Chapter 26: Three Billion Investment! The shock and appreciation of the mainland high-level! (8, ask for flowers and ask for everything).

Originally, he had set his sights on the vast prospects of the mainland, and now he was personally recruited by the number one person, and Lin Ze certainly would not refuse.

Not only that, Lin Ze also has to have a good relationship with the mainland, and it is best to set an example in front of everyone.

In this case, the mainland will appreciate his example and will definitely return the favor.

As the saying goes, buy horse bones for thousands of dollars, and support him to a certain extent!

Thinking of this, Lin Ze looked serious and said with a solemn face:

“As a sign of sincerity, I hereby solemnly promise.”

“My subsidiaries, Tianhua Group and Tianxia Group, will invest in the mainland… At least HK$3 billion!! ”


As soon as Lin Ze’s words came out, the hall was shocked!!

Not far away, Li Cucumber, who was originally received by the old man and felt honored, looked shocked and stunned.

It’s really too big that Lin Ze promised, full of three billion Hong Kong dollars, which is 2/3 of the value of Li Cucumber!

The mainland leaders, who looked around, showed joy on their faces.

At this time, there are many problems in the mainland and major challenges that make people frightened.

The first is the extreme lack of materials, the lack of foreign exchange to purchase materials, etc.

The second major challenge is to know the youth!

Ten years ago, the Great Leader launched a campaign for young people to go to the countryside.

Ten years later, with the reform and opening up, the army of 7.6 million young people who went to the countryside will return to the city like a tide.

The employment problem caused by this has become the first urgent problem that needs to be solved in the mainland.

These people have to eat, work, and survive, and this is a huge group of energetic and capable people.

If it is not solved well, it is likely to cause social unrest.

The mainland’s invitation to patriotic overseas Chinese at home and abroad to attract investment and solve the employment problem of young people is also a major reason.

And Lin Ze’s commitment has boosted the mainland leaders.

The investment of three billion Hong Kong dollars, a huge amount, can solve and relieve a lot of employment pressure!!

For a time, many mainland leaders looked at Lin Ze with appreciation, and many people praised Lin Ze.

An old man took the lead in applauding and praised

“Chairman Lin is sincere, heaven and earth can be learned!”

Under the leadership of the old man, the rest of the mainland leaders also began to praise Lin Ze for serving the country and the people.

“The young man is fearful, we are all old, Chairman Lin is chivalrous!”


Lin Ze felt the kind gazes and praise of the leaders of the mainland around him, and felt that the effect was good, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At a young age, he became the center of the venue for a while.

And Lin Ze did not have the slightest stage fright, and continued to speak

“At the same time, on my own behalf, I will donate 300 million Hong Kong dollars to the mainland!”

“Used to build a hope primary school, I hope that the flowers of the motherland can thrive!!”

As soon as Lin Ze’s voice fell, the gazes of many people around him changed.

Especially the businessmen such as Li Cucumber, in addition to being shocked and surprised, they were completely looking at a madman.

Yes, in the eyes of Li Cucumber and others, Lin Ze is crazy!!

At this time, Li Cucumber was surprised in his heart and said earth-shatteringly:

“What’s more, this Lin Ze is also crazy!”

Lin Ze is rich, but he is not such a loser, the previous three billion is good to say, it is an investment, there will be a return.

But these three hundred million were completely donated out for nothing!

300 million is not a small number, 99% of Hong Kong Island, no, 99% of companies in the world do not have a market value of 300 million Hong Kong dollars!

Charity can be done, but it’s too generous, right?

“Is this Lin Ze crazy? That’s not how money is spent, right? ”

“Yes, three hundred million, announced by the public, it is impossible to take it back, what does he think?”

“Losers, pure losers.”

“Is he confused? Know what you’re talking about? ”

Lin Ze looked around in shock, surprise, doubt, and all living beings.

But his heart knows exactly what he is doing, and since he wants to be an example, he will follow through to the end.

The public announcement of a donation of 300 million is a large amount, but Lin Ze believes that the future income will be even greater.

He also has his own reasons, the first reason is that Lin Ze wants to invest and build factories in the mainland.

At this time, the wages of mainland workers were very different from those on Hong Kong Island.

In the previous life, there were rumors that the crew from Hong Kong Island earned hundreds of thousands of yuan on Hong Kong Island workers, while mainland workers earned a few dozen yuan.

Although Lin Ze invested in building factories in the mainland, the wages paid to workers were relatively not too low, and he would not be a black-hearted businessman.

But compared with the salary on Hong Kong Island, the top salary is still a drop in the bucket, which is not worth mentioning.

The second reason is that Lin Ze donated 300 million yuan for charity.

Not only can they gain the support of the mainland, but they can also gain fame among the people, killing two birds with one stone.

Lin Ze believes that three hundred million flowers are worth the same value, not a loss at all, and ten hundred million is not a loss.

On the side, a flash of wisdom flashed in the old man’s eyes, and he glanced at Lin Ze and smiled heartily.

The old man had eaten more salt than Lin Ze had eaten, and Lin Ze’s little Jiujiu, of course, he could see it.

But there is a good saying, a gentleman’s deeds do not care.

This comes at a critical juncture in the mainland’s economic transformation.

Lin Ze’s strong support in public can be said to have played a fairly obvious role model.

That’s enough, making him very satisfied and happy.

The old man patted Lin Ze’s shoulder cordially and praised:

“Love the country and the people, righteous man of the country!!”

ps: Little brother hereby wishes all big brothers and sisters Chinese New Year’s Eve happy, family reunion, happiness!!

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