Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 949 Space protective equipment based on space field theory


The eighth day of the first lunar month is the day when Ye Zishu’s hometown pays New Year’s greetings, that is, on this day, only those who have just passed away can pay New Year’s greetings, so they will not visit relatives or even visit other people’s homes on this day.

This is completely different from the company choosing to go to work on the eighth day of the first month. Naturally, his family is also like this. The whole family stays at home on this day, and even Ye Ziqi and Ye Zihua, who are going out, choose to leave tomorrow.

Taking advantage of his family being present, Ye Zishu called them into his study, and after seeing that everyone had arrived, Ye Zishu opened a box in front of everyone.

It is full of all kinds of jewelry, including rings, pendants and bracelets. No one knows what he is going to do after seeing it. They are not short of money. If you really need jewelry, you can just buy it yourself.

"I know what you're thinking. I've called you over this time, and the things I gave you are certainly not ordinary things!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Brother, is there anything special about these jewelry?" Ye Ziqin asked first.

"It's really special, because these jewelry are actually protective equipment, which can guarantee your safety." Ye Shu said.

These words still made everyone puzzled. The safety protection can still be connected with the jewelry. Could it be that it is a magic weapon? Although this idea only flashed in their minds, they were killed by themselves.

Because this idea is too unreliable. Now it is a scientific society, there are no gods at all, and naturally there are no magic tools, and these appear in myths and novels.

"Although there are security personnel around you, but the security personnel are always negligent, how to ensure your safety is always a problem.

This is one of the results of last year when I made new breakthroughs in the field of research and was able to make products that are currently difficult to achieve with technology. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, everyone still had doubts on their faces. Pei Qing couldn't stand it anymore, so she could only say: "You should focus on the key points, don't make people appetite."

Seeing that everyone agreed with Pei Qing's words, they nodded unconsciously, which forced Ye Shu, who still wanted to show off, to give up his previous plan.

He said bluntly: "These jewelry do have absolute protection, because they use space technology, which can form a seemingly thin, but infinitely long-distance space interlayer on the outer layer of the human body.

If there is a murder weapon approaching you, the murder weapon will enter the space interlayer and have an infinite distance from your body, so it will naturally not cause any harm to you. "

This is the result of Ye Shu's study of the field during this period, called the space field, which belongs to the advanced theory of field theory, and is also the most amazing field he has seen so far.

The space formed by the space field,

There are basically two differences. The first one is the space folds formed by relying on this space, which is similar to the legendary warp drive.

The other is the subspace based on this space, which is also the most difficult part of the space field theory.

At present, Ye Zishu has only figured out the first space field theory, and these jewelry are his learning results, and they are also the application fields he first thought of.

"What is a spatial field?" Ye Ziqi asked curiously.

Although she is studying law, her basic education is very solid. She has heard of Chang, but she only knows about magnetic fields, and has never heard of space fields.

"What is the space field, you don't need to inquire about it, you can't understand it, you just need to wear these jewelry, and the space protection layer will naturally be formed on the surface of the body." Ye Shu said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqin was very straightforward, directly took out a ring from the box and put it on her finger, but nothing miraculous happened.

"Brother, are you bluffing? Why didn't you respond at all?" Ye Ziqin asked.

Others also took a closer look and found that there was indeed no change. They touched Ye Ziqin's hand without any hindrance. They also had to wonder if Ye Ziqin was joking.

"If you just take one and wear it on your hand, it will be effective. What if someone else takes it away? This kind of space protection equipment is bound to the user, and it is a 'special purpose'. If someone else takes it, it will be an ordinary ring. .” Ye Zishu said.

After saying this, Ye Zishu began to distribute jewelry to them, each with two pieces, a pair of bracelets and a pendant for women, and a ring and a men's tag for men.

In fact, only one is needed, and the reason why two are prepared is mainly to take precautions. Under special circumstances, at least one of them can be guaranteed to be on them to protect their safety.

Seeing that they got their own jewelry, although some people were a little dissatisfied with the shape of the jewelry they got, for example Ye Ziqin felt that her bracelet was not beautiful enough.

But they didn't say anything. If there is such a magical function, the appearance will be insignificant, and the function alone can be described as priceless.

After everyone put it on, there still seemed to be no reaction, Ye Zishu said: "These equipment can be controlled by thinking, but first you need to establish a connection with your equipment.

This process will take about half an hour, wait for a while, how to use these equipment, I will tell them later. "

To be honest, if he hadn't made these things himself, he wouldn't have believed that they were technological products, and they were no different from legendary magic weapons or even divine weapons.

In the past, if you want to make thinking communication equipment, you can use brain waves or quantum resonance to realize it. For example, smart glasses use brain wave control technology, and virtual helmets use quantum resonance control technology.

These equipments are controlled by the vibration principle of the life field, and the subconscious expression of human thinking will change the life field.

And he uses changes in the life field to interpret people's thinking, so that these devices know what they think, and can realize control.

In addition to the complex space field technology built into these equipment, artificial intelligence technology is added to control the functions of these equipment in order to achieve precise control.

If you can't achieve precise control, it is easy to cause troubles in your life. For example, if you want to touch something, you find that it will never come into contact with your skin.

At this time, artificial intelligence comes in handy. It can accurately understand the meaning that the user wants to express, and then control the space field around the contact point that wants to touch the object to disappear, forming a space field hole.

In this way, they will not have any troubles in daily life when they wear these equipments. Of course, the level of artificial intelligence that comes with it is not high, because it does not need such a high level.

In addition, there are two separate spaces inside. One space contains the energy core, which is neither a battery nor a nuclear reactor.

It is an ultra-high-density energy storage device developed using energy field technology. A fist-sized energy core can store up to 100 trillion kWh of electrical energy.

Of course, their equipment does not require such a high energy supply, and secondly, these equipment will automatically absorb various energy supplements from the outside world, of which dark energy is the main source of energy.

The space where the energy core is located cannot be controlled by users, and it is also invisible. Ye Zishu has shielded it to prevent them from operating randomly.

The other space belongs to their private storage space, with a size of 10,000 cubic meters. The space field technology used is different from the external protective space field technology.

The space formed by the outer space field is formed at any time according to the surrounding space, so it changes all the time, and the space is different in different places.

The storage space is a fixed dimensional space. Even if the equipment is lost, Ye Zishu can still recreate a piece of equipment to connect with this dimensional space and take out the contents.

The purpose of doing this is to avoid the loss of stored items, which is very important for very important item storage, so this space will never change.

Unless there is a huge change in this universe, causing the dimensional space to be unstable and self-annihilated, then the things inside will no longer exist. Of course, no living things can be stored in it, which is deliberately restricted by Ye Zishu.

Because the dimensional space is a vacuum environment, even more vacuum than space, there are all kinds of electromagnetic waves and radiation in the space, the dimensional space is an absolute vacuum, there is nothing, and the only way for living things to enter is to die.

Ye Zishu looked at the time, half an hour passed, and before he could speak, Pei Qing suddenly said, "Why does it feel like someone is talking to me in my mind?"

As soon as Pei Qing finished speaking, other people also encountered this situation, which shows that these equipments have established a connection with them. When they heard someone talking in their minds, it was actually artificial intelligence trying to communicate with them.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu said: "This means that the equipment has established contact with you, and what I was talking to you about just now is the artificial intelligence in the equipment.

Regarding the functions of the equipment, you can call up the function bar to view it, or let the artificial intelligence introduce it to you in person, which is very important for you to understand these equipments. "

"Isn't this the legendary tool spirit? Brother, are you sure what you gave us is a technological product?" Ye Ziqin said in surprise.

Because it is so amazing, these equipments not only have incredible abilities, even the built-in artificial intelligence is the same as the spirit in the legendary magic weapon, no wonder she has this idea.

"Maybe the ancient artifact is also a technological product?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although this is a joke, but who knows the truth, it is very likely that there were civilizations with advanced technology in ancient times, but we don't know for various reasons.

Just like their civilization, it didn’t take long to really develop, and it took even less time to step into modern technological civilization. If you say that your civilization is unique and advanced, it would be a bit narcissistic.

"Is it true?" Ye Zihua asked back.

"I don't know. It's like believing in ghosts. You can only believe in their existence or not." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

But after he finished speaking, the others looked at him strangely, but Ye Ziqi couldn't hold back and said, "Brother, did you get the treasure of the ancient civilization, otherwise why are you so powerful!"

"Which place in our house do you think is like the treasure of ancient civilization buried?" Ye Zishu said angrily.

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqi didn't continue to delve into this topic. Given their family's previous situation, it really wasn't possible.

Although everyone was still full of doubts, they didn't plan to discuss this issue any further, because it was meaningless to do so. Everyone has their own secrets. As long as they don't endanger themselves, there is no need to delve into it.

Moreover, Ye Zishu has been very smart since he was a child. It doesn't mean that he suddenly became very powerful when he grew up. He has a complete growth trajectory. Everyone is still willing to believe that he is talented and an existence that ordinary people cannot understand.

Then it fell into silence, and everyone communicated with the artificial intelligence in their brains to check the functions of these devices in order to better understand how to use them.

In fact, the functions are not complicated. In addition to the above functions, these equipments are made of special materials, which are not easy to be destroyed. In addition, the surface of the equipment is also wrapped with a space field, which is almost immune to physical, energy and chemical attacks.

A few minutes later, Pei Qing took the lead and said, "It seems nothing special, I thought it would be very cool."

Pei Qing picked up her hand and looked in front of her eyes, but she didn't find any problems, which made her wonder if the space field was not activated.

"What else do you want? Do you still want glare? The space field itself has no special external visual performance, but you can try to beat your hands on the table to see if it hurts." Ye Shu said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqin on the side took the first step and hammered hard on Ye Zishu's desk, but found that there was no sound of collision.

This shows that she has not touched the table at all, so naturally it will not cause the table to vibrate. In fact, before the contact, the contact surface of the table is trapped in the space of the space field.

In the space, the table and her hands are still hundreds of thousands of miles away, not to mention approaching Ye Ziqin's skin in the space at such a speed, even at the speed of light, it will take a while to walk.

Moreover, artificial intelligence will increase the thickness of the space inside the space field according to the actual situation. As long as the energy is sufficient, the distance between them can never be reduced.

In addition, it can also control the internal space to achieve space transfer. This energy consumption is relatively large, and it is generally used only when there is a high risk. Obviously, it is not necessary to use this function to avoid being injured by beating the table.

Even if it encounters an attack from a high-energy particle beam weapon, this function cannot be used. The reason is actually very simple, despite the fact that the protective layer of this space is almost imperceptible.

It seems that the protected person occupies the entire inner space, but actually viewed from the inside, compared with the size of the space field, the protected person is actually a speck of dust.

Therefore, after the so-called high-energy ion beam enters the space, it is not an easy task to aim at the protected person. It is impossible to understand the relationship between the external space and the internal space with common sense.

"It's true, my hand didn't feel the existence of the table at all, and it didn't hurt at all." Ye Ziqin said.

When other people heard Ye Ziqin say this, they also experimented a bit, and found that, as Ye Zishu said, these collisions couldn't get close at all, so naturally they didn't feel anything.

Seeing their excitement, Ye Zishu said: "Don't be superstitious about these equipment, they are not absolutely protective, when you breathe, your mouth and nose are not covered by the space.

When you look at things, your eyes are not covered by the space, otherwise you will not be able to breathe, and you will not be able to see the things outside. "

What he said is obvious, that is, these equipments are only to prevent surprise injuries, so their usual safety cannot be taken lightly, and the security personnel equipped before cannot be removed.

In fact, it is not as serious as Ye Zishu said, although the eyes do need to see things, and people do need to breathe air, but it can form subtle and special space holes.

Through these spatial voids, the external oxygen can still be breathed by them, while other things can be filtered by the spatial voids, and cannot cause harm to them.

The reason for emphasizing this point is to hope that they can be cautious. If they don't keep them neatly, there will be harm to them in a way that Ye Zishu didn't think of. Caution is always the first rule of survival.

"We understand what you mean, big brother, and we will definitely protect ourselves!" Ye Zihua said.

"Also, don't tell anyone about these things except yourself, and don't mention them to anyone, even your wives and children.

Moreover, these equipments are only effective if you use them yourself, and have no effect at all if you use them for others. I hope you don't give them away. "Leaf Book said.

The reason for emphasizing this is that they are afraid that they will tell others the secret or use these equipment for other people for other reasons.

The reason why it was bound to the life field at the beginning was to prevent them from giving it to others. Life is a magical existence, and some people would sacrifice themselves for the sake of feelings.

Ye Zihua, Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin may find their other half in the future. When they are passionately in love, they will not be clear-headed if they are not clear, saying what should not be said, and giving what should not be given.

Only by fundamentally eliminating this possibility can they prevent them from doing stupid things in a hothead. It's not that he is ruthless, but that he knows that too much emotion will only make things worse, and there is absolutely no benefit.

After giving these things to them, Ye Zishu also felt relieved to let them engage in their favorite things outside. As the situation became more and more complicated, their personal safety became worse, so they could only prevent the possibility of danger in advance.

As for himself, basically he didn't leave the gate, and the security measures here were much stricter. It was not an easy thing to do something to him.

After sending them away, Ye Zishu took the remaining pieces of equipment to his parents and put them on, so that those closest to him would be considered safe.

As for other people, he didn't care that much. If he really had to consider other people, it would be really complicated, and the confidentiality of things would not exist.

And if you really want to target him, at most you will attack these closest people. Even if other people attack, it is impossible to make him subdue. When he is in his position, his heart is not so easy to soften.

At the parents' place, he had to spend a lot of time to explain it clearly to his parents, otherwise her mother would really doubt whether the eldest son he gave birth to was a human being.

The next day Ye Ziqi and Ye Zihua went out together, and they went to the capital together, Ye Ziqi went to work, Ye Zihua went to see her girlfriend, and then returned to work in Shanghai.

When they went back, they put many of their things in the storage space, especially Leaf Chess' robot pet, which was much more convenient to bring there.

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