All said that there is no time in the mountain, a flash has been thousands of years!

Luo no worries also did not know that he woke up has passed a few days, opened his eyes to look around the strange environment but is no longer that cold pool, but in a cave. Clothes on the body have already been dry, from the hay pile to sit up, the exhaustion of the whole body is gone.

The ink white dust in the cave lies on the other side, and there is a pile of firewood in the middle. But Rong Di is gone. He caresses the robe covered on his body, and Luo is relieved. It seems that, first, they woke up, and probably went out to find food.

It is not surprising that although the poison of life and death disorder has made the man suffer from all his pain, under the pressure of the golden silkworm, it also allows him to heal automatically quickly no matter how many injuries he suffers. Thinking she uncovering her clothes and giving the ink white dust a pulse, although weak pulse has been better than when rescued.

It should be two days before we wake up.

Luo Wuyou walked the vein outside the cave, looked up at the sky outside, and the stone wall that could not see the end. Just after he was going out to find Rongdi, a figure appeared in her sight in the distance. The man was wearing only a white inner garment, and the mask on his face had long fallen into the cold pool.

Looking at the girl appearing, the man's face eyebrow dye smile blinks between has jumped to the girl: "how, but better, you have been coma for three days, but where uncomfortable?"

"I am fine, but I didn't think it was three days since. Strangely, why didn't anyone come down to us?" Luo Wu frowns, she really did not think, this sleepy unexpectedly slept for the past three days? According to the reason, they must have received the news, that is, the tyrant who was surprised by the monarch should send people down the cliff.

Why is it that there is no movement or silence?

"The cliff is set up with a formation, and people can not walk in. We fell down and touched the array, but it just fell into the eyes of the gate array, otherwise it would not have been so just falling into the cold pool. Only that array is very strange, I don't know who it is, actually has such a great ability and leisure heart, here set up such a large array. "

"Let me go first. I picked some wild fruit, and you eat some first. Mo Bai Chen had woke up once yesterday. He should wake up soon. You will know what you want to know then. As for cliff, it is not urgent. "

"You said the ink and white dust had awakened once?"

Luo Wu worry a little surprised, looking at the man nodding in the heart doubt but more: "Rong Di, his body you can check for him? Why can't I get any abnormality for him, but I always think he is wrong? " Falling into the cold pool for so long, even she was unconscious for three days before waking up.

She thought he had to wake up two days later, but she didn't expect that he had woke up once yesterday.

And is the cliff still set up by people?

Who will be? Why do you set up a formation here?

"He can't get out of his own way. He was cursed!"

Rong Di led the girl with frown and thought back to the cave. It was suddenly flashing a white light, and he shot directly at Luo Wuyou. However, she was too surprised to hide. He was caught by a flutter. The man waved his hand and clapped the furry thing.

The little thing was turned and shot back in the middle of the sky.

The man then swims his sleeve again.

So repeatedly ten times, that thing is finally a slap on the ground, a chirp and chirp of the sound, Luo youyoucong eyes carefully look, suddenly some suddenly but also difficult to hide shock.

"If I don't remember it correctly, it seems to follow me from that cold pool. Why hasn't it gone yet? And what animal is this, jondy, why is it so strange? " If it doesn't appear, she can't think of it for a while.

It's just that it looks weird.

The big thing to slap is a dog, a tiger like head, a long unicorn, behind the lion tail shaking, the unicorn like four feet, on the ground, lying and pulling. Those two round eyes are also angry at the culprit who shot it, even more vivid than black shine!

It was with some kind of emotion!

"These four different ways, like the Buddha in the Sutra, the meaning of the mount of the Tibetan king Bodhisattva, is not like, too poor, and that body is not at all like."

Luo Wuyou stared at the four different things and looked at it carefully for a long time: "I remember that it appeared in the cold pool, so cold to the bottom of the extreme pool, how did it survive? And, you said someone has set up a very powerful array here. It is to prevent other people from breaking in, so will it be to protect it? "

The valley is very desolate except for the sharp mountains and rocks and the barren slopes. There are no other people, no other animals. There is a strange quiet, and there seems to be a bright light in his mind, which makes Luo Wuyou look up at the man who is also staring at her.

"It is one of the ten flavors we've been looking for, but it's not in the county's mind. There will be ahjoo animals in this world, and they are trapped in this abyss. It is a small head, and it will take at least a few hundred years to see that its fur color can be pure white without any noise"Ah, Joo beast?" Luo Wuyou raised eyebrows with doubts in her voice, but she had never heard of the name of the beast.

"Well, according to the Buddhist scriptures, it is said that the eight cold hell is extremely cold, and all things have a way of reincarnation. Those who enter the eight cold hell will be frozen to the point of howling and howling. Later, a kind of beast is derived from the eight cold hell. This kind of animal's shape is just like this. Because of its peculiar cry, it is called achu beast, and achu means" cold. "

The man put down the wild fruit in his arms and said, "of course, it's just a legend. I once saw a record of this kind of ah Chu beast in a miscellaneous book. They are not afraid of the cold, and usually live in the extreme cold water before adulthood. They live a long life, but they are rare! Among all the existing documents of the Three Kingdoms, it has never appeared more than three times. "

"And the saliva of ah Joo beast has magical healing power. You can recover so fast, thanks to it." The man said that the voice was slightly cold, especially when he thought of the picture he saw when he woke up. Ah, the Chuo beast was actually licking the girl's skin with its tongue, so he couldn't stop the impulse to beat it flat.

Luo Wuyou didn't notice the abnormal expression of the man. After a long silence, he suddenly exclaimed: "do you mean it's the hell spring water we're looking for? However, the so-called hell spring water is the saliva of this little thing? It's so different that it's hard to imagine! "

It's hard to imagine, even more incredible.

But when you think about it carefully, which of the ten flavors of heaven and earth is not incredible? Whether it's the soul of the other shore, or the ten thousand year old fox, or the red flame seed of the Jedi, or even the nine day bright moon heart promised by Mo baishen, they are also the rarest and most magical existence in the world!

It is said that the master of the moon has a good command of astronomy and geography.

If he had been looking for it, he would have found it? I think of the emptiness and indifference of life and death that I have seen in men.

Luo Wuyou felt a sudden pain in his heart! But in a flash, no matter how we can find ah Cho beast, it is a surprise, because it means that they are one step closer to the day when the ten herbs are collected.

Luo Wuyou looked at the small things on the ground, carefully went forward, the dark pupil in the blooming joy friendly soft light, afraid to scare it away. Whether it is or not, this is a hope. Take it back to Daqin, and then slowly study and consult the data.

Since Rongdi had read Fang Yu's documents, he might have found more information about it. In short, it must be taken away. And this thing is very spiritual and very fast. If it escapes, I don't know where to catch it again.

Ah Chuo beast, who has been half squatting on the ground, turns his big black eyes and looks at the girl step by step. However, he looks at the man sitting on the side with a sudden glance. Luo Wuyou stops his body and dares not to move forward.

I didn't know that the little thing called out, but he quickly moved his head and walked towards carefree with great strides. And, do not wait for her to bend down, behind two feet a pedal, then straight jump on the girl's shoulder, squat down, and toward the man's mouth spray nose.

It seems to be: show off? Or do you want to show off?

Luo Wuyou could see the little guy's expression clearly and reached out to hold it down from his shoulder. The little thing was extremely cooperative and sat in the girl's hands. The big eyes seemed to be blooming with light, and the long pink tongue was licked in the girl's palm.

Although the long four unlike, but really like a dog general clever!

"Jondy, it doesn't matter if we take it back like this? Will leaving this cold pool have any effect on it? " A burst of micro oxygen moistened the palm, so that the girl's lips raised a smile, for the little guy's love is not hidden.

At the same time, there are some concerns.

"Take it back and try it. If not, throw it to the ice cellar. I think it will like it very much. You don't have to worry. There is a huge ice cellar in Rong Wang's mansion! " Rongdi's face was slightly heavy. Looking at the little guy who was held in the palm of the girl's hand and was looking at his teeth, he felt that it was out of the way.

"You're just in time. Sit down and put it down. Rest assured, it will not leave, such as this spirit, will choose the Lord, most of them will recognize who is the main one at the first sight. The county seems to like you very much, so even if you don't want it, it will follow you! "

Don't be so friendly to it!

Luo Wuyou didn't care. She really liked this little guy. She just sat down with him. For a while. It is just to give the little guy a name, ink white dust has already quietly turned to wake up, side head looking at Luo Wuyou and Rong Di two people are stunned for a while.

He sat up from the haystack.

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