Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 245 The Gospel of Wakanda

Hearing Julis' complaint, Bai Chuanfeng raised his head suddenly with raised brows.

"Uh, Boss, I'm not racist..." Uris spread his hands and explained.

"Don't be nervous Yuris." Bai Chuanfeng interrupted his political correctness, "You just said that Africans like Aihua's Walkman?"

"That's right." Julius shrugged, "Maybe it's because they're cheap enough, maybe it's because they're also black.

In short, those old black people like it very much, who knows? "

Seeing that Bai Chuanfeng didn't care about his so-called racial discrimination, Julius simply let himself go.

If it weren't for the fact that Bai Chuanfeng was Asian and his boss, he would have started mocking those big bosses a long time ago.

What the hell, what racism?

It's only the early 1980s, and the apartheid law has only been repealed for more than a decade.

Discrimination against black people in the United States is now common. Isn't prejudice against African-Americans the point of view that normal people should have?

Although the bill was revoked, the estrangement in people's hearts has not been revoked.

Bai Chuanfeng picked up Aihua's Walkman again and studied it carefully, um, it's really dark.

"How much do they sell for?"


It's a full $20 cheaper than Shirakawa Electric's FM-01, no wonder it makes Ulis so stressful.

"Aihua's Walkman has just been launched this month, so the channels should not be fully rolled out yet, right?"

Bai Chuanfeng's eyes began to change in an unclear way.

"They're spreading from the East Coast to the West Coast, with some help from Sony."

Sony's base camp is on the east coast, so Aihua also started to distribute goods there first.

"It just so happens that it's not too late to start now. It might be difficult to handle when they complete the full distribution."

Bai Chuanfeng threw Aihua's Walkman on the table, making a crisp "click".

Howard and Ulis looked at each other and said in unison, "Boss, what do we need?"

"In the eastern part of the United States, where are the most African-Americans?" Bai Chuanfeng's eyes shone with the light of political correctness.

"Detroit, Chicago, New York!" The two natives spat out three place names without hesitation.

"From west to east, buy all the Aihua Walkmans on the market, and then put them in these three cities."

"Boss! Do you want to...?" Howard and Ulis' eyes widened.

"These purchased Walkmans are sold to African Americans at a lower price, 79, 69 or even 59 dollars! Remember to sell only to African Americans!"

Bai Chuanfeng gave the order categorically, completely ignoring that he was also spending money and losing money by doing so.

Now Aihua's Walkman has just been distributed, and there are not many circulating in the market.

Even if each unit loses 20 US dollars, hundreds of thousands of units are only a few million US dollars, and Bai Chuanfeng can afford to lose this money.

"Oh boss, I have to say that you surprised me again, I can't express my admiration for you in words."

Howard was better, but Julius fell directly into incoherent speech.

Hell, are the Japanese so cruel?

In order to deal with his compatriots, he did not hesitate to lose his own blood, but also used those niggers by the way.

Oh my god, Julius can guarantee that the most black-hearted capitalist he has ever seen is as pure as a lamb in front of the boss.

"Remember, it is only sold to African Americans. In addition, this kind of thing should not be related to Baichuan Electric.

I don't care what means you use, but I believe there must be a way to do this. "

Things are done, but Bai Chuanfeng doesn't want to drag himself into it.

"Understood!" Both Howard and Ulis showed a clear look.

"By the way, Boss, what if there are white people or other races who want to buy it?" At this moment, Julis thought of another question.

After all, selling at a low price is still very attractive to most people.

"Then tell them Aihua's Walkmans are only sold to black people!"

Bai Chuanfeng would rather lose money by himself than send Aihua to the black buddies.

Here's the Gospel from Wakanda, others a little later.

Howard and Julis looked at each other, and the latter immediately let out a strange laugh.

"Hey, please rest assured boss, I can guarantee that Aihua will be an exclusive brand for Africans in the future."

"Very good." Bai Chuanfeng nodded, "It's not too late, this matter needs to be acted on as soon as possible.

The longer it drags on, the worse it is for us. "

When the Aihua Walkman was just launched, the people in North America didn't have much impression of it.

Then brand it with an African-American brand as soon as possible, and when this layer of BUFF is stable, it will definitely bring surprises to your senior brother.

Alas, senior brother, next time I go back to Tokyo, it's time for me to treat you to a drink.

In Queens, New York, Jim walked carefully to the alley full of garbage bags.

Before going in, he looked around first, and he was relieved after making sure that there were no people from other guilds.

Here in Queens, every evening, it will almost become the world of African-Americans.

Fortunately, he also has a layer of protective color. Jim glanced at his chocolate skin and suddenly felt grateful for it.

"Mother FU*K, Jim, you coward, what are you doing if you don't come in?

Did the girl last night make you unable to get out of bed, or did you want to go back to your mother in fear that it was getting dark? "

"Haha~ Cowardly Jim~"

The sudden cussing sound from the dark corner of the alley startled Jim, but the ensuing laughter made his tense body relax again.

"Boss Kent, did I bring you something good today?"

Coward was Jim's nickname, but he was never ashamed of it.

He even felt that this was the true meaning of his life. Those who were bold and laughed at him either went to see God or got into trouble.

Just like my boss Kent, nicknamed "Donkey Kong". A muscular body, handling Jim is like pinching a chick.

But Jim doesn't envy him at all, because in two months, he has changed three bosses.

Who knows if someone will suddenly notify him tomorrow that the boss has changed again.

The boss of the water, the iron coward Jim.

Jim walked up to his new boss courteously, and took out the things he had prepared. "Look, boss, what is this?"

"Huh? Mother FK! What the hell are you holding?"

Kent, like a gorilla, looked at the dark Jim in the dark alley, trying to identify the dark things in his hands.

It was so dark that for a moment Kent couldn't see what the lump was.

"Uh boss, it's a Walkman. Walkman, you know, something you can take with you to listen to music, very cool!"

Speaking of which, Jim quickly started to demonstrate how to use this machine.

When Kent heard the strong rhythmic music coming from the headphones, he grabbed the Walkman from Jim's hand.

"Where is the leaf that Jim said, why is it this thing?"

"Er, boss, this is also a good thing."

It's really good. Although Kent, who is a big boss, has heard of this kind of machine, he really doesn't have one.

The price of hundreds of dollars is definitely not something they can enjoy.

Wait, where did Jim get it?

Kent put the Walkman in his pocket casually, then looked at Jim meaningfully with his arms folded.

"Jim, you understand the rules of the gang. If there is a way, let's do it together and eat alone..." Kent smiled maliciously.

The other people standing in the alley also silently surrounded him, leaving only the weak Jim trembling in the middle.

"Of course" Jim swallowed, "it's Papa Bailey's place."

"Papa Bailey?" Kent muttered.

Papa Bailey is the owner of a grocery store in a black neighborhood. No one knows his real name, and no one dares to mess with him.

It's just because he likes to watch football games, so everyone gave him this nickname.

"What the hell is going on, how can you coward have money, go to Bailey's father to get this kind of thing, can't it be stolen?"

"Of course not." Faced with Kent's suspicion, Jim quickly denied that Papa Bailey can't be messed with by anyone.

"It's cheap at Papa Bailey's, $70."

"So cheap?" Kent saw it in the supermarket, and the cheapest Walkman cost more than a hundred dollars.

The one I have now is almost half the price.

"Yes." Jim nodded, "Not only that, Papa Bailey said it. If you help him sell this thing, we will have a $2 rebate for every unit sold."

Papa Bailey actually said $3, but Jim changed it to $2 in front of Kent after he made an agreement with him.

"Really?" Kent's eyes lit up, this is also a way to make a fortune.

"That's right, but Papa Bailey also has a condition. Uh, the condition is that it must be sold to black people before there will be a kickback.

If you violate the agreement, then there will be no rebates to us in the future.

Boss Kent, you know how well-informed Papa Bailey is, so we'd better not try to challenge his rules. "

Seeing that Kent was about to be violent again, Jim quickly poured out all the words that followed.

"WTF?" Kent asked with a question mark on his face.

What the hell kind of condition is this, just for us niggas?

"They said it was the gospel from Wakanda." Jim explained weakly again.

"???" Kent.

"It's only $75, man, what a bargain.

You must know that Wal-Mart supermarkets sold it for $89 in the past, and it is absolutely guaranteed to be authentic. "

In Brooklyn, Kent is listening to a compatriot, Amway Edwards.

"But why do you sell 79?" The black buddies are a little strange, isn't this a loss-making business?

"Just say it's not cheap, right?" Kent was a little impatient.

"Okay." The black buddies were a little moved, after all, it was 14 dollars cheaper. This was the 80s, and $14 was enough for him to experience fast food.

And now there are no such cheap Walkmans in Wal-Mart supermarkets, and they have been out of stock.

"Trust me man, you've got a steal, good news from Wakanda.

Look at this logo clearly, aiwa, our own black brand. "


"It's not important." Kent waved his hand, "Remember to spread the word to your friends around you, buy a Walkman and find 'Donkey Kong' Kent in Queens, and it has the lowest price in the United States."

Don't talk about the gospel of Wakanda, as long as you can make money, let Kent parade the street holding a "Black Lives Matter" sign.

Another black compatriot was fooled, Kent thought happily, it seems that there is more money to be a second-hand dealer than a gangster boss.

I am just a small boss at the bottom, and I don't even get $100 every week.

But since becoming an Erdao dealer, his income has more than doubled.

"Hello, I heard that there are cheap Walkmans here?"

While Kent was thinking about the future, suddenly a reassuring voice sounded behind him.

The big black Kent turned his head, and a white young man was watching him carefully.

White ghost?

"Hey! Listen, white man, we don't make deals with white ghosts here. This kind of thing" Kent pointed to the Aihua Walkman in his hand.

"It's only sold to Africans. It's a high-tech product from Wakanda. Have you ever seen a white man using it, ang~"

"But." The Caucasian youth wanted to get close again.

"Go away, little rabbit. This is a high-tech product. Do you country bumpkins know what a high-tech product is?

Don't go watch your ass, my brothers hasn't tasted it in a long time. "

As soon as Kent finished speaking, another big man standing beside him took a step forward. The knuckles of his fists creaked, and he looked at the terrified white youth with a malicious expression on his face.

"Excuse me," said the white youth and ran away.

Sure enough, these niggas are all rubbish, and the things they sell are also rubbish.

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