The girl's bright eyes blinked at the carved window edge. The window pane did not know when it was opened. There stood a snow-white figure at the black window edge. The snow-white of the whole body was like a bright moon suddenly breaking through the clouds in the dark sky.

Elegant and holy, soft and boundless.

However, it is ethereal and dreamlike, which makes people have a kind of apprehension that they can't grasp. It is clear that they are very close, but they seem to be hanging in the sky, one on the ground, looking down at each other, fixed staring at each other, as if time and space are condensed, and time has stopped flowing.

All around all disappear no longer, the whole world is only the shadow in each other's eyes.

Long and long gaze, but also dare not blink. I'm afraid that only in the blink of an eye, the opposite road almost illusory figure will suddenly disappear!

"Shangguan Mingyue..."

"Roche has no worries..."

The two voices sounded at the same time, as if they were whispering to themselves. The voice was so shallow that it was almost inaudible, but it was so true that it penetrated the void and passed into each other's ears.

Let people suddenly wake up, the original, this is not a dream!

Luo Wuyou a shock, suddenly stood up from the soft couch, did not respond to her, the whole person has fallen into a solid and broad arms, light light familiar medicine fragrance, diffuse warm hot chest that familiar breath, sticky with a few dust.

Let the girl's bright eyes bloom with a few glittering tears.

At the moment, di Mingrong thought that he had been dreaming for a short time, but he thought that he had come to Shangrong for a short time.

"No worries, no worries, no worries..."

Rongdi tightly hugged the girl in front of her and kept calling her name, as if she could not call her name. He held her tightly, as if she wanted to rub the girl in her arms into her own blood. Let Luo Wuyou almost some can't breathe, feel the man's shaking body, but she did not have any movement, only meekly let him hold.

Whispered again and again: "I am, I am, Shangguan Mingyue, Wuyou is here, Wuyou has been here, Shangguan Mingyue, I am, has been..."

His fear, his anxiety, his fear

She can deeply feel his every mood, the most painful will never be the person who left, but the one who was left behind.

That feeling, that kind of pain, people who have not been left behind, will never understand.

Feeling the girl's abnormal breathing, Rongdi took a deep breath and released the girl in front of her. Her eyes fell on the deep scar on the girl's face, and her heart seemed to have been pricked with needles one after another, with sharp stings.

Guilt is more like a tide

"Does it hurt?"

Rongdi picked up his fingers and fell on the girl's cheek, gently stroked the scar. The wound grew so deep that it was cut by life. His carefree, so pure and elegant carefree, was actually destroyed by the natural appearance!

And it's all for him

Luo Wuyou reached out and took the man's hand on his cheek and shook his head with a smile: "I'm ok. The wound has scab. As for the scar, I'll try to eliminate it later. That's OK. By the way, how did you find it? Are you all right? "

How much pain should the skin be cut? How much damage should a woman's face be damaged?

But she said it was OK!

There is a sour eye in the spread, the man did not answer, only gently picked up the girl's cheek, in that wound, fell one kiss after another.

So gentle, so careful, for fear that it will hurt her!

Touching the uneven skin on the side of his lips, the tears in the man's eyes can't help falling again. Two drops of crystal clear tears are just like two sad meteors crossing the starry sky

Just see this injury, he already felt that he could not bear it. Where he could not see, he did not dare to think, how many such injuries did she still love? At this moment, only heartache, only guilt, all want to question, but did not know where to be thrown?

Luo Wuyou has a moment of stiffness, long eyelashes light blink, looking at the man's tears in front of her, the girl's heart seems to be trembling, and her body is also a little relaxed.

This is the second time that she saw this man cry. The first time was when she saw his poison and the second time was when he saw her wound. He closed his eyes and tried to cover up the strong guilt at the bottom of his eyes, but the tears still betrayed him.

She never cared about the scar. Compared with the appearance of her disfigurement in the previous life, the wound was more than ten million times better, although Jun Jinglan repeatedly stressed that the injury could not be recovered.

But she was not the ignorant girl who locked her boudoir. How could she believe him? The devil just wanted to frighten her. Although it was very difficult to recover the wound, it was not impossible to say that there was no way out!

Even if she can't recover, she doesn't care much. As long as she can achieve her goal, it's nothing for her to suffer a little injury. But she has forgotten that he will blame himself, will be sad, will be distressed, will take all the responsibility in his body.Even if he stayed in prison for three days, he would be so concerned. What's more, he really destroyed his face after seeing blood? Luo Wuyou frowned and felt remorse in her heart. After rebirth, she was used to being alone and used to treat and solve problems in her own way.

But she seems to ignore his feelings!

"Shangguan Mingyue, very oxygen Don't stick your saliva on my wound. It will heal more slowly if the wound is soaked. I don't want to have such a face all my life Luo Wuyou suddenly makes a sound, and the voice of the micro urn carries the coquetry and playfulness of some real girls.

For a long time, I haven't seen him in the dress of the master of the moon. In fact, I miss him a little. Although it's all him, it gives people different feelings. The only constant is that no matter he is Rong di or Shangguan Mingyue's eyes when looking at her, they are all the same gentle and doting.

Rong Di Wei Leng, stopped the action, opened his eyes and ears slightly red, but nodded in accordance with the words: "OK, I'll take you away, you can rest assured, I'll make it recover as before!" The man tightly encircles her in his arms, gaze for a long time, as if afraid that in a blink of an eye, the man in his arms will disappear.

He would never let her leave him again.


Luo Wuyou was worried. He didn't want him to be sad. But now he wanted to take her away, but she didn't know how to explain to him. She couldn't go.

"I've been looking for something else. Don't worry, there will be news soon. You've got an internal injury. When we leave and find a place, I'll give you a breath. If you don't take good care of yourself, your body will surely leave the root of the disease. " I didn't want to, but with her, he wanted to protect him, so no matter how difficult it was to find the ten herbs, he would find them.

But he would never let her risk it again.

Rongdi said that a long arm in the girl's waist, will take her to fly away with her.

Luo Wuyou felt anxious, but he couldn't help grabbing the man's clothes and exclaimed: "Shangguan Mingyue, wait a minute..."

Rongdi looked at the girl's face slightly, and the girl's prophecy stopped, which made him suddenly feel a bad feeling. His voice also slightly sank down: "Luo's worry free, why don't you go with this county?"

"I can't go yet. My gold needle is still in Jun Jinglan's hand. It's the keepsake of ghost Valley given to me by master. I must take it back. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be trouble." Luo Wuyou had an idea and finally found an excuse.

It's not an excuse. Her ghost gate thirteen needles are indeed in Jun Jinglan's hand, which is the keepsake of the ghost valley. If Jun Jinglan recognizes the goods and takes the ghost gate thirteen needles to the ghost Valley to put forward excessive requirements, then there will be trouble.

Ghost Valley is now the same as the medical valley. Both of them hold power on behalf of the valley master and perform daily affairs instead of the valley master. Because the keepsakes of the two valleys are in her hands.

Rongdi fixed to look at the girl, a moment later burst out a voice: "if it's just the ghost door thirteen needles, you don't have to worry, after we go back, I'll send people to get it back."


The man's eyes are too bright and sharp, as if to see through her at a glance. Seeing through her is concealing. However, she doesn't know how to open her mouth to him.

The girl's guilty and evasive eyes made Rongdi's face sink down: "what are you? Luo Wuyou, do you remember that you promised me that you would not lie to me again or hide from me any of your plans. Anyway, you must follow me today. "

The man's voice was firm and unquestionable, whether she wanted to or not, and no matter what reason she had, he would never let her stay here again, nor would he let her risk any more. Before he let her, indulge her, but if his indulgence will let her suffer such harm.

Then he will never indulge like that again!

Rongdi said, forcing the girl into her arms again, with a sharp and warning look in her eyes, reaching out to take the girl's waist again, and controlling her strength so well that she could be trapped by her side and never hurt her.

Luo Wuyou has some anxieties in her heart, but this time the man's attitude is extremely tough, tightly embracing her waist, so that she can't break free. But she really can't go now, if she wants to get nine days bright moon heart, I don't know when and when to wait.

Wriggling lips and looking at the man's face, she did not dare to speak to Rongdi again. The man's warning eyes showed his anger. She was afraid that he would say something more. He would not hesitate to point his acupoints and force her to carry her out of the prince's residence in the northern kingdom.

Wouldn't that be worse?

When Luo Wuyou was worried and helpless, the man had taken her out of the temple. However, the two talents came out, but in the silent night sky, countless torches were suddenly lit.

"Shangguan building lord, you are going to take the Crown Princess of this hall. Where will my future empress of North Vietnam go?" A fiery red figure came from the night sky from afar. Stepping on the top of the guard, he jumped to the direction of rongdiluo Wuyou and fell not far in front of them, gambling on the way of Rongdi and luowuyou.Four eyes relative moment, enemy meet, part of the eye red!

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