Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 436 Shock

The impact of the Plaza Accord is by no means limited to a storm in the financial market.

Because the five countries jointly lowered the dollar exchange rate, the speculative market focused on raising the yen.

This gave the outside world a signal that the yen will continue to appreciate.

Based on this, the cost of imported neon products will also increase in the future.

Under this kind of psychology, the export decline of neon manufacturing industry is also a normal feedback from the foreign trade market.

The neon government originally expected that even if the yen appreciated by 20%, the export manufacturing industry of neon would still have considerable competitiveness.

But that is looking at the problem from the perspective of long-term development. It is a normal phenomenon in the short term for such a big move by the five countries to wait for the market to change.

Therefore, starting from the fourth quarter after September, neon export trade will be most affected.

According to the development law of previous years, the closer to the end of the year, the normal value range for the export industry to grow by 6% to 8% year-on-year.

But this year, not only did it not rise, but it fell by about 4%. A horizontal comparison is equivalent to a 10% to 12% drop in export trade volume.

This is the first time in history, so many neon companies are facing a big enemy.

As we all know, Neon is an export-oriented country, and its domestic economic growth relies heavily on exports.

If exports plummeted, it would definitely be a catastrophic blow to many companies in Neon.

Although the share has only dropped by about 4% year-on-year, this is not a good sign.

I am afraid that this is just the beginning, and the follow-up will continue to fall endlessly.

After all, the current appreciation of the yen seems to be far from reaching its peak, so the pressure on the export of neon products will continue to increase.

Therefore, many physical manufacturing industries in Neon already have a sense of crisis.

But also in the fourth quarter, Neon's stock market was completely incomprehensible to them.

Obviously, the share of trade is declining, and corporate profits are also declining, but the stock market has been rising all the way.

This...Many corporate presidents who have had a headache due to the decline in exports have begun to feel subtle.

The stock market and foreign exchange market are booming, and the seemingly neon economy is rising steadily.

In this case, if people have money in their hands, can they stimulate domestic demand and make up for the part of the profits lost in exports?

Taking a step back, since the stock market and the foreign exchange market make so much money, can we also go in and eat some meat?

After all, enterprises have strong financial strength, so they can naturally mobilize greater capital than individual citizens.

Shirakawa Electric, which is also facing such a situation, is also discussing how to eliminate the impact of the appreciation of the yen.

"Gentlemen, we have to admit that within a short period of time, the appreciation of the yen will become the norm.

So how should we deal with the increase in export costs and the decline in trade share? "

Inside the Baichuan Building, many people in charge of Baichuan Holdings are gathering together to discuss the next countermeasures.

No one can avoid the pressure of yen appreciation. Some people are continuing to wait and see, and some people are considering going to the stock market and foreign exchange market to fight for the wind.

And some people are also actively seeking ways to break through the current situation of trade decline in order to maintain the continuous growth of the manufacturing industry.

It is obvious that Shirakawa Electric is going to take the last path. The industry is the basic market, and we must not give up easily.

"If the yen continues to appreciate, the overseas market size of Shirakawa Electric will be further reduced.

Therefore, in order to ensure profits, we must either open up new markets or find ways to cost. "

As the person in charge of the audio-visual business department, Hasegawa's solution is very simple, either increase revenue or reduce expenditure.

"But the current international market, Shirakawa Electric has basically been developed. It is impossible to find a large-scale new market in a short period of time. As for the Asian market..." Akagi shook his head.

Now the development of Asia is just in its infancy, with limited consumption capacity and limited market.

In particular, the game console division that Akagi is responsible for has almost no outstanding performance in Asia.

People's food and clothing problems have not yet been solved, so how can they spare time for entertainment.

Two years ago, Shirakawa Electric had already completed the layout of the global market, so the open source item was basically crossed out.

So how to save money? Reduce raw material costs? Or reduce the salaries of members?

Thinking of this, everyone unanimously turned their attention to Bai Chuanfeng who was at the top.

"It is difficult to discover a new market in a short period of time, but we can cultivate the market in advance.

As for throttling, think of a way from the cost of parts, channels, and the entire industrial chain.

Do not change the treatment of members unless it is absolutely necessary. In addition, cost control must be achieved through another means. "

Hearing that Bai Chuanfeng was not planning to change the benefits of the employees, everyone was relieved in unison.

If an enterprise needs to reduce wages to achieve cost control, it means that its operating conditions have deteriorated considerably.

Of course, it does not rule out the coquettish manipulation of some president Sang, but it is clear that Bai Chuanfeng is not such a person.

Salary cut? Just kidding, the battle of grabbing people is about to be staged.

Believe it or not, as long as Shirakawa Electric dares to cut wages, new and old employees can finish it in minutes.

But since it is not a salary cut, it is achieved through another means.

So what exactly is this method, and the so-called cultivating the market, everyone is curious.

Without making a fuss, Bai Chuanfeng directly stated the decision he had considered for a long time.

"Starting next year, stop all capacity expansion here at Neon."


As soon as his words fell, everyone present widened their eyes in surprise.

Although the yen has appreciated, Neon's economy is doing well.

Many companies are expanding their production capacity, but now Bai Chuanfeng plans to do the opposite.

"Shirakawa-san, although there is pressure on the appreciation of the yen, isn't this decision too conservative?"

Hasegawa cautiously probed.

After waving his hand, Bai Chuanfeng explained the reason for doing so.

"Stopping the capacity expansion of Neon does not mean stopping all capacity expansion.

We must consider the cost increase brought about by the appreciation of the yen. Because this is not a short-term phenomenon, it is likely to be the norm for the next few years.

A brief bout of yen appreciation may not threaten us, but a sustained normalcy no one company can afford. "

"Bai Chuan-san, what do you mean...?" Everyone seemed to understand.

"Overseas!" Bai Chuanfeng nodded calmly.

"From next year, all the factories here of Neon will maintain the same scale, and at the same time increase overseas investment.

We need to slowly relocate labor-intensive factories to reduce labor costs. "

With the advent of the golden age, as of this year, the average salary of Neon people has reached 3-4 million yen per year.

Although front-line workers may be slightly lower than this value, it is not too bad.

Therefore, the rising labor cost is also increasing the burden on the manufacturing industry.

In the next few years, due to the expansion of the bubble economy, labor costs will increase significantly.

At that time, with a huge number of employees, the salary cost that needs to be paid will also be an astronomical figure.

This will be even more unfavorable for enterprises to reduce costs and ease the export pressure brought about by the appreciation of the yen.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Bai Chuanfeng decided to plan ahead and deploy overseas in advance.

“Factories that are prioritized for relocation include Walkmans, game consoles, AutoNavi toys, and other low-tech electronic products.

It is best that their raw materials can be processed locally, and Neon only exports key components here.

As for the object of relocation..." Bai Chuanfeng paused, "Huaxia and Baodao are the first considerations. "

It is instinctive for manufacturing companies to relocate to markets with lower labor costs.

At the same time, local processing of some raw materials can also further reduce production costs. Here, Neon can grasp the core technology by itself.

Everyone has no opinion on this point, but everyone has some doubts about the location of the factory relocation.

"Bai Chuan-san, Treasure Island is okay to talk about. But Huaxia... isn't it a bit too radical?"

Although it has been more than ten years since Nihong and Huaxia have normal diplomatic relations, they belong to different ideological camps after all.

Especially during the Cold War, does the American father really have no objection to doing this?

Bai Chuanfeng smiled indifferently, "You can rest assured about this, don't forget that China and the United States are now in the honeymoon period."

It is precisely because of the existence of the other side of the Cold War, Aso. It was only in this special historical period that Huaxia was able to coexist harmoniously with Ami.

The two parties are not only in the honeymoon period, but have even carried out many cooperative research and development on military technology.

Yes, can you imagine? In the mid-1980s, China and the United States cooperated in weapons.

The well-known peace model project covers a very wide range.

The improvement of Qiye and Baye, the development of multi-purpose helicopters, and even express delivery projects.

This is unimaginable in the 21st century, but in the magical 80s, it is happening.

These things have been reported in the newspapers. When Bai Chuanfeng said this, everyone thought about it carefully and it was indeed true.

Baichuan Electric only makes some electronic consumer products, and it is not a secret, so there is no need to worry about these things.

What's more, it is not without precedent, Bai Chuanfeng can give a lot of examples casually.

"Setting up a factory in China is not a big deal.

Panasonic, Toshiba, and Hitachi entered China in the 1970s, and we, Shirakawa Electric, were late enough. "

Do you know what factory Panasonic has established in Northeast China? Motor Factory!

In terms of sensitivity, this thing is much more sensitive than Baichuan Electric's Walkman and game console.

When the great man visited the Panasonic factory in Osaka, he saw rows of modern machines.

The great man held Konosuke Matsushita's hand and sighed, "Mr. Matsushita, can you help China's modernization?"

The 83-year-old Konosuke Matsushita immediately promised to help China realize its modernization.

So in the second year, Konosuke Matsushita was invited to visit Huaxia. At that time, Huaxia didn't even have an embassy in Nihong.

But it was under such circumstances that Panasonic established a later motor factory in the Northeast.

Since then, companies such as Toshiba and Hitachi have also entered China in the late 1970s to carry out cooperation.

So at this time, Baichuan Electric decided to enter Huaxia, which was already a step behind the established companies.

"Huaxia's population is too large, and it will be a huge market with unlimited potential in the future.

Now there are low labor costs and low raw material prices, which are very helpful for us to reduce production costs.

In addition to the Walkman, we at Shirakawa Electric will also produce radios and other products locally.

The former is used for export and the latter is used for local sales. I believe that after several years of development, Huaxia itself will grow into another big market for us. "

In addition to relocating the existing factory, Bai Chuanfeng also decided to start production of "old antique" products such as radios in Huaxia.

Their potential customers are the developing countries in Southeast Asia.

In this way, Baichuan Electric can reduce its own production costs and reduce export pressure.

At the same time, it can cultivate the Southeast Asian market, even if it is only products such as radios with relatively low profits.

As for why Bai Chuanfeng is confident that he can enter the Huaxia market, do you really think that his trip to the embassy was for nothing?

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