When Liu Suifeng arrives, Luo Wuyou is having breakfast.

The girl sat by the bed with a bowl of eight treasure lotus seed soup in her hand, with a quiet smile on her face.

Suddenly, there were more men in the room. Even though the man knew him, Hong Jin still looked bad. He was on guard immediately. This is the lady's boudoir. How could a man easily break into the room, and the maid guarding the door outside?

Why didn't you stop him?

Luo Wuyou looked at the red brocade and said with a clear smile: "red brocade, you go out first!" Liu Suifeng's skill, let alone several servant girls, even if the guard outside is the Yu Lin Jun, I'm afraid it can't stop him.

Red brocade pursed lips, retreated out, took the door, but did not go far, only kept outside the door.

"Miss Luo is really a good tact. Even the servant girls are so loyal and obedient." Liu Suifeng naturally knew that red brocade had not left and sat down on the mahogany chair.

Peach blossom eye, a blink does not blink looking at Luo Wuyou.

Luo Wuyou still had a quiet smile on his face: "young master Liu, you are not here to praise Wu you! If you have something to say, you haven't finished your breakfast yet Then he raised the blue and white porcelain bowl in his hand.

"What's going on in Yuan'an hall?" Liu Suifeng no longer played dumb fans, directly said his purpose: "Luo Wuyou, what do you know? What do you want to do? "

"Oh, has it finally happened? I didn't expect that the move was so fast. Yuan'antang should have been closed now, right? In the shop of the Liu family, we found out the forbidden articles in the court. This time, I wonder whether his highness King Li can keep Mr. Liu and the Liu family? "

Luo no worries smile gradually, the spoon lightly touched the bowl wall, issued a crisp clasp sound, pleasant voice, but heard Liu's face more cloudy.

She, as expected, knows!

Yes, how could she not know?

Luo Wuyou glances at him, and his clear eyes look beyond the edge of the carved window. The sunlight of Ye Ye falls on the bottom of her pupil, which is bright and dim. However, in her mind, the Liu family's files that she once saw in the secret room of the East Palace appear. In the early April of the 19th year of Qianyuan, the shop of the Liu family in the north of the city was sealed, and a large number of knives, guns, swords and halberds were found in one of the warehouses The secret of 40 years has been dug out

The emperor was angry and ordered to punish the Liu family for the crime of treason.

The imperial edict is short and only 15 characters. However, the Liu family, which has been famous for nearly 30 years, is the first wealthy family in Qindu, and the Liuzi family has come to an end.

Swords, spears, swords and halberds are all weapons. Emperors of all dynasties would not allow private merchants to forge and sell weapons without permission.

Once investigated and dealt with, all of them will be punished as treason.

All the people in the Liu family, Liu Suifeng's father, Mr. Liu, including people of the nine ethnic groups, were involved. A total of 583 people, regardless of men, women, old and young, were killed outside the Meridian Gate, and their bodies were piled up like mountains.

There were too many prisoners in that execution, and the Ministry of punishment sent ten executioners, which took three days to complete the execution.

Oh, wrong. It's not that the whole family was destroyed. Because one person escaped from the Liu family. That person is the young leader of the Liu family, Liu Suifeng!

"Luo Wuyou..." Seeing the girl just in a daze, Liu Suifeng's face is quite impatient.

"What's the rush of Mr. Liu? Now, isn't the Liu family still unsealed? If Wuyou guesses it right, the Liu family should have found those weapons already? " Luo Wuyou turned his eyes but chuckled: "ginger, is it old and spicy, Mr. Zhixun? I admire you

It was discovered, otherwise, Liu Suifeng would not have leisure, sitting here and talking to her. After all, there is still one night to go before the crime.

Liu Suifeng swallows it. Yes, the weapons were discovered. But now, how to deal with those weapons has become the key. If such a hot potato is allowed to stay in the Liu family, the final outcome of the Liu family will not be known.

Inside and outside the Imperial City, there were a large number of pinnacles. With the ability of the Liu family, it was not difficult to transport or hide such large weapons. As long as the weapons were transported away and got through the present situation, the Liu family would be safe.

However, the Liu family has always been engaged in legitimate business. This time, there are so many weapons emerging from the warehouse of the Liu family. I don't know that it was set up by some intentional people. I'm afraid that if they have just made a move, the hidden people will immediately respond.

At that time, the Liu family will be doomed.

Now, it can be said that the Liu family is standing on the edge of the cliff, and half a step of the wrong step will also make the whole Liu family to pieces.

"Miss Luo, please point out the maze and save the Lius once. Members of the Liu family will be grateful. If you follow the wind, you can be sent by your lady. " Liu Suifeng took a deep breath, and finally restrained his uninhibited look and solemn promise.

Luo Wuyou is a light smile: "Master Liu, too high to see worry free, worry free a woman, I really don't understand why Mr. Liu didn't ask for help from his royal highness, but came to look for Wuyou. With King Li's influence in the court, these weapons must not defeat him, right?"Behind the king Li was the Fu family, the Duke of Dingguo. The Fu family had military power and weapons in their hands. However, as long as the Fu family intervened, the Liu family's crisis could be relieved.

"That's what my father meant."

Liu's Master Liu came to Liu's house to answer the order, but Liu's family leader didn't care.

With a gentle smile, the old man Liu

"Yes, this time, you can help the Liu family once, just as a meeting gift for Mr. Liu. This is for you." Luo Wuyou said, from the embroidery pillow took out a thing, handed to Liu Suifeng.

Unexpectedly, the girl agreed so easily. Liu Suifeng took the paper from Luo Wuyou in surprise and opened it. The ink on the paper was not dry. Obviously, it was Luo Wuyou who had just written it. Obviously, she had expected that she would come, and knew that she would ask her for help, and even figured out what he would ask for help.

And the content on the paper, is to let Liu Suifeng look big shock!

"How do you know?" Liu Suifeng pursed his lips and asked.

Luo Wuyou chuckled: "how can you know, Mr. Suifeng seems to have forgotten that my father was also a prime minister at any rate. Wuyou naturally guessed it from his father's lines."

Guess, Liu Suifeng pick eyebrows, naturally do not believe, guess can also guess so accurate? Luo Xiang, who is in the Jingchao hall, may know more about what happened in the court. But this time, I'm afraid Prime Minister Luo didn't know anything about it. Even if he did, how could he reveal it to Luo Wuyou.

You know, this girl, in the prime minister's office, is not favored.

"In fact, it's a good guess, isn't it?" Glancing at Liu Suifeng, Luo Wuyou said: "Prince Liu and King Li are too close. There is a Dingguo government behind King Li, and there is a mother who is a queen. Such a solid backing, if you add the financial support of Master Liu Oh, the trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy them! "

"There is no need for me to say that Prince Liu should understand it. Nowadays, the prince is weak. Although the emperor has not abolished the prince and set up a new one, it is only a matter of time. But how can other princes and princes be reconciled? "

"King Li, this stone is too big. Who would not want to eradicate it? It is not a matter of a day to eradicate King Li. For the time being, no one can shake the empress and the Dingguo government. However, the Liu family is different. It is much easier to deal with the Liu family's Merchant House. "

"What's the most important thing in the fight for the throne? In addition to military power, it is financial resources. The disappearance of the Liu family has cut off the financial resources of King Li, which is also a cut off of King Li's arm, isn't it? If you want to overthrow a big family force and do it once and for all, naturally nothing is better than to arrest the accusation of rebellion to the Liu family! In the past dynasties, has this happened rarely?

Luo Wuyou raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "as for the matter of the Liu family, who is the one who moved the hand this time? I think Mr. Liu knows it well. Don't I have to explain it again?"

Looking at the girl's lip ridicule, Liu Suifeng is also a self mockery smile, in the mind, flashed several faces.

Who set up the Liu family?

Oh, besides those, who else?

Today, the imperial court has four branches. In addition to King Li, there are three forces. One is the so-called orthodox conservatives who support the crown prince nanjingming. Unfortunately, the prince is weak and has a stubborn illness, so he has no intention to become emperor.

The other two forces were the fourth prince, Chen Wang Nangong Jingchen, and the sixth prince, Nangong Jingxiu, the king of war.

Nangong Jingchen's biological mother, Xi Fei Niang, has been popular for decades and has a number of supporters.

Nangong Jingxiu, though her mother and concubine were in poor condition, was extraordinary. She was young, struggling in battle, accumulating numerous military achievements, and holding 200000 military power in her hand. She was also a powerful candidate in the position competition.

Nangong Jingming was at that time cultivating in the Royal courtyard of Changzhou. King Li had no reason to frame up the Liu family. Nangong Jingxiu is still at the border. The weapons found from the Liu family are not excellent. Nangong Jingxiu is calm and has military power in his hands. If he wants to frame up, he will not use such inferior weapons.

Therefore, the remaining object of suspicion, has been very obvious, only one, Nangong Jingchen.

Of course, it can not be ruled out that this is Nangong jingxiuyuan. He also intervened in setting up this bureau and wanted to frame Nangong Jingchen.

Liu Suifeng deeply gazed at the girl lying on the bed.

Such a beautiful girl, but so deep in mind, so bold, she almost saw through the situation in the middle of the court, also calculated every step, even, dare to attack the man.

What does she want to do?

I'm afraid that he appeared in the prime minister's office yesterday, but also in her calculation?

Such a girl is really, too terrible!

What's more terrible is that she can grasp people's hearts so accurately and play with everyone in her hands!

Liu Suifeng's expression, take a panoramic view, Luo Wuyou's heart is quiet sigh, Liu Suifeng, finally too young, can make such a game of people, how can be Nangong Jingchen that mediocre generation.

As for Nangong Jingxiu, it's even less so.If she had not seen the files, she would not have known that Nangong Jingyu was the one who controlled everything behind the scenes from the beginning to the end. Of course, more precisely, he was just an executor and planner.

The one who really wanted the Liu family to die was the one above.

What puzzled her was that Mr. Zhixun, who was famous all over the world, made such a low-level mistake? It is not a wise move to pull the Liu family into the whirlpool of seizing the emperor.

I hope that through this incident, Liu can make the right response, otherwise, this ally, she can only give up.

Shaking off the doubts in his mind, Luo Wuyou said: "go back and tell Mr. Liu that such a trial can be done once. I hope there will not be another time. Wuyou is still that sentence. Worry free is just trying to make a deal. Both sides will help each other. That's all."

With the ability of the Liu family, she didn't think that the old man Liu had to find her. The key to the rapid collapse of the Liu family in the previous life was that the accident came so suddenly that the Liu family was unprepared.

In this life, the Liu family discovered the clue in advance under her reminding, and the situation could not be compared with each other.

"I'll tell my father what Miss law needs to do with the wind." Liu Suifeng five fingers a pinch, that paper immediately into a handful of powder.

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