Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine hundred and twentieth eight are preparing for the development of the Northwest


In just half a month, the east-to-west water transfer project led by Kirin Industrial Group officially passed the government's approval. The speed was so fast that even Ye Zishu felt a little unbelievable.

According to Guo Dongmei, there are four main reasons why it is so fast. The first point is that this hugely expensive project does not require government funding, and there are few interests involved. This is one of the main reasons why it passed so quickly.

The second point is that no matter what the final effect of this project is, the water for residents along the way, especially for cities in the northwest region, can be guaranteed. This is a huge project for people's livelihood.

The third point is that even if the final effect is not achieved, it will still be beneficial to the improvement of the ecology of the western region.

The fourth point is that such a huge project is also beneficial to increase the domestic economy. The government actually knows that its industries have enough funds, so they are not short of money at all.

But these money cannot be put on the market for no reason, otherwise it will easily cause inflation. Only through this kind of big project can his industries pay for it.

This will not only increase the total economic output, but also create a lot of employment. The construction of such a huge water delivery system is a huge project and can provide 200,000 to 300,000 jobs.

No matter from which point of view, the government has no reason to disagree, and the information submitted by Kirin Industrial Group has also been reviewed by experts. There is no major problem with the data, and it has been unanimously approved by experts.

Now that the audit has passed, the next work must be accelerated. There are three main tasks to be done. The first task is to complete the route exploration as soon as possible and determine the transportation route as soon as possible.

The second task is to moderately relocate the residents in low-lying areas. Once large-scale water is delivered to the western region, the accumulated water will basically form water bodies in low-lying areas.

The third task is to complete the supporting industrial production facilities as soon as possible, which is the main factor to ensure the early completion of this project, at least the main water pipeline must be completed as soon as possible.

Although it was said earlier that a pipeline with a radius of 100 meters can transport 1 trillion tons of water annually, it is actually impossible to build such a large water pipeline.

If the diameter is too large, it will be very difficult to repair once a leak occurs, and it may cause floods to the surrounding areas. Moreover, such a large diameter will make transportation and installation difficult.

During actual construction, the radius of a single water pipeline is only 5 meters, and 400 need to be installed to achieve the water delivery capacity of a water pipeline with a radius of 100 meters.

In this way, even if there is a problem with one of them, it will not cause the entire water delivery system to be paralyzed, and it will not easily cause local floods. This is the safest way.

Moreover, the pipe with a diameter of 10 meters is relatively easy to transport.

At least general expressways can be passed through, but there may still be certain problems in places where the roads are inconvenient.

After passing the review, Kirin Industrial Group and relevant government departments held a press conference to disclose to the outside world some details and implementation steps of the east-to-west water transfer project.

It was also at this press conference that everyone got to know Kirin Industry Group again, a huge company that is often overlooked by others.

The main reason is that Kirin Industrial Group has always been relatively low-key. Except for a few press conferences due to questioning their dairy products and food issues, it is rarely seen in the news afterwards.

The reason is simple. The headquarters of Kirin Industrial Group basically has no specific business, and its industries are basically back-end industries. Even front-end consumer products are more basic livelihood products, and the relationship between brands and enterprises is relatively weak.

Instilled in his ideas, unless it is necessary, try not to make a strong connection between the general brand and the company, and try to promote the brand as much as possible in product promotion, and not the company.

There is no need to say much about the situation at the press conference, because it has not been implemented yet, so there is no need to explain too much. This press conference is just a routine notice to the outside world.

After the press conference, Kirin Industrial Group immediately took action. Kirin Environmental Industrial Group chose an offshore place in Tianjin and began to carry out infrastructure construction.

In fact, they have built many desalination plants in Tianjin before, supplying water to cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and they have a good foundation here.

It will be December soon, and they hope to complete the production capacity of 1 trillion tons of fresh water per year within half a year, because according to the plan, the water pipeline will be completed before June next year.

It only took Kirin Industry Group 5 days to determine the entire water delivery route with the help of the remote sensing satellite system and after consultation with relevant departments.

According to the principle, try to reduce the construction length of the water pipeline, reduce the amount of civil engineering as much as possible, and reduce the height of the highest elevation as much as possible, all of which can save costs.

If it is necessary to supply water to a certain city, you can choose several of the pipelines to bypass, and it is not necessary to bypass all the pipelines, which not only reduces the cost, but also takes care of the actual needs.

In order to be able to provide pipeline components nearby, Kirin Basic Industries Group has selected several important urban construction supply bases along their route.

Xuanwu Technology Company does not need to do this. Large water pumps can be disassembled and assembled. There is no problem of transportation difficulties, and production tasks can be completed at the existing production base.

Now in winter, the north is already very cold, but they still choose to carry out earthwork in December. Anyway, all of them are mechanized, so they don't need to pay special attention to the cold issue.

According to the progress of demand, in January, Kirin Basic Industry Group will provide the first batch of pipelines and related parts, otherwise the construction period may not be enough.

Of course, this plan also takes into account the ability of Kirin Basic Industries Group. If it is necessary to build new production facilities, the time is definitely not enough, but the time is still enough to use the existing production facilities.

In addition to these groups, Kirin Energy Industry Group is not idle. They mainly carry out two tasks. The first task is to build a thermal radiation energy absorption field in the Tarim Basin.

In fact, it is to build tall towers in the Tarim Basin. The height of the towers is about 100 meters, and the distance between each tower can reach up to 100 kilometers, provided that there are no mountains in the middle.

According to their estimates, to build a thermal radiation energy absorption field covering the entire Tarim Basin, 100 such high towers need to be built, with a total investment of 50 billion yuan.

The average construction cost of each high-voltage tower is 500 million yuan. The reason why it is so expensive is that the environment is relatively harsh and labor costs are high, and the second is that this kind of high-voltage tower is different from ordinary high-voltage iron towers and is much more complicated.

Apart from other things, the production cost of the field base alone is not cheap, and in order to avoid connecting too many wires, high-power wireless power transmission technology is used.

Therefore, this kind of high tower also acts as a wireless power transmission node, and the related equipment is also expensive. 500 million yuan per tower is considered a small amount. Since it is an internal project, many links have not calculated profits.

This work also needs to be completed in the middle of next year, and the sooner it is completed, the better. Once May and June really arrive, the desert area will be too hot and the conditions will be much more difficult.

The second job is to build a new main transmission line to transmit electricity from the west to the east, and also need to supply the electricity needed by the water pumps along the way.

This work also needs to be completed before the middle of next year. Since the entire power output is too large, if it is all sent to the eastern region, the construction cost will be too high.

Their first phase of power transmission project only needs to complete the annual transmission capacity of 200,000 kWh, and the remaining power will be consumed nearby. Ye Zishu has been preparing materials in this regard during this period.

He has completed the research and development of the gold conversion field equipment, and next he needs to come up with equipment to convert other elements. In short, such a huge amount of energy will definitely not be wasted in vain.

Most of them are used to supply the east-to-west water transmission project, and the electricity needed by other domestic industries can be met by the previously built solar power generation facilities.

However, this work will be done in secret and will not be made public. If it is really made public, global precious metal prices will be chaotic, and gold may really collapse.

If all the electricity generated here is used to produce gold, the annual gold output will be as high as 360,000 tons, and there is not so much gold stock in the world.

To be honest, with so much gold, it is absolutely possible to link the currency with gold to form a gold currency. As for whether to do this, he is still hesitant.

Because no one wants their own currency to be naturally restricted. The original currency has changed from the previous gold currency to credit currency, which is the progress of the times. Although it is prone to currency depreciation, it also promotes economic development.

If the gold currency is still used now, the global economic development will definitely not be so fast, so although the credit currency has many shortcomings, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages on the whole, which is a sign of the development of the times.

But if you have a lot of gold in your hands, if you issue gold currency, there will be more benefits. At least others don't have to worry that the currency will be worthless in the future, and at least they can be exchanged for gold.

At least in the short term, but it is unknown what level the global economic aggregate will reach in a few years. If the gold in his hand cannot continue to support monetary expansion, he will still face old problems.

However, he believes that such a huge amount of gold is not enough. It is estimated that it will take at least a few hundred years. The value of 360,000 tons of gold is as high as more than 100 trillion yuan.

The total amount of newly added currencies in the world is not so much. If so many new currencies were issued every year, the global inflation would have been disastrous, and the economy would have collapsed long ago.

There is no need to worry about this matter, unless there is a real credit crisis in the currency and a sharp depreciation, then the gold can be used to rescue the market, and the effect will definitely be very good.

Usually, it is better to use these golds for industrial and jewelry industries. Of course, the price of the international gold market can also be properly manipulated to earn more benefits for Tidal Investment Company.

In addition to the projects related to the east-to-west water transmission project, Wancheng Foundation is still negotiating with relevant departments to start construction of expressways in the northwest region.

Previously, Wancheng Jiye's expressway business was mainly in the eastern region. After all, the economy here is developed, and the construction of expressways is more profitable and has a greater role in stimulating the economy.

According to the original plan, the priority of expressway construction in the western region is much lower. The expressways in the eastern and central regions will be built first, and the expressways in the remote western regions will be built later.

However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes. If the east-to-west water transfer project achieves the expected results, the economic vitality of the northwest region will be greatly improved, and the exchanges of people and goods with the mainland will become more frequent.

If the expressway is not built, it will seriously hinder the economic development and personnel exchanges in these areas, which is very unfavorable to the economic development of the Northwest.

Originally, Wancheng Foundation did not need to do this matter, and as a commercial enterprise, doing this work is destined to be a loss-making business, and it is difficult to recover the cost.

It's just that although Wancheng Foundation is not the only private enterprise in the country that builds and operates expressways, it is the largest private enterprise.

According to the practice of a game of chess across the country, since they occupy the expressway projects in the main wealthy areas of the country, they are also obliged to undertake the task of transportation construction in remote areas and economically underdeveloped areas.

It’s just that there was no relevant agreement before, and the profitability of expressways occupied by other expressway operators is higher, and they have not assumed such obligations.

For Wancheng Foundation, they don't have any opinion on assuming certain obligations, but they must treat them equally and make the relevant rules as detailed as possible, otherwise there will be changes in the future, and the investment will not be able to be done.

In addition to the expressway, there is also the construction of a super maglev track, which is also a non-profitable project. Wancheng Foundation has two main conditions.

The first point is that part of the profits of other expressway operators must be used to subsidize these expressway projects. It is impossible for them to stay out of the matter.

The second point is that the government still needs to provide certain subsidies. According to their ideas, the funds invested by both parties are split 50-50. In fact, this will not make money, but the scale of losses will be smaller.

Moreover, such projects are not completely commercial projects, and they are politically significant, and they take it for granted that the government pays part of the money.

As for the future operating losses, Wancheng Foundation is still willing to bear it. After all, they don't want to make much money from the expressway business. As long as there are no large-scale losses, it will be better to recover the previous investment.

In fact, the highways they have built over the years are in a state of loss as a whole. They can raise prices, but doing so will have a greater impact on economic development.

The government is very clear about the revenue of these public projects, and understands the difficulties of Wancheng Foundation. After all, their business is actually helping the government.

If the government is responsible for the construction and operation, the losses may be larger. Compared with other expressway operators, Wancheng Foundation is already a conscientious enterprise.

Of course, if none of the above conditions are met, there is another solution, which is a loss subsidy. The construction cost of Wancheng Foundation can be paid by itself, and the government does not need to pay this money.

However, the government needs to compensate for the loss of the expressway operated by Wancheng Jiye, so as to avoid long-term continuous losses of Wancheng Jiye, which will cause problems in the long run.

If none of the above two items are agreed, then you can only follow the business rules. Since you know that you will face large-scale losses, and the investment scale is still so large, you will definitely not invest.

Among the above two options, the government is still in favor of the second option. The advantage of the second option is that the government does not need to spend too much money at one time.

And according to their calculations, even if there is an overall loss every year, the scale of the loss will not be very large. The reason for the large loss now is mainly due to the low number of domestic car ownership.

When every household in China has a car, even if many highways do not make a lot of money, they will not lose money, so the scale of the annual subsidy is not very large.

The most important thing is that although the subsidy is a long-term money-consuming approach, it can tie Wancheng Foundation, which can be regarded as a check and balance on Wancheng Foundation, and it can also be regarded as preventing problems before they happen.

The country actually doesn't care who makes money in it, but whether it can achieve its goal, so it is not a big deal for them to provide some financial subsidies.

In addition, other companies under his umbrella have also sent personnel to various cities in the northwest region, mainly to see how the investment environment is there, and to understand the industrial structure of these places.

Although they won't build a large number of industrial enterprises in the northwest region for the time being, they can understand it well in advance, and they can be more calm when planning in the future.

It can be said that throughout December, the enthusiasm for the development of the Northwest was very high, and both traditional media and Internet media had very high expectations for this.

But whether it is really feasible or not, in fact, everyone is worried because they don't know the key points. From their point of view, this project is a bit of a waste of time and money.

If it weren't for the fact that the leader of the east-to-west water transfer project is the Kirin Industrial Group, and the protagonist of the entire Northwest development work is also the Kirin Industrial Group, the attitudes of the media and the public may be different.

After all, if the government spends a lot of money in this bottomless pit, it will use the taxes they pay, and if the Kirin Industrial Group does it, even if it loses money, it has nothing to do with most people.

In terms of benefit considerations, everyone can still distinguish clearly, which is why this project can be carried out so smoothly, because everyone has no burden at all.

If calculated according to the current cost, this project will definitely lose money. To send one trillion tons of desalinated seawater to the northwest region, the annual cost will be as high as 2 trillion yuan.

Even if some profits can be made by supplying water to some cities in the middle, the money earned is far from being able to make up for the losses, which is a complete mistake.

At the press conference at that time, someone mentioned this issue. Kirin Industrial Group did not explain how to avoid large-scale losses, but only said that they have a way, and they will not trade at a loss.

In fact, the government is not too clear about the key details. It does know that Kirin Energy Industrial Group has a way to convert heat radiation into cheap electricity. As for how to do it and what technology is used in it, it is not clear.

Because the energy industry group itself is not particularly clear about the details, they just need to follow the technical information given by Ye Zishu. They are also at a loss as to what the principle is and why they should do this.

As for those experts questioning whether the technology can be achieved, Kirin Industrial Group is also very bachelor, telling them that this was proposed by the boss, and the boss has a way to solve it.

Although Ye Zishu doesn't have much social life, and he is not active in publishing papers, but in the field of domestic science and technology, he is definitely a god-like existence. People who know him or don't know him think so.

Not only in China, but also in the field of scientific research abroad, his status is also very high, but he has no chance to get in touch with him, leaving a lot of regrets.

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