Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 911 The effect is really good


This first flight is not so much a first flight as it is a military exercise broadcast live to the world, and the shock and impact it brings is beyond imagination.

First of all, this marks that my country has become the first country in the world to have an aerospace aircraft, and it has been the only country that has an aerospace aircraft for a long time.

The existence of aerospace aircraft means that it has an all-weather global strike capability. This strike capability is more deterrent than an aircraft carrier, and it is almost unsolvable.

Even ballistic missiles cannot lock on to aerospace aircraft, because the ability of aerospace aircraft to change orbits in orbit is not comparable to that of ordinary satellites and spacecraft.

Cooperating with the global monitoring system, the trajectory of the ballistic missile can be calculated just after it takes off. It is basically difficult to hit the aerospace aircraft, and there is almost no difficulty for the aerospace aircraft to hit the ground target.

Moreover, the speed of a missile launched from an aerospace plane is faster than that launched from the ground and then enters space and then enters the ground, because the initial speed is very fast.

At the same time, it means that it is no longer necessary that only ballistic missiles have global strike capabilities as before, and ordinary missiles also have global strike capabilities.

The second is the shock brought by the airborne performance. This is the first time that humans have achieved a large-scale direct landing from space to the ground, and it has not yet relied on large-scale spacecraft, only relying on airborne suits to do it.

This is not only a display of top technology equipment, but also a display of the world's top individual military equipment. With such an airborne suit, it means that we can achieve airborne anywhere on this planet.

This is very important for global support. If an ordinary aircraft needs to pass through other people's airspace, it needs other people's consent, but it does not need it in space, and strategic autonomy is much greater.

The most important thing is that it is almost difficult to intercept the airborne from low earth orbit. The airborne speed is too fast, and the target is very small. The most important thing is that it can achieve autonomous orbit change in the middle, and it is not completely free to land.

This airborne performance did not show the mid-way orbit change operation. If the orbit change operation is shown, the shock will be even greater, but it is not necessary, and it is best to include it without revealing it.

Although this is just the first flight of an aerospace plane, it is an extremely wonderful airborne performance, but everyone does not just look at the surface, but the meaning behind it.

Ordinary people may focus on the power of aerospace aircraft and the brilliance of airborne performances, but military experts will not be so superficial.

With such a technological level of aerospace aircraft and airborne suits, the scientific and technological strength behind them is what military experts see. This performance is just the tip of the iceberg.

For example, the possession of aerospace aircraft means that the level of our country's military aircraft has reached the top level in the world as a whole, and no one doubts that it is just that individual military aircraft are of good level.

Because there is no overall strong technical strength, it is impossible to develop and manufacture such an advanced aerospace aircraft, and any short board will not be able to manufacture such an advanced aircraft.

For example, although the airborne performance demonstrated the powerful airborne combat capability of the airborne suit, the entire landing process showed that the airborne suit has a strong individual air cruise capability.

It means that in the future, individual combat will no longer be a simple ground confrontation, but individual combat has been upgraded to a three-dimensional integration, and the mobility of ground troops will far exceed that of the past.

Think about it, how a group of troops that can only walk on the ground with their feet can fight a group of troops that can fly close to the ground, even if they have chariots.

If there is a confrontation between the two armies, it will be unilaterally crushed. This is the conclusion drawn from these things that people can see, and there are things that no one can see.

You don't think this show has it all, there are definitely more powerful places that won't show, and it does.

Don't think that soldiers are living targets when they fly. In fact, this airborne suit not only has the effect of radar stealth, but ordinary weapons cannot be locked at all, which greatly increases the survivability in the air.

And there is also a visual stealth effect. Although it is not the absolute stealth in the legend, the environmental mimicry stealth has a great impact on human vision, and it is difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye.

The interior is also equipped with a body heat collection device, which can achieve a silent state of body heat, and it is difficult for infrared detection equipment to distinguish targets through thermal radiation.

Of course, it is impossible for every ground combat unit to be equipped with such an advanced airborne suit, because the price is too high, but it is possible to equip a simplified version of the personal airborne combat suit.

He has already provided a ground combat uniform technology and design. If it is integrated, it can still make a relatively cheap land and air combat uniform, or even an amphibious combat uniform.

As long as the price of each set does not exceed 1 million yuan, it is still possible to equip the frontline troops on a large scale, but Baihu Technology Company has not received such a research and development request.

On the second day after the first flight, Ye Zishu and Pei Qing moved to a new residence. The two houses here were returned to Phoenix Technology Company. Except for their belongings, they took away all the furniture and electrical appliances.

The two suites themselves belong to the Phoenix Technology Company's assets, but they have been occupied by them all the time. After checking out this time, it is not known whether they will be allocated to the company's employees to live in.

If anyone knows that this is the place where he used to live, they probably want to fight for it. After all, this is the place where the richest man in the world lived, and it is okay to get rich.

This is not a big deal, at least the wealth worship of his employees is not so strong, but many people think that he is a Wenqu star, and the employees who have worked with him are superstitious about this.

It is really that the scientific research ability he displayed is too strong, it is not like what ordinary people can do at all. It can only be considered that the Wenqu star descended to the mortal world, and the place where he lived, it is not bad to have a sense of culture.

Ye Ziqi followed Pei Qing to her new home. When she first came here, she was amazed by the design of this house. She thought that the villa built by her second brother was already luxurious and unique.

I didn't expect this house to be more powerful. First, it occupies a larger area. Second, the design is both modern and simple, with better details, much more comfortable living, and more complete supporting facilities.

After settling in the new home, Ye Ziqi did not continue to return to the original residence, but directly lived here. There are enough rooms here, and the personal income is also very good.

Although the previous house was not small, she felt that living there would disturb Ye Zishu and Pei Qing a bit, but there is no such problem here.

Ye Zishu was finally free, and began to pay attention to the domestic and foreign media's reports on aerospace aircraft in the past two days, as well as the public opinion on the Internet.

First of all, the domestic media reports. The serious media reports are relatively restrained, just discussing the facts, and there are no speculations, but the self-media is all excited.

Many people are actually very proud of our country's economic development achievements during this period, but they are not very satisfied with our military achievements and feel a bit weak.

If the economy is very strong but the military is very weak, it is a very dangerous thing. This was the case in the Qing Dynasty. The economy was not small, but the military was much weaker. Needless to say, the tragedy caused.

At the air show last year, everyone saw the improvement of my country's aviation and military equipment, which eased many people's concerns, but advanced aviation and military equipment alone is not enough.

It can only be said that we can achieve absolute protection of our own airspace, but our country is now a globalized country, and there are many economic interests overseas.

How to protect our overseas interests is also something we have to consider. It is an indisputable fact that without aircraft carriers, there will be no large-scale overseas delivery capabilities.

Although I heard that there are two aircraft carriers under construction, no one knows the details, and it will also take a long time to form a combat force, and this is the most dangerous time in the middle.

The first flight performance of the aerospace aircraft immediately reassured many people in the country. Although there is no aircraft carrier, the ability to project long-range conventional military power is weak.

However, the existence of aerospace aircraft can greatly make up for this weakness, because aerospace aircraft can project both strategic power and conventional power, and there is almost no solution.

This is the news reported by the traditional media. Although each media has a different angle, it basically does not deviate too much, which is quite satisfactory.

The self-media does not have this concern. Although the Internet also has a real-name system, the management is relatively loose. As long as it is not too outrageous, it is much more free than traditional media.

It is not surprising that there are some imaginary content mixed in, some are pure nonsense, and some are on point, for example, some self-media have guessed some functions that the airborne suit does not show.

Of course, the most important thing is that national pride has been greatly improved, the economy is already the world's number one, and now the military is catching up and has achieved partial surpassing.

Many people have seen the rise of a new superpower, and it only took a few decades to achieve it from scratch, and it was achieved with our own hands.

Unlike the rise of other great powers, which rely on plunder and colonization, this sense of accomplishment should be more proud, and it will also be a role model for the development of many countries in the future.

Especially in the context of the global financial crisis, my country's economy has not been greatly affected and has shown strong economic resilience.

Now the military strength has also been demonstrated. In the future, as long as we do not make fatal mistakes and develop step by step, we will be able to return to our previous glory, and national rejuvenation and national rejuvenation are just around the corner.

Seeing this, Ye Zishu was secretly happy. A country and a nation are most afraid of self-denial. If this happens, it will be difficult to develop. The endogenous attachment mentality is serious, which is the deadliest part of a country.

Now that such a change can be made, the work he has done over the years is worthwhile. Only a nation with enough self-confidence can have enough confidence to realize self-development.

The second is the foreign media, especially the countries that used to be tit-for-tat. Their media public opinion made Ye Zishu feel a little amused after reading it.

Although the traditional media couldn't deny yesterday's aerospace performance, they refused to admit their own gap, and said that they could do the same, but they just didn't do it.

The reason is also very good, that is, the space shuttle technology is somewhat similar. Since the space shuttle can also go back and forth between space and the ground, with a little improvement, an aerospace plane can be produced.

This reason is very confusing, because their space shuttle needs to be overhauled after each mission, and all parts are disassembled and inspected, and then assembled again.

Not to mention the hidden dangers that may exist in this, the past experience has already given the answer, even the long cycle in the middle is not suitable for existing as a conventional military force.

Moreover, their space shuttle needs additional vehicles during the take-off stage to help save energy, while the space shuttle of White Tiger Technology can complete take-off and landing by itself without the support of additional vehicles.

There is a technical gap that is difficult to bridge. It seems to be nothing. Anyone who is a little professional will clearly know how difficult it is.

This can be seen from their follow-up actions and reactions. Before that, they were forming cliques everywhere and clamoring for military exercises, and there were quite a few responders, and the momentum was very loud.

Since the first flight of the aerospace plane was successful yesterday, they have been very sensible there, and canceled the scheduled military exercises directly, and stopped yelling everywhere.

Most importantly, the so-called allies in the past have also begun to change their outlets, re-emphasizing the importance of global integration and emphasizing the importance of global military self-control.

The reason is very high-sounding, saying that once a major power conflict occurs, it will mean the destruction of the earth, and the civilization that has finally developed to the present will return to the Stone Age.

Ye Zishu just smiled slightly at this. When they had absolute force, they liked to show off force all over the world. When they lost this advantage, they began to emphasize global security and self-control.

This is a serious media report. Although it is not objective enough, and we still want to regain some face, at least the direction of public opinion is correct. From confrontation to cooperation, this is what we hope to see.

Of course, they can't use sanctions as before. The reason is very simple. We have far surpassed them in military and civilian technology.

Technically, there is no room for sanctions at all. We can only use some raw materials for sanctions, which is useless at all. There are so many countries in the world, and they are not the only ones who have raw materials.

Of course, the idea of ​​decoupling has not been proposed. The reason is very simple. They still have a lot of products that we need to export. Let alone the other things, the medicines and medical equipment of the Taiji Group are what they need.

If there is no Tai Chi Group's products, their quality of life will plummet, and it will not even be as good as many third world countries, and their people will not agree.

However, their Internet public opinion has become polarized. On the one hand, they have a tough attitude and believe that positive actions need to be taken.

On the other hand, it is very optimistic, thinking that our country is a model worth learning, and it can develop from being poor and blank in such a short period of time, and it has developed so well.

This is a country and civilization worthy of respect, and it fully embodies the cultural resilience and firm will of ancient civilizations that can survive to this day.

With such a civilized country, cooperation is the best way. We can not only learn from each other's excellence, but also gain more benefits from our country's rapid economic development.

No matter what you say, you have been greatly shocked by yesterday's aerospace performance. It is a kind of spiritual baptism for many people, especially ordinary people, and they are no longer as blind and arrogant as before.

Of course, there are also many more extreme remarks, so I don’t need to say them here. I just need to care about the views of the majority. A small number of extreme remarks cannot affect the overall situation.

In fact, he doesn't care about cooperation or not. He naturally welcomes more cooperation, which means having a broader international market and has a positive effect on achieving sustained and rapid economic growth in our country.

It doesn't matter if we can't cooperate. my country has formed its own technological system and economic system, which has enough endogenous development momentum. It's just that the development is slightly slower than before, but it is also much faster than the global economic growth.

Moreover, he can also use technical means to realize production materials and products that cannot be obtained from the world. This is his greatest confidence. He can be sure that he will be able to develop the economy and make the people rich without relying on the world.

In the evening, Ye Zihua also rushed over from Shanghai. He is Ye Zishu's younger brother. It would be inappropriate for him to come here tomorrow like an ordinary guest, so he needs to come in advance to help receive him.

At night, the four of us sat in the yard, surrounded by lush greenery and starlight hanging in the sky. Everyone gathered around and ate barbecue, not to mention how comfortable it was.

Through this civilian diet, the distance between people can be quickly shortened, and people can quickly adapt to the surrounding environment, which is very suitable in this situation.

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