(Picture at the end, Space Marine)

The day passed quickly.

Most people are not unaware of the undercurrents that have begun to surge.

Everyone stayed in front of the computer, waiting for Ning Yu's update on the future.

They talked passionately about what kind of warriors they should create if they were the emperor to fight on the battlefield.

"You must be strong enough to kill ten ordinary people with one punch"

"In what era is it that being strong is of no use?"

"Be well equipped! At least it must be the best among human beings!"

"The most important thing is that they must be loyal!"

"Don't be like the previous Thunder Warriors!"

"But loyalty is the hardest word to say"

"Even our artificial intelligence almost slapped us to death"

"So what kind of loyalty can be expected?"

"Alas, how about we still be Thunder Warriors?"

"Although those guys are unstable, they are really fierce in fighting and can blow up a tank with one punch."

During everyone's discussion, Ning Yu's twenty-sixth video was successfully uploaded:

【The war machine of the empire, the star warrior】

"As early as the Terran Unification War was not over yet"

"In view of the shortcomings of Thunder Warriors"

"The Emperor has already begun research on a new generation of soldiers"

"He used the genetic material of 20 Primarchs to create a new generation of genetically modified soldiers"

"They are called Space Marines, or Astartes"

"Astartes vs Thunder Warriors"

"Although smaller in strength and size"

"But the genetic modification technology they used is more stable"

"Mortals can be transformed into Astartes by implanting powerful artificial organs grown from gene-seed."

Seeing that it is genetic modification again.

Scientists around the world are excited again:

"It's coming, it's finally coming!"

"When I talked about the Thunder Warriors last time, Ning Yu didn’t even mention how they were created."

"How does an ordinary person become so big and strong? How can you conquer steel?"

"But it made us hungry!"

"I hope Ning Yu can explain the details of genetic modification technology in detail this time!"

"Yes, let us learn from it"

"Maybe our genetic science can also soar to the sky!"

However, Ning Yu's next words directly silenced scientists around the world:

"The birth of the Astartes came from the gene-seed of the original body."

"This gene seed can cultivate 19 kinds of superhuman organs"

"Among these organs, there are those that provide powerful strength,"

"There are those that provide strong vitality,"

"Some people learn information about their enemies by eating their flesh and blood."

"Generates and spits acid to corrode enemies or metal."

"As long as these organs are implanted into the body of the recruit, he can be transformed into an Astartes"

"And each Astartes can produce two gene seeds."

"These two gene seeds can cultivate two sets of superhuman organs."

"This is how the Astartes succeed and expand."

Scientists all over the world put down their writing.

They listened, but they didn't understand at all.

What are gene seeds?

How to cultivate them?

What are those superhuman organs? They can even vomit acid?

It's outrageous. Right?

And the inside of the human body is a carrot and a pit.

Where are those superhuman organs installed?

Master Ning Yu is really strict. He didn’t reveal any useful information to us!

But it seems that this is also for us. Genetic modification research provides a direction.

Don't think about starting from fertilized eggs.

Try installing other organs on the adult body!

It's like grafting. For example, if you install fish gills on a human body, wouldn't it be possible to breathe in the water?

Hmm....It’s ridiculous.

But it can be studied!

Ning Yu’s explanation continued:

"These 19 types of organs represent 19 types of human body modification processes"

"The transformed soldiers will suffer tremendous pain in the process"

"Once all 19 organs are correctly implanted in the prescribed order,"

"They would then serve perfectly the purpose for which the Emperor created them"

"This turns an ordinary soldier into a terrifying killing machine."

As the explanation continued, a tall humanoid soldier appeared on the screen.

He held a huge firearm in his left hand and a buzzing chain sword in his right hand. It was majestic and full of murderous intent....

(Picture at the end, Space Marine)

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