Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 868 Some people are happy and some are worried, and there are many orders


In fact, there is no need to wait until tomorrow. After the first flight of the live broadcast that day, a large number of introduction articles have been produced on the domestic Internet, and a large number of popular science is also being carried out simultaneously.

This was not arranged by Huanyu Group, but was promoted by many professionals spontaneously, because this first flight performance is so amazing that only professionals can understand the way of it.

This is not only a revolution in the field of civil aviation passenger aircraft manufacturing, it can be said that it is a revolution in the entire aircraft manufacturing field. As a professional, how can I restrain my inner excitement.

With the emergence of a large number of articles by these media people and professionals, no matter those who have watched the live broadcast or those who have not, they all feel inexplicable.

As a result, a large number of netizens participated in it, and it became the hottest topic on the Internet that day. This reflects the timeliness of Internet media, which is incomparable to traditional media.

The reason why so many people watched it at the beginning was mainly because it was a major event in the field of domestic aviation manufacturing, but many people were actually rather disappointed because it was just a regional airliner.

There is a big technical gap between regional airliners and mainline airliners. There are many countries that can manufacture regional airliners, but there are only two or three countries that can manufacture large mainline airliners.

I just didn't expect that Huanyu Group would make a lot of use of regional airliners, showing a different design idea everywhere, as well as the technical strength to support this design idea.

Everyone knows how to design, but whether the design can be manufactured is another matter. In actual work, the ability to realize is the main factor that limits the design.

Then the question arises, the size of the regional airliner is not too large, and variable wings can be used. If it is replaced with a large mainline airliner, whether it can be used or not, no one has an answer.

If the two new ultra-large airliners launched by Huanyu Group can also realize variable wings, will the technology break through the edge?

The bigger the aircraft, the heavier it is, the more difficult it is to use variable wings, because the material strength and structural strength have to withstand greater tests, and the larger the body, the lower the flexibility of variable wings.

It didn't take long for everyone to guess. In the evening after the first flight, Huanyu Group announced the first flight time of the medium-sized trunk liner, which will be carried out next month, which is exactly one month apart.

The 300-seat medium-sized trunk airliner is the main model in the civil aviation field. Most of them use this class of aircraft, and the market is the largest.

If Huanyu Group can also realize variable wings on medium-sized mainline airliners, and can achieve energy saving of about 40%, it will have unparalleled competitiveness.

Therefore, many people are very concerned about the next live performance of the first flight, and even the number of people who have made an appointment to watch it on the live broadcast platform has reached tens of millions, for fear of missing the first flight performance by then.

The situation abroad about this first flight performance is not as hot as in China, but there are also a lot of Internet news. After all, about 20% of the audience are from abroad.

In addition, Kunpeng Information Technology Company also intends to promote the global influence of Huanyu Group's first flight performance, not only giving a higher reading share reward, but also spontaneously reprinting related domestic reports.

For a country without an airliner manufacturing industry, many people are still looking forward to it. Of course, black people can be found everywhere, especially those who do not have enough knowledge but like to follow others, and they are particularly prone to blind confidence.

In countries with a good aviation manufacturing industry, their people actually have a certain sense of crisis, but there are not many people deliberately hacking, and most of them just express their concerns about their country's aviation industry technology.

In fact, the aviation manufacturing industry has developed for so many years, and now it is basically in a state of relying on its laurels. There are not many breakthroughs in technology. A model lasts for 40 to 50 years, and it is still in use everywhere.

The reason is very simple, that is, without fierce market competition, who can comfortably make money will work hard to develop and innovate, and not only will not innovate, but the entire ability may degenerate.

Now Huanyu Group's airliner has broken the tradition, adopting a large number of advanced technologies and carrying out a lot of innovations, which poses a serious challenge to the existing civil aviation airliner manufacturing industry.

This also reminds many people of the situation in the automobile manufacturing industry. At the beginning, Huanyu Group was not well-known in the automobile manufacturing field, not even a small role.

However, relying on its excellent technology and strong design capabilities, it only took two or three years to grow into a global auto giant, which brought great competitive pressure to other auto giants.

They are not relying on cheap cars to compete for the market like rb car companies, they are relying on their absolute strength, and even at a higher price, they have abruptly obtained a huge international market share.

If Huanyu Group uses the method of low-cost competition, it will be a more serious disaster for these auto giants, and a large number of auto giants may go bankrupt.

There is no need to guess whether Huanyu Group's cars can be sold cheaper. The same model of cars is much cheaper in China than in foreign countries, even cheaper than rb's cheap cars.

This is also the reason why people don't dare to strongly target Huanyu Group. They are afraid that they will anger Huanyu Group and really adopt the method of low-price competition, which will make them lose even the mid-to-low-end car market.

And it cannot be said that they are dumping, because their cars are indeed sold very cheaply in China, which shows that their cost is very low, and other car companies cannot do it, but they are not capable.

Many people are a little worried that in the field of civil aviation manufacturing, the mistakes of the automobile field will be repeated. If it happens, the seriousness of the matter will be more serious than what happened to the automobile industry.

After all, cars are products aimed at consumers. There are so many consumers, and some people always have special ideas, and sometimes decisions are not entirely based on interests.

The customers of civil aviation airliners are all airlines. They may have other considerations when making a decision, but their interests are definitely the first priority, and there is competition among airlines.

If it really forms a crushing trend, other aviation manufacturing companies will absolutely not be able to bear it, and they will not even have room to survive, so they can only go bankrupt. The situation is much more serious than that of the automobile industry.

As mentioned earlier, the more high-end manufacturing field, the more obvious the Matthew effect. As long as there is an absolute advantage, the market will naturally move closer to the dominant side, which does not depend on human will.

Even if unfair means of competition are adopted, it will only win for a while. If they cannot keep up in time, the decline of the weak side will be unstoppable. The only difference is between dying fast and dying slowly.

Compared with the almost unanimous paeans in China, the voices in the world are mixed, and some special hotspots even began to write offensive articles to explain the shortcomings of Huanyu Group's airliner technology.

Taking the absolutely dazzling variable wing as an example, they will question whether the safety is reliable. If the wing fails, it will be a major safety accident, and then compare the advantages of the fixed wing.

And in their view, even if the variable wing does not have the above problems and can stand the test, the maintenance cost must be higher than that of the fixed wing. After all, one more active node means more maintenance cost.

The problems they can think of, Ye Zishu naturally thought of it when designing. In order to reduce maintenance costs, the materials used must be better, and the design should also minimize the frequency of maintenance and reduce maintenance costs.

Under the guidance of this idea, the maintenance cost of the designed variable wing is not higher than that of the fixed wing, and it can even be said that the maintenance difficulty is lower than that of the fixed wing.

A variable wing is much less expensive to replace if there is a structural problem, and the problematic part can be replaced, whereas a fixed wing has to replace the entire wing if there is a structural problem.

There is also Huanyu Group's so-called more energy-efficient aero-engine. These popular experts believe that the authenticity is very low. The reason is that aero-engine has developed so much and has reached the extreme.

If the energy saving is about 5%, it is still possible with a more advanced design, but it is almost impossible to achieve an energy saving of about 20%, at least not within the existing aero-engine technology system.

In response to these doubts, Huanyu Group did not get used to it, and directly said on its international social platform, "Some people speak with analysis, but we speak with facts!"

Of course, talking without practicing is a fake move. The most convincing thing is the number of orders. If there are no orders all the time, it means that the market is not optimistic.

At this time, Wancheng Jiye's airline company played a role, directly announcing to the outside world that if the regional airliner of Huanyu Group obtained the domestic airworthiness certificate, they would purchase at least 100 of them.

As soon as the news came out, everyone discovered that Wancheng Jiye actually had an airline company, which subverted many people's inherent impressions of Wancheng Jiye.

In everyone's impression, Wancheng Jiye is a real estate company. As for other industries operated by Wancheng Jiye, many people actually don't know.

For example, only those in the real estate industry know about their entire construction industry chain, but not necessarily all of them. It's just that they are more familiar with which part they are responsible for.

Not to mention the hotels, supermarkets, and convenience stores operated by Wancheng Jiye, as well as pastry chain stores, fruit and vegetable chain stores, and even vegetable markets in many cities are operated by them.

Many wholesale markets in various cities are also managed and operated by them. It can be said that many of their businesses have penetrated into the lives of ordinary people, but people usually don't pay much attention to them.

Everyone would not doubt Wancheng Jiye's sudden call to order at least 100 planes. Although everyone didn't know how much money Wancheng Jiye made, they would definitely not think that they had no money.

Like this airliner, even if it is more advanced in technology and more fuel-efficient, the price may be a bit more expensive, about 300 million yuan for one plane, and 30 billion yuan for 100 planes.

For the rich and powerful Wancheng Foundation, it is not difficult to purchase, so everyone basically believes in this propaganda, and although the pre-order is not an official order, it also has a certain effect.

At least it represents a strong desire for cooperation between the two parties. If it is canceled for no reason, it will bring more difficulties to the future cooperation between the two parties.

With the release of Wancheng Jiye's pre-orders, domestic airlines began to follow up. They were relatively conservative, some bought more than 20 aircraft, and some planned to buy more than 50 aircraft.

On the one hand, their financial strength is indeed insufficient, and on the other hand, they are also more cautious. If they hadn't seen Wancheng Jiye's big money, they probably would have to wait and think about it.

However, Huanyu Group's preferential discounts also get smaller as time goes by, and the flight time they get gets later. After all, orders also have to be queued.

Although there are not many airlines in each airline, there are more than 400 airlines including the airlines of Wancheng Jiye, which is already a lot for a passenger plane that has just made its first flight.

There are also foreign airlines who have seen this situation and want to place an order to make a reservation. Unfortunately, Huanyu Group has not opened foreign reservation channels at present, and has no plan to open it now.

The reason is simple, they want to keep the discount in the country, and their first priority is not to occupy the international market, but to eat the domestic market.

As long as they eat the domestic market, it means that they have a stable rear. Naturally, they hope to put all the previous orders in the country, instead of sacrificing everything to open up the international market.

Seeing that the major airlines have the intention to purchase a large number of passenger aircraft, the governments of various places in the country concluded that the future will be a time for the great development of the domestic aviation market, so they have accelerated the promotion of the city's airport project.

If a city wants to develop its economy, in addition to industry and agriculture, the proportion of the service industry will also increase, and the quality of the service industry is inseparable from the convenience of transportation.

All domestic prefecture-level cities have formulated their own airport construction plans, or airport expansion plans. For example, first-tier cities already have airports, but due to the limitations of the time, they need to expand their construction.

Cities without airports are not to be missed, and according to the information revealed above, they are optimistic and supportive of the airport project in prefecture-level cities.

For high-level executives, it doesn't matter whether the airport makes money or not. At least it can speed up personnel exchanges and promote the development of service industries in various places. This is the basis of economic development, and it can also support the development of the domestic aviation manufacturing industry.

The peripheral income driven by the airport is still very large. As long as the local government is not operating with high debt, the relevant departments above naturally have no reason to stop it.

Therefore, if cities want to build airports, of course they must do a good job in project planning, and finding money and investment is also what they have to face. Fortunately, Wancheng Foundation has publicly stated that their goal of finding investment is still very clear.

After Ye Zishu watched the live broadcast of the first flight performance, he did not continue to pay attention, but was very interested in some words in the barrage, and thought he could give it a try.

For example, some viewers saw the airliner doing various actions in the air and felt how free it is to fly in the sky, so they wanted to have a device that can realize personal air flight, so that individuals can also experience the joy of flying.

Ye Zishu thinks that this project has great potential for development. Although it is unlikely to sell this equipment to individuals, the reason is very simple. What if there is an accident? What if it is used for bad things?

Therefore, this kind of personal air flight experience equipment is destined to only be used for tourism projects, and there are professional companies to operate it. As long as the price is right and the experience is super good, I believe the output value will not be small.

As the primates of all things, human beings cannot fly freely in the air like birds. This is a pity for many people, and it is also an ideal for many people. As long as conditions permit, everyone is willing to try.

Some people are willing to risk their lives to experience the joy of flying in the air even in the dangerous wingsuit flight, not to mention the safe, reliable, and more free flying experience in the air, which will definitely be popular in the market.

He decided to develop this project next, so that human beings can fly in the air with equipment and become free elves.

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