Reborn : The Lion To Hunt The Wolf

Chapter 64 - Punishment For Acting Like A Brat

---In WAX Hospital----

Yue Xiang hastened in by opening the sliding entryway as it automatically shut, On entering he smelled the antiseptic scent on every corner of the emergency services unit. With an unfocused gaze, he searched for Teacher An. Due to the emergency call, he had a puckered forehead, and knitted eyebrow, also his face expressed his inner tumult.

Teacher An was in the same state as Yue Xiang, just as he received the complaint from a student about the fight, he surged there as quick as possible. However, he failed to stop it in the nick of time, though they arrived at the hospital in the Godspeed, yet the one student got a first-degree burn on her skin. But for the other student, she was still in the emergency room.

Teacher An identified Yue Xiang wandering in the Emergency Unit, so he yelled his name to get his attention.

Yue Xiang wandered here and there while inquiring about the WAX student's details. All of a sudden, he heard his name, as he turned to the direction of the voice, he found Teacher An. Without warning, Yue Xiang swiveled towards the waiting room, and clasped Teacher An's shirt: "Where is Little Wan?" He demanded.

Before Teacher An could respond, a nurse interrupted them with an inquiry, "Is Miss. Yue Wan's family members here?"

Straight away, Yue Xiang came forward and answered, "She is my sister."

Then the Nurse escorted him into the patient room where a doctor was treating Yue Wan.

Inside the white room, a girl sat in the half-laid position on the soft pillows of the cold metal bed rails. With a sweaty forehead and parted lip, she hissed in pain as a fresh swipe of antiseptic applied on her right-hand fingers.

Yue Xiang's heart shredded in distress, by seeing her pale white fingers with reb burned scar. In a firm voice, he called Yue Wan: "Little Wan!"

Yue Wan's eyes squeezed shut due to the pain, yet hearing her Big Brother's concern voice, her eyes jolted up in wake and gazed at her Big Brother.

The Doctor, who was attending Yue Wan's wound, hushed them to keep quiet. So, Yue Xiang moved closer to Yue Wan and caressed her head while his sharp eyes scrutinized her: 'How? '

Yue Wan shook her head: 'Not now.'

Like a tactic understanding, they both decided to discuss later. Simultaneously, the Doctor tidied and spruced up her injury: "Miss. Yue, I can assure you that it will heal on their own within a week without causing a scar."

Yue Xiang: "Thank You, Doctor. Does that mean we can return home?"

The Doctor: "No, Mr. Yue, She has to stay a night for observation. Also, You can transfer to VIP-Ward after her IV-drip finished." After giving some orders, the Doctor left the ward to check the other patient.

Once it turned out to be tranquil, Yue Wan, in her delicate tone, inquired: "What about Father?"

Yue Xiang adjusted the cushion in a comfortable position for her and replied, "I don't know."

Well, the fact was, he didn't inform his Father before rushing here. Be that as it may, the School may have apprised him now, in light of the fact that the person who secretly let him know was Teacher An.

Yue Xiang: "Do you know Mayor's daughter?"

Yue Wan pursed her lips and expressed her disproval: "Am I an idiot to have acquaintance with that Mad Dog?"

Yue Xiang speculated from her tone that Mayor's little girl got enrolled into his sister's Dark side. Yue Xiang then strictly ordered her to explain everything that occurred with the Mad Dog in School.


"-----will burn you with it."

After cursing those words, Tian Li carried the bottle close to Yue Wan. However, Yue Wan's high-heeled foot stepped on the minions close to her and liberated herself from their clutches. Then she dashed toward Tian Li and grasped both of the hands to restrain her.

While struggling, the substance in the container sprinkled a little on their hands, and due to the pain, Tian Li pulled her hands toward herself(a stupid act).

Yue Wan's lip curved up in a smirk, sensing Tian Li's next action, and then she released her grip abruptly before Tian Li could make a move.

Tian Li didn't grasp the situation, so as she took her hand by force, the acid spilled toward her face accidentally.

"Ah--Ah--Ahhhh!" Tian Li shrilled in a voice like a foghorn, her face erupted steam, as she rolled on the floor in breathtaking torture.

Yue Wan, with half-eyelid closed, stumbled on the ground.

And soon, the student surrounded them, with Teacher An's panic voice ranged for help.


Yue Xiang strenuously pinched her low-fat cheek and reprimand in not-so angry voice for making such a dangerous move.

Yue Wan whined in protest for bullying her and cursed him: "If you pinch me again, You will go Blad."

In that exact second, Yue Xiang's mind replaced Yue Wan's protesting face with Little Bao. An imaginary snap formed on his back, he thought: 'No wonder that Fatty-Brat had the high-and-mighty attitude. He got it from Little Wan.'

Thinking about Little Bao, Yue Xiang filched her forehead: "Punishment for acting like a brat."

----In secluded-Dark-Ally-----

A Man with turbulence in his voice, blurted: "Baby, Sorry. She got away from my sister's assault."

A Woman stowed away in obscurity, sworn out in a frigid tone: "Sh**t, What about my thing? Did you recover it back?" Her voice was a similar one from the past. (Ch:22->Dark-Ally)

That Man scratched his head like a goof and emphasized: "It got lost during the fight. But Don't worry baby, I have already sent my men to seek it."

'Crash--Crash,' sound a person tossed on the ground.

The Woman's face sickened in frustration by her bombed arrangement: "You futile Sh**t, Find it soon." Her voice reverberated in alert, and afterward, her lips bend into a vile sneer: "Before that, Get your sister."

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