Reborn To Become A Heavenly Serpent

Chapter 52 - 52( Heave Ho!)

The sky was blue as the clouds scattered about all over the horizon. The hue of the evening bathed under the land with the animals going on with their lives.

And somewhere situated inside a large lake.

An enormous serpent could be glimpsed plopping flat on the depth floor. The eyes were half squinted with the tail wriggling around on the back.

Such a Serpent was simply a monster among monsters.

The size of over 600 meters long added in with the dark red color mixed with the earthy pale. The double horns on the head and the tail were shaped like a large blade.

An ancient class monster. A terrifying being that is equivalent to nuclear bombs.


"The hunt here was worth it... though I had pretty much depleted the whole ecosystem inside this lake."

He murmured on his own with a tiny smile creaked next. The water flowed furiously with his tail wriggling around on the back.

The area here appeared to be empty... not of sound nor was it solid. But instead, it was empty of beings.

As he was plopping flat lazily there.



"This?... "

A string of shock fluttered through his mind. His eyes opened a bit with a wonderful feeling inside.

"The test subject is about to get her gift. Hahaha... let's see what she is currently doing now "

He laughed...

It only took a second before his vision altered into a very different one.

It was a white room with wide opened windows on the far end of it. 2 large beds with Lizy and Jin laying on them. Their faces were deathly pale with tubes and even breathers applied on.

Naturally, Saya had rescued them and brought them back to the City. Though their condition doesn't seem to be very "well".

"This is her vision... using the remaining corroded earth energy inside her body to layered the image into my eyes."

"The energy is about to act up... and soon enough she will no longer be a human. She will become a part of me. Hahaha!... I can't wait!"

He chuckled with a large grin.

Now then...

Seeing his temperament changing into a very sickening one. No one can suggest his idea as a bad one nor a good one either. Hiro is no longer a human. Compassion had long been abandoned...

Only a small amount of emotions still prevailed inside him.

He wanted to see what example of outcomes can his energy accomplish inside a human body other than eroding.

Surely there might be some happy surprises.


*click* *click* *click*

Inside the brightly lit room situated in a hospital.

The clicking noises of the clock filled in the gap of silence within here... with Saya's leaning her back against the wall not too far away from her friends.

Her expression varied from time to time.

The look of guilt... grief... pain and also satisfaction.

A weird feeling was slowly creeping out from inside her throat. Inch by inch towards her brain... as if something was about to burst out from her body.

"... I'm sorry Lizy... "

Her eyes swelled in tears with her lips curled under.

" That bastard words doubted me of my actions before... I-i don't know whether I'm in the wrong or not. "

She slowly spoke with a stuttering voice.

Lamenting into her words with a touch of flashes from before.

Was it her or was it Hiro that forced her to hurt her friends?. She didn't know which one was the truth.

How will she face them after this?.

She sent them to the death door and now they were in a coma.

The room was quiet with her bead of tears dripping below. The torn clothes from before still lingered since she had sprinted her first before any other place.



"Miss Saya?"

A woman in white walked in with the door opened to the side. A paper in her right hand as she stepped in unhurriedly.

"Yes... "

Saya hurriedly urged her mood back to normal. Looking towards the woman with concerns as she waited for the results of her friends.

"Don't worry Miss Saya... your friend's condition is fine. Though it will take a very long time for them to wake up"

The woman responded to Saya's worries.

And the meaning of those words petrified Saya's body.

"Is there any way for them to recover quickly?"

Saya asked.

Her hand gripped tightly as she slanted her gaze to the beds. The wind blew gently from the outside with the curtain flapping away against it.

"I'm sorry Miss Saya... but their bodies are heavily influenced with energy. Their energy vessels had suffered a serious blow... it will take a very long time to heal... at most half a decade"

"... "

"I see... "


She didn't wait long inside the hospital. Knowing that her tears won't help much in the current situation.

The best idea that she could think of at that time was to log in to the black market. And maybe have the opportunity to buy a healing prop...

Though such an idea might cost too much for the present self.

"Damn it!!!"


*crash!* *crash!* *crash!*

She slammed the desk with her hand as she flung away the computer towards the floor. A surge of rage drilled inside her lungs as she screamed in anger inside her little home.

The reason for such a behavior?...

The screen on the computer depicted the picture of a page. A page that listed all of the healing props that were on sale presently... though each one of them cost trillion gold coins.

An amount that she could never reach for hundreds of years.

Minutes after... her anger finally subsided.

The room had been tarnished and thrown around.

The bed was broken in half with everything inside the room smashed to pieces.

She had never been like this before but somehow today her mood seemed a little different. As if... something had fueled her emotions to be like this.

*breaths* *breathes* *breaths*

Her breathes were heavy as she limped backward against the wall. Her eyes filled with unwillingness and also despair... knowing that her current situation was actually in a very bad predicament.

" One problem after another... just how many problems must I endure...."

She muttered...

Grasping her hand against the wall behind with her head lowered. Her hair covered her eyes as some of her tears trickled onto the carpet below.

One time after another...

Problems after problems that seemed to be against her life.

From her village being burned down by looters, to being a slave that had been deprived of rights, and finally into this situation of helplessness. Not being able to help her 2 only friends.

Her heart shuddered under the pressure of her emotions. Not knowing what to do... no guidance, no money, and no hope one must say.

Even the cost of her friend's treatment had depleted their whole team saving for years.

"What should I do!... I don't know!!!"

Her words swelled inside her throat as she slumped down onto her knees.

Crying away her heartache inside this room of memories. The tarnished clock of time... a torn flower one must say.

Hours after hours.

Her cries inundated the whole house with a sense of pain and suffering. The moon hung tall above the sky with the clouds layering below it.

All of us welcomed the night lord. With the blue color of sadness creaking through the window inside her room.

And all of these... Hiro had glimpsed all of it with an indifferent look.

" Something is preventing my energy from consuming her... weird. Is it her will? or is it something else."

He opened his eyes inside this dark space of the depth. Glowing silently with a touch of might as the water gushed around slightly with his body movements.

" Hahaha don't let me down little one... this power of mine will be the key for your salvation"

He smiled with a sinister laugh.

And once again should we debate on his nature?. How much do we know about Hiro other than a small amount of "brief past" illustration?.

The answer is none... so then our judgment is a fraud when it comes to this issue.

Evil or not.... strength is the answer.

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