However, it is no wonder that Wang Chong did not have servants to wait on him in the Tibetan snow hall, because the master was not happy. In addition to the fixed time of sweeping and passing meals, no one dares to break into the snow hiding hall without authorization. Therefore, Wang Chong did not see what happened in the afternoon. No wonder he misunderstood it.

Wang Chong retreated in silence, and peace was restored to the whole Tibetan snow palace.

Jun Jing Lan's eyes are locked in the girl's pale cheek, and there are only deep doubts in the man's double phoenix eyes. The girl's eyes closed again. There was a smell of weakness in the whole person. It was as if all of a sudden, it was back to the scene of some days before.

There was a deep blood hole on the girl's white cheek. From the corner of her right eye to her right jaw, the wound was still open. Even if the medicine is applied, the wound is difficult to heal. What's more, she was forced to jump into the lotus pool water and washed away the ointment.

So, the wound looks like it was cut.

The closer the gaze is, the deeper the doubt in the man's eyes. On his always cynical face, the only expression of interest is deep and solemn, and the evil between his eyebrows is so wanton and ferocious that he disappears completely.

The expression on the girl's face was so calm. Calm to, let a person feel as if she is only tired, into a sweet sleep. There was a quiet smell all over the body.

What happened three days ago, the girl's face was full of pain, and the black anger around her seemed to be completely dissipated at the moment of her fall.

There is also the magic scene that suddenly appeared, the girl vomited blood floating in the lotus pool, the whole body is scattered with red halo. The ultimate enchanting poison also meets the pill. At the end of the day, there are the bloody phoenix flying and whining in the sky!

No one could see the scene in the mansion, but he could see everything clearly, and all these things seemed to be related to the girl in front of him.

Even because of her!

But why did this strange thing happen? Why can her poison be relieved automatically? And why does she have a red light? In the end, what kind of secret is hidden in the girl? And where did her anger come from? Where did the pain and despair in her eyes come from?

Countless doubts wrapped him up, so that he fell into deep meditation.

Inexplicable, Jun Jing Lan actually thought of what the girl had said to him. She said that hate would only make people miserable, not if they forget! He laughs that she doesn't know anything, but she talks freely and speaks better than she sings! But now, he is a little shaken, perhaps, she is not as he imagined that do not understand!

On the contrary, there is a deep hatred in her heart like him!

Forget that pair of blood colored eyes, the pain and hate in the eyes are shocking, but miraculously, the man's angry mood suddenly calmed down.

For a moment, Jun Jinglan thought of a lot of things. The more you think about it, the more complicated it is to look at the girl's eyes. In QIANJIAO building, he was hurt secretly. However, he did not expect the poison. Later, he asked Yi Qing carefully.

Yi Qing said that it was the poison of two kinds of spices. If one kind of perfume was smelled alone, it would not hinder people. If the two kinds of aroma collided together, the toxin would be silent in the body and would not be detected at all.

However, when accumulated to a certain extent, it will explode violently, and those who are poisoned will die immediately. Even if you have internal power to protect your body, it will never exceed 50 interest. He has always been very confident of his own skills, so he did not arrange the secret guards to follow him.

On that day, there was only one person with him.

Originally because of the things in the spring palace, he doubted the purpose of Luo Wuyou's entering the mansion. You know, in the whole yuejing City, everyone treated him as a snake and a scorpion to his prince's house, but she was so easily fooled into the mansion by the housekeeper Wang. This in itself is a matter of doubt.

He thought that he was a fine work sent by others, but because of the significance of this detail work, he decided to put her beside him. And in QIANJIAO building, she is the only one who follows him. Therefore, it will not be anyone else who can relieve his poison and save his life.

It's her, it's Luo Wuyou!

In the attic of the misty rain house, she sealed his acupoints with a gold needle. In fact, he had no resistance at that time. If she wanted, she could stick the needle into his hole. If he died, no one would find her again. Even if he is really dead, it is estimated that the whole Vietnamese people will only clap their hands and applaud, right?

Who will pursue it? When the time comes to pull a person to top the VAT, or simply push to the unknown killer, no one will doubt. Because of his poor reputation, there are so many people in North Vietnam who want to die, just like the stars in the sky.

In addition, with the help of her helpers, she can safely escape from yuejing, Beiyue and Daqin. It won't even be stopped.

But she didn't hurt him!

On the contrary, Shengsheng suffered from his palm power one after another, and nearly died. She suffered his recovery, and let his pursuit scratch her face and destroy her face.There is no complaint.

Maybe it's because of the inner guilt, the guilt of Mengyao. He didn't see the guilt. But deliberately chose to ignore. He chose to vent his anger and unwillingness in her body, he chose to torture her, feed her to eat the best drugs, and wanted to make that mistake continue to go wrong.

Just because he didn't want to admit he was wrong.

But is he really right? What's the use of leaving a body like that? She's right. Mengyao died long ago, in his arms. Since she begged herself to forget her, she hoped that she could have a new start. Also hope she can have a new start?

But he has been wrapped in hatred, blindfolded, unable to see through Mengyao's hard work.

Perhaps, as well as leaving like that, he has revenged her revenge. In this way, she can be reincarnated as soon as possible and live her life again. Without him, he thought she would be happy, and would be happy!

Jun Jing Lan took a deep breath. The boulder that had been pressed in his heart for many years seemed to dissipate in an instant. At this moment, his heart was finally relieved. Looking up at the sleeping girl again, the man's eyes are more complicated.

Forget the word heart around, the front edge of a pen to eliminate!

Luowuyou, luowuyou. This hall has to admit that you are right. Forget Mengyao, forget hatred, not only let Mengyao, but also let go, myself!

I can't remember how many years I haven't had such a relaxed life. I don't need to bear the burden of hatred any more. I don't need to bear the guilt of Mengyao. I can breathe easily and freely.

Maybe, as you said, this is what Mengyao and Empress Dowager hope to see.

Reaching out to caress the wound on the girl's cheek, Jun Jinglan's heart is actually rising a silk of regret. The wound is very deep. When it is cut, it should be very painful? But she never snorted, never frowned. Still remember the girl in the Qin palace hall that let him also amazing dance and appearance.

But now, he destroyed his life!

The world says he is the devil, but he thinks, she is! It seems that there is always a kind of magic in this girl, which makes people want to go to Zheng Fu, to pity, and even more to get close. If Mengyao was once a ray of sunshine in his life.

Then, she is the key to re open the door of his cold heart!

Her beauty, her calm, her indifference, her intelligence, her cunning, her courage, her kindness, her Softness, her firmness, her panic, her fear, her despair, her hatred, and her forbearance It seems that only in this short period of less than 12 days, he saw too many different faces of the girl.

It also makes him unable to imagine why there are such women in this world?

In the long and narrow Phoenix eyes, the man's eye light gradually becomes soft, and the bright pupil seems to break through the clouds and block the emergence of the dazzling light of the star morning. At this time, the girl on the bed murmured, her eyelashes blinked twice, and she opened her eyes.

The misty eyes in the man's face at the same time, but suddenly a contraction, the whole body also unconsciously to the bed inside, looking at the man's eye pupil is full of vigilance and thick fear. The brain is a little dizzy, however, the surface that appears in the mind, but let her instantly sober up.

"Jun Jinglan, you want to destroy me, you do it. Since then, what I owe you has been paid off. I don't owe you anything anymore The medicine for changing the voice was only effective for ten days. At the moment, the girl's voice was still as dull as tears, and the whole person was stiff to the extreme. Not only the body was stiff, but also the voice was stiff. It seemed that even the blood became rigid and solid.

It seems that I can't breathe any more!

Heart contractions, and then repeatedly rubbed, pain, very painful, pain to the original why can be tolerated, she still feel the pain of bone piercing, pain to the point of death.

It was the memory that she didn't want to remember in her life, but it was torn by his blood. Even the 11 years of torture in the secret room did not make her feel so miserable and desperate.

But he used that cruel way to deal with her. The hurt on her face, the unbearable humiliation, was taken as paying off her debt to him.

Since then, they have written off, no one owes anyone any more!

Hands tightly pull the brocade quilt tightly, pinch fingers are white, nail through the brocade re pinch into the palm of the wound, the wound will be torn again, overflow purplish blood. However, the girl felt nothing but pinch deeper and harder.

He was still holding on to it.

As if only with the extreme pain, to heal her heart has that suffocating pain!

The girl's voice was cold and stiff, but a little trembling. The frightened and frightened eyes made Jun Jinglan feel a little unhappy in her heart, which was not healed: "Luo Wuyou, what is paying off? Why, do you think you can repay your debt to me? You provoked me first, Luo Wuyou! Therefore, as long as this hall says that there is no clear, we will never be clear. It is forever. Do you know? "

There is a thick anger in the man's eyes, but it's blocked up. Especially when he sees the girl's fear, he feels a little tingling in his heart, but he is inexplicably angry! He is a real devil, she is not afraid, but now he decided not to hurt her, but she was afraid."What else do you want? You want to insult me again? Jun Jinglan, I've been tolerating you, but I think I owe that girl, I owe you. But this does not mean that I will tolerate you without bottom line. You are the prince of the north, the future emperor. This is your territory. But you don't underestimate, worry free, if you dare to move me again, you can have a try, big deal, the county Lord and you fight for a dead end

The girl's voice is extremely sharp, the calm in her eyes is no longer, and her fear is mixed with deep resentment. It's not paid off yet. How can it be paid off? He said that can not clear, will never clear?

Who does he think he is? Is it the creator God in charge of all things? Don't say it's his Jun Jinglan. I'm afraid that even the creator God doesn't know how far away forever is, right?

Jun Jing Lan looks at Luo Wuyou in the eyes of Yin Zhuo. For a moment, he is stunned on the spot. He only cares to clarify his own feelings, but it seems that he has never thought about what kind of feelings the girl will have on him after experiencing the cruel things he has done to her?

What kind of attitude will it be towards him?

At the moment, the problems that he had never thought about were so real and directly presented to him. That result, is to let the prince's highness, is also light frown eyebrow peak!

Only because, in her look only panic, only fear, only resentment!

She, Luo Wuyou - hate him!

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