few of these livestock practitioners are nmg.

I thought that building a power plant in nmg would increase the employment of nmg, increase the fiscal revenue of the local government, and subsidize the economic transformation of livestock practitioners.

Moreover, the climate of nmg is better than that of other places, the wind and sand are relatively small, the land is relatively flat, and the distance from the economic center is relatively short. "Leaf Book said.

"I understand Mr. Ye's thoughts, and the advantages that Mr. Ye said are correct, but I think it is not appropriate. The cost of using arable and grazing land is too high, and the land use tax alone will make us unbearable. " said the president of the energy industry group.

"This one also needs to pay land use tax?" Ye Zishu asked strangely.

Anyway, there is no such thing in Qinghai. We just rent land from the government at a very cheap price. The actual cost is not high. There is this tax on real estate, and it is also necessary to pay this tax on the occupation of cultivated land.

"That's because we used to use the barren desert and the Gobi Desert, with special policy support. If it is in nmg, it is hard to say, the grassland is not easy to occupy, and a lot of it has been allocated to herdsmen." The president of the energy industry group said.

He thinks this matter can be discussed, but it must be very long to go back and forth, especially when multiple interests are involved, it is difficult to get it done in a short time.

So after thinking about it, I just gave up and said, "Then let's go to Ningxia to have a look. We don't need too good land, we just need land with less wind and sand and a higher number of sunny days."

Ningxia doesn't have too many industries there. The economic development there is seriously lagging behind the eastern and central regions. It is also a good choice to build a power plant there.

Once the new solar power plant lands there, it will bring huge tax revenues to the local area, up to several hundred billion yuan, which is enough to improve the local economic situation.

The president of the energy industry group promised to send a team to investigate to see if there is any suitable place to build a solar power plant. After all, this matter is not particularly urgent.

Then Ye Zishu asked it to suspend the export business of solar power generation equipment. The current domestic demand is too high, and the expansion of production capacity will eventually lead to overcapacity. It is better to suspend the export business.

When meeting with Kirin Basic Industries Group, Ye Zishu was still concerned about the expansion of the production capacity of general-purpose robots. After all, so many industries under his umbrella are in urgent need of general-purpose robots, and this cannot be lost.

After getting an affirmative answer, Ye Zishu was relieved a lot, and then asked about other things, mainly about the chemical business. He hoped that he could make this business bigger and stronger, and form a strong international competitive advantage.

"Kilin Environmental Industry Group has done very well during this period, and now your business has gradually formed, focusing on urban environmental protection, industrial environmental protection, urban water supply, environmental protection materials and automotive environmental protection.

You all have these business technologies. Next, you need to open up new business territories, expand your business boundaries, and don’t rest on your laurels. "Leaf Book said.

"Does Mr. Ye have any suggestions?" The president of the Environmental Industry Group asked.

He didn't know what Ye Zishu was thinking, and he didn't bother to guess, so he asked directly. This was the experience they summed up from dealing with Ye Zishu, and he didn't need to go around like other bosses.

"You also know that the natural environment in Northwest my country is harsh, and survival is very difficult. Desertification is gradually spreading to the interior, and the area of ​​deserts is increasing year by year.

This is the result of our country's great investment in sand control. If it is allowed to develop naturally, more and more land will be eroded by the desert, and the resulting sandstorms will also cause great harm to the environment.

I think your next work will be on the business of advanced natural environment management, especially desertification control, which is a problem that our country will have to solve for a long time to come.

It is a huge waste to allow such a large area in the northwest to be eroded and troubled by wind and sand. If the desert can be transformed into usable land, even long grass will be excellent.

In addition, it is to improve the lack of water resources in the northwest region. I thought about transporting desalinated seawater to the northwest. It is not impossible, but the cost is too high.

This kind of transportation can only solve the water problem of residents, but it has little effect on improving the local natural environment. We need to find cheap water resources. "Leaf Book said.

"We all know what Mr. Ye said, and we have actually organized a scientific research team to study it, but desertification control is a difficult problem in the world, and the difficulty is too high.

With the current technology, it is very difficult to transform the desert into a fertile pasture. The most important thing is to prevent the spread of wind and sand, and the input cost is too high, and the overall benefit is very low.

As for the cheap water resources Mr. Ye mentioned, we really have no idea. If there is an abundant and cheap water supply, desert control will not be a problem. " said the president of Environmental Industry Group.

"With regard to desert control, it is mainly sand fixation. Kylin Agricultural Development Group has advanced plant research technology, and you can cooperate.

Research and development of some super drought-tolerant and powerful sand-fixing plant species, although it cannot change the situation all at once, at least it is much stronger than the current sand control methods.

If these sand-fixing plants still have a certain economic value, they can further reduce the cost of sand control, and if they are done well, they may be able to make a little profit.

As for the issue of water resources, water is either diverted from the ground or from the sky. In contrast, borrowing water from the sky is undoubtedly the cheapest way. "Leaf Book said.

Leaf Book's source of cheap water resources confuses him a bit. This idea is a bit unimaginable. It's not that they haven't thought about it, but it's not easy to do it.

The current artificial rainfall technology is mainly to launch chemical reagents into the clouds, so that the water vapor in the clouds condenses into water droplets and falls down. The cost is very high. Small-scale rainfall is fine, but large-scale rainfall is simply not worth it.

In addition, he really didn't know how to borrow water from the sky, so he could only ask honestly: "Mr. Ye means artificial rainfall?"

Ye Zishu nodded and said, "That's right, it's artificial rainfall, but it's not the traditional method of artificial rainfall, but the use of advanced technology to achieve artificial rainfall."

"Mr. Ye means to use chemical reagents to artificially lower the temperature of water vapor. We have thought about this method. Dry ice rainfall can be realized, and it will not cause environmental pollution, but the cost is relatively high, and it is suitable for local rainfall."

"You are right, the best way to make the clouds rain is to lower the temperature of the clouds and condense the water vapor, but the method I am talking about is not yours.

If it's just a conventional method, I don't need to say it. The method I mentioned uses a super heat-absorbing technology that can quickly absorb the surrounding heat and let the temperature within a certain range drop rapidly.

In addition, there is another technology, which is to use sonic vibration technology to form instantaneous high pressure on a smaller scale, so that water vapor particles can form a local high pressure state, so as to achieve the effect of condensation.

If these two methods are implemented at the same time, all the clouds that pass through can achieve rainfall in a short period of time, and the proportion of rainfall formed is very high, which can continuously bring rainfall to the local area. "Leaf Book said.

Everyone present could understand what Ye Zishu said, but this kind of fast heat-absorbing device still needs to absorb the heat inside the cloud layer, and they have never heard of such a technology.

As for the sonic vibration technology, it sounds reasonable, but they haven't heard of sonic vibration being used for rainfall, and they don't know what kind of sonic waves have such capabilities.

The president of the Environmental Industry Group knew that with their capabilities, they would not be able to develop these two technologies and equipment. If it were really that easy, it would not be their turn to do it. Others have already thought of it.

So he said bluntly: "Since Mr. Ye proposed these two methods, he must have a well-thought-out idea. In terms of technology, we also ask Mr. Ye for his support. We will definitely make it a reality.

However, solving the rainfall problem does not mean that there will be a large amount of precipitation. If there is less water vapor in the high-altitude clouds, the annual precipitation will still not be very high.

I have a bold idea. If the clouds in the rainy areas in the south can be pulled to the northwest, it can solve the rainwater problem in the northwest and solve the flood problem in the rainy areas in the south. "

Maybe he was stimulated by Ye Zishu's black technology. Now that everyone is talking about black technology, he let go of his thoughts. If he really has the ability to pull the clouds, wouldn't the whole country be able to achieve good weather?

He doesn't know if it can be realized. If the boss has the technology in this area, it will be perfect if he cooperates with the previous technology. In his mind, the technical boss will solve it!

This stumped Ye Zishu. He had thought about the water vapor condensation technology before, and also checked relevant information in the virtual library, so he was so sure.

But how to drive or pull the cloud layer is more technically difficult, and the cost of driving the cloud layer for thousands of kilometers seems not low. From the perspective of energy conservation, it is like this.

Regardless of how light the clouds look in the sky, they are actually very heavy. Dragging or pushing something of such a huge mass forward must consume a lot of energy.

Not to mention whether the technology can be realized, the cost is unbearable, so he also said simply: "Your brain hole has given me a difficult time, let alone whether it can be realized for the time being, the cost is also unacceptable, you should know the reason.

However, I think this is indeed worth studying. When I look back, I may not be able to research it, but having cloud condensation technology can also solve some problems.

Later, I will give you the information on the sonic vibration high-pressure technology and the rapid heat absorption technology, and you will realize this first! "

He was not disappointed with Ye Zishu's answer. After all, it was so hasty and difficult, such an answer was normal.

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