Look at the overwhelming zombie army in the video and the substantial virus storm in the sky.

Netizens immediately slapped their keyboards and expressed:

"I have seen this scene in Ning Yu’s previous video!"

"This is what Nurgle, the evil god of chaos, did!"

"Its followers are like this!"

"I just said that it is involved in this!"

"It seems that Erebus is using Davin as bait, and then uses the weapon containing the power of subspace to assassinate Warmaster Horus!"

"Using all the creatures on the planet to create a game was probably something that the empire at that time could do."

"But this game is not difficult to guess. I can see it at a glance. The Chaos Evil God is nothing more than that!"

"Don't brag so much upstairs, so what if you see it?"

"The plot doesn’t need to be complicated, it just needs to be easy to use!"

"Didn’t you see that Warmaster Horus has arrived in Devon?"

"I can't even imagine what will happen next!"

The video continues.

The mutated creatures did cause a lot of trouble to the 16th Legion.

But after countless battles, the Luna Wolves finally defeated all enemies.

When Warmaster Horus led his men, When they found the rebellious planetary governor Eugene Tamba, they found that this man had also turned into a monster, a monster with rotten flesh but very flexible.

In his hand, he also held a weird alien sword.

This one The sword is called the Nemesis Blade, the Cursed Blade.

It comes from the meticulous work of the evil god Nurgle.

It can generate toxins that specifically inhibit the recovery ability of the original body, and quickly weaken it to the extreme.

And this was what Erebus had held before. That one.

As the last farewell to his former best friend,

Warmaster Horus, who knew nothing about all this, personally started a battle with Eugene Tamba.

There was no suspense, the powerful Primarch was easily obtained Victory, killing Eugene Tamba.

But Eugene Tamba fought back on the verge of death and scratched Horus's shoulder with the long sword.

Under normal circumstances, for the strong body of the Primarch, this was Such an inconspicuous wound would heal quickly.

But this time,

Horus unexpectedly collapsed under the gaze of his men.

The 16th Legion hurriedly returned its Primarch to the fleet.

But the Legion's The medical staff were helpless to do anything about the wound!

No matter what efforts the pharmacist made and what medicines were used, the wound on the primary body's shoulder continued to bleed and suppurate.

Horus weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he fell into a severe coma. Among them, he was almost dying...

Seeing this scene, netizens around the world were heartbroken.

They were all worried about the condition of the Warmaster.

Horus was the role model for the Primarchs, the first person under the Emperor.

He Over the years, he has led the legion to conquer the north and south, and has worked hard and achieved great results. How could such a hero die in the conspiracy of a 25-year-old?

That would be too embarrassing!

Even if the great Primarch is going to die, it should be the same as the Astartes.

He died vigorously on the battlefield!

However, there are still some netizens who take an extremely long-term and vicious view:

"It wouldn't be a bad thing if Horus died like this."

This statement immediately caused a large number of netizens to criticize:

"Do you hear what you are saying is human?!! ? ? ?"

"He is a war commander, and his death may even shake the foundation of the empire!"

"Yes, do you know how many planets he has conquered for us humans?"

"It's still a good thing, you hammer!"

"Hey, listen to me!"The netizen who just spoke explained:

"Think about it, everyone, once Horus dies, the Emperor will definitely come out"

"Then if we keep following this line of investigation, won't we be able to find out those 25 Word Bearers?"

These two sentences immediately silenced most netizens.

"Hiss, don't say it, really don't say it……"

"This method seems to be really good."

However, another netizen expressed doubts:

"If the purpose of the Four Chaos Gods is to kill the Warmaster,"

"Then why is Horus not dead now?"

"Did their plan go wrong?"

Other netizens shook their heads:

"I don't know this"

"Perhaps, it is because of the strong vitality of the original gene"

"Or maybe it's because the sword didn't cut deep enough.……"

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