Reborn : The Lion To Hunt The Wolf

Chapter 29 - No shame No gain

"You asked me to bring Yue Wan here under the influence of the drug."

Fan Daiyu realized while she was overhearing, that their plan failed. But it didn't mean she was the culprit, "I'm an arrow under her control."

She pointed her fingers at Lu Jia, "While she is the mastermind behind it all."

The guests here were all Highly-Influenced people, and her dream was to be, Mrs. Wei. So, she can't let her name tarnished like this.

Yue Yeager embraced his daughter as his hand trembled in fear, 'Again drug, why so much hate on my family.'

He couldn't envision what could have happened to his little girl if their plan worked. His heart rate beat faster by thinking about the symptoms of the drug, he heard from Yue Xiang.

Lu Jia's horrified expression received many nasty stares, "She is misleading us, wh...why would I do this. Sh.....she got ousted because of Yue Wan, and so, she is trying to revenge her. I am inn-o-cent," She was stuttering in fright.

"Lu Meili, you tell them everything, come on!" She nudged Meili to speak on her behalf, but Lu Meili's body got frozen in fear.

By the appearance of Fan Daiyu, she speculated their plan got discovered, so it was better to safeguard herself first.

"Fan Daiyu quit spewing lies. Why would my Aunt do that? Being an orphan at Age-Ten, she took care of me like her own kid, she never thought of a family for herself. And Master Yue, he is the reason we are alive, so there is no motive for my Aunt to detest our benefactor. Everyone can see that you are a social climber, who will do anything for it, similar to a swine," Lu Meili neither cry nor act forsaken, she was bold and looked straight ahead.

Lu Jia swiftly nodded her head and affirmed, "She is a stinky whore." However, she couldn't distinguish the hidden meaning in Lu Meili's speech.

Yue Yeager's heart slight moved in perplexity, but Yue Wan tugged his sleeve with a request, "Don't decide yet, wait for a minute."

Yue Yeager fondly patted her head in assurance.

Fan Daiyu body trembled in madness, and she tightly clenched her hand: "Who is a pig? This all your plan, you Bi**h, Lu Jia. You are the one who told me to spread the news of Yue Wan's drug issue and requested me to malign her name. So, she may get removed from WAX, but now I got ousted. It's all your fault," by saying this, she launched forward to scratch Lu Jia's face, pulled her hair, and slapped her cheeks.

First Elder, asked the worker to isolate those two, "Stop them."

They both were held under guards, as they were fighting with malicious words against each other.

The guest peeped at Yue Wan and found her healthy, but still, they doubted whether she was under drug or not.

"Is she really on the drug?"

"Teenagers can't be trusted."

"Maybe it is true."

"That Miss. Lu made a phony gossip to disfavor her."

"Who would believe that?"

50-50 discussions were going on what to accept?

Mrs. Shen hollered at them, "You fellas don't like the current life of yours? Ha!" The murmurs cut down in a second.

Lu Meili's mind lit up with an idea, 'Why don't I pour the same water on her, along with my aunt.'

She concealed her facade and asked, "That's why you threaten my aunt, Young Miss Yue?" With a non-accusing face.

Lu Jia, who got sustained on the floor, raised her face, which filled with bruises, "She is a drug addict and threatened to harm me if I reveal it." She cried with a slightly dry tone, as she pointed at Yue Wan.

Yue Wan didn't fret at those accusing gaze, as she talked with a calm face, "I am in no position to threaten others, and if I do want, they won't be alive now."

"Look at her arrogance, she has a snake heart and a venomous tongue. First Brother, this young lady is dangerous, illiterate, and has a drug accusation. We have to remove her name from Yue." Second Elder felt a glimpse of hope to make a stand again. He needed Lu Meili, as Yue Wan's substitute, who would dance as he desires.

"No student of mine, to be impeached for an accusation," a voice heard loud and clear.

Everyone gazed behind and found a larger-projector being carried by several workers while Uncle Wang accompanied them carrying Litte Bao.

On seeing his mommy, Little Bao rushed to her like a jet, and melted into her embrace, 'Miss Mommy a lot.'

Yue Wan held her baby safely, as she emphasized, "I requested Teacher An to by the witness."

"Hello Master Yue, I am the WAX's staff and Miss. Yue's homeroom teacher, who came here on behalf of Princess Xiao. I hope you don't mind our conversation via video."

Yue Yeager, in his professional attitude, "Thanks for being here, Teacher An."

Mr. An gestured at them, and related, "In order to clarify the rumors about our student, let me show the proof certificate from the Xiao Medical Facility."

The camera zoomed in to enlarge the result, which showed Yue Wan's name, and her result turned 'Negative.'

"We found the rumor was made up by one of our student Miss. Fan, so we expelled her, and deduced the inter-mark to 49% for those who bolstered it."

Mr. An, laid out another paper where the proposal was signed by the Chairman, "Furthermore, if the rumor circulated again, then they will be expelled from Xiao forever, and their parents will get banned by Xiao. I don't have to remind you all about Xiao's rules and regulations."

One of the guests found it unfair, "Why parents as well?" He asked Mr. An with little edgy.

Mr. An smirked at him, and with chilled blank eyes, "Lack of educating their kids."

Other kept their thought buried inside, they too have children studying in WAX, and they don't plan to risk their profession on the line.

Yue Xiang strolled before the screen and faced at the guest, "Slandering my family is equal to removing yours from the earth, mind the words when you speak, hope you all had a decent time at the banquet."

"Yes, Young Master Yue. Thanks for the invite," the guest all left one by one in a hurry.

Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen were asked to remain as requested by Yue Wan. Additionally, Li Rong and Second Elder stayed because of First Elder.

After that, Yue Wan thanked Teacher An for his presence today, "I express my gratitude to you, Teacher An."

"No problem Miss. Yue, I'll be leaving," and then Mr. An went off.

Yue Yeager requested Mrs.Shen to take Little Wan outside and advised Uncle Wang to set up a light supper for them, as it's time for grown-up talk.

Mrs. Shen and Uncle Wang left with Yue Wan while others stayed inside.

First Elder, ordered his men, "Guard outside, and let no communication out."

Then Yue Yeager commended his securities, "Bring them here."

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