Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 101 Wedding Anniversary Banquet Arc (16) : Fun Turned Awry

Chapter 101 Wedding Anniversary Banquet Arc (16) : Fun Turned Awry

Yating stared at him and burst into a chuckle. "No such person exists, CEO Liu. There is nobody who can write like MissImperfectlyFine. It's all just a way to target Dream High, isn't it?"

Jun suddenly grabbed his collar and violently pushed him back. Yating narrowed his eyes, held his wrist and equally violently shook it off.

Jun's expression seemed like Hell descended. "Don't you dare question her existence, you fucker…" he warned him in an extremely menacing tone. "I will seriously kill you with my own hands."

"Is that so? Then tell me. Who is she?" Yating challenged him. "Who is this Butterfly author you speak of? She is not affiliated with any publishing company. There is no information about her. A new author with questionable background, and you claim MissImperfectlyFine plagiarized HER work, who is a published and an experienced author?"

He sneered. "Yes. She plagiarized her work. I already gave all the proof I had to. I don't give a fuck to proving it to you again. As for who Butterfly is, a cheater and a bastard like you doesn't deserve to know that."

Yating squinted his eyes. "Excuse me? A cheater?"

Jun laughed with a sinister ring to it. "Are you doing this simply as a Chief Editor or…you because you have some ambiguous feelings for MissImperfectlyFine?"

He didn't flinch at his question at all. "And? Whether my motivation is personal or professional, it doesn't change the fact that you are making a grave mistake, and you are testing my raised his brow in amusement. "Your words seem like you are a man truly in love, but are you? A man who couldn't even save his woman from falling off a couple of stairs claims such a deep love for her?"

And then the fact that you are gonna cheat on her five years later, Jun narrowed his eyes.

That finally hit Yating's nerve. He shook hard and lowered his gaze, digging his nails into his palm.

That's not true. That's not true! I wanted to save her. I really wanted to…

This time, it was Yating who almost rushed to grab his collar but stopped himself in time. He swallowed a gulp and calmed himself. He shut his eyes and opened them a moment later.
"You say that I have feelings for her. But aren't you the same? The CEO of Sky Publishing going so far for a new and unknown writer is suspicious in itself. Are you defaming MissImperfectlyFine because you are so head in heels over Butterfly?"

His words struck Jun hard.

Feelings? Love for Ai?

He was completely caught off guard. He blankly looked away, trying to make sense of what he just questioned.

Yating dusted his coat and stared at him. "I didn't come here to prove MissImperfectlyFine's innocence to you. A person like you who can't even judge something as simple as a plagiarism issue is someone I don't want to waste my time on. I came here to tell you that she is an important person to me. Personally and professionally both. You need to stop what you are doing."

Jun was still rattled by his previous words. He somehow regained his composure and sneered at him. "And what will the Chief Editor do if I don't stop?"

"Then face the consequences. Take down the statement about MissImperfectlyFine, or I will personally tear Sky down to shreds," his voice was filled with a cold resolve exactly like his eyes. "As for proving MissImperfectlyFine's innocence to the world, I will personally take charge to expose this Butterfly author of yours. Then along with the world, keep laughing at your own stupidity."

As Yating quietly walked away, Jun leaned his back on the railing, his mind jumbled up and confused. He didn't care about Yating's threat or even flinched upon it.

What resounded in his ears the most was about his feelings for Ai.

At Xing Bi's side, she watched each and every servant very carefully. Upon Jing's orders, all the male servants were asked to line up.

Jing coldly asked, "Which one is it?"

She wiped her forehead. "That servant isn't here!"

"Excuses!" He flared.

"I am not lying! He was a servant, but he had worn very good clothes like a guest!"
"Huh? All our servants have a dress code here. Can you not see?"

"He said he got it as a gift from Mrs. Liu," she gritted her teeth.

Yukito glanced at all the servants. "Did Nee-chan give any gift to any of you?"

They shook their heads. "Mrs. Liu didn't give us any gift."

"Even when she does, she gifts everybody, not just one of us."

Xing Bi furiously disagreed. "No, no! He said he was bullied, so Mrs. Liu gave him a gift to cheer him up!"

Jing was speechless. "Our staff doesn't get bullied, okay? Neither we do it nor among the workers among themselves! You are lying through your teeth!"

"I am not!"

Yunru gave her a cold glare. "You are not even a guest here, and you went this far? What is your purpose?"

"It's to-"

"I don't care about her purpose!" Jing was extremely protective of his clothes. He could never tolerate even a scratch upon it. "You illegally took my precious dress and are now trying to pin the blame on our loyal staff. You dare touch my creation! I will make you pay for this!"

Nian, who was watching everything from afar, lacked tears to shed. It was a piece of cake for him to resolve the misunderstanding. Even if Jing got mad at him, he would handle it.

But seeing the ugly and murderous expression on Xing Bi's face right now made it a tad difficult for him to step in between.

I was just really playing around. But now I feel that she is an interesting woman. If she knows that I am actually the young master and not some servant, she will cook me alive. Then she won't look at me anymore, find another man to marry and I will have to kill him because I find her interesting and only I can have her, which will eventually make her sad, and then she will hate me even more, Nian was babbling to himself at a fast pace.

What have I done?

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