"Elder Li!!! We can't hold on any longer! almost half of our available manpower had already depleted their energy.!"

A man in a dark robe quickly approached Elder Li as he yelled in worries.

Pointed both of his palms upwards facing the barrier as a gush of energies streamed out from it. Connected towards the barrier as seemingly by each second the brightness of it began to intensify.


*sizzles*! *sizzles!* *sizzles!*

The dark flood kept on rioting against the barrier... slamming against it as the contest of willpower erupted between light and darkness.

"Yes!, Elder Li! If we keep forcing ourselves here. All of us will perish!... we need to do something! Now!"

Once again... another old man shouted from his sides as they kept on pouring their energy towards the shield. Safeguarding their very last chance of survival... knowing that they no longer possessed any better options.

*trembles* *trembles* *trembles*

The ground shook as the wind raged all around the plane. Dots of sweat dripped about from their forehead while gritting their teeth to give their best. Whether survival is an option from now on will depend on them.

Protecting themselves from the darkness that is constantly lurking and rioting outside. That is waiting for any chances to strike them down and consume them into nothingness.

Behind these brave warriors... stood there a group of young men and women. The soon-to-be (Daughters of heaven and son of the emperor)...

the next pillars for the continuation of the empire.

But currently,

they are nothing more than a group of frail ants. A group of a child that couldn't get their thoughts together as they had never encountered such things before.

Being raised in the human continent and pampered for their whole life... shielded by numerous experts that guarded the whole world. Not knowing the true meaning of despair as fear was nothing more than a myth in their land.

These children had grown soft... so soft that even a single gust of wind could blow them away. One's empire future lies on the next generation... as for the next generation will be even worse than before.




*sobs* *Hikk* *Sob*

One of the female students began to cry as she sat down on the ground with fear on her face...

"I-I don't want to die!"


"I dont-"

She mumbled to herself as her words echoed throughout the whole group.

Seemingly to be agitated...

"Shut up already! you're not the only one who didn't want to die here!! we are all on the same boat but did u see any of us cry like you!"

His voice rumbled inside this space as the others who had not been paying attention before began to cast their gaze towards here.

"I-..B-but I?"

Noticing those gazes... a panicked look emerged on her face as she tried to gulp out some words... but her words swelled inside her throat not being able to pass through.

"But what?"

The man yelled once again while clenching his fist...


Her tears started to swell even more as her eyes reddened staring towards him.

"Hey, that's enough! let her be... everyone reacts differently towards certain situations..."

Suddenly another young man came over as he tried to ease the stagnant mood within the group.

"What!? don't try to act like a knight in white armor here! If she won't shut up her crap then I will do it!"

Not to be outdone... the man from before retorted once again as he pointed his fingers towards the girl.

"Hey don't act like that? okay"

"What do I care! she's such a nuisance at the moment"

The sounds of them quarreling against each other resounded within the group even though they are in a very tight situation. Naivety struck them once again.





At the front of the group... Elder Li cast his gaze back to see what's going on as he had heard those noises from before.

"They are fighting?!"

He asked in disbelief!...

"Especially now?? what's wrong with these kids. Had their brains been riddled with holes so much that their common sense had gone deaf?"

He yelled inside his heart as he continued to fight for their lives... why can't these children understand that at any moment the barrier could crack...

'Wait... why am I fighting for a group of idiots?'

Suddenly, an abrupt thought flashed within his mind...

'Throughout this journey... they had always been a problem. wait... they are the problem! and they are our solutions!'

"I will just pick some of the talented ones and leave the rest behind..."

A cold glint flickered on his face as his decision had been made already... Strength always coexists with cruelty... the same goes for each empire. History can only be dictated by one side... that is the winner.

" cut the rest of the group as our scapegoat!"

-End of this chapte

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