Reborn : The Lion To Hunt The Wolf

Chapter 57 - No Slandering My Child's Mother

Yue Wan knew Li Rong would support Wei Wan no matter what, and that's what Yue Wan expects him to do, the longer he defends Wei Wan, the more Master Li Zhi would detest Wei. With the help of Li Zhi, she can effortlessly slaughter Wei without lifting a finger.

----- Outside the Mall-----

Inside Chen Ai's car, both Yue Wan and Chen Ai burst out laughing until tears appeared in their eyes. Yue Wan chuckle with a beguilement, "Little Spring, You nailed it !"

Chen Ai patted herself with an appreciation, she returned from restroom right when Yue Wan went into the Galaxy with unusual eloquence, and so she pursued her silently.

"How could I let them bully my Wife?" with a fire in her eye, she blustered, "I will not remain silent about injustice." A lot of fireworks eruption behind her dramatically.

Yue Wan sweatdropped in exasperation, "My, My, Little Spring, you are blazing up."

Out of nowhere, a person used a Fire Extinguisher to put-off Chen Ai's flame and with an unemotional tone, "You want to be a Justice Hero, Fire up in the kitchen that might be useful." Tai Sun was squatting on the front passager-seat, while his eyes were sharp and piercing.

Tai Sun was in the car, from the beginning those two came out from Mall and knew Little Spring's head had a few loose screws, yet now she was one step ahead.

Chen Ai like a frightened kitty lurked behind Yue Wan, and marked her fangs at him, "What the hell you're doing here?" By Witnessing her adorable appearance, Tai Sun's heart grasped with an urge to cuff her up, but he controlled his desire and stated, "Did you forget about the patient?"

Yue Wan with not-so-surprised voice, she inquired, "Don't tell me you forgot it?"

And then, Tai Sun snapped in disbelief, "Do you recall the promise?"(Chapter-38)

Chen Ai chocked her head from left to right and wondered, "Ah, did I promised? I only remember Shopping and dinner at my home."

"Whack...Whack," the sound echoed inside the car.

During the rest half of the journey, Chen Ai had a downturned lip and teary eye, she wept while touching her two bulged bun on her head. "That was painful, you heartless monsters, " she bawled like mice.

Yue Wan gave her a frigid stare, "Mam, You lost the privilege to speak around 2-min ago."

"Dissent once more, I don't mind smacking your butt," Tai Sun prompted her with fatal aura.

Chen Ai was contracted back with a dour face, 'This is not fair.'

-----Back to Xiao Family----

On examining the Gift, they unearthed two tickets for an International Magic Show alongside a handwritten post named Yue Wan.

Xiao Hua picked the post and shoved it away like a waste paper, and expressed, "Someone is getting a level ahead of us."

Xiao Ran revealed to them about the recent Gifs she received, also disclosed her findings, "Some of these Gifts were quite priceless, so I thought they might be illegal. But it's quite hard to track down."

Yue Xiang grasped the tickets close to his face and emphasized, "I am damn sure, my Sister didn't buy these tickets."

Yue Xiang passed it to Xiao Hua to check it, as he exposed, "Little Wan is hypersensitive to the aroma on this ticket."

Xiao Ran and Xiao Hua took turns to analyze the smell. "It's has a unique musk," Xiao Ran speculated the fragrance after some failed attempt because of it's disappearance state.

At that point, Xiao Hua retaliated at Xiao Ran, for not-apprising them before, he whined at her for not-evacuating sprout at the beginning, "The more you allow it to be ideal, that further, it might turn against Little Wan."

Yue Xiang nodded his head with an affirmation, "As for the handwritten note and the gifts, let me have a conversation with Little Wan. She might know something." He muttered the last part.

Xiao Hua decided to remain nearby Yue Wan in Mr. Ye Xian's appearance. He didn't want to separate from her side a moment. Also, If God gives him power, he might stick to her like that shadow-cat, so he swore, "Damn, I envy that little brat."

----with Little Bao---

Little Bao was sulking in Yue Wan's bed for being forsaken, and abruptly he made a strong sniffle, 'Who is cursing me?' He envisioned while winking his adorable eye.

----Back to Xiao-----

GrandFather squealed at the trio with frustration, and then he contested, "Don't you dare protect her mistake, and for violating Xiao's law, she has to be disciplined by Xiao's rule." GrandFather Xiao's heart already pre-judged Yue Wan's action, by relating to those veil-women who outwit their way to infiltrate Xiao by approaching with gifts or contributions.

Xiao Hua's face muscle twisted in exasperation on apprehending his GrandFather remark, soon his protective instinct snapped apart, "How could you slander my child's mother?"

GrandFAther Xiao: " What?"

Xiao Ran: "Ah!"

Yue Xiang spanked his buddies back head by grinding his teeth in anguish, "You maniac, What the hell are you spouting?" This shameless nincompoop was spoiling his Sister's name in front of his Teacher.

Xiao Hua's face brightens on getting knocked with enlightenment, and hence he clarified with his husky voice, "What I mean was, Grandpa, don't slander your grand-daughter-in-law?"

Yue Xiang's peacefull mind: "Snap- Snap."

Now the library was stuffed in disagreements, as they both were grappling in a chibi version-2 shadow around the corner. Yue Xiang had a miniature Devil figure and Xiao Hua with cute Wolf features. While on the other-side, GrandFather Xiao and Xiao Ran were persisted stagnant, with a dumbfounded expression, 'What just happened?' they grumbled syncronizing.

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