All of a sudden, a light flashed in the man's mind.

I still remember the night she left Qindu. Although there was no sound, he could see that her lips were clear. What she said was a previous life, that is, a previous life. Just now, she also said that she would like to end the enmity of the past life with Nangong Jingyu!

Is there anyone in this world who can remember the past life? And carefree she is the one who remembers the past? What did she go through in her previous life?

How could she hate her so much and make her so miserable?

Tianchen villa did not hesitate to kill herself with a knife. In the peach blossom forest, she seemed to be violated. She was indifferent to everyone. Every close contact with the stiffness and resistance, everything is like a thread, at this moment connected.

Let the man's pain to breath has stopped, he can't imagine, she should have suffered so much, in his worry free heart, there is such a deep pain, pain, let him all hate can't take her to pain, to bear!

However, he did not know that the pain in carefree heart was much more and deeper than he had imagined!

As much as he could not imagine, so deep that no one could bear it for her!

At the other end of the dungeon next door, Jun Jinglan flashed a pair of Phoenix eyes, and the same doubts and shock as Gong Jingyu. She said that she had a feud with Nangong Jingyu, and she wanted to end the private feud. Ben just wanted to follow him for a moment, but he didn't want to let him see the scenes that he would never forget in his life.

He always thought that his hatred was deep enough!

However, I never thought that someone would hate him more deeply than him. The amazing hatred that broke out in his slender body was that everyone who saw it could not be indifferent. So deep hate, hate to stab people all over the blood hole, but also do not let people die.

Even take out the wound medicine to bandage him?

Luo Wuyou, Luo Wuyou, what do you want to do? What did that jerk do to you? Will let you so hate him, looking at such a young girl, inexplicable hair block in the heart, inexplicable rise, silky pain, he can't help but want to go up and hold her in his arms, good pity.

However, what shocked him even more was the girl's behavior

In the bloody dungeon, the girl gasped slightly, and her breath was heavy. She lifted her eyes and looked at Nangong Jingyu, who was extremely weak. She took out bags of top-quality gold wound medicines and sprinkled them on the blood hole wounds one by one. Shortly after the medicine fell, she coagulated blood.

However, there are still blood drops on the man's clothes and robes. Within one meter of the ground under the man's feet, there is red blood everywhere. The girl's skirt and face are splashed with blood. Thinking about the scar, it looks particularly penetrating and terrifying.

At the moment, Luo Wuyou is just like a ghost coming out of hell. Even if you just look at it, you will scream out, even if it is a nightmare for several months.

"Luo, Luo Wuyou, hated the king, why didn't he kill him? Do you want to give me medicine? Luo Wuyou, you are a madman, you are a madman Nangong Jingyu's breath is very weak, and his eyes are full of hate. Inexplicable hostility, inexplicable frame up, inexplicable words, as well as this inexplicable killing intention and crazy revenge.

This woman is a madman, a madman!

"I am a madman. Even if I am crazy, I am forced to do it by you. It is you who made it. It is you who have achieved today's luowuyou. Therefore, you have today's end, that is also you ask for, you deserve, you deserve! "

Luo Wuyou raised his head and threw away the paper wrapped with medicine in his hand. His eyes were full of blood, and his eyes were cold and fierce. He was almost unconscious of Nangong Jingyu. "Jingyu, Nangong, I tell you that even if you don't remember it, it can't offset your sins. How much pain this palace has suffered, how much pain we will let you suffer, and how much sin ye'er has suffered, we will have to suffer 10 times and 100 times as much."

"You let ye'er of our palace be tortured by five horses at the Meridian Gate. We will also make you suffer from thousands of cuts in front of tens of thousands of people and envoys of the Three Kingdoms. Our palace will make you cut all your flesh and blood with a knife, and you will not be able to survive forever! This palace can hold you up to the throne. It can also drive you into the nine hell. This is what you owe to the palace and ye'er. Nangong Jingyu has been a husband and wife for six years, and their love for their flesh and blood for 11 years. How do you repay this palace and ye'er, the palace will pay you back thousands of times. "

"There is reincarnation in the way of heaven. Nangong Jingyu, I will tell you today that you can never expect anyone to save you, or that this palace will be threatened by you and let you go! We have said that if we can get rid of you, we will do whatever it takes to get rid of you. Even if we lose our own life, we will let you die

"No matter what the consequences, no matter what the cost, even if you pay for your own life, we will let you die, not to die, not to die..."

The cold hoarse voice of Shao * * kept circling in the dungeon, and the voice kept falling straight into Nangong Jingyu's ears. The man who had been nearly fainted broke the tip of his tongue, raised his head, and his pale lips wriggled. His voice was almost inaudible and weak.However, there was a strong sense of survival in that voice: "no At all costs The price You Are you Don't you want to I don't want to know Who on earth is Harm behind Did it hurt you... "

"Nangong Jingyu, you are really impressive. At this time, you are still dreaming of a way to live? I don't know if you have a problem with your understanding, or the palace words have not been made clear? The palace has said that the purpose of this palace has always been one, that is to get rid of you at all costs. "

"Now, do you understand? I don't know where you have such confidence. Do you still have chips to negotiate with us? However, we can only tell you that if you want to live, you are just wishful thinking. We will never leave a trace of life for the enemy. Just like luoxian'er and Yongzhao, their fate is that their bodies have no bones and become flying ash. You, this palace will only make you more miserable than them! It's more miserable, understand? "

The girl took out the brocade handkerchief and gently wiped the blood on her face: "this palace knows that you want to exchange the people behind you for a chance of life, but how do you know that is what I want to know? It's just the prophecy of the Lord Huang. It may not be a bad thing for this palace. Besides, how do you know that this palace needs to ask you? "

"It's just some leftover evils of the cult. Even you, even Yongzhao, luoxian'er and even Prime Minister of Luo can be overthrown and eliminated one by one. Are you afraid of some gangsters who don't even dare to show their faces but dare to hide in the shadow?" Luo Wuyou's face was full of Chi smile, and there was no fear of all the arrogance and wanton between the eyebrows, as well as the endless disdain and contempt of the man in front of him.

Every expression of the girl made Nangong Jingyu have a kind of impulse to go crazy, but he can't. If it is true, I'm afraid that he will be like what she said, and he can't die. He doesn't want to die. His great career has not been achieved. He has not yet sat on the Dragon chair, and he still has full of ambition.

He can't die, he can't die!

Nangong Jingyu twisted his body, but it was a sharp pain in his heart. The pain made him breathe cold air, but his brain became more and more clear. He pulled up a nearly transparent arc: "Oh Ha ha Luo Luo Wuyou You are wrong Wrong He They are something you can't imagine You want to Unimaginable power You You even have the enemy I don't know How do you How to get rid of them Oh Ha ha... "

Nangong Jingyu a pair of long and narrow eyes, refracted a touch of strange light, between the eyebrows, also dyed a bit of ridicule, seems to be mocking the girl's incapacity.

"Oh?" Luo no worry light oh a: "Yu king will be so sure, want to come Yu King know a lot. But in the view of worry free, I'm afraid you don't know their true details, right? Don't rush to deny it. It's better to listen to worry free speculation. "

The girl flicks her sleeves, turns around, and the twisted color on her face fades. In the blink of an eye, she has recovered her usual calm and steadiness. If there is no blood in the dungeon and the blood in the room, it is an illusion that what she has just seen is just an illusory light and shadow.

Luo Wuyou has already said: "as we all know, Yu Wang's mother, Yu Fei's mother, and her family members were all killed because of their collusion with foreigners. Yu Fei was also killed by a cup of dove wine. At that time, you were just born. There was such a mother who didn't like you today, but she couldn't kill her own offspring, so she handed you over to song Zhaoyi at that time to raise her. "

"At that time, song Zhaoyi's status was not high, and your treatment in the Imperial Palace was also bad. It's no surprise that under that situation, one's ambition was bred. After all, people grow up in adversity. What's strange about this palace is that song Zhaoyi does not have a strong mother's support. No matter how powerful you are, it's not easy to get to this step in the situation of King Yu. Of course, there is also the reason why you rely on the prince. "

Luo Wuyou turned his head again and looked at the southern palace. Jing Yu slightly stopped and said, "no one can match the king of Yu's ability to hide his light and preserve his obscurity, but I don't understand. When and where did you get on line with the so-called person who harmed me? Who's the one who's going to lead you? Why do they give you so much information and help? "

The girl asked several questions in a row, and each one poked the key. For a long time, the whereabouts of the holy Yin sect have become a mystery. No matter how many of them are investigated, they can not find out. Then, the problem is that even the Emperor Ming Yue Lou Rong Wang Fu can not be found, the power can not be found.

Nangong Jingyu, who is not a favorite prince, how could he build a line with them?

There is no doubt that unless those people take the initiative to find him, Nangong Jingyu can't know the holy Yin religion, let alone have a relationship with the holy Yin religion. He even got news and help from the holy Yin religion. The so-called "little cult" of Shengyin cult has always been cautious and will not easily reveal its whereabouts.

In short, there must be a matchmaker as a bridge between them!

Who is this man? What is the purpose of finding Nangong Jingyu? What kind of cooperation have they reached? As long as these questions are solved one by one, she thought, the answer behind that will give them a new clue.

Even, it is possible to take her all the way to solve the final mystery!

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