Chapter 46: Insidious Luo Wei, sky-high liquidated damages! (4, ask for flowers and ask for everything).

“Yes, you can also take back the five million.”

“If you are not willing to sign with my company, it should be my deposit for inviting you to make films, and let you make 5 movies for me with five million, which is not a wronged you, right?”

What’s not to be wronged, the salary is one million, and any actor who knows it will rush to star.

Although Lin Ze’s face was calm, he looked undoubted.

At this point, Chenglong picked up the box and hurriedly left the Lin Manor.

Chenglong didn’t go anywhere else, and went straight to Godfather Luo Wei’s villa.

It has to be said that the interests move people’s hearts.

Even if Chenglong was grateful for Luo Wei’s grace, but in the face of the temptation of heavy money, Chenglong’s heart was inevitably moved.

But he came up with a good way, that is, to compensate Luo Wei with money.

Five million, he took out two million of them and gave it to his godfather Luo Wei as thanks.

In this way, Luo Wei can reap huge rewards, and he can also get a good future, so that both parties can be satisfied and happy.


The dragon arrived at Luo Wei’s villa and rang the doorbell.

Soon, the Filipino maid of Luo Wei’s villa opened the door.

Chenglong walked in and saw Godfather Luo Wei and another man in the living room.

The man was the manager of Luo Wei’s company, named Chen Ziqiang.

Luo Wei was very happy to see Chenglong, and with the fame of Chenglong, he also became a cash cow in his eyes.

“Come quickly by the dragon, what are you holding in your hand?”

Chenglong walked to Luo Wei and sat down, opened the box in his hand, and revealed that it was full of 5 million cash.

Everyone present saw the flowery and charming cash bills, and they all looked straight for a while.

Luo Wei looked shocked, came back to his senses and hurriedly asked:

“Dragon Ride, where did you get so much money?”

Chenglong looked at Luo Wei and said straight

to the point

“Godfather, an entertainment company wants to sign me, and they gave it to me.”


Luo Wei and Chen Ziqiang took a deep breath with shocked faces, which entertainment company is this, and the shot is too generous, right?

Directly is a sky-high price of 5 million!

At this moment, Luo Wei’s eyes were red.

He has worked hard for most of his life, and now, his total worth is only three or four million.

Chenglong glanced at Luo Wei, took a deep breath and continued

“Godfather, this company is very sincere, I want to promise them.”

“Godfather, I will…”

Chenglong Gang wanted to say that he would give him two million in return, but Luo Wei heard this cash cow in his eyes say that he was leaving.

In an instant, a wave of anger surged into Luo Wei’s brain, making him lose his mind, and the dog jumped off the wall and said:

“What, you’re leaving?!”

Luo Weiteng stood up with a loud voice, pointed at the nose of the dragon, and cursed angrily:

“I worked so hard to train you for three years! Are you going to leave when your wings are hard? ”

“Dragon Ride, I am kind to you, that’s how you repay me? I really didn’t misunderstand you, you are a white-eyed wolf! ”

Riding the dragon was anxious, and opened his mouth to explain:

“Godfather, I…”

“Me what me?!”

But Luo Wei, who was in a rage, did not give Chenglong a chance to explain.

A kick hit the coffee table, and a teapot fell to the ground, shattering.

Luo Wei looked ruthless, and said in a resolute


“If you want to go, you can, take the liquidated damages, and I’ll let you go!”

Luo Wei first took Entu to report, and now he has a look of grace and righteousness, and his expression is extremely desperate.

For a time, the young and vigorous Dragon Rider was also aroused by three points.

Chenglong stood up, his face flushed with anger and embarrassment, and said angrily:

“Godfather, you are kind to me, but I have always been diligent and conscientious under you!”

“I feel kindness, but don’t force me! 100,000 liquidated damages, many companies are willing to pay for me. ”

Chenglong was also forced to be anxious, in fact, he and Luo Wei in addition to the godfather relationship, in fact, there is no difference between the worker and the boss, and the two sides are mutually beneficial.

Hearing this, Luo Wei smiled slyly.

“One hundred thousand liquidated damages? Obviously 10 million!! ”

“Godfather, what are you talking about?”

Luo Wei’s words made Chenglong scratch his head, with a puzzled face, and said in doubt:

“It’s obviously 100,000!”

A month ago, Luo Wei saw major film and television companies competing for the dragon, for fear that the dragon would run away.

So he took out a new contract for Chenglong to sign, and raised the salary to 5,000 per month, with a salary of 100,000.

Chenglong clearly remembered at that time that the liquidated damages marked on the contract were 100,000.

But I didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, it would become 10 million!

10 million, if you sell the dragon, you can’t afford to compensate.

Luo Wei took out a contract from under the coffee table, his face was sinister, and he threw it in front of Chenglong with a sneer.

“If you take a closer look, is it 100,000 or 10 million!”

Chenglong picked up the contract and was surprised to find that the liquidated damages on the contract had changed from 100,000 to 10 million!

“Impossible, I clearly remember…”

Chenglong raised his head, he was not stupid, and said:

“Godfather, did you modify the contract and pit me?”

Chenglong thought of a possibility, that is, Luo Wei maliciously modified the contract to make him compensate for the sky-high liquidated damages.

Can’t afford to compensate? Then it’s easy to do, continue to stay in Luo Wei’s company, and work for Luo Wei until death!

Luo Wei sneered with a sinister face, and Tu Qiang saw it:

“Hahaha, even if I modify the contract, what evidence do you have?”

The next moment, Luo Wei said helplessly

“Chenglong, the godfather treats you well, is it bad for you to stay in the godfather’s company obediently?”

Luo Wei wanted to appease Chenglong and let him be willingly squeezed by himself.

But at this moment, Chenglong saw Luo Wei’s true face, and he had a strong temperament since he was a child, and said angrily:

“You dream, Luo Wei, I didn’t know your true face until today!”

When the words fell, Chenglong lifted the box and left.

Seeing that Luo Wei, who had opened his eyes for money, wanted to snatch it, he could see the imposing dragon, and thought that he was not an opponent, so he could only stop rudely.

Luo Wei looked sinister and sneered

“Dragon ride, don’t try to escape from my palm!”

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