The man's shallow and clear voice sounded low in the night sky, which was like the sounds of nature. However, it was like a stone falling into the sea level without waves. In an instant, the huge waves in the sky were set off.

Xiao'an'er was almost invisible, but in a moment she shrunk her mouth: "I don't know what you're talking about? What is luochengye and what is Nangong Chengye? My name is ann'er, and you have married my sister. Don't you even know the name of my brother-in-law? "

Said the little guy also simply squatted on the ground, sitting next to the man. Looking at the dark night sky, big eyes seem to be stained with a trace of confusion, but in the blink of an eye, it has disappeared.

There was no one to talk for a long time. It was very quiet. It was cold and penetrating.

Quiet to let his heart also gradually rise a trace of fear.

"My brother-in-law is as smart as an adult, as well as a child prodigy when he was young. But the county didn't expect you to be afraid. How could you be afraid of telling your secret? Or are you afraid of being burned on the fire as a monster? " After a moment, Rong Di Tu's smile, but the words he said were more direct, which also made an'er's face suddenly changed.

The original childish expression on the fleshy little face is not there, but in a flash, there is more calmness and steadiness peculiar to adults. The eyes looking at men in the big dark eyes also become sharp, and even a little cold. The original tender voice is also tinged with a little sharp: "what do you want to do? How was it discovered? What is the purpose of your approach to her and her marriage? "

"I tell you, no matter what you want to do, if you dare to hurt her, I will never let you go." An'er small hand tightly, that eye son but and the man look straight at, no more Dodge, clearly small children are all permeated with a fierce and resolute!

This secret, which he kept secret, was discovered when he came back to her. He thinks he's hiding well and has been trying to play the role of a child. But he underestimated the wisdom of this man and the sharpness of his eyes.

Luo Chengye, Nangong Chengye? Oh, ha ha, God knows that for these seven words, for these two names, only let him feel incomparable disgust and hatred. He is not Luo Chengye or Nangong Chengye. He is just xiao'an'er, her xiao'an'er.

The road to the east of the hometown is long and the tears of the double sleeve dragon bell don't dry. We meet each other immediately without paper and pen. We can report peace by your message. Still remember these four poems, she recited the four poems, as if they were still yesterday, still ring through the ears. Ann's name was also chosen for him by her own mouth.

It means he can be safe all his life.

She's an'er, just an'er, not anyone else. What's more, it will never be luochengye, let alone Nangong Chengye!

This kind of an'er, and she really has some similarities!

Especially the perseverance!

"How does the county know? Didn't you tell the county that yourself? " Rongdi's voice is still without any ups and downs, but in his heart, the waves roll over, as expected, but this is to make him doubt deeper, worry free rebirth, really that simple?

The spell she recited before she died was incomplete.

The two figures that he saw were sucked into the red whirlpool. One of them was thin and tender. If there was no mistake, it would be Nangong Chengye, and the other was who it was. The image was a little vague, and the situation at that time was too fast for him to see clearly.

He had doubted the figure, which was carefree, but he was not sure.

Since that dream, he has been thinking, Nangong Chengye's soul has been sucked away, is he also like worry free rebirth? Zhijiu has been staying in Qishan to protect Gu Ruolan and an'er. He knows the situation of an'er in Qishan.

But although he knew it, he did not doubt it at that time.

After all, it was not until his trip to North Vietnam that Wuyou executed Nangong Jingyu with tough means that he really determined that Wuyou was a reborn man, but even then he did not have such doubts, because at that time he did not know much about all this.

Although he is known as the God of war, he is also an individual. He is not a real God. He can't predict or read the mind. We can't predict the future, or even see the inside of anyone at a glance. Just like carefree, they will have a careful observation and thinking about everything around them, so that they can see the side that others can't see.

That more exactly should be called insight!

At that time, he was only regarded as this little guy, and he was born with great intelligence.

As his father and king said, he was born with excellent roots and bones. He was a child of martial arts training. He was less than two years old, but he had already learned martial arts with Sang Zhe. He was also given many rare miracles by the old man Qishan. Although this little guy is young, he has nearly ten years' internal power in his body. Even, that poison skill also makes him perfect. If the world knows it, it will only say that he is a genius born in the sky.

But where are so many geniuses in the world?

It was not until he entered the carefree dream that he really doubted. The reason was that there was an eleven year old soul in this little body. But this little guy is a good cover up, always with all the people pretending to be tender.But the best cover up will inevitably be missed.

And his loophole lies in the over dependence and care for the worry free. Even though it has been hidden deeply, every time you look at a girl in your eyes, the deep love of children in the bottom of your eyes is still hard to hide.

The deepest knot in worry free heart is not forced to die, nor torture and imprisonment in those ten years, but the death of Lin in Nangong, or the tragic death of him. It was deeper in her heart than the hells of the blue building a year.

Nangong Chengye is the only hope and belief that supports her through the 11 years of hell like days. As early as she was sent away, she was saved from her heart, desperate as grey, to bite her tongue and kill herself. Luo Xianer forced Lin to bear Lin's life and made her survive and even die.

The saddest thing in life is beyond this!

Because even when she turned back in the last time, she changed herself. Even if it was the fate of all people, the only one that was born by Lin in Nangong could not be changed.

He belongs to the future!

Even if the time and space turn back, it is impossible to appear without relying on him in the space where the reversal is turned. His appearance is not only against the common sense, but also against the circulation of heaven. It is a fact that she also let him, is let all people can only helpless fact, can not change can only accept the fact.

But things were beyond their imagination, and his test and Ann's response had already explained the problem. This is undoubtedly good news for worry free. Nangong Chengye is alive. Even if he has changed a body, his knot in her heart can be solved.

However, he is undoubtedly a existence outside the heaven

"You know what I asked was not this, how did you guess it?" asked jondy? Did she tell you that? But even so you can't guess that. Who are you? What do you want to do? " Although he is carrying the body of a two-year-old, it is not natural that a real two-year-old can not easily believe his words.

It is the suspicion of temptation that there must be a reason!

"You will know what the county wants to do in the future? Will you hurt her again? This question is the county answered you will not believe, you can see clearly with your eyes open. " How could he give up to hurt her? But this answer, as he said, is what he said. It is impossible for Chengye in Nangong to believe it.

"But as far as I know, you should not know her identity, so how are you sure of this?"? If you want to protect her, it's better to tell the county the facts. "

"How do I know my life?" you want to ask

An'er suddenly grinned, and looked up straight to the man. He was not happy to look up to himself. But in his eyes, there was a strange light: "it seems that the prince knows it is more than I think. Since you want to know that, it is no harm to tell you that I have seen a portrait and a portrait of the mother in the storehouse of the east palace. "

"At that time, only feeling that the people on the portrait were very kind, they stayed. There was a mother's name on the portrait, but I didn't know she was my real mother. " If he could have known earlier, would it be different from what happened later?

He can't know the answer.

The blame can only blame those people too cruel, but he is too stupid, was concealed so many years but did not find. They never found that their good to him was always so alienated and false. I have never suspected it, even in order to get the so-called "love", do such a muddle headed thing, life and death to myself!

His life is so precious, is the mother paid so much to exchange!

But he lost it by himself!

The anger flashed in her eyes, perhaps by mother and son. Instinctively, he hid the picture, and did not give anyone any idea. Including at that time he regarded as a relative is actually a pair of humble Luo Xianer and Nangong Jingyu, and the portrait is also entitled with the word, on which the name of the person in the portrait is also mentioned.

The gentle eyes of the portrait he always remember, even holding the portrait every night to sleep. And the name above the portrait he has always remembered.

She's called: Luo Wuyou!

"The sudden look became colder," Ann said. "Until the day when the house was executed, the hall thought that she was dead. My body was torn into pieces. I was dead. But the strange thing is that I still have consciousness and can see everything around me. I see how the humble woman of luoxianer tortures her mother, and how to burn her mother, and see more …”

More see mother after a time of indignation of blood spitting curse.

At that time, he heard the name, and he knew that the person on the original picture was his mother and his mother. But after mother, they were hurt to be that way. They were cruel to take their own to threaten her mother, the evil bitch, not only took away everything after her mother, but also killed him, even burned her mother.

What is hateful is that he has been kept in the dark!He didn't know the truth until he died. At that time, he was sad and angry. He only wanted to die with his mother like this. But he did not think, just when he saw everything, the world suddenly changed, a great force sucked him away, and then his consciousness fell into darkness.

When he regained consciousness, he saw his mother's face, which was much younger. However, the gentle look in his eyes was the same as that of the man in the portrait. All make him feel at ease and feel warm, that is the feeling between relatives and blood.

But then, in the delivery room, the conversation between the mothers made it clear to him that he had indeed survived, but had become a newborn baby.

The one who should have called her mother turned into her sister.

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