Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 961 Landing on the moon and launching Ye Ziqin to learn from her

In the end, Pei Qing didn't choose any beast mounts, but bought two white horses designed by Kirin Basic Industry Group. Although the appearance was less powerful, it was more handsome.

It is more popular with women. Since she chose this kind of mount, she naturally helped Ye Zishu choose the same one, and the price is also expensive.

The starting price of robotic pet mounts made with reference to beasts and mounts in nature is one million yuan, generally between 1 million and 5 million yuan, which is more expensive than a supercar.

In fact, don’t think it’s very expensive. If you really want people to raise these real animals, the feeding fee is not cheap, and it’s not affordable for ordinary people. In contrast, the total cost of the robot pet mount is lower.

Then there are the animal mounts, which are generally more powerful than the robot pets based on animals in the natural world, and the price is another level, ranging from 5 million to tens of millions of yuan.

The same level as these mounts are the mounts designed by the company itself. The two robot pet horses purchased from Pei Qing are taller and mightier because they are more beautifully designed than natural horses.

Therefore, it is positioned in the highest grade. Fortunately, it is not the highest price of this grade. The price of each robot pet horse is only 8 million yuan, and the price of two horses is 16 million yuan.

On October 1st, on this special day, Ye Zishu rarely decided to take a full day off. After breakfast in the morning, he and Ye Ziqin, who came home from vacation, watched the live broadcast of Baihu Technology's manned moon landing.

Although the astronauts who landed on the moon this time were not real people, they did not say that they were general-purpose robots. In order to simulate the data status of real people, a large number of sensors were added inside the spacesuits worn by general-purpose robots.

Compared with humans, the space suits used by general-purpose robots do not need to be equipped with basic life support systems. They are mainly used to isolate radiation in space. There is more space to design, enough to install various sensors.

There are a total of 5 general-purpose robots sent to the moon this time. They are general-purpose robots that often perform tasks on the space station before. Many people are familiar with them, but people outside don’t know they are robots.

Ye Shu made some calculations in his mind, and felt that launching at 9 am was not the best time. The reason why he chose this time to launch was mainly to avoid overlapping with the National Day military parade.

However, these are minor problems. With their aerospace technology, they can be adjusted completely. This time, in addition to landing personnel on the moon, they also carried a large amount of supplies.

The total weight of the launch is as high as 1,000 tons, using the largest load rocket developed by Baihu Technology Company, which is twice as heavy as the previous launch of the lunar probe and Mars probe.

Judging from the live broadcast, it seems that it is a circle or two larger than the previous rocket, and it looks a little chunky. This type of rocket is the first public appearance, and it has only been tested before.

This type of rocket is also specially used to deliver materials to the moon or Mars. It is not a common three-stage rocket layout. It uses all-electric propulsion to reduce the weight of the propellant and increase the payload.

If a three-stage rocket structure is adopted, three sets of electric propulsion systems need to be prepared, which instead increases the self-weight. In the design of a rocket with an all-electric propulsion system, there is no need to consider the self-weight of the rocket, which is almost negligible.


In order to be able to push such a heavy rocket into space, three sets of super microwave power transmission equipment, electric propulsion engines and supporting power systems have been upgraded this time, otherwise it would be difficult to support such a high energy load.

Of course, compared with the old Saturn V, the weight of this type of rocket is still much lower. The total weight of others is as high as more than 3,000 tons. The total weight of this type of rocket is only more than 1,500 tons.

Among them, the weight of the heavy-duty materials can reach more than 1,000 tons, and the remaining 500 tons are the rocket's own weight and the working fluid required for the ion propulsion it carries.

In terms of payload ratio, this rocket far exceeds the Saturn V, which is also the biggest feature of electric thrust rockets, and this is not the maximum limit.

The rocket has a maximum total load of 2,000 tons and a maximum payload of more than 1,400 tons, but the space is limited, and the space materials are relatively light, so it is difficult to fill the payload

Chapter 961 Landing on the Moon and Launching and Let Ye Ziqin Study with Himself for free.


This rocket was not designed with the help of Ye Zishu, but developed by Baihu Technology Company after upgrading related technologies based on its own technical reserves.

Baihu Technology has earned so much money in the past two years. In addition to the layout of the industry, it is used for research and development. The total research and development expenses for two consecutive years exceeded 200 billion yuan.

In a single enterprise organization, R\u0026D costs are considered very high. Compared with traditional R\u0026D, their R\u0026D efficiency is much higher. Spending 200 billion yuan can actually achieve a research and development effect of trillions of yuan, or even more.

The spaceship launched this time is a conjoined spaceship, a spaceship is used to carry people, it has a complete life support system, and many humanized configurations.

The other one is a cargo spaceship, which is much larger and does not have a life support system inside. It is not necessary to be equipped with these things for cargo transportation, saving space and weight.

The two spacecraft are connected together during launch and reaching the lunar orbit, and will separate when they land in the lunar orbit.

Let the cargo spacecraft perform the landing operation first, and only after the cargo spacecraft has landed safely, will the personnel landing operation be performed, which naturally reduces the difficulty of landing.

And this separate landing is also to avoid all accidents. Although Baihu Technology Company is very confident, it tries to improve safety as much as possible within the scope of consideration.

After the lunar base has established an electromagnetic ejection track and landed on the platform, there is no need to use this method to land later, and a specially-made space shuttle can be launched.

If it is used for resource transportation in the future, it is more appropriate to use a cargo spaceship, which is the cheapest solution among all the current cargo vehicles.

While the three of them were watching the live broadcast with relish, his mother came over and followed the normal routine. At this time, it should be Ye Zishu who was accompanying his mother to read in the library.

His mother found out that the two were not here, so she naturally wanted to come and have a look. Seeing the three of them sitting here watching the live broadcast, she also watched it together, but his mother was not familiar with many things in it, so Ye Zishu needed to explain it.

At first, his mother was worried about the safety of the astronauts, but after Ye Zishu said that they were robots, she felt relieved. For many people, space is too dangerous.

During the half-hour live broadcast, the smart host was very caring. He explained the entire manned launch process, and also gave graphic explanations, which made people understand at a glance.


In addition, it also introduced the basic structure of the rocket in detail. This is the first time it has been made public. It was not clear to everyone before that Baihu Technology uses electric propulsion technology to launch the rocket.

Although professionals have already guessed the clues from the jet flame of the rocket, many people don't believe it. The reason is that the electric thrust technology is not mature enough to undertake such a heavy launch task.

Therefore, many professionals believe that a special propellant was used, but it is not clear what it is. This time it has solved the puzzle for the whole world, and there is no need to guess in the future.

It even announced how the electric propulsion system is powered. Naturally, the ultra-high-energy microwave power transmission system was introduced, which made this system famous all over the world.

Just like Ye Shushu explained to his mother, with this wireless power transmission system, it is equivalent to attaching a super power line to the rocket to provide a continuous power supply for the electric thrust.

In addition to that, there were short interviews with the five astronauts, and as long as there are some words of blessing, especially on this special day, it is very inspiring to say them.

After these were over, the preparations for the launch were all completed. When the command center reported the count, the rocket suddenly moved slightly, and then slowly left the launch tower.

This time is different from the past. If you want to break free from the shackles of the earth's gravity and allow the spacecraft to fly to the moon, you need to accelerate to the second cosmic speed.

In the past, the spacecraft was allowed to accelerate slowly according to the predetermined orbit, which is why it took several days to circle the earth. This process is to use the electric thrust system to accelerate.

Since the power provided by the electric thrust system is relatively small, it takes a very long time to accelerate from the first cosmic speed to the second cosmic speed.

Chapter 961 Landing on the Moon and Launching and Let Ye Ziqin Study with Himself for free.

This time they don't have to be so troublesome to launch, they are directly accelerated by the rocket to close to the second cosmic speed, and then start to perform the separation operation, so that the spacecraft needs to accelerate for a while before it can easily reach the second cosmic speed.

At this time, the rocket will perform deceleration operations, reduce the speed below the first cosmic speed, and then fall into the atmosphere to perform recovery operations.

In this way, there is no need to consume the working fluid and energy in the power system of the spacecraft, and the spacecraft has enough margin, and the whole process takes much less time.

They started launching at 9:30, and it took only two hours to accelerate to the second cosmic speed. After the separation operation, the spacecraft adjusted its attitude and orbit, and went directly to the predetermined orbit of the moon.

I don't know if it was because of waiting for this moment that the military parade was postponed until 11:30, and it officially started after the separation of the spacecraft and the rocket was completed here.

Generally, the military parade starts at around 10:30, which is a full hour's delay, which also makes Ye Zishu not need to open two live broadcasts at the same time. It is estimated that many people have the same idea as Ye Zishu, which is simply too humane.

Later, Baihu Technology Company will not be broadcasting live. The spacecraft sailing in space is very boring, and there is no need to continue the live broadcast. It is enough to show some pictures or news occasionally in the middle.

The screen switched to the military parade. Unexpectedly, the camera focused on the entrepreneur. All the presidents of his companies were on the list. With other entrepreneurs, the lineup was quite large.


Seeing Pei Qing, his mother turned her head and asked, "Son, why didn't you go?"

Hearing her mother's question, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "I won't join in the fun with this kind of limelight."

He didn't explain that he had actually received the invitation. His mother's thinking was relatively simple. Although she had learned characters and started to study hard, her understanding of the outside world was not deep.

I have been busy with farming all my life, and I seldom went to the county town before. Now that my family is rich, I still don't like to go to the county town very much. Maybe Ye Zishu's character is inherited from her.

Hearing what he said, his mother didn't continue to ask, as long as the son is unwilling to do something, then don't do it, this is the simple concept in her mind.

Later, the military parade started, and the procedure was almost fixed. The only difference was that the equipment displayed in this military parade was much more advanced than the previous military parade.

Not only the air force equipment that everyone has known before, but also a large number of advanced army equipment, as well as many strategic equipment, added a lot of color to this military parade.

At the same time, the screen also switched to the sea, and saw two huge aircraft carrier formations reorganizing and driving on the wide ocean, breaking through the waves, and the atmosphere on the scene continued to rise.

To be honest, if he didn't look at it from the perspective of a scientific researcher, he would be very excited when he saw these pictures, and the emotions that had been accumulated in his heart for a hundred years seemed to be released instantly.

Every Chinese son and daughter has a dream of strengthening the country, and every Chinese descendant has a strong desire to make the motherland stand on the top of the mountain, and countless people have silently paid for this goal.

[A follow-up book recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, @@! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.]

Although he has contributed a lot, the contributions of other people are also worthy of respect. Without countless people who struggled for this, there would be no picture seen today.

After watching the military parade, I didn't watch the rest. At noon, when my father came home from the county, he simply ate lunch with him. After the parents finished eating, they went home to rest.

"Brother, I heard that my sister-in-law bought two more mechanical mounts?" Ye Ziqin asked.

"You know everything, but you still want to ask?" Ye Zishu said angrily.

It was ordered a few days ago, but it can't be delivered right away. The factory needs to produce it, and then it needs to be transported. It takes a long time, so it hasn't arrived yet.

Ye Ziqin knew about this, she must have been told by Pei Qing, otherwise it would be impossible to know about it, Ye Ziqin didn't care when she heard him say this, and said with a smile: "Brother, I also like

Chapter 961 Landing on the Moon and Launching and Let Ye Ziqin Study with Himself for free.

I bought a mount, why don't you buy it for me! "

"Aren't you rich?" Ye Zishu asked.

"My money is my money, it's not the same as big brother, you pay me to buy it!" Ye Ziqin said.

"It's still the same. Could it be that if I buy it for you, it will make you shine?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Then I'll go find my sister-in-law!" Seeing that Ye Ziqin had no intention of buying her a book, Ye Ziqin immediately threatened.

"If you have to ask brother to give you one, I think you should find your second brother, he has so much money that he doesn't know how to spend it!" Ye Zishu said.

Leaf Painting can get a large amount of rewards and dividends from Tidal Investment Company every year, but it can't use this money to invest in value-added, it can only buy some real estate.


This is the rule of Tidal Investment Company. Not only Ye Zihua must abide by it, but all core members must abide by it. Otherwise, everyone is busy with their own asset appreciation and puts the company's interests aside.

If you want to invest with your own money, then leave Tidal Investment Company. At this time, no one will stop you. So far, no employees have wanted to do this.

It is also because of this that most of Ye Zihua's funds can only be put in the bank to earn interest. The scale of interest alone is not small every year, and he personally cannot spend it all.

Hearing what the eldest brother said, Ye Ziqin obviously listened to it, and in her impression, it was obvious that the second brother spent more money than the eldest brother. Comparing the two, the second brother looked more like a rich man.

"By the way, big brother, why are you so stingy?" Ye Ziqin's words were not teasing, but she really didn't understand.

It stands to reason that the second brother is working for the eldest brother, but from the comparison of life, it looks like the eldest brother is working for the second brother. Ye Ziqin, who has not yet left the society, is a little confused.

"It's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. No matter how rich you are, you have to count your life so that you can live a long life. You should also pay attention to this point in the future.

Although my eldest brother is indeed very rich, a lot of money cannot be used. You are also the owner of a club, so you should understand that there is still a big difference between corporate money and personal money.

Your elder brother’s money is basically the company’s money, and the normal operation of the company should be given priority. Even if there is extra money, it should be invested to create more value and benefit more people.

Your second brother's money is completely his personal money, he can use it as he wants, there are not so many restrictions, and he doesn't have to worry about bad consequences if the money is used, but it can also promote economic development. "Leaf Book explained.

Ye Ziqin understood what she meant. In fact, Ye Ziqin understood all these principles, but she didn't expect Ye Zishu to strictly abide by them. Unlike other bosses, she wished to empty the company's assets and turn them all into personal money.

Corporate assets are social assets, and personal assets are private assets. The two are different in nature, and the responsibilities for using these assets are completely different.

"Then you can't say nothing, can you?" Ye Ziqin rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

Ye Zishu touched his forehead, thought for a while, and said, "In a while, big brother will make something good for you, definitely something that even money can't buy!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqin immediately became interested. Although the elder brother was a bit stingy, the things he brought out were really something that even money could not buy.

Needless to say, the magic of the safety protection devices worn by close relatives like them is absolutely impossible to buy with money, let alone bought, and there is no chance to even hear about it.

"What good thing?" Ye Ziqin asked eagerly.

"Recently, I have studied a lot of technologies, and I am going to build a car for you!" Ye Zishu said directly.

Hearing that it was a car, Ye Ziqin's interest immediately dropped. The car she drives now is a top-notch car, so she is not that interested in cars.

Seeing her like this, Ye Zishu smiled and said, "You, don't be so realistic, okay, besides, the car that big brother took the time to make must be different from the cars on the market."


"What's the difference?" Ye

Chapter 961 Landing on the Moon and Launching and Let Ye Ziqin Study with Himself for free.

Ziqin suddenly asked with a smile.

"You'll know when the time comes, don't ask nonsense, and don't gossip!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Ziqin, you will be graduating next year, what are your plans?" Ye Zishu asked again.

"I plan to continue my postgraduate study, and with my grades, I can get recommended directly!" Ye Ziqin replied.

Ye Ziqin didn't feel any pressure, and the family didn't need her to support the family, all she needed was to continue studying with peace of mind, so she said it directly without even thinking about it.

"Are you interested in learning from your brother?" Ye Zishu asked.

To be honest, she was really moved when she heard what her elder brother said. You must know that all the textbooks of Tianwen Medical College were compiled by her elder brother.

At first, he only compiled textbooks and related books for undergraduates. Later, he used his free time to add textbooks for graduate students, doctoral students and related content one after another.

However, compared with undergraduates who focus on basic knowledge learning, graduate students have to read the latest and most cutting-edge papers, and do not rely so much on textbooks.

However, the textbook is to guide students in the direction of learning. Although the content may vary with the latest research results, the overall direction will basically not change, and the basic knowledge at this stage should be mastered.

What's more, the technical books compiled by him will inevitably introduce many new achievements, so learning from him is of course the best result.

It's just that his research scope is too broad, and biology is just one of his many research directions. Although Ye Ziqin often plays at his house, she doesn't know what he is actually studying.

"You still have time to teach me?" Ye Ziqin asked suspiciously.

"You don't think you need a teacher to teach you all day after you're a graduate student, do you?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Ye Ziqin suddenly understood what he meant, didn't she just let her study by herself? Then what kind of postgraduate study is there, just go home and learn by yourself while playing.

Seeing her expression, Ye Zishu also knew what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "Anyone who wants to achieve something can only learn from other people's achievements, and must not strictly follow the trajectory of other people's development.

Any well-known tutor will not require students to follow his ideas completely. As the research goes deeper, this phenomenon will become more obvious.

If you learn from me, I just recommend you which books to read, and I will also write some books for you to read when I have time. If you don’t understand or have your own ideas, you can discuss with me during family reading time.

Learning and research are not as sacred as the outside world imagines, and there are not so many rules and regulations. Knowledge is not a dogmatic thing, and everyone must have their own understanding.

You can see that your second brother and eldest sister both came out after studying for an undergraduate degree. If you understand the basic professional knowledge required for the undergraduate stage, you can already be considered an entry.

In the future, with your intelligence, you are fully capable of self-study. Although the two of them majored in liberal arts, the reason is still the same.

There is such a good private laboratory at home, which is definitely much better than your school. You can read books in your spare time, do research when you have ideas, and you don’t have the pressure to write a thesis. Isn’t it better than your graduate school? "

To be honest, the last few words have convinced Ye Ziqin, it seems that there is no harm in studying with her elder brother, and it is much more free than school.

In addition, although she herself has a lively personality, she is not so pushy, and she does not have a strong pursuit of success and fame, so she is very suitable for this kind of sheep-herding training model.

Anyway, the family is not short of money, and there is no pressure to support a family in Hukou. At the same time, it can be foreseen that life must be relatively long, and there is no need to rush too much time. There is no feeling that life is short and seizing the day and night.

"That's fine!" Ye Ziqin finally agreed.

"You are now a senior, so you don't have many classes?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Although there are not many classes, but we are busy writing graduation thesis. Our school also has high requirements for undergraduate graduation thesis, so it takes some effort.

In addition, it is to go to the enterprise for internship. I have applied to go to the scientific research center of Taiji Group headquarters

Chapter 961 Landing on the Moon and Launching and Let Ye Ziqin Study with Himself for free.

It's an internship, and it's time to pass after the festival. "Ye Ziqin said.

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu gave up his original plan. If she is not busy now, he will let her follow him now. But since there is an internship opportunity, there is no harm in going out to study.

"Are you going to the scientific research center in the capital?" Ye Zishu asked.

Ye Ziqin nodded, and Ye Zishu said: "Then you go to the capital and live in your sister-in-law's manor. Anyway, there is no one living there. If you are not used to living alone, you can call your eldest sister to live together."

As for instructing her to write a thesis, Ye Zishu never thought about it. If she had to be supervised even for her undergraduate thesis, her high IQ would be considered useless, which also meant that she was not suitable for research work.

Small milk pudding....

Chapter 961 Landing on the Moon and Launching and Let Ye Ziqin Study with Himself for free.

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