"I select the second option"

Hiro said with confirmation.

One aspect would be that he wished to see this new species evolution cycle on himself. His intuition was telling him that this choice would give rise to a lot of surprises.


He didn't need to wait for long for the system to take off as in the following instant...

"Ding... orders received. Initiating the evolution process. "

(Deducting 10 million points?)

(Yes) x (No)


"Ding... deducted 10 million points"

"The holder will be sent into a deep sleep state. Be prepared"

Heeding that...

His body instantly went sluggish in strength. His eyes lowered low and his breathing resumed in with the usual.

He was settled to slumber in an instant... Not even a second to react. Though his heart wasn't nervous at all since all of the preparations had been prepared.

A slumbering behemoth under this waterfall. Surely there won't be any people coming here right?...






5 months later...

Someplace deep within this forest.

A blood-boiling battle was undergoing on its own pace as the clouds above resumed on with their daily path.


A huge claw was stabbed into the ground within this new perspective. Leaving away a surge of dust all around as a woman in a tight dark suit evaded quickly from the area.


"Jin!... tank it now!"

She screamed while darting away into the woods... her breath was ragged but her eyes were fixed on the prey all the time.

"Yeah!... leave it to me!"


In the successive moment...

After listening to her shout...

He then recklessly galloped ahead towards the large dark bear with courage. His shield up as his step was massive in momentum.



He railed his body against the beast as steamed white gasses spewed out of his mouth like a volcano.


The bear was smashed a couple of steps behind from the shield collision. The eyes went red as its mouth gurgled with saliva... it appeared to be irritated by the man's provoking action.

Their distance was 1 meter apart with a height difference of 2 meters.

" Come at me stupid furry!"

Jin shouted while clenching his shield up with both of his hands. His heart pulled tautly but his body was deeply ingrained into the ground.


The bear swung both of its paws from the top as it stood tall on its 2 lower feet.



Receiving the blast...

Jin's feet were directly curved into the ground as he gritted heavily in pain. His hand trembled while it was still brandishing on against the continuously pressing down giant paws...

"ARGHH!!!... Saya! When are you going to do it! I can't hold on THAT MUCH LONGER!!?"

He cried out while twisting his gaze to the right.

Then there we could glimpse...

Her hair was pure red as she grasped out a wooden staff with both of her hands to the front.

Vocalizing a spell silently as a large square-shaped energy diagram materialized below and above her. The wind blistered around under and her clothes thumped against.

"Give me a couple more seconds!"

She shouted as a drop of sweat gradually slipped down over. Even some visible blue veins popped out on her forehead as she concentrated all of her mana in this one final blow.

"HARGH!! Alright!. Give me the cue when you are about to release it!"




Jin yelled back in a boisterous voice...

The bear didn't even flinch over his victim as he continuously flooded the human with his large paws over and over again.

The ground cracked and broke down into a large crater. With visible cow web-like cracks spreading like a circle ripples under them...

Jin was pinned under a tight spot now...

Every second his foot will be sunken in downward by each centimeter.

His arm muscles began to wear off bit by bit as he persisted against the torrent of attacks from the giant dark bear.


"Ready!!!... Run now!!!"



Saya shouted from the side and Jin instantly responded to her words.




He thrust up his shield to the front and crashed the bear's large body at a thunderous speed.

The visible wind surges rioted from the impact as he used the propulsion generated from the collision to shell out his body backward.



He shouted while blitzing backward into the air. His eye tilted to Saya who was presently being encircled inside a large diagram formation.

"Alright!.. take this!!!. Hail of flame! Burn!!!"


She rapidly swung her staff forward as in the succeeding moment an enormous tornado of blaze materialized itself out of the diagram that was encircling her body.

The tornado then bulleted to the front as its trajectory was locked towards the giant bear's direction.

The trees swayed and simmered black under the heat as the ground shook against the storm.


Not even a second passed...

An enormous detonation erupted forth as the ground shuddered under the tremor.

The bear was slammed and engulfed within the flames as a large crater ensued itself in the middle of the area.

The dust was rolling up onto the sky with the sizzling heat noises lingering around the scorched soil.

"It's dead... "



The woman in the tight black dress from before appeared next to Saya as she whispered those words in certainty. Her body hovered above with an inch vacant below her feet...

"Harghh!... since Lizy has confirmed it then it's true!"


Jin sighed in relief as he collapsed back onto the ground. His shield was thrown to the side with both of his palms connected to the ground surface.

His face glanced upwards as he breathed in heavily his share of air from before...

"I thought I was going to die!"

he continued while swiping away those sweat from his forehead. His gloves wrapped and swiped against but to him it was normal. He can wash it later...

"It's fine now Jin. We can rest"

Lizy said as she nodded slightly to both of her friends. Her dagger dangling on her waist... seemingly unwrapped from before.

She was the one who attracted the dark bear for them... or else it was gonna be a hard day locating it inside this haystack of a forest.

"At the very least we did the job. The contract should automatically be done. "

"Yeah... "

"Good work everyone... hahaha!"

Jin congratulated with a loud laugh and a broad smile on his complexion.

The bear just now was a normal Demi King-level monster. It took them quite a while to defeat it... though, in the end, they succeeded.

"Let's wash up first at the waterfall and then we will go back to the town"

Lizy said as she began strolling away into the forest. Her eyes were sharp but her words transmitted affection and compassion towards her teammate.

"Agreed... I'm so sticky now. I feel like a walking slime"

"Mhmm... "

Listening to her words. Both Jin and Saya hurriedly agreed. Since Lizy is the leader of this group...

Having said that...

they gradually got up and pursued behind.

Venturing back into the forest with a tinge of accomplishment inside their heart. Being able to exterminate a demi king-level monster with a team of three!.

They now have the capital to be proud of...

it was not an easy task to defeat a demi king-level monster with only 3 people...





Approximately around 30 minutes later...

after a long period of continuous walking inside this forest.

They finally stumbled upon a very huge waterfall. The crystal clear blue color of it fell from above with the whitish mist wavering below.

The neatly arranged large rocks on the far end of the flowing water and the never-ending stream leading below...

The flowers field on both sides with a scarce number of large greenish trees. The tall grass and the beautiful crooked tree on the side of the water from their perspective...

Everything appeared to be extremely wonderful here...

"Take your time to rest here. We got the rest of the week free with today's task completed"

Lizy muttered to them both with a small smile on her face. Her eyes refreshed under this beautiful scenery with a large puff of relief from her mouth.

"Oh yeah... this area suppose to be a clear zone. So there's no need to be so alert. "

Saya added in...

her face muscles loosened up as she slumped down onto the fluffy grass below. Her staff on one side with her legs wiggling free leisurely...


This area was dubbed such a name started from 5 months ago. A total of 30km of the area... no monster dared to walk into this place.

Many adventures had presumed for it to be the work of a powerful beast at first... but after a month of continuous searching for the so-called "beast". Nothing was found other than the extremely beautiful waterfall.

" I'm going to swim! ahahaha!"

Jin impatiently said as he took off his armor from his body. Revealing the rows of explosives muscles with his large lower pant below.

"Alright... just be careful not to drown yourself. "

Lizy giggled...

"Humph! drown who!. I'm a great swimmer!"

He retorted and then slowly walked away towards the water.

To be continued....

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