Reborn : The Lion To Hunt The Wolf

Chapter 93 - It's All Your Fault Baka Creator

Wolf was the nickname Xiao Hua got during their high school days, and only his four friends call him by that name.

He was reluctant to be called in it, in the beginning, albeit following a couple of years, he got more accustomed to it. Now, after 7-long years of hearing that name, it made him feel nostalgic.

'Uncle An is wrong. I made the right decision to come back. It's good to be home.'

"Quit scouring my entryway with your snot, Rino."

Xiao Hua's icy cold voice warned Lin Xu, who was doing that exact thing.

With a sweatdrop running down his head, Lin Xu scratched his head and gave an apologetic smile that reaches the eyes.

"Hee Hee Hee.....I love the design on your door. Was that design made in Italy? Wolf, you're reckless with Xiao's money, only demanding the best of everything," he gabbed.

Xiao Hua raised an eyebrow and gulped down the outrage inside. He didn't want to entertain this idiot, so he took his keys and went inside the mansion…

Before getting in, Xiao Hua probed, "What happened to your face?"

Lin Xu kept his gaze down in embarrassment.

Not wanting to divulge his humiliation to Xiao Hua, he merely replied, "I fell down..."

Xiao Hua didn't interrogate any more, as he could easily see the scratch marks left behind by that Little Brat. He shook his head.

"Hippo, don't mess with that brat. He is trained by the devil."

Lin Xu's face was drenched in a cold sweat as he stepped inside the house. A voice ranged near his ear like a mantra. Devil's apprentice!

Why did no one give him the slightest clue regarding it? Why?

'Yo... Baka creator...'

He lifted his face to the ceiling and started to wave his fist in the air.

'What did I ever do to you for you to treat me like chopped liver?!?! Am I not handsome enough?!? I am one of the top three guys in this story! If I am not handsome, it's all your fault for making me this way!! Why am I always being picked on a bullied by the other two? My looks are good and I am smart! I should be the main lead...not some sidekick!!!! It's all your fault Baka Creator!!!'

Lin Xu shook his fists a few more times in the air and then crouched down to the ground, drawing little circles with his index finger on the marble floor.

'Why did I have to be a tiny hippo? We have the scary Devil and the malicious Wolf... how does a tiny hippo fit into things!?!?! Baka creator, why couldn't I be a ferocious demon? Or a tiger?!?! I like tigers.... they can be so cute and cuddly.... why a hippo?!? You know... one day when I have my own fan you will regret making me a hippo! You will regret it!!!! Now... all I need is a fan.'


As soon as Xiao Hua entered his home, he was berated by Yue Xiang in a solid voice.

"By hiding yourself behind a lame disguise, you are not protecting her. You just planting the seeds to destroy her heart completely."

Yue Xiang had concurred with Xiao Hua's arrangement at first because he didn't have the slightest inkling that his sister would fall for this scumbag.

Today, when his Dad brought up the topic of marriage, he contemplated each reaction of Little Wan.

Fear, Anger, Resentment, and Hostility. Even when she smiled brightly at their father, agreeing with their plan, it was nothing but a smile of satisfaction seeing Father's happiness. Her love hid her reservation and ready to scarifies.

His once selfish sister, who would never consider others' feelings, was eager to spurn her own desires for her family.

"I want you to come clean with Little Wan, tomorrow."

"Not now." (Xiao Hua)

"Why?" Yue Xiang fumed at Xiao Hua's narrow-mindedness. "Are you planning to live your entire life deceiving Littler Wan?"

"It's complicated." (Xiao Hua)

Xiao Hua had his head down while talking. He had a reason for faking his appearance before Little Wan.

Only he knew, the fear of losing her if an enemy came after Xiao Hua. Until he took full control of Xiao, he shouldn't reveal his face.

Yue Xiang turned away with his back towards Xiao Hua. He knew the difficulties that Xiao Hua faced, but still…. Why did it have to be her?....


Xiao Hua slammed the house keys on the table in frustration.

----Silence for a couple of seconds----

"Do you really love her?"

Out of the blue, Yue Xiang asked him without turning back. He was worried that he might hit Xiao Hua before he could hear the answer.

"More than anything. I am willing to live as Ye Xian than Xiao Hua for her." Xiao Hua's raspy voice declared.

There was no quaver in his voice, his breathing was unfaltering. It was as if he had already made this decision a long time ago.

Lin Xu's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed, in a fruity tone, he asked, "Second Bro, don't be grumpy. You know his personality better than anyone."

With flashing eyes and a broad grin, Lin Xu excitedly went near those two and grabbed them in an embrace.

"Let bygones be bygones. Let's celebrate the success of Wolf's love, yeah?"

The atmosphere turned out to be enthusiastic, thanks to Lin Xu's impedance.

Yue Xiang chucked, his lips curved up with a smirk.

A ray of light shone in Xiao Hua's eyes, he was already in Yue Wan's fantasy world.

They made their statements at the same time, in a rhyming manner.

"Love? Who would love this Four-Eye clown?" (Yue Xiang)

"What can a Single-Dog know about love?" (Xiao Hua)

'Snap!' 'Snap!'

A fire erupted from their body. The Devil and the Wolf were equipped in battle format. They both were staring daggers at each other.

"Four eyes clown!" (Yue Xiang)

"Single-Dog!" (Xiao Hua)

The same unknown whip appeared in Yue Xiang's hand. With a savage aura, he snarled: "You two-faced creep."

'Swish...Swish.' He lashed out over Xiao Hua swiftly.

Being trained from a young age helped Xiao Hua to evade it. Standing before Yue Xiang, he used his hand to slap it away, "You sis-con freak."

Lin Xu's hippo face let out the heavy breath from the nostril, 'Give me a break you two.'

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