Reborn To Love

24 Room Break In

24 Room Break In
'He Xinyan opened the front door and stepped into the house. She changed into her pink slippers before walking into the house.'

'To her annoyance

the first thing she saw was Li Huiran and Li Yuyan sitting on the couch

watching a reality show on the television.'

'Li Huiran noticed He Xinyan and smiled


you're back!"'

'He Xinyan nodded her head and didn't respond. Li Yuyan watched He Xinyan through the corner of her eyes and she scoffed.'

'"I wonder where she was this entire morning. . . Isn't it obvious how she got a person like Gu Yechen to date her? She probably sleeps with several men a day!"'

'He Xinyan stopped walking as her face darkened. In her past life

this fake rumor spread by Li Yuyan was what caused her to get kicked out of the house before she died.'

'Looks like Li Yuyan already couldn't wait to start talking bad about her.'

'Li Huiran still had to pretend to be a great stepmother


what are you talking about? Don't talk about your sister like that. Yanyan. . . She. . ."'

'He Xinyan calmly watched the mother and daughter's act before rolling her eyes. She was about to continue walking up the stairs when Li Huiran suddenly called her.'


where were you today?"'

'He Xinyan raised one eyebrow

"I went on a date with. . . Gu Yechen."'

'Li Yuyan pressed her lips together from anger. She still couldn't accept the fact that He Xinyan found herself another man so quickly. However

the next second

her lips curled up into a smile.'

'"What a coincidence? I also went on a date with. . . Su Zhiming." Li Yuyan was certain that there was no way He Xinyan could possibly forget about the man she loved for two years in a few days. She probably still loved Su Zhiming

but was only trying to hide it.'

'Li Yuyan lied without even blinking an eye. She had stayed home the entire day

but she was purposely trying to anger He Xinyan.'

'He Xinyan didn't even bother to reply as her eyes landed on the man walking into the living room.'

'Bai Jiawei returned home from work and the first thing he heard was that his stupid daughter went on a date with Su Zhiming.'

'"What?! Li Yuyan

didn't I tell you to stop dating Su Zhiming?!" Bai Jiawei dropped his bag onto the table and glared at the two women sitting on the couch.'

'Li Yuyan's body stiffened when she heard her dad's voice and she quickly turned around nervously.'

'"I -" She couldn't say she was lying

or else that would be slapping her own face in front of He Xinyan. Li Yuyan froze

unsure of what to say.'

'He Xinyan laughed before turning around to walk up the stairs. Well. . . there was someone else to deal with Li Yuyan now.'

'As she closed her door to her bedroom

she heard Li Yuyan scream downstairs.'


I love him! I won't leave him!"'

'He Xinyan froze for a second in confusion. Did Li Yuyan really love Su Zhiming? She had always thought that Li Yuyan only got together with Su Zhiming because of her and because Su Zhiming was considered quite good-looking.'

'Towards the end of her past life

Su Zhiming did become successful and rich

which was why Bai Jiawei agreed to let Li Yuyan marry Su Zhiming.'


He Xinyan had never thought that Li Yuyan actually loved Su Zhiming. He Xinyan walked into her closet to change and wiped away her thoughts.'

'It was probably also part of her act. . .'

'He Xinyan took a shower and climbed onto her bed.'

'When a maid knocked on her door asking for her to eat dinner

she lied and said she had eaten dinner already so she wouldn't have to go through another session of Li Yuyan glaring at her and Li Huiran pretending to be nice.'

'On the bed

He Xinyan called Wu Minger and they talked for a while on the phone. After hanging up the call

He Xinyan walked out to her balcony and sat down on the white couch outside.'

'She looked around at her empty balcony except for a string of lights that were out of battery

a table

and a couch. The scenery around her was also quite boring

as it was surrounded by trees.'

'He Xinyan could slightly make out the white walls of the house next to her from behind the trees.'

''It would be nice to add some flowers here. . .' He Xinyan ran her hands down the white couch and nodded to herself.'


a bang sound from not too far away surprised He Xinyan. It sounded like the closing of a car door

and He Xinyan's assumption was confirmed when she heard a beep signaling that the owner had locked the car.'

'At first

He Xinyan thought it was her dad

but then she remembered that Bai Jiawei had returned home already.'

'She stood up from the couch and leaned against the balcony railing

standing on her tiptoes to try and see the road.'


the trees were too tall and the street was too far away

and He Xinyan couldn't see any cars. She frowned when her ears picked up the sound of footsteps getting louder.'

'It wasn't the clicking sound of heels

so He Xinyan guessed that it was probably a man. The sound was getting louder

and it seemed to be close by.'

'He Xinyan looked down to only see trees so she bent down slightly to try and get a better view.'

'For a quick second

He Xinyan noticed the pair of black leather shoes from between two trees. The person was walking down the sidewalk leading to the first level house next to her.'

''Was he the owner?' He Xinyan bent down even further to try and get a better view but the man had disappeared.'

'The sky was also turning dark and it was hard to see past the trees. He Xinyan sighed before returning back to her room. She closed the sliding door and didn't bother to lock it before jumping back onto her bed.'

'She scrolled through her social media for another hour before she closed her phone and closed the lights.'

'He Xinyan yawned and curled up into a ball

closing her eyes as she snuggled up on her bed. A few minutes later

she was asleep.'


'A strong breeze flew by and rustled the leaves on the trees

covering the sound of a person flipping onto the balcony. The person wiped his knees and straightened his pajamas before walking over to the glass slide door.'


he slid the door open and stepped into the dark room. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the light and when it did

he looked to his right.'

'His eyes narrowed as he instinctively lifted his right arm up

stopping the lamp from crashing onto his head.'

'--- 5 minutes ago'

'He Xinyan flipped around on the bed and sighed. She slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them with her hand.'

'She was just about to close them and try to fall asleep again when a sound coming from outside made her alert. All her drowsiness was gone as she slowly sat up on her bed and listened carefully again.'

'Was it just the wind?'

'He Xinyan heard a clicking sound coming from her balcony

almost like someone tapping their feet on the ground.'

'She was about to lie back down onto the bed when she heard another click

but it was lighter this time.'

'He Xinyan immediately sucked a breath in and got out of bed. She unplugged the lamp on her nightstand quickly and lifted it up.'

'Why was the lamp so heavy?'

'She slowly made her way over to the glass door and flattened her back against the wall. He Xinyan could hear her loud breathing

and she tried to slow it down but failed.'

'Who was it? Was she just overreacting?'

'The next second

her second question was answered. She was not overreacting. The glass door slid open

and He Xinyan instantly regretted not locking it.'

'A tall and broad figure came into the view and He Xinyan pressed her lips together before slamming the lamp down onto the man.'

'"Ah. . ." He Xinyan said when she felt her lamp hitting something. But it didn't feel right. . .'

'He Xinyan looked up and saw that the man had caught her lamp. He was professional!'

'He Xinyan silently cursed and let go of the lamp

turning around to get ready to run. However

the man was faster and he grabbed onto her arm.'

'She was about to scream when the man spoke.'

'"It's me."'

'He Xinyan's body froze when he heard the familiar voice. It only took a second for her to figure out who the voice belonged to.'

'"Gu Yechen?!"'

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