Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 977 Transform the moon into a super spaceship?


Of course, it also talked about the more important thing recently, that is, the issue of the international currency that the Tidal Group will issue soon, because this is not only a matter of the Tidal Group itself, but also a major event of the country.

Judging from the feedback from Ye Zihua’s visits to various countries during this period, the situation is very good. Some of the countries he has visited so far have received positive responses, and the signing of agreements has been very smooth.

According to this trend, the issuance of international currency will be much smoother, so domestic adjustments must be made accordingly, at least the exchange rate must be determined in advance.

As for the name of the new currency, the following people gave a lot, the better one is Huayuan, but Ye Zishu thought about it and gave it a higher name, which is Universe Coin.

Although the name seems a bit funny now, and it can even be said to be a bit bragging, but he believes that this will inevitably be realized in the future, not only as a currency for trade transactions between countries, but also as a currency for trade transactions between stars in the future.

This is why he must issue digital currency instead of any physical currency. The reason is that digital currency is not only conducive to circulation within the earth, but also in the universe.

As for the gold content of 1 universe coin, it is temporarily set at 0.01 grams of gold. According to the current gold price, it is about 3 yuan. There is no need to pay special attention to the exchange rate between this currency and various countries.

Because the currency will not be anchored with any country's sovereign currency, it can also be said to be anchored only with gold. Since gold itself is inconvenient to value, it can also be said to be anchored with itself.

If other countries want to use the currency for international trade, they decide the exchange rate between their sovereign currency and the currency. Tidal Group does not intend to intervene, but will give a currency assessment report for each country.

When the exchange rate between a country's currency and the Cosmic Coin deviates significantly, the Tidal Group will give a report, and it is not up to the Tidal Group to decide whether the country will listen or not.

Anyway, behaviors that seriously deviate from the market will be taught by many international capitals. As long as international capitals find it profitable, they will inevitably attack the country's currency. This situation has been staged many times.

Therefore, each country will determine the exchange rate between its own currency and the universe currency in an objective manner. It is impossible to deviate too much from the market exchange rate, otherwise it will easily cause problems.

It is impossible to only talk about these things at the meeting, and it is inevitable to talk about the issue of my country's currency exchange rate. Since my country's international trade is very good, it has been in a state of surplus for a long time, and its performance in the international arena is relatively strong.

Therefore, our country's currency has a relatively large appreciation pressure. The leaders plan to make adjustments through this matter. As the largest economic entity in our country, we are naturally qualified to discuss it.

At present, our currency exchange rate is anchored to the U.S. dollar. In the future, the influence of the U.S. dollar will definitely be reduced, and the anchor currency will be gradually transferred to Cosmocoin, breaking away from the direct relationship with the U.S. dollar.

As for the exchange rate adjustment, it is quite entangled at present. One is to make a quick adjustment in a short period of time and directly anchor the domestic currency and the universe currency.

The other is to adjust gradually, and it will not be fully bound to the universe currency immediately. It may take three to five years to adjust slowly in the middle, and finally form a small-scale floating exchange rate system.

From the perspective of personal interests, he certainly hoped that it would be the first option, which would be a huge support for the nascent Universe Coin, but he thought it would be better to be cautious.

The success of the issuance of Cosmic Currency does not actually have a great impact on him, but if the domestic financial order is in chaos, the economic harm to the country will be great, so he still thinks that the second option is more suitable.

But the second type also has flaws, that is, it is still unable to get rid of the influence of the US dollar in the short term, and it is also difficult to make a smooth transition to future goals.

Therefore, he proposed a package of currency anchoring plans, including the currencies of major economies as a reference, and the natural universe currency will also be included as a reference to form a floating exchange rate system.

The advantage of doing this is that the weight of currencies in this basket can be adjusted according to actual needs, which is conducive to a smooth transition to the direction of the only anchored universe coin in the future.

In the short term, it will not cause too much financial volatility. In the process of exchange rate adjustment, it is also relatively smooth, which is much better than a single anchor to the US dollar, and now the US dollar is not worth our single anchor.

After thinking about these things, it was already past 9 o'clock, and their activities should be over. Pei Qing came to the study in person to remind him that it was time to rest and he would go back tomorrow.

They didn't plan to stay here any longer, and they should go back after seeing Pei Qing's parents. Since it was late, Pei Qing asked Guo Dongmei and Qin Xuan to stay at home for one night.

After breakfast the next day, the group set off immediately. Guo Dongmei and Qin Xuan sent Ye Zishu and the others to the airport together, which was regarded as a courtesy exchange.

Intercourse between women is a lot of trouble. Before boarding the plane, Pei Qing invited Guo Dongmei and the others to visit Ye Zishu's hometown if they were free.

As the new year approaches, the taste of the new year is getting stronger and stronger. A large number of decorations representing the new year have appeared along the way. The only thing that is almost meaningless is that it is raining.

The light rain in the south in winter is actually quite annoying. If it weren't for the warmer weather, it would be really uncomfortable to rain in the south in winter. Not only is it cold, but the roads will also freeze, which will affect travel.

It was just noon when they got home, and Ye Zishu and the others didn't have dinner at their own house. They took the gift prepared by Pei Qing's mother and went directly to eat at their parents' house.

In the evening, Ye Zishu and Ye Zihua communicated through video. According to their schedule, they will not be able to go home for the New Year this year, and they will not be able to return until late February.

On January 25, Baihu Science and Technology Company announced that it will start the expansion project of the space station after the Chinese New Year, and finally complete the construction of the space city and space port.

This news immediately caused a huge reaction in the aerospace field. Although the announcement was only a few words, the significance revealed behind it was very important.

First of all, this reflects that White Tiger Technology is planning to speed up the pace of the space program. According to their previous plan, the construction of the space city will take place in 10 years.

Now so many years in advance, the reason behind it makes people wonder. What makes Baihu Technology Company to speed up its pace is definitely not a temporary idea.

After all, the construction of a space city is not a small project. The scale of the investment is very large, but the actual utilization rate is relatively low. From the perspective of the ratio of investment to income, the gain outweighs the gain.

So far, the space station of Baihu Technology Company is not full, and there are only Chinese astronauts and Baihu Technology Company's space station maintenance general robot on it.

Although other aerospace powers have ready-made astronauts, if they want to work in our space station, they also need to learn a lot of things in advance, and they can only enter the space station after meeting the requirements.

There are mainly two aspects of knowledge. The first one is naturally the level of language. You can’t speak a few sentences of Chinese, you just need to know a few words, and you must reach a certain level.

The second is to understand and be familiar with the basic knowledge of the space station. If you don’t even know the basic knowledge of the space station, you probably won’t even be able to operate the equipment.

What is the reason that Baihu Technology invested such a huge amount of money in advance to expand the space station and turn it into a space city? Although experts gave many guesses, no one guessed it right.

Most people still think that this move is to prepare for the accelerated construction of the lunar base. After all, the construction of the lunar base requires a lot of material support, and communication with the space city can effectively speed up the progress.

The second is how to recover the cost of Baihu Technology Company. Before building a space station, due to the space cooperation with countries around the world, Baihu Technology Company can barely make money.

After all, everyone now knows that the launch cost of Baihu Technology's space station is not as high as everyone imagined. We don't know whether it will make money or not, but the possibility of paying back the cost is still very high.

If it is built into a space city, the situation will be completely different, and the investment will be hundreds of times, and may even reach more than a thousand times.

And countries around the world do not have so much budget for space activities. After all, for many countries, space activities are just a project that is not too important, and it is impossible to carry out the whole country.

The space project budgets of these countries determine the income level of the space station. Obviously, it is difficult for the expanded space city to obtain a large amount of cooperation income in the short term.

If it is a project promoted by the state, it may not pay too much attention to the balance of payments due to political considerations. However, Baihu Technology Company is a private enterprise. If it cannot make ends meet for a long time, it is likely to go bankrupt.

Although until now, everyone still doesn't know where the money of Baihu Technology Company came from. After all, their current commercial services are difficult to support their huge space program.

It’s just that everyone has a guess, that is, Ye Zishu stands behind it, and only Ye Zishu has the ability to provide huge financial support. No other company or individual has such strength.

However, if it has been in a state of loss for a long time, it is estimated that Ye Zishu will not be able to bear it. No matter how low the cost of space activities is, it will consume a lot of funds. It will not make ends meet for a long time, which is not a healthy operating state.

The reason why Baihu Technology still does this is because it has received great support from Ye Zishu, and Ye Zishu feels a bit idealistic, maybe in order to realize the space dream, it is really willing to spend money.

Either there will be a huge profit motive behind it, but it is difficult for ordinary people to see clearly. This guess is the most reliable guess that everyone thinks. After all, Ye Zishu is a businessman after all.

Even though there is a huge difference between him and ordinary businessmen, it does not prevent him from being able to settle accounts. A businessman who does not know how to calculate accounts is not a good businessman at all, and it is impossible for him to build a huge industry today.

As for what kind of benefit is it that prompts Baihu Technology to suddenly accelerate, most of the guesses are for the resources on the moon, and only this goal can be realized.

It is also based on this speculation that not long after the announcement of the White Tiger Technology Company was released, a large number of people declared that the moon belongs to all mankind, and that individual forces should not be allowed to exploit the resources of the moon.

In response to this statement, Baihu Technology Company did not give any response. It felt that it was a waste of time and expression to say one more sentence, which made many people feel lonely.

Any action is based on their own interests. If they had the ability to exploit lunar resources, it would be a different face, and their clamoring remarks should not be ignored at all.

One thing is true, Baihu Technology really wants to increase its source of income, relying solely on the military business, it is really possible that it will not be able to support a huge space program in the future.

For the interstellar ship project, because of their small capital scale, the benefits they received were not many, and most of them were distributed by other brother companies.

In the future, if you want to have better performance and share more benefits, you must have stronger earning power, and diversification of income sources is also an important measure to maintain long-term stable operation of the enterprise.

Therefore, following this announcement, another message was sent, that is, to launch a personal space tourism project, which is a commercial project that has been decided a long time ago.

It’s just that spaceships were needed to go to space before, and later there were space shuttles, but the stability has yet to be verified. At least in the eyes of the outside world, caution is required.

After all, old m's space shuttle exploded before, and everyone also has a grudge against the stability and reliability of Baihu Technology's space shuttle.

Therefore, this project has not been in operation, and now the space shuttle has performed dozens of missions without any problems, which has shown how reliable their space shuttle is.

At this time, when the space tourism project is announced to the outside world, many rich people will respond. After all, going to space tourism is one of the dreams of many people, even if it is worthwhile to go for a stroll.

As for the pricing, it is still based on Ye Zishu’s original idea. Space tourism is 200 million yuan per person. If you want to travel to the space station, you need to pay an additional 100 million yuan.

In order to reduce operating costs, each space tour group needs to have at least 10 people. If you want to advance, you need to pay an additional fee.

Of course, these costs are definitely not just a trip to space, but also ground training and other content. It is not easy to go to space, and there is a lot of preparation work.

There is no age limit for registration, as long as the physical fitness meets the standard. Although the space shuttle has a higher acceleration than the space shuttle, it can actually be adjusted.

It's just that the cost is relatively high. As long as these rich people pay enough, Baihu Technology can still formulate a plan that meets the customer's requirements.

However, this business is just a incidental business for Baihu Technology Company, because the overall market will not be very large. It would be good if 10 people can participate in space tourism every year, and the revenue is only one or two billion yuan.

The project that really makes Baihu Science and Technology Company profitable should be the space resource exploration business, and then sell these exploration data to brother companies, and the income obtained is much stronger than this.

Because the fees for this business are calculated according to the authenticity of the exploration data and the total value of resources, if Baihu Technology Company explores a rare ore asteroid, it is likely to be worth tens of trillions of yuan.

According to the rules, Baihu Technology Company usually charges 5% to 10% of the total resource value. If you are lucky, you can get several trillion yuan in income.

Therefore, their main energy is still focused on the exploration of space resources, striving to make it the next commercial space project with great potential.

According to their latest plan, this year they will launch 100 small resource probes to the asteroid belt outside the orbit of Mars to conduct resource surveys.

At the same time, they plan to launch 10 resource surveyors to the Ke Yinbo belt to survey the celestial bodies and resources there. Compared with the resources in the asteroid belt, they are more optimistic about the resources in the Ke Yinbo belt.

The celestial bodies in the asteroid belt are very small in size, with a total mass of only about 4% of the moon, and are very widely distributed, making it impossible to concentrate on surveying. The only advantage is that they are relatively close to the earth.

The celestial bodies in Ke Yinbo's belt are generally relatively large in mass and diameter. The number of celestial bodies with a diameter of 100 kilometers may be as high as hundreds of thousands, and the number of celestial bodies with a diameter of 10 kilometers may be as high as hundreds of millions.

In addition, we know relatively little about that place, so we are naturally full of imagination about the resource situation there. In the future, it will be the main resource exploration area for Baihu Technology Company.

In addition, they also need to conduct resource surveys on other large planets in the solar system and their planetary rings, which is also one of their important tasks.

If you want to fully understand the universe, you must first fully understand the solar system you are in, and if you want to understand the solar system, you must have sufficient detection data.

As the main celestial bodies in the solar system, the main planets must be the focus of research and survey, and the real resources are actually on these main planets, after all, most of the mass is concentrated here.

However, they did not announce these plans. The more important the information, the less ostentatious it is. Their actions naturally conform to this rule.

In addition, they will also build a permanent base on the moon and a permanent scientific research base on Mars. The scientific research and financial pressure faced by Baihu Technology is still quite large.

The production cost of space equipment is very high. Even if a lot of research and development costs are saved, the overall cost cannot be underestimated. It is a huge test for them to carry out so many space activities in a short period of time.

Fortunately, most of their subsidiaries are general-purpose robots engaged in scientific research activities, which naturally have advantages in project organization. Without this advantage, they would not be able to do this in a short period of time.

At present, their astronauts are still building bases on the moon. It has been several months since now. This should be the trip to the moon with the largest number of people and the longest stay.

However, this time it was a general-purpose robot that landed on the moon, and it was not really sending our astronauts to the moon. However, the information from the feedback shows that the entire moon landing process was very stable and safe and reliable.

In other words, the technical verification of the moon landing process has been completed, and we have the ability to send our astronauts to the moon. Now we need to see whether the return technology is also up to standard.

If the return technology has been tested in practice and is indeed safe and reliable, we will send our real astronauts to the moon later and assist in the construction of the lunar base.

It just so happened that their return was in the past few days, and the information had been disclosed in advance, which naturally attracted the attention of the whole world. At the same time, they will bring back a large amount of soil collected from the moon.

Combined with the information just disclosed, it is not surprising that many people think that Baihu Technology intends to mine lunar resources.

Ye Zishu read the news and didn't intend to pay attention to it. He recognized the technology and execution ability of Baihu Technology Company, and he didn't doubt their ability to complete these tasks.

But when closing this information, Ye Zishu thought for a long time, and decided to provide more advanced planetary permanent base construction technology to help the space program get a more solid advancement.

At present, Baihu Science and Technology Company's permanent base on the moon is still built in a combination of the surface of the moon and the shallow underground. This should be the most feasible approach under the current technical conditions.

To be honest, Ye Zishu didn't participate in the design of their permanent base on the moon, and didn't even look at their specific plan, because in his opinion, it wasn't that difficult.

However, if such a construction plan wants to exist permanently, the maintenance cost will be very high, and at the same time, it may encounter the impact of space meteorites. Once it appears, the so-called permanent base is just a joke.

And in view of the importance of the moon, it is also particularly important to complete our absolute control of the entire moon before some countries return to the moon.

He intends to transform the moon into a super spacecraft, although it is nonsense that the moon is a spaceship left by ancient civilizations, and the hollow moon theory is also a hypothesis under unsatisfied conditions.

The actual survey results of Baihu Science and Technology Company show that the above claims are without any basis, and the hollow moon theory does not exist.

But it doesn't prevent him from wanting to transform the moon into a super sky fortress. If it can be done, it will bring a lot of benefits.

First of all, it will truly have a permanently usable base. Even if it is hit by a space meteorite, as long as it is not large enough, it will not have any impact on the internal permanent base.

The second is to let us have absolute control over the moon. Although the moon belongs to the assets of all human beings on the earth in name, there is often a huge gap between the name and the reality.

Then there is consideration for the future. If there is a huge change in the solar system, it is necessary to evacuate enough humans to leave the solar system in a short period of time.

It is not practical to build a spaceship to evacuate with the resources we have, and the construction process takes a very long time to deal with emergencies.

Then transforming a planet as an evacuation ship is a good way. He thinks that in the entire solar system, that is, the moon and Mercury, it is relatively easy to transform.

Of course, this is just one of the many methods. In fact, if you really want to evacuate enough humans, with the technology he has mastered, you don't need to transform a planet.

By directly using the space field technology, it is more than enough to create a space large enough to accommodate all human beings, and an interstellar ship can evacuate all of them.

It can even be said that with the technology he has mastered, it is possible to directly transform the solar system. If there is any crisis, it may be resolved directly, and there is no need to escape.

However, he believes that doing so is still of positive significance to the progress of human technology, using the current technology that humans can understand to achieve the goal, rather than the technology that exceeds the level of existing civilization.

Although he doesn't know which civilization level the field technology belongs to, he can be sure that it is far beyond the current civilization level of the earth. The civilization span is too large, and it does not have symbolic reference significance.

He is very excited that he can have this project. To be honest, there are fewer and fewer things that can excite him at present, and he will only feel this way when he learns particularly novel knowledge.

This is also one of the reasons why he is getting more and more nerdy.

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