Reborn : The Lion To Hunt The Wolf

Chapter 59 - So Close Yet Far Away

Mrs. Chen got a respite, to use napkins to tidy her lips, and stated, "As for the second, only 3-shots needed. But based on age deterioration, everyone gives different indications during each shot."

Yue Wan's lip parted, as she gradually breathed in, her heart was pounding in a race. Her Father never would allow anyone to injects without his consciousness. Suddenly she gets flashed with the memory, her eye-augment in a blackout, 'so then it must be because of that,' she murmured.

Looking at Yue Wan's frowned eyebrows, Mr. Chen's concern voice waked her up from dilemma, "Miss. Yue, you have something to inquire?"

Yue Wan shrugged from her seat on being named. Then with a milky voice, she conveyed, "What if we voluntarily injected it as a medicine? Like taking any self-vaccine in the precautions?"

Tai Sun scratched his head in dismay, and in a resonant voice, he sputtered, "That is conceivable since the vast majority of the people taking medicine without a prescription for certain aide."

Then Tai Sun revealed his abroad friend's report it had mentioned, that the person took self-dose for viral-fever.

Mr&Mrs. Chen glimpsed at each other in bewilderment by Kid's hypothesis. They never considered this chance, so by not wasting any second, they returned to the Hospital after giving their heart-filled thanks for taking care of Little Spring.

Once the Kids were alone, Tai Sun prodded Little Spring for being piglet, "At any rate, please raise your head when you talk."

Chen Ai stuck her tongue out and discredited, "You should never squander a second from food, and now I am busy eating my chicken."

She made a motion of zipping the lips, meaning, 'So stop disturbing me.'

Yue Wan gave-up interfering in their conversation, "morons," she grumped while chewing her meat.

After supper, Chen Ai brought them for a tour around, but Tai Sun's footing attached to Medical Library. So they deserted him in his fantasy world, as the two of them continued strolling.

Soon the sky got darker, Tai Sun chauffeur came to pick him up, he said his thanks for the inviting him while Yue Wan called her home to pick her up.

-----With Yue Xiang-----

Yue Xiang's face hidden under his fringes, as he ate the food. As for Xiao Hua, he was serenely eating the served food with thick skin. Hence seeing these two devils being silent made Xiao Ran's heart shivered in an unknown fear, 'Why my left eye is twitching?' She gnarled within.

GrandFather was exhausted after reprimanding these two rascals, in a ragged voice, he dictated, "Xiang, You take charge of this brat of mine, also apprise me if he does anything weird." And then he returned to his room.

On returning from the Xiao, Yue Xiang received a call from his father to pick up Yue Wan. Since he can't kick that shameless guy Xiao Hua, who already heard about Little Wan's name. So by enduring his nonsense, he ordered the driver to take them to Chen's Villa.

Yue Wan said her goodbye Little Spring after getting a call from his Big Brother, "Little Spring, my Big Brother arrived, we will meet tomorrow at school."

Chen Ai waved her hand with the handkerchief, with phony teas in her eyes, "Bye, Bye, Wifey."

-----inside the car-----

Yue Xiang was holding back the nerd Xiao Hua who was whimpering in dissent to allow him to out. And on outside Yue Wan knocked the window and stated, "Big Brother, Are you in there?"

The servants of Chen helped Yue Wan to place the Shopping bags in the car. After ten-second, the car door opened, and Mr. Ye Xian(Changed his getup) emerged from it with a bright smile on his face, "Miss. Yue, we meet again."

Yue Wan's eye widens in surprise while her heart palpitated rapidly again, "Mr. Ye!" She exclaimed.

(Xiao Hua)Yu Xian's lip bent up to a grin as he adjusted his specs and used a brittle voice near Yue Wan's ear, "Miss. Yue, you look fascinating in this dress." He whispered.

Yue Wan's cheek blushed a little as she hurriedly went inside the car and sat beside her Big Brother, "Big Brother, did I make you wait?"

To abstain from being humiliated, she diverted the topic.

Yue Xiang patted Yue Wan's head with a warm eye, and gave a sneaky glare at the person behind her, "No, Did you had fun?"

Yue Wan blabbered about her today's date happily, yet every once in a while, she gave a side-look at Mr. Ye Xian.

Considering Ye Xian(Xiao Hua), He retrieved back to his Profession Secretary mode, and he kept his posture straight in the front seat.

But his heart was tortured for not able to hug his Little Wild Cub. 'So close yet far away.'

-----In Yue Villa----

On reaching the Villa, Yue Wan's eyes wandered here and there in thought, 'How to give Mr.Ye the gift?'

She didn't want to make things noticeable for others, so she didn't get down of the car even after her Big Brother called her name several times.

Sensing that Yue Wan was struggling with something to do, Yue Xiang strolled inside home, not before giving eye signal to Xiao Hua, 'Only Five-Minute,'  He mouthed.

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