Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 963 Interstellar Ship Technology Completion and Task Assignment


In November, Ye Zishu handed over another 10 books that he had written in his spare time to Shengshi Media Group for help in reviewing and publishing them. This is the second batch of books this year.

Among the 10 books this time, there are only 5 novels, and the other 5 are academic books, which are relatively professional, and he thinks three of them are quite important.

The first part is to analyze the reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The so-called learning from history, learning from other people's experience, and improving ourselves.

One is to analyze how capitalism won the Cold War and develop views on the future development of capitalism. This book is conducive to our country's deeper understanding of capitalist countries.

The remaining part is to analyze the path we should take. It is based on the previous two books, and put forward his views on our existing problems and the direction of our future development and efforts.

To be honest, as the largest capitalist in the country, he has deeply criticized capitalism in these three books, which is a bit self-revolutionary.

The remaining two academic books, one with a profound analysis of cultural colonization, can enable domestic government agencies and the public to have a deeper understanding of the means and purposes of cultural colonization.

However, professional books are not suitable for ordinary people to read, so he also wrote matching novel books, which can be regarded as running through the academic ideas in the novel and embodying it through various characters.

The other one is mainly about the problems existing in the domestic economic field, including structural problems, problems in practice and possible problems.

Compared with the first batch of books, this batch of books should be less popular, especially academic books, which seem a bit boring and not suitable for ordinary people

For others, writing a book requires painstaking efforts. For him, it is just entertainment in his spare time. After sending the book to Shengshi Media Group, he didn't take it too seriously.

His main work is still in scientific research. After several months of research and referring to many books in the virtual library, he finally sorted out the technical information related to interstellar ships.

Interstellar ships are mainly divided into two categories. One type uses a large number of field technologies, such as the use of anti-gravity fields, which play an important role in super large ships.

However, the anti-gravity field does not mean that the energy used is less, because maintaining the anti-gravity field itself consumes a lot of energy. After all, it is necessary to fight against the gravity of space, which is a classification technology of the space field.

At the same time, pseudo-space technology is used as the shield of the ship, so the defense is naturally needless to say. At the same time, a lot of space weapons and equipment have been added, which can be used as interstellar military equipment.

The other is to use the existing technical system,

And other advanced technologies he provided, such as controlled nuclear fusion, and various advanced materials technologies.

Ye Zishu thought for a long time, and decided to hand over the second interstellar ship technology to his company and add the first interstellar technology appropriately. The first is still too advanced for the current scientific system.

The main reason is that he doesn't want to expose the technology related to the space field prematurely. The previous super energy storage device is the minimum that he thinks can be used. The technology related to space is still too advanced at present.

As a part of civilization, technology must be developed step by step. Leap-forward development is great, but it is easy to ignore the details in the process, which is not necessarily a good thing for the sustainability of civilization's technological development.

Moreover, it is more troublesome to explain the things related to these fields. After much deliberation, I still feel that the second technical solution is easier for people to understand.

Even so, it doesn't mean that the second solution is very simple. The interstellar ship must be a giant. Among the interstellar ships he designed, the smallest size is 1 kilometer long.

Only such a large size can carry enough materials, otherwise the activities in the solar system will be greatly restricted, and the value produced will not be that great.

In the future, it is possible to consider producing ships that specialize in traveling to and from fixed interstellar routes, but there is no need for this at present, and it is still in the stage of space exploration, and the functions of ships need to be multi-purpose and more free.

The interstellar mining ship is the largest among them, and the largest interstellar ship has a length of more than 100 kilometers.

Space resource refining facilities can process and refine resource asteroids in space, so that the asteroids can be dragged to a large planetary orbit first.

Then refine in orbit, extract the required materials and take them away, and put the unnecessary parts directly into the big planet to avoid becoming space junk and causing troubles to space routes.

The size does not mean that the relevant parts are simply enlarged and reduced, and the relevant indicators are often increased exponentially, that is to say, the cost of a 1-kilometer-long interstellar ship and a 10-kilometer-long interstellar ship increases exponentially.

He roughly estimated that the cost of producing a 1-kilometer-long interstellar ship would cost about 1 trillion yuan, but the production of a 10-kilometer-long ship may require more than 50 trillion yuan.

With the strength of Baihu Technology Company, it can only produce interstellar ships with a length of 1 kilometer, and interstellar ships with a length of 10 kilometers or even longer, so don't think too much about it.

To build an interstellar ship of such a large size requires the joint efforts of all his companies. Last year, the net profit of their industries was 81 trillion yuan.

If it is used to produce a 10-kilometer-long interstellar ship, only one can be produced each year. This is the requirement of the space industry for the scale of funds. Without some strength, it will not work at all.

If Baihu Science and Technology Company establishes an industrial chain of interstellar ships with a length of 1 kilometer, it can provide 2 million to 5 million jobs for the country.

If an industrial chain of 10-kilometer-level interstellar ships is established, tens of millions of jobs can be provided for the country, which is completely worthy of the title of super engineering project.

This is not counting the technology spillover effect caused by the interstellar ship industry chain, which will inevitably improve the overall technological strength of our country, increase the salary level of jobs, increase the number of jobs, and create more types of commodities.

He has a hunch that in three to five years, the domestic economy will enter the normalization stage. It is impossible to think about the rapid growth in these years. A growth rate of 5% per year is not bad.

This is still due to the fact that the technology saved before has not been fully digested. After it is fully digested, the economic growth rate may further decrease, just look at the old m in the previous life.

The reason why the other party wants to fight us is that there has been no technological breakthrough for a long time, and the stock game can’t be played, so we can only engage in barrier competition. It’s just that this kind of counter-economic law is futile.

By the same token, once the country's economy falls into low-speed growth, it will also fall into serious internal friction, unless it can be avoided in the design of the system, which will definitely happen by relying on the free market.

This is also the reason why he decided to develop the space industry. On the one hand, it is to establish a higher-end industrial system and use it as a new economic growth point to provide a large number of jobs and avoid internal friction.

On the other hand, a large amount of resources can be obtained from space, which is conducive to alleviating the shortage of resources. If the stage of interstellar immigration can be reached, a large new land can be obtained to avoid problems related to land resources.

However, it is not ideal to always rely on technological development to avoid these problems, because when manpower is limited, there will be a bottleneck one day, and the cake will not be able to grow bigger.

The most important thing at this time is how to distribute the cake, so that everyone will not lose their due benefits even if the economy does not develop greatly.

In the batch of books he wrote, among the books on my country's related issues and development direction, the issue of distribution is emphatically mentioned, which is the ultimate solution to internal conflicts.

To be honest, he doesn't mind distributing more benefits to ordinary people, but he really minds whether the benefits he cede can be distributed to those who need them, instead of becoming the purse of some privileged class.

This will not only fail to solve the problem he is worried about, but will intensify the process. Spending money to do bad things is naturally not what he wants to see, which is also the original intention of his decision to start writing a book.

He himself definitely does not plan to participate in politics, not to mention him, even his family members have no intention of participating in politics, because he knows that if he does, problems are likely to occur.

It is not a big problem for ordinary merchant families to do this, but in a situation like his family, it is not suitable for everything to be involved, and all good things cannot be taken care of.

But he also wanted to promote the development of certain things in a better direction, so after much deliberation, he could only achieve it by writing a book. As for whether it can really play a role, it all depends on God's will.

Subsequently, the management of Ye Zishu Baihu Technology Company held a meeting and handed over the production business of the interstellar ship to them. After all, they are the companies that know the most about space, and none of them.

However, he did not intend to hand over all the technology involved in the interstellar ship to Baihu Technology Company, but to let all its companies participate in it and do what he is best at.

For example, he only handed over the controllable nuclear fusion technology information to Kirin Energy Industry Group, and handed over the avionics system to Qinglong Technology Company, Phoenix Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company.

The material technology is handed over to Kirin Industrial Group, of which Kirin Basic Industry Group is the main group, and other groups will also participate in the production of materials that they are good at.

The equipment and technology needed to build interstellar warships are mainly handed over to Kirin Basic Industries Group and Xuanwu Technology Company, and other companies can also participate in their fields of expertise.

Among them, Xingguang Group and Xinghuo Group also have their own fields that are particularly good. Although the market size of these fields is not necessarily large, they are doing very solidly and have become the leading companies in this field.

The White Tiger Technology Company is mainly involved in the integration work, and is also responsible for the research and development and production of the space technology in the interstellar ship, such as the super magnetic field protection is one of them.

There are also armed parts, as well as the unique gravity field technology of the interstellar ship. If there is no gravity field, many problems will arise on the interstellar ship for a long time.

At this time, he considered again and again, and decided to use the field technology. Although other technologies could be used to simulate gravity, they felt almost meaningless, so he decided to use the gravity field technology.

However, the gravity field generally does not cover the entire interior of the battleship, but is provided in the main activity area of ​​personnel, because this function is also very energy-intensive.

According to Einstein's theory, the formation of gravity is mainly due to the impact of huge mass celestial bodies on the surrounding space, and the gravitational field is actually the same, that is, the use of energy to form a small-scale space collapse, so that people can feel gravity.

This is also the only field technology he has come up with in the second interstellar ship technology plan, and it will be widely used on interstellar ships in the future. Without this technology, sky activities will be subject to many restrictions.

In short, this is a project with full participation. Even the Shengshi Cultural Group is not behind. They are responsible for a lot of industrial aesthetic design work.

Ye Zishu only designed the main part of the interstellar ship, and there is still a lot of work to be done inside, which gave Shengshi Cultural Group and Wancheng Foundation the opportunity to participate.

Space travel is often very long, and employees naturally want to live in comfort, which will also reduce the feeling of being away from home and make space travel less boring for them.

After the meeting between Ye Zishu and Baihu Technology Company, he gave them five years. After five years, he will see the first interstellar ship. To be honest, this time is actually quite tight.

There is a huge difference between space technology and ordinary civilian technology. In fact, he let Baihu Technology Company establish a brand new industrial system in China within five years.

Once an industrial system suitable for space is established, our country will have the ability to fully enter the interstellar, completely developing from a civilization on one planet to an interstellar civilization.

It is completely different from their current space project. This is also the case when he provides technology and gives them 5 years, otherwise it will only take one or two years.

Then there is the issue of money, and he does not intend to provide special funds to allow all participating companies to invest in the part they are responsible for.

He also promised that in the next few years, Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company will not be allowed to hand over their profits, and the funds needed by Wancheng Foundation will be obtained from Phoenix Technology Company and Taiji Group.

But the scale must be much smaller than before. After so many years of continuous blood transfusion, Wancheng Foundation has almost reached the stage of self-reliance, and large-scale blood transfusions cannot be justified.

In addition, it is possible to start selling real estate next year, which will also allow Wancheng Foundation to withdraw a large amount of funds, and its dependence on external funds will not be as high as before.

Then there is confidentiality. He asked not to disclose any information to the outside world until the first interstellar ship is completed, and at the same time do a good job in related confidentiality work. The project is named Project No. 1.

The employees who participated in it must be strictly reviewed. This is mainly for other companies. Baihu Technology Company has strictly reviewed the employees, but this time it can't be careless and needs to be reviewed again.

The review work was handed over to the supervision department composed of Universal Robots. The reason was that Ye Shu held a large amount of intelligence information, which was not easy to disclose to the public, so Universal Robots could only conduct personnel review.

After communicating with Baihu Technology Company, a meeting was called for the presidents of companies related to the project. Even Pei Qing attended the meeting, because Taiji Group also had its own tasks.

It is a huge environmental change for human beings to step into space from the earth. They need to conduct professional research on how to transform human beings from beings on the earth to beings that adapt to the interstellar environment.

At present, the time for human beings to step into space is still very limited, and the relevant research is not very in-depth. After the completion of this project, human beings may sail in space for several years at a time.

All the presidents who participated in the meeting, except Lu Desheng, the president of Baihu Technology, were all surprised, even Pei Qing was surprised.

They all thought that the boss was "retiring for the rest of his life" in his hometown, which can be seen from the fact that he published a few books when he was free, and he didn't care as much about his properties as before.

Although it was the same before, there is still a huge gap compared with other bosses, but at least I have to read various reports, this year I don't even bother to read the quarterly reports.

Unexpectedly, such a large satellite was suddenly released, ready to run into the interstellar era, which made these CEOs who have seen the world a little excited.

Mankind's desire to step into space is not a current dream, but a dream of mankind from ancient times to the present. It is not expected that in the hands of their generation, it will be possible to realize it. It is not too much to say "die without regret".

At the meeting, Ye Shu deconstructed the entire project, and then briefly explained the parts that each company is responsible for, so that they know which part is responsible for which company.

However, the specific details have not been disclosed. Only the responsible company knows this, and only Baihu Technology, the general responsible company, knows about the overall technical situation.

Everyone was overjoyed to hear that the tasks entrusted to them were full of joy. For example, the avionics system of the star warship all used photon technology, because electronic technology was prone to failure in space.

As for this part of the task, Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company are mainly responsible for it, and Phoenix Technology Company is responsible for the research and development of the software part.

This means that the three companies with these technologies have directly entered the photon era from the current electronic era, so it is no wonder they are unhappy.

Although a lot of photonic chip technologies have been provided before, they are not at the same level as the technologies provided this time. Even though they did not look at the specific technical indicators, they can guess it.

Because this is not a simple problem of a photonic chip, but relying on photonic technology to establish a complete set of industrial technology system, completely freeing human beings from the status of electronics in semiconductors and other fields, which belongs to an all-round upgrade.

The same is true for Kirin Industrial Group, not to mention the various advanced material technologies it has obtained, just a controllable nuclear fusion has already made Guo Dongmei ecstatic.

With controllable nuclear fusion technology, they will firmly sit on the throne of the world's top energy giants, and no one will be able to shake them for a long time to come.

There are also a lot of advanced equipment handed over to Kirin Basic Industry Group. For them, it is also a technological leap. Compared with Xuanwu Technology Company, it is inferior in this respect.

It can be said that the Kirin Industrial Group has benefited the most from this project, followed by the Huanyu Group, because they have won the research and development task of the space shuttle.

The interstellar ship is really too big, and generally it will not be parked on the ground, but docked at the space port, and the means of transportation between the ground and the interstellar ship is the space shuttle.

Originally, this project was going to be handed over to Baihu Technology Company. After all, they have accumulated a lot of experience in the field of space shuttles and aerospace vehicles.

But after thinking about it, I still plan to hand it over to Huanyu Group and Baihu Technology Company for joint research and development. The two companies will establish a joint venture company to specialize in the development and production of space shuttles.

Space-to-ground shuttles are mainly used for space-to-ground transportation tasks, including personnel transportation and material transportation. In addition, there are small armed warships specially used for military purposes.

The White Tiger Technology Company is responsible for this project alone, because it uses a lot of powerful weapons and equipment, which is not suitable for Huanyu Group to participate in it.

Moreover, the design ideas and technical indicators between the two are completely different. Separation is the best choice, and it also allows Baihu Technology to have more things to do. If it is just integration, it seems a bit empty.

Then there is operation, the technology is developed, the interstellar ship is manufactured, and the general operation is required. If there is no operation, there will be no income. Without income, the project will be difficult to sustain.

In this regard, the Kylin Industry Group took advantage of it again. Ye Zishu handed over the interstellar mining business to the Kylin Resource Development Group, and gave them the supporting interstellar mining technology.

The main function of the interstellar ship is still resource transportation. How to mine resources from the planet is the key to the extraction of interstellar resources. Without these technologies, light energy transportation will not help.

After Kirin Resource Development Group obtains this set of technologies, it will be even more powerful. Combined with its own deep-sea mining technology, it will not only be able to mine the resources of terrestrial planets.

Even if they are all interested in water, they can still efficiently exploit resources. It can be said that they will be a well-deserved super enterprise in the field of resource exploitation in the future.

According to this allocation, the civil interstellar ships produced by Baihu Technology Company can only be sold to Qilin Resource Development Group, and other companies will produce back-end supporting work.

At present, he has no plans to establish a strong military force in space. Although he has technical reserves, given the current technological level of the earth, there is no need to go too far ahead, and there is no need to waste money.

Then there is resource exploration. It is not enough to have an interstellar ship. You can’t drive a ship to wander around in space. You must carry out space activities with a purpose.

This work is handed over to Baihu Technology Company. If resources are detected, the information can be sold to Qilin Resource Development Group, which can make up for their investment costs.

After being allocated in this way, a complete industrial chain integrating technology research and development, manufacturing, resource exploration, and resource mining has been formed, and all links have been opened up.

At the same time, Ye Zishu asked Baihu Technology Company to make a good plan, relying on the current space station to build it into a space port, which will be completed in about 5 years.

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