Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 971 Not Criticism Is Better Than Criticism


After listening to the concert of the stars, Ye Zishu wanted to invite these performers to dinner temporarily. It would be fine if he didn't come.

After asking the security personnel to notify the backstage management personnel, Ye Zishu took Pei Qing to get up and leave the box. The whole concert will last for 4 hours, and it is already past nine o'clock in the evening.

When they came backstage, everyone was taking off their makeup. Ye Zishu glanced at it, and took Pei Qing to sit in the lounge outside to drink tea and wait. This approach made Pei Qing very satisfied.

To be honest, a super rich man like Ye Zishu is young and talented, not to mention very handsome, it is rare in the world to be able to be so self-disciplined.

The two waited for about half an hour. The performers finally finished removing their makeup and put on their usual casual clothes. Seeing Ye Zishu sitting in the lounge waiting for them, they hurried over to greet them.

Although he knew the others, he had never been in contact with them. Only Naying had been in contact with them a few times, so when exchanging greetings, she deliberately showed that the relationship between the two was different.

"We haven't seen each other for many years, President Ye doesn't seem to have changed at all!" Na Ying said.

"That's right, that happened in 1991, and it's been 9 years since now, and you've become more and more prosperous!" Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

"It's far worse than you!" Naying said.

"By the way, Mr. Ye and Pei always come to watch this concert in person?" Na Ying suddenly realized this question and immediately asked.

In fact, there are not many people who know Ye Zishu's hometown. He is usually very low-key. There is actually not much information about him on the Internet, and the details are deliberately ignored.

"I'm a native of the country. I heard that there is a concert tonight, so I came here to see it. You know that small towns usually live their own lives, and there are very few such grand events.

In the future, you can go down a lot. After all, the people in small counties also need entertainment. In addition, the county economy in the whole country has also risen, and the market is also not small. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Everyone at the scene happily echoed his words. As for whether they listened to it or not, Ye Zishu didn't inquire into it, but this was indeed his true thought.

The concert like this one was very successful, not only the tickets were sold out, but also the live performance received enthusiastic response from the audience, which is enough to explain the problem.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone immediately went to the hotel where the dinner was held. He didn't need to order the hotel at all, and the security personnel around him naturally took care of it properly.

This time, not only the singers, but also their assistants and staff behind the organization,

Most of them are employees of Shengshi Records, so he will naturally not treat them differently, and he is not short of this little money.

The dinner was not luxurious, but it was not shabby either. It was set at 500 yuan per person. Now the prices of many ingredients are actually very low, and the expensive ones are service fees and processing fees.

According to this standard, you can basically eat delicacies from mountains and seas. In this regard, the Qilin Agricultural Development Group has made a huge contribution. Without them, the prices of many ingredients are very expensive.

He just invited everyone to a meal, so he didn't have much wine table culture. He actually hated the so-called wine table culture, so the process seemed a bit calm and monotonous.

"Is Mr. Ye still making music?" Na Ying seemed to feel that eating was a bit boring, so she tried to cheer up the atmosphere by chatting.

Pei Qing who was on the side took up the conversation and said: "You may not believe it, let alone making music now, even listening to music is rare."

Many people don't believe it. Thinking about how popular he was when he was engaged in music, he is simply a rising superstar. He can control all kinds of music styles, and his voice is God's favorite.

He wrote lyrics and composed music by himself, and was highly productive. With his unique and advanced music style, he set off a trend in China. Everyone can still vividly remember the scene at that time.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "President Pei is right. It's not because I don't like listening to music, but because I don't have time to pay attention to these things."

Hearing his words, someone said: "With Mr. Ye's talent, making music is indeed a bit wasteful. We can understand Mr. Ye's approach!"

To be honest, Ye Zishu felt that these words were very flattering. It was rumored on the Internet that he was engaged in scientific research, and he was able to develop such a large industry.

In fact, not many people know what technology he has developed, and no one understands how good he is in managing the company after all. It is just a good understanding from his wealth.

Let alone people in the entertainment industry like them, they usually don't know whether to read books, let alone highly professional technical books, so he thinks these words are a bit flattering.

"Actually, it's not that complicated. Everyone has their own most suitable job, and domestic pop music was still relatively blank at that time, which gave me room for development.

If it were changed to the present, it would be very difficult to achieve such a success, and I can be regarded as retreating bravely, lest others say that I am exhausted! "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ye Zishu's self-effaced words have aroused the approval of many people. The reason is that artificial intelligence has brought huge challenges to domestic music creation.

Not to mention domestic, the whole world is deeply affected. Human beings are completely powerless in the face of artificial intelligence, and can only do something from music innovation.

However, with the emergence of artificial intelligence 2.0, artificial intelligence does not necessarily have an advantage in innovation, so many musicians now have to be recruited by Shengshi Records.

If they don't want to be included, it means that they probably won't be able to get ahead in the music field. Only veteran musicians can rely on the fame they have accumulated before and do well.

This situation can be said to be both good and bad. The good thing is that the entire market has grown relatively large, at least much larger than the previous market.

And for practitioners in the ordinary circle, the income is even higher than before, because the basic principle adopted by Shengshi Records is to cut the high and make up for the low, so that the low-income people in the past can live better.

The downside is that musicians who think they can make more money can no longer make money as easily as before, because they don't have much leverage to negotiate with the company.

Domestic musicians are relatively good. After all, Shengshi Records still wants to maintain the vitality of domestic music creation and gives them a lot of freedom. It is not so loose in other countries.

Now the place where most musicians make money has turned to offline, and it is not as easy as before to make money easily by releasing albums.

From the point of view of ordinary people, this should be what they prefer, so that it is easier for music and art to get closer to them, instead of being as high as before and always far away from the people.

In his previous life, it became more and more difficult to create good music. He thought that it was not because the environment was bad, or that the music had been written by others, but that everyone was no longer in the mud. Without life, how could there be inspiration? heartstrings.

Then the banquet scene turned into a press conference. Everyone was actually very curious about him as a rich man, let alone his own boss, so naturally they wanted to ask more questions.

He just chooses the answer that can be answered, especially when it involves his research field, and generally doesn't say too much to avoid getting himself into trouble.

The meal lasted nearly 11 o'clock, and Ye Zishu asked them to take them to the hotel they had booked to rest, while he was preparing to go back to the countryside with Pei Qing.

"Don't Mr. Ye live in the county?" Someone asked when they heard that he was going back to the countryside.

"My village is not far from the county seat. It takes only ten minutes to drive there. It's no different from living in the county!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

In the eyes of many people, living in the country is definitely not as good as living in the city, and it is precisely because of the emergence of this concept that urbanization has a solid foundation.

Of course, there is also a difficult past that everyone can’t bear to look back on. In the past, life in the countryside was much worse than life in the city, so scar literature was born.

It's just that the city couldn't support so many people at that time, so these young and strong people could only go to the countryside to stay, at least they wouldn't starve to death. This is also a special situation in a special period.

It was already very late when I got home, and everyone in the village had already gone to bed. After the two of them washed up, they went to bed directly. The annual meeting will be held tomorrow, so they must maintain sufficient energy.

After breakfast early the next morning, Ye Zishu came to her study, and Pei Qing went to her study to participate in the online corporate annual meeting.

Attending the annual meeting this time, the expressions of the leaders of each company are different, which is very different from previous years. The reason is that the situation of many companies has changed.

In the past, all enterprises were making great strides forward, and the situation was very good. Now that the economy has developed to a certain scale, and the enterprises under management have also developed to a certain volume, it is more difficult to go further.

In particular, companies with low potential have encountered development bottlenecks early on. If they want to continue to develop, they need to come up with more innovations.

Enterprises with less technical content need to innovate in terms of operation and marketing. The most typical example is Shengshi Cultural Group. They need to work hard in these two aspects.

Technology and industrial enterprises need to innovate in tapping new market demands and technologies. The most typical examples are Xuanwu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company.

There are also companies that are still developing rapidly, such as Taiji Group and Kirin Industry Group. Although Wancheng Foundation is facing great employment pressure for employees, the overall situation is still much stronger than before.

It's a pity that the heads of the two companies, Starfire Group and Starlight Group, did not participate in the annual meeting. Both companies are controlled by artificial intelligence, and Ye Zishu is too lazy to manage them, allowing artificial intelligence to play freely.

As long as the artificial intelligence doesn't close down the two companies for him, it's also an accident for him to be able to develop to the current situation.

If the heads of these two companies appear at the annual meeting, it will probably make many business managers look even worse, because the contrast is too obvious.

It can be said that these enterprises were supported by Ye Zishu alone. It took many years to grow to the current scale.

For the two groups managed by artificial intelligence, Leaf Book only gave financial support at the beginning, and did not give much support from other parties. It has grown to such a large scale in just two or three years.

In terms of revenue scale, there is no company on the scene that can match it. Only Kirin Industrial Group almost broke through 100 trillion yuan in revenue, and other companies are far behind.

In terms of the harshness of the entrepreneurial environment, they are also much stronger than the two companies managed by artificial intelligence. After all, the business environment in big cities is much better.

Next, the development goal of these companies is to break through the trillion yuan mark, which will also be the next standard for measuring these companies, and a few years ago, the revenue of 10 trillion yuan was used as the measurement standard.

It can only be said that his companies are developing too fast. Although there is no obvious direct competition, it still puts pressure on many business managers.

Like this annual meeting, Guo Dongmei, the president of Kirin Industry Group, is obviously in a much better mood. Although the revenue has not yet exceeded the 100 trillion yuan mark, this year will definitely be able to achieve this goal.

When the time comes, the group company she manages will be at the same level as the companies managed by other people here, and its status will be significantly improved.

Some people may think that Guo Dongmei took advantage of it, but the undeniable fact is that the development speed of such a huge enterprise in her hands has not slowed down, but has accelerated.

In fact, being able to manage such a large enterprise well is already regarded as a superior management ability, and if the development speed can be accelerated, it is a manifestation of ability.

Ye Zishu didn't say anything about it. If it was the past, he would be very concerned about the development of these enterprises themselves. After all, the development of these enterprises is very important to achieve his goals.

Now he walks on two legs and no longer relies solely on the development of these companies. This means that if these companies do not want to make progress, they will be taken away by the two companies controlled by artificial intelligence.

As far as he is concerned, no matter which company takes the market, as long as it is a company under his control, he will not have any losses, and it will not have much impact on the overall domestic economy.

This is just like the human body, where there is cell death and cell regeneration, as long as the overall balance is maintained, the human body will always be in a healthy state.

After the opening words, Ye Zishu said like a family: "Yesterday I went to the art theater in the county to watch a concert, and I didn't expect the audience to be quite large, almost full.

This shows that within the county area, people have a very large demand for entertainment services, as long as people cannot do without entertainment, this should be understood.

In the past, Shengshi Cultural Group has done very well, and it is considered to be unique in the world, but it is an indisputable fact that it has encountered development bottlenecks.

How to expand the market boundary, it is very important to bring the market that we have not paid attention to before into our field of vision. Our long-term focus is on the city, and we mainly focus on the market of big cities.

In the past, the county economy was relatively poor, and the demand for entertainment services was far from that high. It is understandable to ignore the county market. After all, there is always a priority in opening up the market.

However, in the past few years, the economy of counties has developed tremendously, and even some county economies have surpassed those of small cities, and the people living in counties are much richer than before.

After solving the problem of food and clothing, there is some spare money in the pocket, and there is a demand for entertainment services. Therefore, Shengshi Cultural Group needs to shift its attention to the county.

Although your revenue is already very high, compared with the size of our country's economy, the proportion is still too low. You have the potential to achieve 10 trillion yuan in revenue.

Of course, many difficulties will definitely be encountered in this process, such as not having suitable venues, not having enough qualified artists, not having so many market operations, and so on.

These all exist objectively and can be solved through hard work. For example, in terms of venues, we can cooperate with Wancheng Foundation. If there is really no venue, we can also hold open-air concerts.

When I was a child, I still remember showing movies in the village. It was so difficult at that time, and the country still wanted to bring entertainment services to the rural people. It didn't make sense for the economy to develop, but it ignored the spiritual needs of the people at the bottom.

If this is the case, I think this is not social progress, but social regression. Some of the signs that are emerging now are very bad. I feel that art is elegant, and I am separated from the general public from the heart.

I don't know if this kind of art has any value, but I can be sure that it is definitely not the art that the people need. Therefore, it is very important to correct the mentality. Only by closely linking culture and art with the general public can it have strong vitality.

As for the insufficient number of qualified artists, it can be considered from two aspects. On the one hand, it is to actively dig out talented newcomers, cooperate with art schools, etc., to supplement the talent pool.

On the other hand, it can cooperate with Phoenix Special Effects Company to obtain the image authorization of their virtual artist, and then let Kirin Basic Industries Group produce a general-purpose robot with the image of the virtual artist.

This kind of cooperation is beneficial to both of you. On the one hand, it solves the shortage of manpower, and at the same time, it allows other artists under the banner to have a proper sense of crisis and resolves internal conflicts.

On the other hand, it also allows the Phoenix Special Effects Company to obtain more benefits. This plan has been in place before, but it was postponed due to various reasons. I think it is time to implement it.

As for the shortage of market operators, it is better to solve it. Just hire the general-purpose robots of Kirin Basic Industries Group, and let them take newcomers to the market. It not only expands the market, but also cultivates talents. It is definitely a cost-effective. "

Although Ye Zishu's words did not criticize Wang Changtian, they made Wang Changtian feel ashamed, because many things Ye Zishu said were indeed true.

First of all, the scale of the culture, art and entertainment market he mentioned is definitely not an exaggeration in terms of the size of the domestic economy, and it can even be said to be very restrained.

The entire Shengshi Cultural Group's revenue is only 3.5 trillion yuan, which is still far from the 10 trillion yuan level. The speed of development in the past two years is much worse than before.

The domestic economy was not so good before, and the annual growth rate was not low. Now that the economic development is better, the revenue growth is a bit slow for no reason.

In particular, the proportion of their revenue in the overall economic volume is getting lower and lower, which obviously does not conform to market laws. Generally speaking, people's material conditions are met, and their spiritual needs should be more vigorous.

Secondly, in terms of market expansion, Shengshi Cultural Group did not do enough. It did not pay attention to the spiritual, cultural and entertainment needs of county residents, and the population of the entire county accounted for half of the country's population.

It can be said that the county economy was not very good before, and the market value was not too big. However, since the year before last, the county economy has improved significantly, and they did not actively plan for it.

This can only show that they lack market acumen. If they have to wait until the market matures to deploy, it is estimated that the day lily will be cold, and the market will not wait for them. As long as there is a vacancy, there must be companies to fill it.

Then there are certain problems in their thinking, and they are a bit divorced from the masses. This kind of thinking exists not only among the artists under their banner, but also in the management of the company.

This is the most deadly thing. When culture and art become superior, it means that they have gradually lost their nutrients, become mediocre, and become a small circle of culture. These are all undesirable.

Culture and art are born among the masses. If they are separated from the masses, they will lose their vitality. At that time, good works in the eyes of artists will be bullshit in the eyes of the general public.

This is not to say that elegant art cannot exist, but that elegant art must not be produced by sitting in a room and meditating, but must come out of society and the people, and it is an existence that stands out among many works of art.

Rather than being judged by a few artists sitting at home, it must be a work that is generally recognized by the general public. As long as Shengshi Cultural Group adheres to this belief, the future is absolutely limitless.

The other presidents didn't expect that Ye Zishu's opening speech was not to criticize the province but to criticize, which made them a little nervous about the next content of this annual meeting.

Seeing the tense atmosphere at the scene, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "What I said above is not a criticism, but a matter of fact, and the instructor told us that we should pay attention to seeking truth from facts when dealing with things.

Only by looking at things in the spirit of seeking truth from facts and without any emotions and prejudices can we understand the nature of things and handle or cope with the situation we are facing.

Starlight Group and Xinghuo Group, everyone here should know that these two companies managed by artificial intelligence have developed very rapidly in recent years.

When these two companies were established, I only gave some financial support and no other support, but this did not hinder their development speed.

Although there is a huge computing power support in it, they naturally have advantages over human management in management, but their success is not limited to that.

Compared with human beings, artificial intelligence handles things impartially, and naturally has the spirit of seeking truth from facts. It is in an absolutely rational state in the face of any situation, without any personal prejudice.

These are the fundamental reasons for their rapid development. Strong computing power is just the icing on the cake for these fundamental factors, and we must not put the cart before the horse.

Don't look at artificial intelligence with the prejudice that humans are naturally superior. There are many things we can learn from their management methods.

Instead of rejecting them, you should actively communicate and learn from artificial intelligence to learn their advantages, which will help improve our level.

There is no teacher who is more impartial and selfless than artificial intelligence. I think it is necessary to establish a communication and learning mechanism to summarize their excellent experience for us to learn from.

This matter was led by Phoenix Technology Company, and other group companies sent outstanding talents to join in and set up a special team to handle this matter.

The reason why artificial intelligence dispatchers are not allowed to communicate directly with your employees is that some of their experiences are not suitable for you to learn from.

It is necessary to absorb the excellent experience suitable for us human beings, and it is definitely not appropriate to use it as a whole. These are some small suggestions I give you, and I hope they can play a role. "

Ye Zishu's suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone. In fact, seeing the rapid development of the two companies, they were shocked and worried.

Such a powerful artificial intelligence has performed so well and is fully capable of replacing their management. Now Ye Shu's words clearly dispelled their worries.

However, if they are still standing still, they will be replaced if they are not sure. Naturally, there is no reason not to agree to this suggestion.

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