Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 45 Ai’s Book Signing Event

Chapter 45 Ai's Book Signing Event

The waitresses murmured among themselves.

"It's the hooligan who barged into our kitchen!"

"He is making the woman cry…"

"Should we do something?"

"But I saw him putting the ice pack on her arm. He cares about her."

"So what is the judgement? Is he evil or not? Even though he is so handsome…"

They were all in deep thought. Jun's behavior confused them.

Jun gritted his teeth, noticing their obvious gazes. He gave them a dangerous smile. "Guess you people don't have much work here. You wouldn't mind if I shut down this shop, would you?"

They stiffened and hastily went back to their work.

The judgement is that he is a villain indeed!

Jun sneered. He looked back at Ai, and his mouth twitched. "There is no need to get so emotional. Fine, if you don't want to sign them-"

He was about to take the books back when Ai quickly grabbed them again. "I will sign. I was just…a bit surprised."

My very first time giving an autograph…

She remembered practicing her signature in Jun's condo. Even in her past life, she had done this many times in hopes that she would see a signing event of her own one day.

But that day never arrived.

She just wanted a place where she could meet and talk to her readers personally. To see their smiles and feel the love they have for her books was what she always wished for.

But her dwindling popularity in her past life made it impossible for her dream to come true.

I am glad I came today, she thought.

Ai wasn't going to at first. She knew from her past life what incident would happen today and what accusations she would have to face which even though didn't kick her out of Dream High, nevertheless still ruined her future writing career. She never got many chances to publish more books after her reputation was affected, so it was a risk coming here today.

But she also knew that Yinyin would be in danger. Only she knew what would happen to him. There was no point in warning others and preventing it from happening because nobody would believe her. People would think she was crazy to talk about the future.

It was only to protect Yinyin that she had to come.

Ai looked up at Jun.

But I never thought that I would get to do my own book signing. This didn't happen in my previous life…

Her fingers trembled as she held the pen and opened the first page of her first book.

She began to write.


She suddenly realized that as MissImperfectlyFine, she shouldn't know his name.
He will be suspicious, she thought.

"What is your name?"


She nodded.

'To Jun,

Thank you so much for reading my books. I appreciate that you like them. I hope you live a good life. Good luck.


Ai then gave it a thought.

'P.S - Be nice to children. Yinyin was really scared.'

Then she ended her note with her signature she had practiced so hard for. She beamed, satisfied.

Jun's gaze darkened. "You didn't have to add that last line!"

She pursed her lips. "I just wanted to make it funny."

"No need," Jun coldly snatched the book away.

Ai took the second book, opened its first page and wrote the same note. Except she changed the P.S part.

'P.S - Threatening the cafe staff was bad.'

Jun's face blackened by several shades. "Cut it out with the postscripts already!"

Ai's lips burst into an uncontrollable smile. "I am sorry."

"That's it. Forget about the third book!" Jun was furious.

"No, no!" She quickly said, "I won't write a funny postscript this time."

"That means you still want to write a postscript huh?" His expression turned ugly.

"But not a funny one, I promise," she sincerely reassured him.

Jun suspiciously looked at her.

Ai took the third book and wrote the same note again. She wrote a different postscript this time.

'P.S - Don't forget to ask your parents their story.'

She smiled. "See? I didn't write a funny one."

Jun snorted and looked away.

Ai quickly took this chance and wrote another postscript. She closed the book and slid it back to his side.

"Thank you," she thanked him from the bottom of her heart. Jun had fulfilled her dream.

It was strange. The man she spent her dying moments with in her past life was the same person to ask for her autograph.

Her small smile widened in her mask.
"Thank you once again for all your help again. I should take my leave now."

Jun shrugged.

When she left the cafe, she realized she had forgotten her phone inside. As she came back to fetch it, she faintly saw a message that Jun was reading on his phone.

She couldn't read the entire content, but she saw the words 'Sky Publishing.'

Jun felt a presence and turned. "What?"

"I forgot my phone."


She quickly fetched it and left, wondering about it.

Sky Publishing. Dream High's rival…

Jun collapsed on the couch, tired as he returned. He made himself a cup of coffee and sat back.

Taking the books out of his bag, he saw MissImperfectlyFine's notes one by one. He was angry at that time, but now he just sneered.

When he opened the third book, he saw there was another postscript written below the previous one.

What has she written now?

'P.S.S - Perfection is an ideal not meant to be achieved because the world is more fulfilling when it's imperfect.'

It's similar to what she had said on the chat that day.

He faintly smiled.

The world is more fulfilling, you say…

You are wrong. It's not fulfilling. When the world is imperfect, it's only a suffering for the heart.

He remained like that in silence for several moments before his phone buzzed with a message, breaking the quietness.

[Warlord - Ahhhh I saw my Goddess!! She is an angel… Now, I can die peacefully~]

[LumiosZ - Then die *smirks*]

[Warlord - Shut up!]

[AllAloof - Ugh, now he won't just shut his mouth for days. I will mute this channel now.]

[Warlord - How mean! You all should bask in my Goddess's glory! @MrPerfect and this man is so mean! We could have met today!!]

Jun didn't bother to reply.

Another ding came.

HS - Hey, what's going on here?

He stiffened.

That was Shui's username on Reading Point - HS for Han Shui.

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