(Picture at the end, Wolf Lord Leman Russ)

The bankruptcy of the Webway Project is the most serious consequence.

It was not that countless warriors were buried beneath the palace, but that the Emperor was bound to the Golden Throne.

After the initial shock and anger, netizens began to understand that as long as the Emperor could leave the Golden Throne, things might turn around.

Everyone began to think about whether there was a way to get the Emperor to leave the Golden Throne:

"Can you stand up? Can the Emperor stand up?"

"Is it okay to find another psyker instead?"

"But Great God Ning Yu said that Golden Throne was too harsh in extracting spiritual energy."

"Only the Emperor can withstand it, other psykers may be drained as soon as they sit on it!"

Some netizens were anxious:

"If one psyker doesn't work, then a thousand, ten thousand!"

"There is nothing else in our empire except that we have a lot of people!"

However, these words gave some quick-thinking people a warning:


"Isn't there a powerful psyker among the Primarchs?"

Now everyone reacted:

"Yes! It's that Magnus!"

"Didn't he inherit the Emperor's psychic talent and be the Psychic Master among the Primarchs?"

"Indeed, he might be able to do it!"

"As long as he resists for a while, the withdrawing Emperor may be able to find a way to completely close the crack!"

"Besides, this kid is responsible for all of this, so it’s natural to capture him and use him as a torture instrument!"

Don't say it, the emperor really thought so.

In the forty-fifth video uploaded by Ning Yu, [Wolves coming out of the cave].

The emperor who endured the pain on the golden throne immediately let the Primarch Li Manrus, leading his 6th Legion, went to the star of Prospero and brought the erring Magnus back to Terra.

In order to avoid further mistakes in this matter.

The Emperor even removed the already stretched Custodes and Some of the Sisters of Silence went together.

Leman Russ, also known as the Wolf Lord, had a cold, tough and violent personality.

He led the 6th Legion, known as the Space Wolves.

At its peak, the number was as high as 130,000.

Before As mentioned before, the Emperor gave each Primarch a special mission when he created them.

Leman Russ and his Space Wolves were particularly good at countering and attacking other Astartes forces.

They were like His name refers to a group of wild wolves raised by the Emperor. They are fierce and cruel.

As long as the Emperor gives an order, they will swarm up and launch continuous and crazy attacks on the enemy until they bite the enemy into pieces.

And this enemy Who it is, the Space Wolves never care.

The Emperor's Executioners, this is their second name.

It can be said that the Emperor knew the seriousness of this matter and sent Leman Russ to Prolo Planet Spero, because no matter what the price is, even if the entire Thousand Sons Legion is wiped out, Magnus must be brought back to Terra!

And the only possible good news at this moment is that the subspace storm at this time actually It disappeared mysteriously again.

Subspace navigation became smooth and safe again.

Leman Russ completed the mission entrusted to him by the Emperor, and it seemed just around the corner. But looking at the fleet of the 6th Legion that had already plunged into subspace, netizens around the world But I kept muttering in my heart:

"What the hell, the subspace storm is gone again?"

"How come this thing suddenly disappeared?"

"Something is wrong, very wrong!"

"If I were the Chaos God, I should have made the storm blow harder so that Leman Russ would never find Magnus."

"But why should they take the initiative to cancel it? Could it be that there is not enough strength to sustain the storm?"

"Or maybe these guys who are backstabbing are plotting something else?"

"I really blanched that Tzeentch's whole family, and now it makes me suspicious!"

"And have you noticed a very crucial point?"

"Because of Terra's psychic explosion, Magnus' information did not reach Terra and the Emperor's ears smoothly."

"In other words, neither the Emperor nor the Space Wolves who have been ordered to go to war are aware of the news that Warmaster Horus has rebelled!"

"Hiss, this poor information is very fatal!"

(Picture at the end, Wolf Lord Leman Russ)

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