Reborn : The Lion To Hunt The Wolf

Chapter 66 - Obviously, From His Rubbish Stomach

Mayor walked closer to Yue Wan's bed with a filthy-thought: "Little girl, If you don't want to go jail, we can talk this privately."

Yue Xiang felt his tainted thought over Yue Wan, so he stood before Mayor like a protector, and exasperated: "Piss off."

Mayor's face turned ugly on being disrupted: "Young Man, Don't test my patience. Since you're her brother, I will compensate you greatly."

Yue Wan clasped the metal rail with killing rage in her eyes: "Dirty scumbag." She uttered it like a split.

Mrs. Tian bit her lip in vexation until it bleeds blood because she can't believe that Slu**t could seduce her husband with one glimpse. She held the head while gripping her hair and wailed with a viscid throat: "Ahh, Ahh. My poor baby. Who will marry her now?"

Mrs. Tian had previously made up her mind from discerning her husband's attitude. So she played out the job of a languishing mother who was lamenting over her little girl's future: 'That Man near slut will be perfect for my daughter.'

Mrs. Tian hurried near Yue Xiang and clasped his wrist, then with a spooky smirk in her face, she alluded in a cautioning voice: "My baby is suffering all due to your sister's mistake, so as retribution, You Marry my little girl."

She gave a pause for a second and side-gaped at her husband as she whispered: " And I will protect your sister's innocence."

Mrs. Tian planned to trap both siblings, one as her daughter's boy toy in the name of husband and that girl for her husband's pleasure. She sneered inside: 'Once that sl**t gets ruined, then I will sell her for good money in the slave trade.'

Yue Xiang's Veins pulsed in his neck as he was set to annihilate anyone. However, before he can strike that veil-old woman, a sudden uproar transpired outside.

'Tud--Tud,' sound of wrecking others.

In a grand entrance, a person came with Soldiers in a dark-green uniform and thrashed down the Mayor's bodyguard in a flash. And eventually, they enclosed the Tian couples with Gun pointing at them: "On the Ground." They commanded in a rough voice.

Upon recognizing the person's profile, Mr. Mayor's eyes shivered, with a heavy pounding heart, as he sputtered in a querulous voice: "Mas--Master Y--Yue?"

Yue Yeager got a call from School about the attack, so he surged here with no time for breath. In any case, seeing the Mayor on his knee, he asked: "What are you doing here?"

Mayor Tian believed that Master Yue might enter the wrong room, so to gain sympathy, he vindicated the sibling as noxious children: "They assaulted my daughter and cursed my wife with a spiteful word."

Mayor's wife became too scared to lift her head, so she quivered on the ground with her hands up: "Don't Shoot. We are here for our daughter's justice." and with a trembling finger and sorrowful eyes, she pointed at Yue Wan and blabbered: "She poured Acid on my daughter's half of the face."

Mayor had a sinister smirk on his lip, with an ominous thought, he mourned in pretentious tone: "Master Yue, you too have a daughter, so you know my aff--."

His nonsense narration got obstructed by a mellifluous pampered voice: "Daddy, It hurts."

----with Yue wan and Yue Yeager-----

Yue Yeager didn't get a glimpse of his daughter due to Yue Xiang's blocking, yet hearing her sweet voice, his inside Little Wan's spring of gushing lava ejected, "My precious baby, where are you injured?"

Yue Wan's lip pouted, with tears trickling down her face, she purred, "Daddy, My hand hurts a lot."

She even lifted her pale white hand, which had burned wounds.

Yue Yeager loved his daughter more than anything knew to the entire world, so he violently kicked the Mayor and sped near Yue Wan's bed: "How could you be so careless? Look how red it became."

By Staring at her blemish-red skin and IV-Drip on the other, his heart throbbed in pain. Then with a puffed-up cheek, Yue Yeager reprimanded: "Little Wan, you're grounded for a week, and Xiang, you're grounded for two days."

Yue Wan downcasted her head like a cute puppy treated wrong.

But Yue Xiang began contending for condemning him as a brat, and Yue Yeager chided him for two things, one; Yue Xiang didn't inform about Little Wan's incent, and two; He reached ahead and attended Little Wan.

Yue Wan sweatdropped at her Father's second reason, as she murmured: "Where did he get these useless excuses?"

Yue Xiang's face gave her a look: 'Obviously, from his rubbish Stomach.'

Yue Wan hissed in pain, as she casually touched her fingers in a fit of a laugh: "Ouch,hss!"

Yue Yeager with a concerned expression, instructed his son to take care of his daughter, as he transferred his wrath to trash The Tian family.

----At the same time with Mayor----

From the way, Yue Wan addressed Master Yue, Mayor lost his soul inside-out, and in a blank eye, he stuttered, "Da--Dad, Ma--Master Yu--Yue's chi--child."

Yue Wan and Yue Xiang always kept a low profile, so not many people know about them. Likewise, it's not open to purloin data from WAX about student details, and that's the reason why the Mayor couldn't identify the siblings.

Mayor's wife, Mrs. Tian, didn't apprehend the state, so like a Mad-Woman, she hollered out, "So, what if she is your daughter? Take a look at the manner in which she defigured my child's left face. We need remuneration, Blood for Blood."

Mayor was too late in restraining his wife's insidious mouth: "Shut up!"

Yue Yeager with a quizzical smile on his face, also in a stern voice: "Oh really!" Then he gazed back, and ridiculed: "Little Wan, you are wrong."

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