Reborn : The Lion To Hunt The Wolf

Chapter 95 - Announcement

Hello, It's your broken author here.

It's been a month I started to write this novel again.

I think I made some improvements in grammar or maybe not....Only you guys can certificate my writing.

I am still learning how to express my imagination via words. So don't abandon it...give this novel some time to shape up.

I love to read the comments and suggestions you guys left for me..I love you guys for being my support.

It may sound selfish and greedy ...but please please vote for me and gift for me. 

Until there is no improvement in my ranking I won't post two chapters. Only one a day, I have my reason for doing please don't be mad at me.

Pardon me, If I said something wrong.

Thank you for supporting me always. 

Love you all.

From your Author,


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