Reborn To Become A Heavenly Serpent

Chapter 58 - 58 ( Festival of death)


*Trembles* *Trembles* *Trembles*

" Shit!... Evelyn let's go now!"


Keylon shouted as he directly covered his body in an energy coat. Grabbed her hand with a firm grasp as they galloped away from this area. Naturally, her guards followed behind...

The people below were horrified by the previous explosion up above. The ceiling trembled as their footing below started to swivel uncontrollably.

Shouts and screams of horror erupted about in all directions. As some of these people started to run away from their prior position in a frantic way.

And thus it finally commenced...

" Run!!! The ceiling is about to fall!"

" What!? "

" Son!!! Where are you!! Son!!!???"

" Arghhh!!!... Damn it!!!"

Their screams were loud as one by one. They departed away like a swarm of snakes towards the exit. Packed in like an ocean tide as many of them were trampled under.

Deaths were meant to be alongside them as many unfortunate children were left behind under the chaos.

" Halt!! Do not move!... stay in your position!"

" Everything is fine!!!... Do not move! Go back now!!!"

" Don't move!!! everything is going to be fine!!!!"

Armed themselves with guns and also heavy armor... as they shouted towards the crowd in helplessness. It seemed their deterrence as soldiers amounted to nothing before this pressing predicament.

There were roughly 100 thousand guards in charge to protect this place. But then... how can they possibly stop the march of fear coming from millions of people?. Shoot them down??...

And again...

The same occurrence repeated itself secretly among the large movement.


People getting stomped against others' feet. A horrible way to end one's life no?. Just imagine... the feeling of helplessness as their eyes closed under others' feet.

Gasping for air but none...

Gasping for help but none...

Everyone cared for themselves more than others. Why would they even bother to save the unfortunate?. Their lives mattered more, no?... selfish, and yet who can blame them?.

The ground above rumbled again with another bang. And this without a doubt... fueled the crowd to be even more hazardous.

Look at them... as they ran with their eyes filled with desperation. Fogged into the darkness as if they had been blinded by their heart.

And by each second that had passed within this place. More and more unfortunate people were stomped to death miserably.

The guard's voices mixed in with their swarm-like cries. A scene that usually existed inside an apocalypse movie.




Another loud bang occurred. Though... it would seem that a fraction of the ceiling above had fallen over onto some unlucky groups below.

Smashing those people into meat paste as the dust was tossed around the area like a tall curtain.

Everyone held their breath as they stopped moving. Their eyelids trembled as their body shivered uncontrollably.

And oddly enough... all of their gazes were locked onto the "fallen ceiling" area from before.

As if something was about to come out from the dust curtain. Everyone kept their senses tight to the fullest...

None of the people spoke a single word with those guards marching about towards the middle.

Their guns were loaded with large caliber bullets with their suits puffing up some steamed gas from the tank on their back.

Keylon and Evelyn were on the other end of this space. Hidden behind a group of tall structures as they stared towards this location.

" Life is good... everything is good"

Out of nowhere...

An eerie voice rippled about from the dust. And with that sudden drop... the temperature of the whole area plummeted to deathly cold.

" Go to the exit now!!!!... this place is not safe anymore!!!"

"Guards!! arm yourself to protect the civilian!!!"

A tall figure shouted from the front. His armor seemed to be rather beefy compared to the rest of the guards.

The double tank on his back with the long plasma blade dangling on his wait. A large gun in his right hand as he brandished his other hand to the side.

" Yes, Captain!!"

" Evacuate to the level 2 B!... Dispatch!! Dispatch!!"

The guards started to move accordingly. Their helmet transmitted the orders from here and there as they marched towards the exit.

Guiding the swarm of people away as the remaining 50 thousand guards still retained their position in front of the rubbles area that was filled with dust.

No one moved under the invisible oppression as they gawked forward with their gun muzzles aimed forward.

" Armed steady!!!"

The commander shouted with his right hand lifted. Seemingly to act as a signal for his soldiers.

Their muzzles shifted slightly to the front as they encircled the dust area in lines after lines.

One finger was close to the trigger with the other holding the main body.

Gulped down their saliva as they peered forward with uncertainty. Their eyes were on the target circle with their eyes fixed on it.

*Steps* *Steps* *Steps*


Noises of steps could be heard reverberating about from the front as the dust was pushed outward. Seemingly as if a huge figure was walking out from it...

And seconds later...

All of the guard's eyes went wide in horror as they stared towards the figure that had appeared.

Draped in a black cloak covering his entirety with the rough twitchy eyes hidden under the hood. The two claws like hands and the 5 large swirling tails on the back.

And especially the height of over 5 meters tall overlooking the soldiers on the front. A terrible being had emerged...

" Life is so good when death is alongside it... "

The hoarse voice whispered again as he slowly lifted his leg to the front. Though his actions brought no fear towards the human commander...

" Blast that bastard to death!!!!"

The commander shouted as he swung his arm downward.

His words echoed like a chain reaction towards his soldiers. Gripping those triggers with power as they released relentlessly towards the monster.




The light flashed continuously as a round of explosions rumbled about on the front. Bombarding the large figure with those missile-like bullets as the ground was shriveled with holes.

These bullets are far more powerful than any average missile on the earth's back then. With the velocity of 15km per sec and the destructive power that it carried... surely it will be able to kill the monster on the front right?.



*Trembles* *Trembles* *Trembles*

The giant monster roared with his hand stretched to both sides.

The ground shook and quivered under the tremor as in the next moment the giant behemoth galloped forward with his claws readied.

" Switch to heavy bombardment!!!"

The commander shouted as he was holding his giant gun. Aimed the muzzle towards the monster and continuously gripped the trigger.


Shells after shells flying forward. Bombing the moving monster as his cloak swayed immensely under the raging wind.

The target was so apparent in their view and such... a torrent of shells kept raining down towards the monster.


Seconds after, their action was proven to be ineffective.

Not even single a scratch could be seen on the giant body as it kept on running forward.

" Distance!!! and keep on firing! "

The commander ordered as he kept on firing with his giant gun.

" Life is good... "


The monster grumbled as he arrived before a group of unprepared soldiers.

Slashed his right claw forward... as it clashed against numerous missile-like shells along the way.



"Distance! Distance now!!!"

" No!!!"

With a slash...

More than 30-40 unfortunate soldiers were ripped in half across their bodies. Blood splattered about as some of their body parts were scattered around randomly.

" Damn it!... It is at least a demi emperor class being. Even a full heavy bombardment causes nothing to its skin... "

The commander frowned as he glimpsed away towards the massacre that was happening right before his very eyes.

Though his responsibility tied him down onto his knee. Unflinching even at the death door...

" Men! Full bombardment till death! Carry on until the citizens could evacuate away to the lower floor!"

He shouted...

" Yes, Commander!!!"

"Arghh die you punk!!!"

" Grenade!!!"


The red flashes of those... and added in with those splattering blood here and there. The battle took off as a one-sided massacre.

One side of playfulness while the other filled with obligation. The shriek of pain and also those cries of horror...

Their deeds shall be remembered.

The battle didn't take long for it to come to an end... as the last standing person was the commander in charge.

Kneeling in front of the giant with both of his arms ripped apart. His gaze faced down towards the floor and yet his expression still retained the firm look from before. Until death for his duty...

Focusing back to the edge of this large space.

" Do not move... this artifact can keep us hidden for a while. "

Keylon muttered in a low voice. Glancing over the group with a serious complexion as he was holding a golden pendant.

" K-Keylon!... those people died! all of them died!!"

Evelyn shrieked in dread with her eyes wide open. She had seen it all... from the moment the monster appeared... and till the final drop of the commander's blood.

As the daughter of Vince. Being born inside a noble family and such. She had never seen such a bloody scene like this before.

This without a doubt horrified her through and through....

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