How much pain and hate can one bear?

The thin girl suffered a lot. It's hard to imagine, heartache, pity and pity. In the heart of the cold hearted man, there is a fierce evil spirit that destroys the heaven and earth.

More than his dry eyes, but also out of two lines of crystal clear tears

Rongdi stood in the dark room, looking at the whole body skeleton was melted out, white hair of her, reached out to touch, touch her face, touch her already destroyed and rotten facial features, also touched her head full of gorgeous hair.

The heart has been hurt, the pain is extreme!

In the brothel, he watched her full of green silk inch inch inch into snow!

Tears dripped soundlessly, and his long and transparent fingers passed between the cheeks. He still felt it carefully and seriously. How many times do you want to hold her in your arms and comfort her? How many times do you want to kill those who hurt her.

But he could only see his hands in vain through the void.

At that moment, only hate their own powerlessness.

Just like this moment, he still can only stand by and look at her. His eyes are fixed on the execution ground, and the despair and unwillingness of her last hope after Nangong Chengye's death. He watched her body burn to ashes. See her by crazy hatred package, endless sink deep.

Finally, she did not hesitate to cast a curse against the sky for the chance of rebirth and revenge!

The whole building collapsed. The sky outside the window was bright and clear, but in an instant it became very dark. The clouds covered the sun and the wind swept through. Then the sky turned red.

It's even redder than the burning clouds at sunset.

In the blood red, however, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared, and two figures were sucked in. The passers-by who had watched the execution of the execution were all swayed by the strong wind and fled in all directions. The vision of the sky flashed away and no one saw it.

Of course, they can't see it either.

Only Rongdi looked up at the vision for a moment. His eyes flashed slightly, but he also quickly moved away from his eyes. He glanced at the red line which was less than the size of a rice grain on his wrist. The man's brow was frowning. He had not much time left. He had to find worry free as soon as possible.

It is true that the nine turn soul guiding array can lead people to dream, but there is a time limit. When the red line is completely faded, if he can't find her and take her away, they will stay here and never go back. He had to take her away, but even Nangong Chengye executed, she did not show up.

Where is her consciousness now?

Rongdi's eyes kept scanning, but suddenly his eyes were slightly narrowed. His body, like a tree flavor, floated to the opposite floor of the building. The doors and windows of the wing room were all closed. Only when the vision came out, he had opened a crack. The man was wearing a black cloak and a wisp of white hair floating on his forehead.

It was

After glancing at the countless candles and other things in the room behind the man, Rongdi's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp cold light appeared in his eyes. Originally, he wanted to float along and see the man's face, but at this time the familiar pulling force came again.

Now the picture turns again.

In the endless blood and killing, he almost saw her shuttling in the crowd at the first sight. She was floating like that. She had no entity, no fighting power, and could not even touch anything. He waved her hands and feet to stop the snakes and insects.

There was a slight burning pain between his wrists. At this time, the red line about the size of a grain of rice on his wrist began to flicker and was about to disappear. Rongdi's figure flashed forward, and there was a strange bead in his hand. The bead turned into a light when he was flicked by the man's finger, and went straight into the girl's body.

Luo Wuyou, who had already fallen into madness, was once again in the dark.

I was completely unconscious.


The light suddenly disappeared in the long gauze curtain, and the two people who had closed their eyes on the bed opened their eyes. Looking at the familiar tent above, the girl's eyes opened greatly, and the light of her eyes was a little dull and absent-minded.

Was it just her dream? Or did she really go back to her previous life?

On the day that she and ye'er died, Hongjin and qingluan took the people of Mingyue building to save them? These two people often follow her around, naturally also know the rules of the moon tower. In her previous life, she did not know Rongdi, and wanted the people of Mingyue building to do it. Obviously, there was only one way.

They also went to gamble once, still take life to gamble!

Why are you so stupid? Since it has been separated from, then live peacefully, why go back again? What's the use of that? It was just a trick to deceive them.

And did they escape?

She did not see this answer, nor could she speculate that ye'er had not been stopped from executing her sentence in the previous life. She did not even know that after the death of the family member, there were still people searching for her whereabouts. For this reason, she even went to the qingluan building.

However, these do not seem to matter anymore.At least this life, qingluan and Hongjin are still good.

But mother Yu was sent to hell early. Not only mother Yu, but her enemies were dead. She would send them down soon.

Luo Wuyou lenglengleng thinking, eyes do not blink, until the body was put into a warm embrace, by a pair of big palm tight system hoop, she suddenly back to God. Smelling the familiar breath and medicine fragrance, looking at the man's handsome face, the girl's eyes were full of surprise and shock.

"Rongdi, how can you be here, you..."

"If I'm not here, I've been calling you and holding you. Are you going to stay awake all the time? Don't worry, don't you know this county has been calling you for a long time Rongdi's right hand was covered with a girl's pliable and ink splashed hair, and his voice was soft to the extreme.

Men's bright star eyes are floating on the thick heartache.

He never knew that there was so much pain in his carefree heart. She was hurt as deep as that, all the memories of that sealed in her mind, always tortured her. It is a kind of pain, but it is a kind of suffering!

It is a pity that yuluo, the Nangong king, and Yongzhao are all dead.


But it doesn't matter. What about the rest, such as the mighty general? Or the fallen Prime Minister of the Luo family? And everyone who has hurt her

He is not in a hurry. He will come one by one.

He will let them know well, what is the consequence of completely irritating him?

"Why did you return to the capital?"

Luo Wuyou frowned: "you have already gone to the far north? I started in the morning and went back to the capital at night. Don't tell me, you have arrived in the far north and come back after picking the seeds of red flame? Do you know how hard it is to find the seeds? "

"Rongdi, you promised me that I would never be affected by anything. You can rest assured that I have nothing to do. Maybe I was too busy and tired a few days ago, so I fainted." Rongdi's half way back to let her unexpected, although glad to see him at this time.

However, she was more worried that he would miss the red flame grass.

"With the martial arts of our county, do you think that this county will let it happen? Since you are tired, you should sleep for a while. Don't worry about it all day. In a word, the county will bring back the seed of red flame intact and give it to the head of Wuyou County for research, OK? " Rongdi smile quite some helpless, red flame grass is very difficult to find, but also very important.

But no matter how important it is, how can it be compared with her?

If he does not turn back tonight, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The girl did not know.

Luo Wuyou thinks about it carefully. It seems that Rongdi's martial arts are extremely high, and his light body Kung Fu is also extremely high. However, as he said, it is very tiring to use lightness skill all the time, which is not good for his health. Besides, she can't let him stay. She has to find a way to let him leave first.

Otherwise, nine days bright moon heart how to hide the past?

Rongdi did not speak any more. He held the girl tightly and looked at the tired face of the girl. What he saw in the dream, the man who suddenly appeared, and the things in the room echoed in his mind. There is also the vision of the sky after you cast a spell before you die.

The two figures in the whirlpool were engulfed by blood!

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