Reborn To Become A Heavenly Serpent

Chapter 56 - 56 ( 5 on 1?)




Three successive roars erupted all over the sky. Amplified in with those two flickering lights streaming across the battlefield. Clashing against each other at such a terrific speed.

And by each collision. A rough deafening blast occurred from time to time.




" Take this! Spiral slash!!"

The masked man roared as he slammed his fist towards Saya.

And by his words. A large spiral blade hundreds of meters long emerged from the tip of his finger.


The blade flashed across the land...

Tearing everything inside its path as it bulleted onward with such an enormous momentum.

" Fireball... "

Discerning this...

Saya simply muttered back a simple spell that she had learned before. A calm face as she floated peacefully above a large rock.

Stretched both of her hands to the front with a large fiery red diagram appearing before her figure.

Kilometers in size!... a large scorching fireball materialized from the spell diagram!.

The land under it was sunken into a large crater. The building remains all-around the area melted as eventually, the fireball shot forward.


Their attack clashed in the middle.

And it didn't take long for the results to come out.

Surges of wind waves rippled from the middle as the giant fireball absorbed the whole giant blade inside it.

The earth trembled as the fireball proceeded again to the masked man's direction.

"Tch!... The quantity of her energy is a problem"

The masked man snorted...

The ground melted as the scorching heat flooded the whole area there...


As if it was a nuclear bomb that had been dropped.

A large circular energy dome appeared above the blast. Spreading from the center as it consumed everything within 50km worth of area.

The clouds above were blasted away as the sky was dyed in red.

Luckily enough for the people in the city.

They had already been evacuated or else the number of casualties will be disastrous.


His figure flickered back not too far away from Saya's location. His legs spread wide below with his hand ready to attack.

" You can't beat me... accept the fact and then we will move on to the next stage with your friends. "

She muttered as she shifted her gaze towards him.

" Humph... this is the weirdest battle in my life. Not only are you letting me attack first. But it seems you have no intention to kill me?. Do you think I am that weak?"

He asked back...

"Yes... and the weak such as you have very little right to argue with my actions. "

"Then you are arrogant indeed. And like I said... your hubris will be your greatest weakness. "

He responded...

Slowly taking his mask off as in the next moment...

An awful face filled with green energy lines emerged. The cold green eyes and the scars on his forehead. A horrible and also powerful sight one must say...

" And by you revealing your face was to?"

" It's for the honor since I am not arrogant. And another thing is that... I am not alone anymore... "

As he was slowly saying those words.



4 shadowy figures landed from above. Blasting a hole under them with the dust flying around. And oddly enough... all of them seemed to be centered around the masked man figure.



Not even a second passed...

All of the dust was blasted away as a group of enormous energy finally unveiled itself behind the curtain.

" Hahaha! Sorry for being late, mask"

The black cloak swayed glamorously added in with the tall figure of a person. His hair was combed to the back with those scary scars on his face.

Who else could it be... other than the first ranked Divine, Vince.

" You weird guy... you are still alive huh?"

To his left...

A sudden lazy voice gradually carved its way into his ears. Added in with the emergence of another presence.

Simple clothing similar to that of a next-door old man. The conspicuous yellow sunglass and also the incredible height of over 2.4 meters tall.

One of the great divine, Kai.

" You calling him weird doesn't change the fact that he's older than you Kai... "

"Yes, senior Kai, senior mask is still older than us. So please show some respect for him"

*steps* *steps* *steps*

Another two voices came into the conversation. As all of them shifted their gazes to each other.

The elegant white robe and the peerless look of what a woman should have.

One of the divine, Mildred.

The tattered clothing of an old man. Wrinkled old face and also a small pouch in his grasp.

One of the divine, Zerof.

" It seems we all have gathered now... hahaha!"

Vince smiled with a loud laugh. No manner whatsoever as he stomped his feet below happily like a child.

" Well... now we can finish the job and go home... heyy heyy... I am so lazy today"

Kai said in an easy-going attitude as he was slowly drawing out his sword from the scabbard.

Dangling on his waist with a length of over 3 meters long. Tinted in pure black with a rum bottle tied next to it.


He clenched the handle of his sword as he bent down his upper body. His eyes went sharp as his breath deepened into an abyss.

" Slash!"

With a slash of his. Simple and also meager to one eye.

But then...


A large silver arc streamed across the sky. Galloping ahead towards Saya in a very open manner.

The sound of it was loud and also ringing inside one's ear. As the path that it traversed was cut in half along the way that it goes.

Seeing his attack...

Like always. The indifferent look on her face as she stretched her hand forward.

" Your mere attack won't hurt me... pitiful little one"

She slowly said as the giant blade arc was speeding up towards her like a shell.

Everything was destroyed under its momentum as the ground was split apart into a huge ravine from Kai's location.




The blade arc landed on her finger. Swirling crazily as it shredded the earth below into pieces as it was drilling forward.

Though... Saya's finger was like a mountain.

Unflinching and also powerful with no traces of being pushed against before this powerful blow.

She shifted her gaze again...

"As I said... it is-"



Not even able to finish her words. Vince unexpectedly appeared on her side as he slammed his fist towards her face.

Shoving her body against the ground as in the moment Zerof appeared timely accurate to kick her stomach from the side.



Her body was propelled away under the excellent teamwork. Scraping against the ground below as her body crashed against rubble and dirt kilometers away.

Her body flew upside down for a couple of seconds as in the next instant.


Her body struck down against a small mountain. Trees were lifted around under the impact as she plopped down inside the large crater. Her face was filled with bewilderment and also excitement.

" Such teamwork... "


She muttered with a delighted face...

Pushing her body out of the hole as she stood tall yet again with her clothes shriveled from the prior attack.

" Now... that's more like it. "


Somewhere inside a shadow of a tilted building.

" That monster is very powerful... even after a full blow from 3 of the divine. There are hardly any scratches on her body... terrible!"

"Kekeke... isn't that a good thing for us?. The stronger the monster the better it will be. So that those foolish divine will focus there instead of the human evacuation center below. "

"Hoo, that sounds good. Everything is good... my life is good... hoo... I am good."

"Kekeke.. look. Even Long is excited!"

This conversation was hidden inside this small shadow.

It was from the 4 of the dark lord... the servant of the dark order owner. It seemed that something terrible will happen to the human population here...


Back to the battlefield.




One explosion after another. Slashes of the blade and also energy bullets being flung around.

All of these were directed towards Saya's location... as she evaded all of them. Similar to that of a dancer as she paraded around those attacks like streaming water.

" Humph... take this!"

She instantly appeared before Mildred.

Punching his ċhėst with both of her hands forward. The palm touched his ċhėst like a comet as his body flew out in the next seconds.


But then...

" Don't let your guard down little miss!"

A lazy voice emerged next to her ears as she hurriedly shifted her gaze towards it.

But what comes next into her view was a large sword energy meters away from her face.


Her body was plowed into the ground alongside the blade. Inserted into the earth as a loud explosion occurred next.

" Haa... what a crazy level of defense little miss. "

"This won't go anywhere if we keep on doing this... hhaish... "

Kai scratched his head as he floated up above.

There where the explosion had occurred.

The dust was blown away with a wave of a hand. And her figure emerged from the dust curtain unscathed yet again...

" You can't hurt me... though I do feel the suppression feeling from the five of you?. Weird.... "

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