Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine Hundred and Sixty Six: No Waste of Time and Leaves Painting Abroad


In the past year, many things have happened. The people clearly feel that the country is more dynamic than before, and the aerospace industry has achieved breakthrough development.

Almost everyone can clearly feel that life is getting richer and richer, and unprecedented breakthroughs have been made in the economy, military, and politics, and major good news comes almost every once in a while.

For the industries under Ye Zishu, last year was not so peaceful. The large-scale development of the robot industry has established a new aerospace industry goal, and the industrial system still maintains rapid development.

From every point of view, it has not fallen into the track of economic slowdown, and everything is still thriving. It is estimated that only Ye Zishu is worried about this.

In order to keep the economy developing at a high speed, he brought out a lot of new technologies last year, such as bionic robot technology, material transformation technology, interstellar ship technology, and even tourism projects like Jurassic Park.

All of these are preparations for the next few years. Without these new technologies provided by him, the domestic economy will still develop, and the speed may not be very slow.

However, it may be difficult to maintain a high growth rate like the previous few years. In Ye Shu's view, an economic growth rate of less than 10% is considered low-speed development.

Even if the economic growth rate is below 20%, it is not bad in his opinion. It is best if the economic growth rate is above 20%, so that he will be more satisfied.

Although he knows that with the current economic size, it is very difficult to maintain an annual economic growth rate of more than 20%, but he will not let it go.

We must actively think of ways. It is in this way of thinking that many projects have been started, and these projects involve a higher level of technology, which is enough for the industry to digest for a long time.

For example, the interstellar ship technology he provided is not simply a matter of an interstellar ship, but a complete set of advanced industrial technology system will be established behind it.

At the same time, it can also consume a large amount of precious resources, and this also provides an opportunity for the material conversion industry of Kirin Energy Industry Group, otherwise relying on the current industrial needs of the earth.

The many precious material resources produced by them are also difficult to digest. Selling them to the market on a large scale will only lower the market price, which is a huge loss for them.

Starships not only use conventional metal and non-metal materials, but also use a large number of rare metals and non-metal materials, which can just digest their production capacity.

Although the more resources, the better, but only when resources are utilized and can bring more value to the future, can resources have real value, and it is definitely not valuable just lying there.

At the same time, the technologies involved in interstellar ships,

It will bring a huge technological level improvement to his entire industrial system, and completely widen the gap between domestic and international science and technology.

Although he also brought out a lot of technologies in the past and promoted the continuous development of the domestic economy for many years, there is generally no insurmountable gap with the international advanced level.

As for interstellar ship technology, many technologies involved in it far exceed the current level of science and technology, and it is a qualitative improvement in the field of domestic science and technology.

And it doesn’t just benefit the industrial field, agriculture, service industry, entertainment industry, etc. will benefit a lot from it, because the interstellar ship is not just a simple ship, but a systematic project, a complete internal ecosystem.

For example, in order to maintain the physical and mental health of the crew, the interstellar ship is equipped with a large number of entertainment items, so that people will not feel lonely and boring in the boring space.

In order to allow the crew to eat fresh food, there are also agricultural-related facilities inside the ship, which can provide the ship with a variety of vegetables, fruits, meat and seafood products.

Although the opening of the Jurassic Park project is a tourism project, the biotechnology and climate modification technology involved in it are also hugely revolutionary.

Even in order to be able to build a magical city, he updated a lot of building materials and technologies, which benefited Wancheng Foundation Company a lot.

It can be said that through this project, all the companies involved in it can also achieve great progress in science and technology, and money is not so important.

With these technologies, their development potential will become deeper, and the bottleneck of future development will be extended for a long time. This is where they will really benefit.

The emergence of these science and technologies, as well as the establishment of various major projects, are all aimed at maintaining a relatively rapid growth in the domestic economy in the next few years.

In the past, my country's economic level was low and it needed to rely heavily on external economic cycles. Export business became the main driving force for economic growth. At that time, he also paid great attention to export business.

Now the domestic economy has passed the stage of relying heavily on foreign trade for development. This can be seen from the economic and financial crisis in the past two years. While the global economy has been greatly affected, the domestic economy has not experienced a serious economic slowdown.

At the beginning, he was worried that under the global economic crisis, his industries would be seriously affected. As a result, after a short adjustment, he got used to it and became healthier than before.

Last year, the foreign trade economy accounted for less than 20% of the domestic economy, only about 15%. However, with its huge size, my country is still an important trading partner of many countries.

The reason is simple. Our economy is too large. Even if it accounts for a small proportion, it is still a giant in the world, especially for countries with small economies.

If these trade links are cut off, the impact on our country will not be as great as before, but for the countries with which we trade, the impact cannot be ignored.

It is also based on this reality that he believes that the time for the Tidal Group to issue an international trade currency is ripe, and with a large amount of gold endorsement, he believes that it has a very high success rate.

If there is no trade, or if our country does not generate a large amount of trade with the world, then the issuance of international trade currency will become empty talk, and others will not use it at all.

But he does not want the domestic economy to be overly dependent on overseas trade.

Don't look at him living a leisurely life in his hometown, but in the past one or two years, the international situation has actually become very complicated.

Naturally, old empires will not obediently give up their own interests. If they lose the ability to dominate the global economy, it means that they can no longer lie down and make money as before.

Every country or every person wants to make easy money, otherwise there would be no resource curse. After getting used to making easy money, letting them make hard money is no different from killing them.

Stubborn resistance is inevitable. If our country's military strength has not been greatly strengthened in the past two or three years, conflicts may occur.

Although there were no military conflicts, the international confrontation did not stop for a moment. This reminded Ye Zishu of the situation in his previous life, so he was no stranger, and he did not appear so anxious.

In fact, as long as we still maintain a relatively high speed of economic development and improve our strength in all aspects, these small actions they make are nothing but dying struggles, which are acts of clowns.

He understood this truth a long time ago, but to prevent the other party from disrupting the trend of globalization, even at the expense of decoupling, forming a situation of confrontation between East and West, which will have an impact on our country's economy.

He has also done a lot of things over the years, the most important of which is to expand domestic demand. In order to achieve this, he has been trying his best to increase the salary of employees over the years, and at the same time continue to expand the number of employees.

The result is obvious. People's jobs are stable and their incomes are increasing year by year. This also leads to people who like to save and are more willing to consume, thus promoting the rapid growth of domestic demand.

Now the domestic demand market is already one of the main growth drivers of my country's economic development, and another economic growth driver comes from large-scale investment.

Large-scale investment is one of the best methods of economic growth for countries with a short development period and weak infrastructure, and there is no need to worry about the waste of resources caused by over-investment.

Because at this stage, every money invested in infrastructure is worthwhile, and the driving force for economic development is very high. A typical example is expressways.

It is precisely because of the large number of expressways that my country's automobile sales have repeatedly hit new highs, and it has become the fastest growing country in the global automobile industry.

In order to be able to develop the domestic aviation manufacturing industry, he did not hesitate to ask Wancheng Foundation to invest heavily in the construction of airports in the country. If there is no airport, the domestic aviation industry will inevitably be limited, and the development of the aviation manufacturing industry will inevitably be severely restricted.

Looking back on the past year, Ye Zishu is generally very satisfied, especially when he is less and less involved in specific affairs, he can still maintain the momentum of rapid growth, which makes him even more satisfied.

Summing up the past year, although he spent most of the time in his hometown, like a wild crane in the clouds, he thought he was worthy of his time in the past year.

The above is his external contribution in the past year. Personally, he also made a lot of breakthroughs last year. First, he made some progress in the field of cultural and social sciences.

The few books he published have somewhat influenced the country and played a certain role in promoting the development of related social fields, but they only involved political matters, and the author did not elaborate too much.

The second is the breakthrough in the research of science and technology. After studying several major projects, he has a deeper understanding of field theory, especially space field theory.

The space field technology is very complicated. Before, he just applied the existing knowledge simply. Now he can rely on the existing theory to carry out certain innovative applications, which is an important breakthrough.

Because compared with modern scientific theories, a slight breakthrough in field theory means that revolutionary changes will occur, and the gap between each breakthrough cannot be compared with modern science and technology.

For example, the gravity field technology he provided to interstellar ships can make it possible for human beings to spend a long time in space, otherwise various physical problems will appear over time.

Even the gravitational field can be used in planetary transformation. For example, the natural gravity of Mars is much lower than that of Earth. If you immigrate to Mars, over time, it is very likely that there will be a big gap with humans on Earth.

At this time, it is completely possible to arrange a gravity field on Mars to increase the gravity of the entire Mars, so that Mars can generate a gravity similar to that of the earth with its small mass.

In addition, the density of the Martian magnetic field is relatively small, which is not conducive to the resistance of living things inside Mars to space radiation. It is also possible to use the magnetic field protection technology of interstellar ships to establish a magnetic field covering the entire planet.

Although the technology gap between these applications is still very large, but there is a foundation, as long as it is studied, it is not impossible.

In fact, he has already considered a lot of feasible plans in his mind, but he just doesn't want to take them out. First, let's see how the scientific research personnel under his banner are doing. Otherwise, it is not a good idea to rely on himself for everything.

The transformation of animals and plants in the Jurassic Park project has rapidly improved the strength of his companies in the biological field, and will also lay a solid foundation for planetary transformation in the future.

Just as Ye Zishu was summarizing what he had done in the past year, Ye Zihua had been busier than before since January. He had already greeted his family, and he might not be able to come back for the Chinese New Year.

The reason is that they began to make final preparations for the issuance of international trade currency, in order to be able to issue it smoothly and gain wide support.

He not only needs to have frequent activities and communication in the country, but also with relevant government agencies, the enterprise system under Ye Zishu and other domestic entrepreneurs, etc.

Only by unifying opinions internally and reaching a consensus in action can we focus more on international affairs, otherwise it will be a joke if there is a fire in the backyard.

These tasks started at the end of the year, and in January, Ye Zihua, who originally did not go abroad, had to travel to various countries to communicate with the local central bank and government.

Fortunately, Ye Zihua was wearing space defense equipment, so he didn't have to worry about problems. This was also the reason why he dared to go abroad. Otherwise, Ye Zishu would have asked him to send executives there.

Naturally, Ye Zihua would not communicate these matters with Western countries. The reason is very simple. This is to grab food from their bowls. It is lucky for them not to turn their backs. How could they reach a cooperation with the Tidal Group.

Therefore, he directly bypassed the western countries, and he didn't even bother to visit the two countries in the east. Instead, he went to Southeast Asian countries, South American countries, Middle Eastern countries and African countries.

Even the polar bears and their previous alliance countries, Ye Zihua, did not visit, because they still have high illusions about Western countries, and want to actively integrate into them, even at the expense of their own martial arts.

It is estimated that just after the discussion here, all the details will be obtained immediately. Although this matter does not need to be kept secret, it is disgusting enough.

And he didn't think about being able to change the thinking habits and principles of doing things that have been formed for a long time in a country. Doing so will only be thankless. Only by letting them experience more setbacks can they wake up.

With the rapid development of my country's economy, its influence on the global economy is growing. It can even be said that apart from the financial field, its influence in other fields is completely worthwhile.

But between us and them, we are still in the role of influential competitors, and there is still a big difference between the two.

It won't be because of the fierce competition between us that they will be like a family, everything is just an appearance.

Ye Zihua still thinks clearly about the stakes.

Tidal Group never thought that the currency it issued would replace the existing international trade settlement system as soon as it came out. Instead, it would take several years to realize it slowly.

In fact, drastic financial changes are not conducive to the stability of international trade. They actually hope that this process will be gentle and natural, so that the impact on each other will be much less.

Moreover, they believe that it is impossible to completely exclude the currencies of other countries from the international trade settlement currency system. The final result may be coexistence, and the change may be just a different proportion.

Because every country wants to do business with the whole world, even if my country's economy is indeed the number one in the world, other countries also want to do business with Western countries, and no one will offend the other for the sake of one side.

Unless we can give the other party an advantage that is hard to refuse, obviously as a financial institution, it is difficult to offer such an advantage, even if we have this ability, the loss outweighs the gain.

These interviews were conducted in secret, there was no need to make a big fuss, not to mention that Ye Zihua was not a politician, but the president of a financial institution. As long as he kept a low profile, he would not receive much attention.

As for why these countries have to negotiate with the president of a commercial organization, it stands to reason that the status of the two parties is not equal, not to mention that the tide group is usually not well-known except for a few financial operations.

The reason why government agencies in so many countries can negotiate with them is actually very simple, that is the global investment scale of Tidal Investment Corporation.

It can even be said that these investments directly or indirectly affect the economies of many countries. In this era when the economy is in command, the importance of the economy is beyond doubt.

This is the strength of Tidal Group itself. In addition, there is a huge physical industrial system behind the Tidal Group, with an even larger economic scale, and it is a representative of the world's top technology.

By relying on these two factors, the Chao Group can negotiate with the governments of these countries without even using the power of the country.

Ye Zihua’s overseas trip this time is not without any preparations. If there is no preparation at all, it may be a waste of time to go there.

Moreover, matters involving changes in the foreign exchange structure and transaction settlement of various countries are considered important matters for each country, and it is impossible to negotiate in three or two days.

What's more, the emergence of a new international currency means that the international trade order will change accordingly, and each country needs to make a comprehensive assessment to see if it is beneficial to its own country.

Therefore, Tidal Group has sent a large number of staff to these countries to communicate and negotiate with these government financial institutions.

Not only that, Tidal Group also organized many international financial forums to discuss how to build a more valuable international trading system in the new economic era to ensure the vital interests of all countries.

The reason is that in recent years, countries that provide currency for international trade have begun to borrow heavily, resulting in a serious reduction in the purchasing power of currency, and at the same time cutting leeks for countries around the world.

We can't blame them for borrowing a lot of money. In fact, it's not as easy for them to cut leeks as before. In the past, they could rely on high technology and a complete industrial system, which naturally had strong competitiveness compared with the third world.

However, with the rapid development of other countries' economy, industry and technology, these advantages are becoming more and more exhausted. The only advantage they have is their strong financial strength.

Of course, there is still a strong military strength, but unfortunately, as our country's military trade has grown in the past two years, this advantage has gradually been offset, and it is not as good as before.

Coupled with the financial crisis over the past two years and the economic crisis, in order to get rid of the economic predicament as much as possible, the only way left is to borrow on a large scale, which has caused a lot of loss of wealth in many countries.

Of course, our country still has so much foreign exchange in its hands, so it is not immune to it. Fortunately, our country's economy is relatively stable, and it can still bear it, but countries around the world can't stand it.

A large supply of money means inflation, and they can borrow easily, while other countries need to work hard in exchange for it, so naturally they are not happy.

In addition, in the previous few times, I wanted to control my country's energy, and wanted to slow down the speed of my country's economic development, or to earn resource benefits from my country's rapid economic development.

Countries with resources are fine, but countries without resources are also unlucky. These are the reasons why many countries try a new international currency.

Coupled with the huge size of our country's economy, the types of services and products provided by the body are very rich. Isn't the role of foreign exchange and trading just to buy the goods they need?

As long as they hold the new international currency and can buy the commodities they need from our country, it shows that the value of the new international currency is demonstrated and there is a need for reserves.

Therefore, although the previous negotiations were full of hardships, they went smoothly, and reached basic consensus with many countries, and even reached more advanced financial cooperation with some countries.

Of course, in this process, the signing of relevant investment agreements is indispensable. For the Chaozhou Group, their overseas funds are to be invested anyway.

As long as they judge that the country has investment value, they naturally don't mind investing more. In some countries, because the government's credit is too low and the investment environment is very poor, they will invest in a symbolic amount.

As for wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to speak loudly, don't think about it. Although the Tidal Group wants to issue a new international currency, it will not at the cost of seriously damaging its own interests.

Mutual benefit and win-win must be adhered to. On this basis, if you can cooperate, you can cooperate. If you can’t, it’s fine. Anyway, at the current stage, Tidal Group still holds the initiative.

Of course, many countries agree that the issuance mechanism of the new international currency is different from the past. It does not have many disadvantages brought about by sovereign currencies, which is conducive to the long-term and stable development of international trade, and there is no need to worry that the wealth you earn will shrink seriously.

This time Ye Zihua went to negotiate with the relevant agencies of these countries. In fact, it was to make a final decision and sign an agreement. It will be announced to the public when needed.

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