"Little slave, be quick with your hands and feet. If you delay the meal in this hall, you will continue to kneel down until dark." Jun Jing Lan said, swing sleeve then flew out of the flowers, can fall in that spacious and clean bluestone Road, turned, head also did not return into the flower hall.

Only Yu's demonic voice was still floating in the sky.

Don't you get up and see the master? If the service is not good, I will never let you feel better. You'd better not play other tricks. The master is not as good as my housekeeper. No matter what your purpose is, you'd better put it away for my housekeeper. If you offend the master, you don't know how to die! "

Listening to the housekeeper's warning and the sound of gradually moving feet, Luo Wuyou's eyes flashed a touch of darkness, what did she deceive? They want to get the soul of the other shore. However, she has not done anything. They can't find out his purpose.

But he's one by one. She's got a different purpose?

Luo Wuyou wants to stand up, but his legs are so painful that he can't stand up as if he is disabled. He wants to support the reclining chair with his hands, but all the bones and joints of his hands and wrists are removed.

A touch is a sharp pain.

Gritting her teeth, she forced her body forward, supported her elbows on the armrest of the reclining chair, and lifted up her heavy legs little by little. The legs trembled violently, and the trousers below the knee were all soaked with blood. They were red, and looked particularly dazzling.

Because of the serious injury to her legs and knees, and her kneeling time was too long, even though she had taken a rest before releasing the armrest of the reclining chair, she almost fell into the thick flowers again.

Fortunately, she held the handrail in a hurry to avoid being tied into a hedgehog again. However, the wrist was so painful that she almost couldn't help crying out.

The young man's emaciated body kept shaking and shaking. The sun stabbed her a little dizzy. She took a deep breath. After a long rest, she felt a little better. Originally, she took the medicine with her, but she didn't dare to use it in the Tibetan snow Pavilion.

No one can guarantee whether there is a hidden pile in this dark place.

Do not dare to have redundant delay, Luo Wuyou gritted his teeth step by step out of the blood colored rosebush, every step, almost to spend all her strength, but she can not stop. Jun Jing Lan wants her to go to wait for dinner. If she doesn't go, it will only bring him greater revenge.

That man is a cruel devil.

The figure of the youth is very thin, and the bloodstained appearance is extremely penetrating. The servants in the whole palace are just watching with cold eyes, without surprise or sympathy. They have already seen too many scenes like this, and they are numb. In the prince's house, it will be staged every few days.

And the situation of this young man, in their eyes, is nothing at all!

After all, such punishment is really merciful to their prince's highness. It is Fu Quan, the prince's personal servant a few days ago, who, somehow, angered the master. His master pulled out his clothes and cut off all his flesh and skin.

A total of 108 knives, not much, many, after cutting, but not dead, still save a breath, finally was carried out of the house. No one knows where to go, but it's not hard to guess. After all of this, the man must not have survived. He was thrown to the wasteland tomb outside the city.

I'm afraid I'll be eaten by vultures, and I won't have any meat residue left.

That day, the scream sounded in the house in the middle of the night. It was like the howling of evil spirits in hell, which made them scared to the bone.

I don't know what I want to do. At the moment, she was very weak and had not eaten for a long time. Last night, she was still wearing wet clothes and blowing the night wind for more than an hour. In addition, she was injured and knelt for so long. At this time, her brain was extremely heavy under the hunger and pain.

Almost to the edge of syncope, if not rely on a tenacious willpower support, I would have fallen. After all, her body is too weak, and repeatedly injured, just recovered and then injured.

It is the body and bone of iron beating can't stand, let alone she is a weak woman?

In the flower hall, there are plates of dishes on the long yellow flower pear wood table. Silver plate, jade plate, gold chopsticks, dishes are all delicacies. The dishes are full of color, fragrance and flavor. Just looking at them, people can't help feeling hungry, have a big appetite and move their fingers.

But there is only one person sitting on the huge dining table, which is the prince Jinglan of the Northern Kingdom on the throne. Only his face is a bit gloomy, looking at the boy who finally appears in the flower hall, the phoenix eye eyes light is extremely soft.

"Why is it so slow? Little slave, do you want to starve to death? Don't hurry up and serve the dishes for this hall The man is not happy to urge, as if he did not see the person in front of him in a mess, but dissatisfied to the extreme, this little slave, the action is really too slow.

Luo Wuyou pursed her lips, and the clay figurine also has three parts of blood, not to mention her Luo Wuyou? He broke her hand and asked her to serve him. If you can't wait, you can ask someone to cook for him. There are at least a dozen servants serving him in the whole flower hall.Can't he find someone to help him?

"Yes, your highness."

Luo Wuyou gritted his teeth and went forward, but his body was unstable. Suddenly, he leaned forward and almost fell on the man. The young man screamed out in fear. You want to support yourself with your elbows.

But Jun Jing Lan is suddenly flash body a palm will almost fall on his body's person to shoot out. "What's the smell on you? So bad? Little slave. This hall let you cook. Do you mean to disgust this hall? "

Luo Wuyou was thrown back seven or eight steps by that palm, and finally fell on the cold ground with a bang. She rolled several times before stopping. She looked up and gasped, and opened her mouth to spit out a large mouthful of blood. There was a violent tumbling in the chest. The wrist was pressed once more, stinging.

In front of the bursts of black, looking at the eyes of some fuzzy figure. If you want to see clearly, you can't see clearly. Hao tooth row bit the tip of the tongue, relying on the stabbing pain, so that he did not completely faint in the past, however, the voice is very weak to the extreme.

"Temple, your highness, servant Ben, I'm just a second-class servant. I brushed the toilet for a night last night. Naturally, it's delicious. Didn't you let the servant come to serve you? How could it be that the servant had deliberately disgusted you, your highness? "

"Well, you little slave has a good mouth Jun Jinglan stood at the table, gently brushed his clothes and looked at the people on the ground coldly. The little slave was reasonable. Last night, he was so close to her that he didn't smell the smell on her body.

It's a good day today. It's a long way from him, but now it's deliberately bumping into him. How dare you say it's not intentional disgusting him? This little slave is a real liar. But he would not say it.

"What I said is true. If your highness doesn't believe it, you can ask housekeeper Wang."

Luo Wuyou lay down on the ground and wiped the corners of his mouth and looked at the housekeeper Wang: "steward Wang, tell your highness, did you brush the toilet all afternoon? What's more, is it a three-month contract signed with you? I've said for a long time that after three months of short-term work, I'll leave the house and go back to my hometown. "

"I didn't sign the contract of sale, although your highness is a slave Master, I'm just a petty servant. But if your highness thinks that you really don't like me, you can drive him out. Cough Do you need to slander a slave like this?

"Although the slaves are poor, they have no short ambition. In any case, your highness doesn't want to see them, and they don't want to pay for this day. I'm really unlucky to be a slave. I don't even have to eat for nothing! Though humble, slaves are human beings. Even if you don't like it, you can't be such a Cheap slave. Your highness is a noble prince, but he treats his servants so harshly. No wonder no one is willing to work for his highness. "

Luo Wuyou covered his chest, and his face was full of grievances. His eyes were covered with tears, but he bit his lips and tried not to let it fall. His face and facial features were ordinary and could not be ordinary any more. He fell in the crowd. I was afraid that no one would notice him.

However, every word of that sentence was not only a complaint but also a stir of emotion. In the house, a number of servants bowed their heads and burst into tears. They just wanted to hold their heads and cry bitterly. That's great. It's just about their heart.

That's good. Isn't a slave a human being? Should slaves be vilified? Who is not raised by parents? Are they willing to be slaves? Can slaves kill as they want?

However, no one dared to agree with half a word. All the servants and maids hung their heads and eyes to look at their noses and noses and their hearts. They kept silent and did not dare to give out the atmosphere.

But steward Wang opened his mouth wide and did not return to his mind for a long time. He thought that he was wrong. He was a spy sent by the enemy to the prince's house with impure purpose.

As a result, I didn't think that he was really right. He was a bumpkin, a silly boy. He dared to criticize his highness in front of his highness. Is his life too long? Which spy would have been so stupid to find his own death. So stupid people can be spies?

Jun Jing Lan a pair of long and narrow Phoenix eyes fell on the ground, the young man's eyes were dim and obscure, his face was filled with joy and anger, and his Pu lips tightly pursed into a line, without words. However, the body's cold air is a wave after wave of emission.

That evil spirit confused the whole flower hall, so that all the people had a shiver. All the servants held their breath for a moment, hoping to turn themselves into invisible people, so as not to be affected by the pond fish. At the moment, what moved and excited, what tears in the eyes, all disappeared in an instant.

Only full of complaints and dark mantra, if not for the boy's nonsense, how can you anger your highness?

The prince's highness is angry, and the prince's anger, absolutely no one can bear it! This time, they were really killed by this bold boy!

"Temple, your highness, what are you doing with the minions? Is there something wrong with what I said? If you don't believe me, you can ask housekeeper Wang. I didn't lie. You said it was you who said that what I signed was a short-term contract? You also said that you would never cheat me. God, you can't lie

Luo Wuyou was lying on the ground and couldn't get up at all. She felt the evil spirit coming from the top of her head. She swallowed her saliva in some panic, and said that she wanted to go back in fear.However, every move is a sharp pain, not only knee pain, wrist pain, the injured viscera pain, but also all over the body. The pain has made the boy's thick black eyebrows twisted together.

Housekeeper Wang regained his mind and closed his mouth. He shook out a piece of paper and said, "Mo Yan, what are you talking about? When I pressed the handprint, I made it very clear to you that after signing the deed of sale, you will be my prince's residence. Not only your people, but also your life and death will no longer belong to you. You don't remember, but I write clearly in black and white. You can't deny it. "

"Steward Wang, you lied to me

Luo Wuyou didn't care to be afraid. He looked at housekeeper Wang with wide eyes. His face was filled with grief and indignation: "housekeeper Wang, are you afraid of retribution if you do this? God has long eyes. How can you do such a thing without conscience? Are you not afraid to delay the descendants? "

"I didn't cheat you. You are willing to sign this deed. Is it difficult for me to have you pressed? " Suddenly, I think of the bright eyes and words of yesterday's youth. Steward Wang's heart is blocked. This silly boy is so hateful that he curses his descendants!

Luo Wuyou bit his lips and didn't speak, but his eyes were more blurred and his expression on his face became more and more indignant. Jun Jinglan had already sat back on the chair and looked at this scene coldly.

The air was cold and oppressive. However, in all people are afraid to do something, a sudden sound is to break the peace.

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