Reborn To Become A Heavenly Serpent

Chapter 12 - 12 (First encounter?)

"That was a good yield... a total of more than 40000 points. The larger the fish the more point they will contribute me with."

Currently, Hiro is sprawling his large body next to the river as he plops flat on the ground. Though because of his darkish green skin color... from afar, he melts in with the surrounding. It would take more than one look to discover his presence. But of course, that only applies to land creatures... as for flying ones they are 100% sure to catch sight of Hiro's giant body from above.

"Oh yeah... I never really tried exploring the forest area before. Now that I'm this big I don't think there will be any problems for me to face off any stronger beast."

Deciding that... he unhurriedly slithered his way into the wilderness as a lengthy gully was plowed behind him. Slowly leaving the trail that a massive monster was here before.

At the height of 5 meters. Hiro's head protruded tall above the small trees as he wormed onwards. Wrecking numerous trees and gravel along the way.

Much smaller creatures saw the incoming looming dark green giant serpent as he pushed further and further.

To no alarm each tempo, he snaked forward the surrounding smaller beast had already galloped away for their life. Who would be foolish enough to stay and see what possibly can a huge snake do to them?.


Deep inside the forest... a soldier covered in black heavy armor currently is leaning his back against a shady tree. A bit covered as the area is coated by tall and lush thickets. The remains of fallen armed soldiers were dispersed around the area as many of them had despair on their expression before death. Seemingly to be frightened of something...

Though his circumstance doesn't appear to be good. His left arms had already been torned apart as the blood keeps oozing out uncontrollably. He tightly wrapped the wounded area with his right arm as he tightened his face with pain. Enduring the immense discomfort as he bȧrėly could gasp. For one gasp of air feels like torment to him as beads of sweat slowly seeped down from his forehead.

*Heavy breathing*

"I... can't make it... huh"

*Heavy breathing*

"Liana I can't make it... I-..."

The man slowly whispered those words as he stared dumbly at the dirt. Tears started to roll down from his cheeks as he gritted his teeth with grief.

"I can't... make it... if only I had listened to... you before..."

A glimmer of sadness and despair occurred on his face as his tears trickled about onto the dry ground. The former glorious soldier of the great founder is now no more than an ordinary man.

A man that wished undone his decision to take on this duty and a father that will never be able to see his daughter from now on.

"I'm losing a lot of blood... and it's getting hard to breathe...It seems I won't be able to be with our daughter... Raising her together..."

"I had already planned many things for us to do...hahaha... You see... I had already booked tickets for the capital. You had always told me how much you yearned to go there. Hahaha."


"In the name of the great founder... to the glory of the Empire..."

He slowly mumbled those words as his sight started getting blurry. His breathing also begun to slow down as his heartbeat, deteriorating.


*Creaked* *Crack*

Sounds of the tree being pushed apart trembled in front of him. This abrupt noise instantly startled him... though his existing conditions don't enable him to flee if it's were to be a beast.

"Damn it... can't you let me have a peaceful death... my current condition alone is painful enough. I can't bear to be eaten by a wild beast!".

He gritted his teeth even more realizing that a beast might be arriving towards him. Maybe due to the smell of blood and scattered corpse around him, that attracted this beast.

" Damn it!... damn it! why! why can't just this world let me die in peace!!"

"Why?! cant-!"

"Oh, I wonder why..."

Suddenly out of the blue a thunderous vast voice interrupted him from completing his sentence. Listening to this a terrible hunch materialized inside his heart as anxiety started to flood his entirety.

"Who! who's there!"

He screamed hysterically... as panic filled his face. He drifted his gaze around with vigilance seemingly to be scanning for the source of the voice.

"Come out! show yourself,! do you think I'm scared of you?!."

He once again yelled as he attempted to stand up while leaning his back against the tree. Though his vision is a bit blurry that still doesn't restrict his view. Normal imperial soldiers under the great banner of the founder each one of them is 10 times powerful than ordinary humans. That only indicates that each part of his body had been enhanced tremendously far above any normal human.

He had been through multiple wars and battles on the front line but this is the first time he had encountered such a phenomenon. A mysterious voice emerging out of nowhere?. His intuition warns him that something is watching him... but the horrible part is that he is unable to detect where or what it is.

"Show yourself! do you think I'm afraid of you!...

Trust me if you don't show yourself I will find you and rip you apart!"

Terror gripped his mind way too vastly vacating him behind with no more reasonable sense in the way of reasoning. Who would provoke a mysterious existence while they are in their vulnerable situations?. Surely imperial soldiers won't be that inexperienced?. But to no surprise, his heart is too tightened with panic leading him to such situations.

"Look above you... I had always been here. it's just you who still haven't noticed me."

The strange voice once again hissed. Hearing this he instantly swiveled his gaze upward... but the picture that would appear next into his visions would permanently terrify him... until the afterlife.


-End of this chapter.

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