Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 898 Prepare to cut leeks for global crude oil capital


These are a big deal in the eyes of outsiders, which marks that international relations have become more complicated since then, and the subsequent international situation may become more and more incomprehensible.

But to him, it was just a small episode. "The big roc rises with the same wind in one day, soaring to 90,000 miles." When a country's national fortune rises, it is difficult to suppress it, especially for a big country. In terms of.

As a member of a rising power and an important member, as long as he pays attention to his personal safety, basically it will not have much impact on him, which is why he is calm.

The main work during this period is to read its annual report. Generally speaking, the development situation in the first half of last year was very good, and the situation began to collapse in the next few months in the second half of the year.

This financial crisis has had a great impact on the real industry, but as long as it is not over-financialized, the impact is actually relatively limited.

In addition, many of his industries are monopoly industries. Unless they are not used, they can only buy his products. The impact of these monopoly businesses is relatively limited.

For example, the communication industry, even affected by the financial crisis, will still be in a state of rapid growth in the second half of the year, especially mobile communication, which is particularly critical in the crisis.

There are also some industries that not only have not been affected, but have become more and more popular. For example, the online entertainment industry has shown a strong growth momentum when the crisis broke out.

Even the sales of smart glasses have continued to maintain a good momentum. Although there has not been a sharp rise, there has not been a sharp decline.

The emergence of this situation is the result of the diversified development of his industries. No matter what the crisis is, as long as there are people, there will always be demand. As long as there is demand, his industries can always get some benefits.

Specific to each group company, the situation is very different. First of all, the Kirin Industrial Group he manages has not been greatly affected by this crisis.

There are two reasons. The first point is that most of the business of Kirin Industrial Group is in China, and the international business carried out is not particularly large, so the impact is relatively small.

The second point is that the businesses that Kirin Industrial Group is engaged in are all basic livelihood industries. No matter how the crisis happens, these needs still exist, but the high-end product market will be affected to a certain extent.

In addition, the global financial crisis occurred only a few months after the second half of the year, and has not yet shown its amplification effect. The real difficult period should be this year, and the impact may be delayed until next year.

This is the overall situation, and each sub-group has some differences in their situation. For example, Kirin Textile Industry Group, its revenue has been affected to a certain extent.

Last year's annual revenue was only 8 trillion yuan, an increase of only about 1 trillion yuan compared with the previous year.

The growth rate also dropped from about 37% to about 14%.

The reason is that their cold-resistant clothing products have been greatly affected. In the field of cold-resistant and heat-resistant clothing products, Kirin Textile Industry Group is the only one.

These two categories of products bring them huge profits every year. The global financial crisis happened just in winter in the northern hemisphere, so it was inevitable that they would be affected.

Of course, with their current huge revenue, it is impossible to continue to grow as fast as before, so it is acceptable to achieve such a growth rate last year.

However, the net profit margin has not increased much, and the net profit growth is only 100 billion yuan. The reason is the increase in labor costs and the reduction in profits caused by promotions.

The net profit margin has dropped from the original 50% to the current 45%. In the future, as personnel costs continue to increase, the net profit margin will decline to varying degrees, and he doesn't care about it.

The ability to maintain such a high net profit margin before mainly relied on advanced technology and operating models.

Technology ensures that their products can be sold at high prices.

The advanced operation mode can effectively reduce inventory, so that the textile industry group always maintains a very low inventory rate, and few products are treated as off-stock.

Among the many sub-groups under Kirin Industrial Group, the Textile Industry Group was the most affected, and Kirin Beverage Industry Group was in a similar situation.

This is also a group with a relatively high degree of internationalization and has a large number of overseas markets. Affected by the financial crisis, soft drinks have also been affected to a certain extent.

However, their alcoholic beverages have not decreased but increased, especially in the past few months of the financial crisis, sales have shown explosive growth, showing a situation of ice and fire.

The reason is actually very simple. When frustrated, everyone will choose to use alcohol to numb themselves. Among the many alcoholic beverages, the products of Kirin Beverage Industry Group are the most suitable.

The alcoholic drinks of Kirin Beverage Industry Group are the best in all indicators, but the price is relatively expensive among similar products.

Ordinary people may not be willing to drink, but when they are frustrated, they don't care about it. Spending a little money to get drunk and enjoy it at the same time is the best choice for many people. From the spirit to the body, they can self-anesthetize.

Therefore, the performance of the beverage industry group last year was not bad, with revenue reaching 5.5 trillion yuan and a growth rate of 37.5%. Alcoholic beverages contributed the most and further increased their market share in this category.

Of course, other products are also in a state of growth, especially the domestic market is performing very well, which allows Ye Zishu to give high salaries to expand the domestic demand market, and finally got a good return.

As long as the people have money and help them solve their worries, there is no reason for the people to just save money and not spend it. As long as people know how to enjoy it, it is just because of various reasons that the people dare not spend money recklessly.

If people's income is stable, education, medical care, housing and pensions can all be guaranteed, saving money will lose its meaning, and spending money can bring more happiness.

He has followed this goal in recent years. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that domestic demand continues to be strong, and his industries have benefited enormously.

Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group still develops according to its own pace, and there are relatively few disturbing factors. Last year, its revenue was 3 trillion yuan, and its net profit margin rose instead of falling, reaching 45%.

This is what Ye Zishu did not expect. The grain industry is relatively stable in terms of both sales volume and price. It is very difficult to achieve big ups and downs. It is not easy to achieve a simultaneous increase in total revenue and net profit margin.

This is happening while labor costs continue to increase, which is even more remarkable, and the reason is not complicated, that is, the consumption level of the domestic people has increased.

The lowest-end grain terminal sales price is basically 2 yuan per catty. The grain and oil industry group of this part of the business is only a producer and cannot participate in specific operations. The output is all contracted by the state.

But they have complete autonomy for other improved grains. In these fields, they have established a whole set of industrial systems, from production to sales, they can completely decide.

The increase in the supply of these mid-to-high-end grains is very beneficial to improving their performance, and it is not surprising that the net profit margin has increased. After all, the production cost of mid-to-high-end grains is not much different from that of ordinary grains.

Of course, food alone cannot support such a high growth rate, and the supply ratio of high-end edible oil is also increasing, which also contributes a lot to revenue growth.

In addition, the development of meat production and seafood and aquatic products production business of Qilin Agricultural Development Group has contributed a lot of income to them, and all raw materials are supplied by the grain and oil industry group.

Kirin Energy Industry Group is still operating at a loss. Last year, the solar power generation capacity was 4 trillion watts, which was 1 trillion watts more than the original plan.

So far, my country's solar power generation power has reached 6.4 trillion watts, and the annual power generation capacity has reached 12.8 trillion kwh, which basically meets the electricity demand of my country's industries and residents.

It also means that my country's thermal power generation facilities can withdraw from the stage of history, relying on solar power, hydropower and a small number of nuclear power can meet the domestic demand for electric energy.

Of course, this is only to meet basic needs. The energy-consuming industries under Kirin Industrial Group are still increasing. To meet future needs, it is necessary to continue to build solar power generation facilities.

In addition, there is another energy business that has not been carried out, that is, the conversion of electricity into fossil energy. If the domestic demand for this is to be met, about 6 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity will be consumed each year.

Kirin Energy Industry Group intends to enter the fossil energy field this year and provide fuel products for the country. The reason is simple, that is, the international energy price has risen again, which has already had a great impact on our country.

It may be that our country has a very high demand for energy. During the global financial crisis, our country was thriving and was not greatly affected.

As a result, many oil-producing countries, driven by capital, began to use energy as a means to prepare to have an impact on our country's economy and at the same time make a lot of money.

In the second half of the year, the price of oil has been rising all the way, and now it has reached 80 US dollars per barrel. Such a high price has seriously deviated from the basic laws of the economy, and it cannot be explained without human manipulation.

This is just the beginning. If no measures are taken, the price of oil will continue to rise this year. It is not surprising that it will reach hundreds of dollars a barrel, because they have the power to set the price of oil.

Among the major countries in the world, only my country has relatively low oil reserves and is a net importer of oil. Soaring oil prices should have the greatest impact on my country's economy.

Of course, many countries in Europe are not feeling well. Their oil production is not high, and they mainly rely on imports. However, the price of oil they obtain is definitely lower than that of our country.

It is also against this background that the energy industry group did not increase its power generation capacity as planned last year, but increased its installed capacity by 1 trillion watts.

They plan to continue to increase the installed capacity of 4 trillion watts this year. In addition, they will also build a large number of fossil energy production facilities and natural gas pipeline transmission facilities.

Therefore, the total investment this year is even larger, with an investment scale of up to 8 trillion yuan. If the investment plan is completed, my country will completely bid farewell to the days of oil imports, achieve self-sufficiency, and even export part of fuel oil.

Fortunately, they also made some money last year, achieving a revenue of 3.36 trillion yuan. Although they could not cover the investment amount, they could make up for some of the difference and allow Kirin Industrial Group to invest less.

Ye Zishu directly approved their plan, and natural gas production can wait, but oil is the lifeblood of the industry, and it is too aggrieved to let others decide, and something must be done.

After approval, Ye Zishu used communication tools to contact Ye Zihua, asking him to cooperate with the energy industry group, and prepare to make a big deal in the international crude oil market to make up for his losses.

As the world's largest economic system, the soaring price of oil is no different from cutting his leeks. It is understandable for him to want to make up for his losses.

Now that the price of oil is soaring, Tidal Investment Company can make a lot of money from it. At that time, it is estimated that a large number of oil speculators will go bankrupt.

my country is currently the country with the largest oil consumption in the world, and it is also the country with the largest oil import. If my country does not need to import oil, it may export a large amount of high-quality fuel oil.

One can imagine what kind of situation the global oil market is facing. There will definitely be a sharp drop. At that time, the international oil price will directly return to its original shape, and it will be good if the price can be maintained at 40 US dollars a barrel.

If the energy industry group is willing to go crazy with Tidal Investment Corporation, it can even suppress the price of a barrel of oil below $20, depending on whether it is worth it.

With the amount of capital of Tidal Investment Company, Ye Zishu couldn't even imagine what kind of scene it would be if he shorted the global oil futures with all his strength.

However, he doesn't sympathize with these capitals at all, and he has a sense of accomplishment for the money earned from these capitals, which is something that ordinary people cannot experience by making money from them.

Other capital likes to cut the leeks of ordinary people, but he likes to cut the leeks of capital, because it is more difficult and gives a sense of accomplishment after the challenge.

After this decision was issued, Tidal Investment Company immediately started to act. If it wanted to make more money, it had to further increase the price of oil futures.

The current oil futures price is around US$80 a barrel, and they plan to raise the price to around US$120 a barrel in the first half of the year, and then start liquidation.

This price is the goal they think can be achieved after evaluation, and it also leaves some room for profit for the receiver. The price of oil futures may be as high as 140 US dollars per barrel.

After liquidation and shipment, they will immediately backhand short. With the optimism that oil futures prices will continue to rise, short contracts are easy to conclude, and even more capital will be attracted to enter the market.

If you are more ruthless, you can also conduct VAM, which is separated from the oil product itself, and it is completely a gambling operation method. If you lose, you will lose completely, and if you win, you will win completely.

As for whether to do so, it depends on how much fuel oil Kirin Energy Industry Group can provide at that time, because this is an important factor in determining market prices.

If Kirin Energy Industrial Group can complete the construction of power generation facilities as scheduled this year, and achieve the goal of producing 1 billion tons of fuel oil per year at the maximum, this will actually be very scary.

The annual global oil consumption is less than 4 billion tons. This is due to the high demand for oil in my country in recent years, and it is only crude oil. If it is produced into fuel oil, the amount will be even less.

Once this scale of construction is completed, it means that the fuel oil produced by a single company of Kirin Energy Industry Group will account for more than 30% of the global fossil energy.

Such a huge output actually has the ability to influence the international oil price, and compared with the oil extracted from the ground, their oil is cleaner and the standard is higher than that of refined fuel oil.

However, in order to prevent the international oil price from being too high and having a major impact on the domestic economy, this oil futures battle must end as soon as possible, and cannot be delayed for a long time.

The factor that determines the duration of this oil campaign is whether Kirin Energy Industrial Group can complete production capacity construction as soon as possible. If it takes a year to complete, it may be delayed until the end of the year.

After Ye Zishu learned about Tidal Investment Company's approach, he asked Kirin Energy Industry Group to increase construction efforts to ensure that the production capacity construction target was completed before August this year.

Although our country cannot digest 1 billion tons of fuel oil for the time being, he still asked Kirin Energy Industry Group to build according to this production capacity.

Therefore, the losses suffered can be earned back from the international crude oil futures market, and such fuel production capacity may be digested in the next few years, so it is not considered a waste.

However, this year's investment scale will be further increased, and the total investment scale needs to increase to 10 trillion yuan. However, compared with the expected income, Ye Zishu can only accept it.

In order to reduce subsequent losses, Leaf Book intends to provide them with more advanced production technology, so that the newly built facilities can produce both fuel oil and natural gas.

In this way, when the market for fuel oil is not so big in the future, it can be used to produce natural gas and chemical raw materials. In this way, there will be no waste of huge production capacity, and there will be no problem of loss.

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