Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 968 The annual report data is very eye-catching


Kirin Industrial Group is considered a large-scale industrial enterprise, and the technology used in its industries is a level higher than that of Xuanwu Technology Company, so its growth potential is much stronger.

Last year, the revenue of Kirin Textile Industry Group, a subsidiary of its subsidiary, officially broke through the 10 trillion yuan mark, reaching 11 trillion yuan. The domestic market contributed the most, with a growth rate of 29.4%.

The reason is that the domestic people are richer, and their pursuit of textile, clothing, shoes and hat brands is much stronger than before. This has benefited Qilin Textile Industry Group, which has focused on branding from the beginning.

The most important thing is that they have a large number of clothing made of advanced textile materials with unique functions. Even if there are no unique functions, the quality is much better than ordinary textile materials.

This has allowed them not only to be warmly welcomed in China, but also to conquer cities around the world. Not to mention the situation at the end of clothing, shoes and hats, the textile materials business alone has allowed them to make a lot of money.

They have almost monopolized the global high-end textile materials. Whether it is natural textile materials such as cotton, linen and fur, or chemical textile materials, as well as special textile materials, they have achieved the best in the industry.

After a slightly slow growth in the previous year, the global economy just recovered last year and began to achieve substantial growth. During the economic upswing period, the mid-to-high-end textile business recovered very quickly.

Kirin Basic Industries Group and Kirin Energy Industry Group had the fastest revenue growth last year. Kirin Basic Industries Group's general robot business and robot pet business brought them a lot of revenue.

The general-purpose robots produced by them have penetrated into all walks of life in society and become leaders in many industries, promoting the continuous development of all walks of life in China and bringing them huge economic benefits.

If there is no general-purpose robot, it is difficult to achieve rapid development year after year with the domestic talent pool. After a certain level of development, there will be a talent bottleneck, which cannot be reversed by Ye Zishu alone.

The development of a country is inseparable from high-quality talents. It is difficult for a country to develop without talents, and if a country wants to stand at the top of the world, talents will always come first.

However, it takes more than ten years, or even decades, to cultivate talents, which cannot meet the needs of domestic economic and technological development at all. Universal robots can be regarded as rain from heaven, which solves this problem.

This is also the reason why Ye Zishu can enjoy leisurely now. Without the cooperation of general robots and artificial intelligence, he might have to work all night and day like before.

In the past, when the economic volume of the subordinate industry was small, he could still handle it by doing so, but now that the economic volume is getting larger and larger, it is no longer possible to rely on him to promote the overall development of the subordinate industry.

Now he doesn't even know many businesses under his banner, and he needs to check even those companies are his own.

Too many and various types are the status quo of his industries.

It is precisely because of the existence of the universal robot that such a huge industry can still operate freely, so that when he is leisurely at home, he is not out of its control, and there are no serious problems.

The performance of the robot pet was much better than they imagined. They thought that the production capacity of 10 million units could not be digested by the market. After several incidents, the robot pet received a lot of praise from the domestic public.

At the beginning, many families are willing to buy one or two robot pets. Compared with real pets, robot pets have too many advantages, and the only disadvantage is that they are too expensive.

At that time, the income of residents was generally relatively high, especially the employees of his industries. If they really wanted to buy it, there was no big problem, it was just a little bit painful.

The wealthy class in China has started a trend of comparing robot pets. The most popular ones are special robot pets, and various pet mounts that have been introduced to the market.

Riding a pet mount, accompanied by all kinds of pets, is quite popular on the street, completely inferior to those who drive luxury cars, and the government has not specifically banned it.

In fact, compared with riding a pet mount to go shopping, the safety of the car is much lower. At present, there has not been a traffic accident caused by a pet mount. The reason is that the pet mount is more intelligent.

Even if the owner closes his eyes all the way, he can take it to the destination. The only disadvantage is that there is no air conditioning, and there are some bumps when running, but the experience is completely different from driving.

Coupled with the growth of other businesses to varying degrees, their total revenue exceeded the 30 trillion yuan mark last year, making them the most profitable company under Kirin Industry Group.

In terms of net profit margin, it rose instead of falling, reaching 45%, and the net profit amounted to 13.5 trillion yuan. The increase in net profit margin was mainly brought about by Universal Robots.

The general-purpose robots they produce can pay back in one or two years. If the work they participate in is very high-end, they may pay back in one year, and the rest will be pure profit.

In addition, the net profit margin of the robot pet business is also not low. The increase in the proportion of these high-end businesses is very effective in increasing the net profit margin. If they are not industrial manufacturing companies, the net profit margin would not be this low.

Needless to say, Kirin Energy Industrial Group made a lot of money last year just by selling fossil energy. In addition, the investment was much less than before, and the net profit was still considerable.

Last year, it earned 5 trillion yuan in fossil energy business alone, and 6 trillion yuan in electric energy business, adding up to 11 trillion yuan.

The power energy business here does not include the money earned from the project of sending water from east to west. The electricity price in this area is a special price. Even if the full amount is calculated, the annual income is only 500 billion yuan.

In addition, they also have the business of producing precious metals. Although they are in charge of this business, they don't get the bulk of the income.

The gold they produce is basically owned by the Tidal Group, and they don't have any income. The Tidal Group needs the gold as a basis to issue currency.

They didn't have any complaints, because the technology was provided by Yeshu, and naturally Yeshu could distribute the benefits as they wanted, and they didn't have any right to speak.

And they didn't get nothing. Except for gold, the production income of other precious metals still belonged to them, because precious metals were mainly used as industrial raw materials, and they almost meant nothing as natural currencies.

It’s just that the Tidal Group’s demand for gold was relatively high last year. Before issuing currency, they needed to reserve a certain amount of gold, so all their production capacity was used to produce gold.

Last year, a total of 180,000 tons of gold was produced for Tidal Group, worth as much as 54 trillion yuan. This year, they will use a certain amount of production capacity to produce gold, and further increase the amount of gold reserves of Tidal Group to deal with risks.

After the Tidal Group reserves enough gold, Kirin Energy Industrial Group can produce other precious metals, and the proceeds will belong to themselves.

Don't think that the market can't absorb so much precious metals. In fact, they can consume as much as they can produce. The reason is that the rapid development of the space industry has a very high demand for precious metals.

Why are starships so expensive? In addition to advanced technology, the cost of raw materials is also a major reason. It is impossible to dare to call it an interstellar ship just by making a lump of iron.

Many of the special materials inside are precious metal alloys. The reason why precious metals are called precious metals is that apart from the scarcity of reserves, they also have many unique characteristics, and they have many incredible effects when made into materials.

In the next few years, Kirin Energy Industry Group will do a good job of resource reserves for space development, which may not be enough. Kirin Basic Industry Group will also import various required resources from abroad on a large scale.

It is very difficult to develop the space industry on a large scale by relying on the power of one country. If he hadn't given Kirin Energy Industry Group this technology, it is estimated that the cost of raw materials alone would be unbearable.

Because the stronger the market demand, the greater the price increase of raw materials. At that time, the prices of all raw materials will face a situation of skyrocketing, which cannot be suppressed as easily as before.

Until we are able to mine a large amount of mineral resources in space, the international raw material prices will calm down, and the development model like a snowball will appear.

And other countries will not be able to produce it due to the shortage of resources on the earth even if they develop space mining technology due to insufficient resources. This is the first-mover advantage.

As long as the first country enters space on a large scale, it will be much easier to block the development path of other countries than it is now, and resources alone can completely stop them.

You can't just launch a small spacecraft and call it interstellar mining. The scale of each interstellar mining ship is very large, and the resources consumed are naturally very large.

This is not a question of money, but that even if you have money, you may not be able to buy enough resources. Ye Zishu can think of it, and so can the elites of other countries.

This is why he wants to keep the interstellar ship project a secret. In a state of secrecy, it will be much easier for them to import resources, and they will not face the situation of deliberate price increases.

The reason why Kirin Basic Industries Group was so rigid before was to be able to take the initiative in subsequent negotiations and sign a long-term contract with an appropriate price to avoid rapid cost increases throughout the process.

Purchasing resources on a large scale around the world can also help the Tidal Group to issue currency to the outside world, allowing their currency to flow smoothly to various countries. If they can't get in, they won't be able to issue international currency.

In fact, he is also worried that there are not enough resources in the world to import, so the seabed mining business of Kirin Resources Development Group is also very important.

On the one hand, we can rely on the mature seabed mining business to force the price of global resources not to skyrocket. Without this card, the price will definitely go crazy.

On the other hand, it can also solve the problem of importing resource gaps, and there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them. Next, his industries will have an unprecedented thirst for resources. As long as the funds are sufficient, they will basically need as much as they have.

Last year, their revenue also set a new record, reaching 98 trillion yuan. Among all industrial enterprises, their revenue scale is the highest, and they still have good potential.

The net profit margin is also much higher than in previous years, reaching 40%. The reason is that the investment and expansion of production is not as crazy as in previous years. In the case of increased labor costs, the net profit margin has risen instead of falling.

Most importantly, the number of employees they employ has also set a new record, reaching 80 million. The number of employees is the largest among all his companies, second only to Wancheng Foundation.

But the per capita revenue is not low, reaching 1.225 million yuan. In fact, they don't need so many people at all, and there are many redundant personnel internally.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, they are recruited in advance for training. The more high-tech business, the longer the training time. Even workers require high skills.

At present, many of their jobs that require high skills are given to general-purpose robots. In the future, non-core positions will gradually be filled by trained employees, and general-purpose robots will do the core and key parts to keep the technology secret.

This also means that Kirin Industrial Group will not increase employees for a period of time in the future. They need to digest these employees before recruiting again. Long-term redundant staff is not good for business operations.

On the other hand, the domestic unemployment rate is already very low. Even if a large number of rural people move to cities, they will still be fully employed, which is completely different from the situation in previous years.

Regardless of the fact that there are 1.2 billion people in China, the real working population is only about 800 million after excluding minors and the elderly. There are also housewives and people with other special reasons, but the working population will be even lower.

Only when everyone has a job and everyone can get a good salary can the people have full confidence in the future, will they be willing to spend money, and can promote the prosperity of the domestic market.

These are all interlinked, and it is precisely because of this that we have achieved sustained economic growth despite the harsh external environment, and have not been seriously affected by the general climate.

The performance of Taiji Group last year was also very good. First of all, Taiji Medical Group, because of the reform of medical insurance, included the people of the whole country into the medical insurance.

Although the per capita medical income has decreased, the overall medical income has increased. Last year, the income from medical insurance reached 20 trillion yuan. Including the income from other non-medical insurance items, the total revenue last year was 24 trillion yuan.

However, their net income is not high. Among them, medical and equipment expenditures account for the majority, followed by personnel expenditures. In addition, the national medical system needs to be improved to provide the public with higher-quality medical services.

Their net profit last year was only 2 trillion yuan, and the 2 trillion yuan was earned by Tidal Investment Corporation through financial operations for them, otherwise they might have suffered a slight loss.

In fact, it is not very meaningful to count Taiji Medical Group in Taiji Group. The reason is that in order to maintain the stable and healthy development of the medical system, Taiji Group does not intend to let this enterprise turn over its profits.

Taiji Pharmaceutical Group is actually making money. Last year, its total revenue exceeded 25 trillion yuan, and the proportion of domestic revenue has increased significantly.

There are two reasons. The first is that the full coverage of medical insurance has led to a sharp increase in the number of domestic medical visits. The second reason is that the sales of IQ drugs are very hot, and it can even be said that the supply is in short supply.

They still maintain the production capacity of 1 billion doses per year, because it can be expected that they will not use so much in the future, expanding production capacity will only increase costs, and delaying the use by one or two years will not create an insurmountable gap.

At present, except for minors who can use it at any time, other personnel need to make an appointment, and then distribute it according to the principle of equal distribution, so that everyone can use it as much as possible.

Moreover, the elderly are ranked last, and IQ drugs do not have much effect on them. The elderly will only make an appointment after other people have used them up.

Taiji Medical Equipment Group has also caught up with a good time. As Taiji Medical Group has acquired many domestic medical institutions, it has added many new medical institutions at the same time.

These new medical institutions all need to purchase new medical equipment. Coupled with the increase in domestic medical visits, the demand for consumable medical equipment continues to rise.

Therefore, their performance last year was also very good. The total revenue reached 5 trillion yuan, the domestic contribution alone was 3.5 trillion yuan, and the foreign income was only 1.5 trillion yuan.

The operating conditions of Tai Chi Health Care Company have also developed well with the development of the domestic economy. Last year, their revenue reached 4 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 30%.

This is not their full potential. Regardless of the high revenue, in fact, the proportion of consumers in the domestic population is not very high, so this revenue is far from reaching the market limit.

Tai Chi Personal Care Company has changed its name to Tai Chi Fashion Company because their business has become more and more complicated, and personal care can no longer describe their business content.

Last year, the company's revenue was also very impressive. The total revenue exceeded 10 trillion yuan, and domestic revenue alone contributed 6 trillion yuan in revenue, which is quite impressive.

As the income of residents is getting higher and higher, the pursuit of personal image is also getting higher and higher, especially adult women, almost all of them have become their consumers.

In fact, not only women, but also more and more male consumers, their skin care products, regardless of men or women, can keep the skin youthful.

Perfume is generally only used by women, and the business development in the past two years has been very good. Last year, the perfume business reached 1 trillion yuan, becoming a super giant in the perfume field.

Last year, the total revenue of Taiji Group reached 70 trillion yuan, an increase of nearly 120% over the previous year, but the net profit margin dropped sharply to only 40%, and the net profit was 28 trillion yuan.

The reason is actually very simple. The revenue of Taiji Medical Group and several other brother companies have a considerable overlap. In addition, in order to promote domestic consumption, some products have been discounted and promoted.

Xiaodangjia Catering Group added another 150,000 restaurants in China last year. So far, their total number of restaurants in China has reached 400,000, which is quite large.

The number of foreign restaurants has increased from 30,000 to 50,000. Last year, the total revenue was 6 trillion yuan, the net profit margin remained at 10%, and the net profit was 600 billion yuan.

New Oriental Education Group's profit-making business revenue last year was 2.6 trillion yuan, which has returned to the level before the financial crisis, and has slightly increased.

The net profit margin has increased to 20%. The reason is that their basic education business investment is coming to an end, and the state's support for basic education has increased a lot, which has reduced its daily teaching investment in basic education.

If they hadn't invested in vocational education to promote the development of their vocational education to a higher level, their actual net profit would be much higher. After all, they are just servers + artificial intelligence, and the actual cost is not high.

The development of Starlight Group is getting better and better. The year before last, they were still stabilizing the situation and seeking development. Last year was considered a year of rapid development for them. The total revenue directly doubled, reaching 80 trillion yuan.

The number of employees has exceeded the 100 million mark, and the per capita output value has reached 800,000 yuan. This figure is not low, which shows that their industry quality is getting better and better, and they have higher profits.

At the beginning, I acquired a large group of companies that were on the verge of bankruptcy and were actually dying. I didn't expect that after just over two years of operation, they would all be full of vitality.

This shows that the relationship between the good or bad of the company and the employees themselves is not particularly important. The main reason is the management. After most of the management is fired and the general robot is the management, the situation is completely different.

A good management system and a management that is dedicated to the development of the enterprise are important aspects to promote the development of the enterprise. As long as there are no problems in these two aspects, the enterprise will not go bad.

Coupled with the support of artificial intelligence and super quantum computers behind it, the company has made significant progress in all aspects of technology, products and markets. These factors have jointly promoted the rapid development of Starlight Group.

However, it is a very important threshold to increase the per capita revenue from 800,000 yuan to 1 million yuan. If you cross it, you can completely call it a high-tech enterprise.

At present, there are not many companies under him with a per capita revenue of more than 1 million. Xuanwu Technology Company actually has potential, but they also have a lot of mid-to-low-end manufacturing businesses, which are holding back.

Of course, if it is possible to pursue high per capita income, it is possible to optimize the personnel structure, use more advanced automation equipment, etc., are good measures.

It’s just that there will be a lot less jobs in that way. At the stage where the importance of employment is still emphasized, it is not a wise choice to do so, so we can only start with technology and products themselves to improve market operation capabilities.

In contrast, the Xinghuo Group is much easier. This group company, which was founded entirely with artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots, is developing even more rapidly.

Last year, the total revenue of the entire group reached 120 trillion yuan, the number of employees also reached 120 million, and the per capita revenue just exceeded 1 million yuan, which is considered to have just broken through the threshold of a high-tech enterprise.

However, the net profit margin is not very high, only 10%, and the net profit is 12 trillion yuan. The reason is still due to the huge investment scale and the large number of bank loans, which have squeezed their profits.

Being able to enter a profitable state from a loss-making state in the past is already a very small progress. As the operation becomes more stable, the net profit margin will naturally increase.

To be honest, Ye Zishu is not very clear about the specific business of the above two groups. They are developing new products and eliminating old products all the time, and their adaptability to the market is very high.

It is precisely because of this that the development speed of these two companies is faster than that of the few companies he founded, and the business categories are much more complicated.

They will not let go of any business that can make money and is not illegal. To be honest, seeing the performance of artificial intelligence + general robots, he wants to change more companies to this aspect.

It's just that he held back, and he can't explain what the problem is at present. When a large number of talents are cultivated in the country, the situation may change again. Moreover, from the perspective of cultivating talents, it is necessary to retain some enterprises controlled by people.

However, in the process of the growth of these two companies, many companies must have fallen. For many companies that have neither technology nor management, nor strong financial strength, they are not their opponents at all.

Some of the companies he founded will also delineate the business scope, which has not had a great impact on other companies. However, these two companies do not have this restriction, and they are direct competitors of many companies.

However, he didn’t feel regretful either. The market is like this. Only the survival of the fittest can keep the economy alive and allow migrant workers to have higher incomes, which has greater positive significance for the whole society.

Of course, if it is said that he has a monopoly, he has nothing to say. He believes that this kind of monopoly formed by natural competition is understandable. As long as there is nothing wrong with the follow-up, the positive significance is far greater than the negative significance.

After reading these corporate annual reports, he is more optimistic about the domestic economic development last year, which is very impressive in terms of statistics, far exceeding his expectations.

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