Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 71 Consider Your Answer Very Carefully

Chapter 71 Consider Your Answer Very Carefully

Ai showed him an incredulous look. "You want me to continue living here?"

Jun's dark eyes narrowed. He got up on his feet and took slow steps towards her. He kept his palms on either side of the couch's headrest and bent closer.

She blinked. She glanced at her left, then at her right. His muscular arms had covered her sides. His broad chest blocked her front view. Her brown pupils traced his fair neck and up to his heavenly handsome face that approached her dangerously closer in the cramped space.

Her heartbeats grew wilder, and her cheeks flushed redder. She only raised her gaze up to his nose because his eyes always rattled her. Whether it was in her past life or when she met him again after her rebirth.

Jun watched her avoid meeting his gaze just like a few days ago at the library. He had an urge to lift her chin then, and so did he now too.

This time, he made the move. He lightly tapped his index finger under her chin and raised it. Her eyes slightly widened in surprise. But she maintained her poise.

Yup, it's much better when she looks at me, Jun thought.

He tilted his head and with a husky voice, he whispered, "Do YOU want to continue living here?"

The emphasis on 'you' made her shift her gaze. But he tugged her chin again. "Look at me when you talk to me."

"I do."

"You are not doing it now."


"Answer my question."

Do I want to continue living here?


"Before you answer, I suggest you to think very carefully," his eyes held a glint of warning in them.

"Why so?"

"Because depending on your answer, I would either behave like I usually do when I am in a good mood."


"Or I would be very mean to you."

She pursed her lips, an action that darkened his gaze.

"You are mean when you help me," she pointed out.

He smiled a not so innocent smile. "I could be mean in pretty different ways."

Ai cleared her throat. "Why are you asking me in this…way?"

She meant by him blocking her on the couch with his body.
"So that you carefully consider your answer."

"I…always decide carefully."

"So prove it to me right now. What do YOU want?"

The light sound of him tapping his left index finger on the couch made her feel as if she was answering a life or death question added to his attractive figure looming upon her like a Death God.

She breathed in and softly exhaled. "I do."

"You do what?"

"I do want to continue living here."

The alarm in his eyes gradually dissipated, and his expression lightened.

"So why were you hesitating?"

Ai replied. "It will be convenient for you if I stay with her. I didn't want to bother you. I thought you would be happy if I left earlier."

Jun withdrew his looming figure.

Ai finally released her breath she had been holding onto for so long.

"If I don't want you here, you wouldn't be here. It's as simple as that," he stated.

"Oh." She nodded. "Thank you."

It were simple and straightforward words, but she felt it extremely pleasing to her ears.

"It's late. I am going to bed. Text your friend you won't be moving out."

"Yes," she smiled.

Jun went back to his room and shut the door.

Now that Jun didn't mind her living here, Ai felt the pressure lift off her shoulders. Her gloomy face had brightened.

She quickly thought of an excuse and replied to Xing Bi. She felt guilty though.

Xing Bi was not only her editor, but she also treated her like her little sister. She was protective of her. It was difficult for Ai to explain the current circumstances to her. She knew Xing Bi would panic no matter how calmly she told her.

I am sorry, Xing Bi. I will definitely tell you the truth later.

Jun had claimed he was off to sleep, but he was busy staring at himself in the mirror. He tilted his head to one side and then the other trying to figure out what had just happened by questioning himself and then answering his own questions.

Why was I so angry at her moving out?

"Because I offered to help her! It's just for a month anyway."

Yeah so whether a month or less than that, what does it matter to you?

He glared at himself in the mirror. "Of course, it matters. That would feel like she wants to run away from me as soon as possible. She doesn't have to. I treated her so nicely!"
Yeah, so what? Plus, you should be happy. You never liked sharing your space with anybody.

"T-That was because the others were just annoying! She is bearable…"

But living with a woman friend would be indeed much more comfortable to her, right?

He gritted his teeth.

"Yeah, I am a man, so what? I am not some pervert she has to be wary of!"

The way you cornered her on the couch says otherwise…

"Oh shut up already!"

Having no answer to that, he switched off the lamps and jumped into bed. He pulled the blanket over his head and shut his eyes.

A moment later, he angrily emphasized to God knows who.

"I am not a pervert!"

The next morning, Jun made the breakfast as usual. But to his surprise, Ai didn't come. He frowned.

She is always on time.

Suddenly, he stiffened.

Wait, did she actually leave to her friend's house?

The way you cornered her on the couch says otherwise.


Sh-she won't move out just because of that, right? It's not like I…I…

He failed to defend himself.


Jun sprinted towards her room. He banged on the door. "Hey! You are still here, right?"

No answer.

His agitation only worsened.

"Answer me, or I will open the door myself! Don't blame me later."

Still no answer.

His patience finally snapped, and he barged in. "Ai, you better be here-"

He froze in his steps, witnessing the scene in front of him.

Ai was lying collapsed on the floor, unconscious.


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