Reborn? The Kind You Can Choose!

【93】Schoolnet 2.0, A Big Gift To Penguin! 【7 More】


Yuan Zhou said a professional term that everyone present did not understand, but Li Yanbin and a few others inferred its meaning from the literal meaning.


Richard Cuban, who was not very familiar with Chinese, couldn't help asking. Tian Jian next to him actually didn't understand yet.

“It’s actually very simple, it’s the interoperability of instant messaging software!”

"NetEase Bubble can send messages to MSN, and MSN can also chat to Yahoo Messenger. Even if they don't belong to the same software, as long as they are people they know, they can chat with each other!"

“This is connectivity!”

"It's also the best way to break the penguin monopoly!"

"If Penguin QQ can finally chat with NetEase Bubble users, do you think it can still pose a threat to NetEase Bubble?"

They can all chat with each other.

How to defeat your opponent?!


Tian Jian, who was sitting there, spoke for the first time.

In fact, at the beginning, he looked down on Yuan Zhou from the bottom of his heart, because of his age.

But since Yuan Zhou talked about cooperation, and now he talks about the concept of interconnection, he began to look at the young man in front of him with admiration.

An 18-year-old high school student actually has such a thorough understanding of the current instant messaging software market, and even analyzed it with such accuracy. Tian Jian had to admit that Yuan Zhou was indeed quite good.

“If the interoperability of instant messaging software is not resolved, the entire industry will suffer!”

"From a development perspective, alliance may be the best way out, because 'communication without limits' is humankind's ideal for information communication!"

"Imagine that users can spontaneously choose chat software. All we have to do is to sublimate the software experience instead of engaging in meaningless competition. Which one is better, a monopoly or a hundred flowers blooming? I believe that everyone here is better than me. clear!"

Yuan Zhou's words obviously touched the hearts of many people.

For software with extremely low market shares such as Sohu and Telecom, they actually want a piece of the pie.

Who doesn’t want to make money?!

But the consequence of the dominance of the Penguin family is that, except for Penguin, even instant messaging software such as NetEase Bubble and MSN are still losing money.

NetEase's activity of hanging up and sending text messages has a daily loss of hundreds of thousands.

If interconnection can be achieved, this cost can be completely eliminated. If you can use NetEase Bubble to contact friends, they will obviously start to use it slowly.

This is the advantage of interconnection.

But the penguin will definitely not agree, because this is touching its cake.

Several representatives from Sohu, Sina and China Telecom were extremely excited.

Without interconnection, it is very likely that they will die directly in this battle; but with interconnection, they can survive stably, even if there are only a few million users, that is not a small amount of traffic.

"Interconnection, what a good interconnection!"

"Do you agree with Mr. Yuan's proposal?"

Sohu's Wang Wei asked the people around him. Several people with low market shares raised their hands to express their opinions, but Li Yanbin and Richard Cuban did not speak.

Apart from Penguin, these two companies have the largest market share.

In comparison, they actually suffered a lot this time.

But, what Yuan Zhou said makes sense. If they are interconnected, it will definitely have a big impact on penguins.

At least in terms of user level, several companies can happily compete with Penguin for a while.

In fact, in the previous life, the War of the Gods almost led to this matter, but in the end it was shelved because the negotiations failed.

The person who proposed this method is none other than Zhou Hongyi, the current boss of Yahoo China and the future founder of 360 Antivirus and Security Guard!

He was also the man behind the 3Q war.

He proposed this method to encircle and suppress penguins in 2004.

Yuan Zhou actually admires this person's ability. Although he has many black spots, he has to say that among the several attacks he encountered on the road of Penguin's development, his 3Q battle was the most fatal and almost caused an explosion. Turned over the Penguin's basic plate.

Had it not been for the country's intervention, Penguin might not have had the last laugh.

"Mr. Li, Director Cuban, I understand your concerns!"

"But we now have a common enemy, and that is Penguin... The only way to defeat him is through interconnection, and then adding the school intranet, the combination of two swords can have an impact on Penguin!"

"To be honest, NetEase or Microsoft China, even if I give you the school network, may not be Penguin's opponent!"

"Once Penguin copies the school network, I estimate that the copycat website will reach 2 million users overnight!"

"In 10 days, let alone our school intranet, don't you know how many people are still using our respective software?"

Penguin’s magnitude is destined to make him the king of bombs as soon as he launches his copycat website!

And this is something that NetEase Paopao and MSN cannot do.

Li Yanbin glanced at Richard Cuban opposite, and they all knew that Yuan Zhou was telling the truth.

However, they also knew that Yuan Zhou did this just to attract as many registered users as possible to his school network.

"Mr. Yuan, what you say is that you are not planning to sell the school network, are you?"

Cuban asked Yuan Zhou, and everyone raised their heads at this time.


They came here to acquire the school network. How come it has now turned into an external network?

Good guy, this guy was brainwashing them just now!

Several people reacted instantly.

Yuan Zhou shook his head: "Of course, I will not sell the school network, nor will I accept capital injection!"

"I just said, I only accept cooperation!"

"If you want, you can stay and talk to me; if you don't want to, I won't force it... Everyone should have heard the suggestion I just made. I really want to defeat the Penguin. I can only rely on one The cooperation between the two companies is actually very difficult to have any impact on it!"

"Even if I give you the school network, can you defeat them?"

Yuan Zhou's words were very rude, but Li Yanbin knew that these words were not false.

Ding Sanshi also mentioned this.

The only way to defeat Penguin now is the method Yuan 147 Zhou just mentioned, but that is not a guaranteed victory.

"Mr. Yuan, I want to ask something!"

"In addition to the interconnection you mentioned, and the cooperation with the school network, do you have any next strategies?"

Li Yanbin's face was surprisingly serious: "I don't think that just relying on these two things can completely defeat Penguin. After all, in terms of the number of users, the total number of users of all the software present is only half of Penguin!"

"Even with the interconnection and your school network, it's just a 40-60 situation, and Penguin still has the upper hand!"

"What if the website he copied is better than your school network, then wouldn't we..."

Li Yanbin didn't say any more. These words were actually taught to him by Ding Sanshi.

Yuan Zhou was not surprised at all, but smiled and said: "Of course I have a backup plan, which is a great gift to the Penguin Copycat School Network!"

"When his copycat website is born, will launch version 2.0!"

"For this 2.0, I estimate that Penguin will have to copycat it for at least half a month; and this half month is enough for us to occupy the market and regain lost ground!"

“Cannibalize Penguin’s users as quickly as possible!”

Yuan Zhou's words were extremely confident. Li Yanbin and Cuban looked at each other and came to the same conclusion.

"Can you... show us?"

Only after seeing the products of 2.0 can they believe that Yuan Zhou has the ability to turn the tide.

Otherwise, all the remarks he just made are just castles in the air!

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