Nangong Jing glass eyes with obvious examination and doubt, Han Zhuo is directly looking at the hall, the south palace glass completely ignored. Five years ago, he had forgotten the story of Nangong Jingli, but he always remembered it clearly. I dare not forget for a moment.

At that time, if it was not for his good mother who made waves in the meantime, he told the story of that year when the master and son were injured. How could the master retire in despair? If not, with the wisdom of the master, they would have collected the ten flavors of heaven and earth.

How could a mother need to take such a big risk? So many sins?

No matter what he knew or not, he still wanted to use the master to achieve his own goals at the moment. This kind of person is absolutely not a good bird. He was also wronged that the master had made him a brother.

Bah, he deserves it!

Nangong Jingli looked at him with a cold face and obviously didn't want to see his "Rongdi". His lips were pursed into a straight line, and his hands were tightly folded under the sleeve, and his veins were protruding. Silence for a moment, but also can only reluctantly turn to the hall. At this time, no matter why Rongdi didn't act.

At present, the ceremony of worship and seal giving has been unable to stop!

In Xi Tang, "Jun Jinglan" has already held the girl's hand and worshipped Yingying in the East. The smile on the man's face has never stopped. The lips are deeply curved, and the corners of the eyes are high and upward. The smile is bright and dazzling, which is the joy from the heart.

But let Nangong Jing glass look dark to the extreme. The whole heart seems to be tightly held, rubbed and rubbed by a big hand. It is deeply tingling, and incomparably suffocating and powerless. It is also mixed with a strong unwilling and a sour taste of astringency and jealousy.

It's an indescribable complex feeling!

Nangong Jingli, who had long been confused by worry and jealousy, went through the ox horn. For a moment, he only entangled himself with the fact that the girl had married and became the queen of others. He didn't even think of the story of different identities.

Nangong Jingli's complex mood is unknown.

At this time, the girl was immersed in her own thoughts. Under the red veil, she was also wearing a thick smile. It was not her first visit to the church. In her previous life, when she became the princess of Yu, she also had it, but her mood at this time was completely different from that at that time.

At that time, she was wrapped up in sadness, fear and fear. But at the moment, clearly know that this is false, her heart is filled with, that full of peace of mind, but there are some expectations, even, there is a trace of shyness.

In my mind, I also unconsciously flashed scenes and scenes of getting along with men. From the first sight of Mingyue tower, from his inexplicable killing intention to her, she always had incomparable resistance to his constant defense. When did this man enter her heart?

Maybe it's in the bamboo house under the peach blossom forest? Or in the morgue of the Ministry of punishment? Or maybe it was the night before returning to the spirit? Or maybe it was in Qizhou when he appeared in the execution ground like the Prajna God? Or was it the moment when he saw his real appearance when he was poisoned in Lord Rong's mansion?

Or maybe it was when he appeared in the prince's mansion of the Northern Kingdom

I don't want to feel that, looking back carefully, I found that they had experienced so many things and had so many memories. Looking down at tightly holding his long hand, the man's hand is very broad, also very warm. By this hand has been holding down, she thought, that is her greatest happiness.

Holding the hand of the son, with the son carrying the old, to her, after all, is no longer a dream!

The man is also on the side of his head. Ye Ye's star eyes twinkle and his lips do not move. His voice goes straight into the girl's ears. After holding the son, he carries the old man.

Leading her all the time is also the thing he wants to do most.

Never one!

Worship heaven and earth, worship high hall.

What they wanted to worship at the moment was not the high hall in Rongwang's mansion, nor the elders in Gu's mansion, but the emperor of northern Vietnam. After the two worshipped, the ceremonial officer almost did not pause, and then cried out the following steps.

"Husband and wife pay homage to each other."

the man and the girl lean on each other at the same time, face to face, Yingying bowing down. At the moment of getting up, four eyes meet, the girl's eyes light like water, and the man's eyes are gentle and tender, full of deep affection.

The sound of silk and bamboo in the hall, the high voice of ritual officials, the breath of people

Everything seems to disappear in an instant.

As if time had stopped, everything around was isolated.

They only have each other in their eyes

The girl's bright eyes fell on the opposite side of the straight figure, that face is very charming, in the eyes of others, he is the new Northern emperor, but only she knows that he is Rongdi. She is the only one in her life who wants to marry.

False rituals are real people.

In any case, she believed that she would not forget today, nor would he. It will always be sealed in their minds forever.

Never, never fade!


Night, as promised.

The whole palace of North Vietnam is very lively. This evening, the Empress Dowager ascended to the throne. There is a grand banquet in the palace. The civil and military officials of the two countries are invited to attend. In the dark, the whole palace is full of bright lights, still flying ribbons, red lanterns hanging high, red characters posted, a school of festive color.Because the emperor of northern Vietnam was not well, he only showed one side of the ceremony, so he was sent back to the bedroom for rest. What makes Luo Wuyou feel strange is that the southern kingdom once said that he wanted to have a good view of the emperor's thirteen princes. Today, however, it has never been heard.

Nevertheless, the ceremony was a peaceful past. Apart from the unknown variable of Rongdi, everything was still calm.

I just don't know how long this calm can last?

Sitting high above, Luo Wuyou has already faded a wedding dress and changed into a phoenix robe. He glanced at the new emperor of North Vietnam, who was sitting beside him with almost smiling eyebrows, and took another look at Zijin, who was still standing on his side.

There is a strange color in the pupils of your eyes.

She carefully observed, in front of the Jun Jing Lan is really Jun Jing Lan, in front of the Son Jin is really Rong Di disguised as true Son Jin. What makes her strange is Jun Jinglan's attitude. It is clear that today Rongdi is going to complete the whole ceremony for him, but why does he not know anything about it?

Not only did he not know that his words and expressions seemed to think that he was the one who took part in the ceremony. It's so strange. I don't know how that man did it? When did you exchange people back?

She was a little curious.

"My queen has been watching me all night. Why, haven't you seen enough? But it doesn't matter. If Yan'er likes it, just watch it and see enough. I won't mind. " Jun Jing Lan turned his head and looked at the girl, smiling in his eyes.

Why would you mind? He really liked the way she looked at him and was noticed by her.

Luo Wuyou looked back and said, "Jun Jinglan, are you sure you're ok? Now you should be worried about how to explain to the emperor of the Southern Qi Dynasty? "

She saw that he was just a little confused about his abnormality. No wonder she would have doubted. In fact, today's impact was too great. First of all, I was shocked by Jun's thunderbolt. I didn't return to God.

Then it was the surprise of jondee!

Now it is Jun Jinglan such abnormal performance, Rao is her deep determination, but also some can not keep the peace of Su day. In particular, in the banquet below, there is a glimpse of the killing intention cast by Emperor Mo from time to time. There is that Nanqi Princess Mo MengYue Youyuan's eyes, he did not see it?

I don't know that the emperor of the Southern Qi Dynasty was the act of Qi Jun Jing Lan, who trampled on his majesty of a country? Or do you really care about Mo Meng Yue's Royal sister?

During the banquet, the palace maids flightily shuttle around, serving delicious food and wine from time to time. However, the faces of the rest of them were not very good except for the first two of them, who were the new emperor of northern Yue. The faces of the envoys of the two countries were even more gloomy and could almost wring water out.

After observing the ceremony, Rongdi had already retreated and disappeared. Nangong Jingli sits in the banquet, looking at the thin shadow on the high platform, drinking mugs after cups. It seemed that only through the burning pain of the liquor into his throat could he relieve his depression and depression.

I want to leave, but I don't know if I leave now, when will the next goodbye be?

After all, or reluctant to give up!

Not only Nangong Jingli and the envoys of Daqin. The thirteen kings of the Southern Qi Dynasty were very dark. Even the ink white dust of the southern emperor, who had been indifferent to the dust, was a little pale.

More than a trace of condensation, there is a trace of anger.

For no reason, Jun Jinglan had promised to welcome the princess of the southern kingdom, Mo Meng Yue, to the North Palace on the same day and confer her the imperial concubine. But the ceremony has passed, and he still hasn't received the imperial edict of emperor Jinglan.

He did not send people to the palace to receive Mo Meng moon into the palace.

Every emperor and monarch has always been a man of his word. However, the new Northern emperor, who succeeded to the throne, was not satisfied with his words. And he, the Great Southern emperor, was made a fool of for the first time!

However, this matter can not be mentioned today. If it is mentioned, it will be the face of Nanqi, his face and the face of Mo MengYue. The princess of Nanguo, the Royal sister in the palm of his hand, has been humiliated by this man again and again.

What he did today is that he wanted to give him a strong hand, but he wanted to play tricks, irresponsible and not fulfill his promise! He didn't see him as a southern emperor and a princess named Meng Yue.

A 15-year-old girl was treated like this, so she was abandoned!

Mo Di Bai Chen holds the cup in his hand and can't keep that simple and elegant. He glances at the people who are still talking and laughing on the high seat, with a few chills and fierce killing intention.

If there was no way, would he choose to send the dream moon to North Vietnam?

I hate that he dare to humiliate Meng Yue so much!

Jun Jing Lan, is really hateful to the extreme!

"Brother Huang, there is nothing wrong with Meng Yue. You don't have to feel sorry for Meng Yue." Mo MengYue bit her lip and forced her tears back into her eyes. She whispered, "don't worry. MengYue is the princess of the southern kingdom. She won't be defeated so easily. Her husband is surprised that she doesn't want me to enter his palace, but I prefer to!" She vowed that one day she would recover from him all the humiliation she had suffered today.

"MengYue, you don't have to worry. When the emperor's work is finished, you will go back with him." Ink white dust slightly side head, look to the ink dream month, flash in the eyes a wipe of self blame. If he had not made this decision, how could Meng Yue have been treated like this?Mo MengYue shakes his head: "brother Huang, dream moon will never go back. He has given me such a great shame. If I go back with you again, will I not be a deserter without fighting? If so, is the dream moon worthy of being the sister of the emperor? The emperor has forgotten that the dream month cannot return, and the dream month is not willing to go back at this time! "

Mo Bai Chen frowned and just wanted to speak, but Mo Meng Yue stood up suddenly from the banquet and went straight to the center of the hall and drank back the dancer.

The music of the hall suddenly stopped and fell into a silence. All the people, countless pairs of eyes, looked at the beautiful shadow in the middle of the hall. All the courtiers in the North Vietnam even felt a thump in their hearts.

What does this dream Moon Princess want to do?

Don't you want to pick things up and get justice from their emperor?

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