Reborn: Ulquiorra In DxD World

Chapter 25 - Explanation

"Creator you say?" Sona was shocked by this information.

"He did not create our entire being, I say that he created Arrancar. We orignally are pure hollow." Ulquiorra said.

"Then, what is a hollow?" Sona asked. There's many term she heard that she didn't know. He looked like he's going to answer every question she would ask so she didn't hold back in asking.

"Hollow," Ulquiorra walked to the window and looked at the servants. "Hollow are creatures which are born from human souls who, for various reasons, did not go to soul society after their death and stay in the human world for too long. They are corrupt spirit with a power to devour souls of other living beings. Hollows settle in hueco mundo, but can go to human world and soul society."

"Soul Society" She once again heard a word she didn't know. She didn't care about that she was more concerned about Ulquiorra's origin and background.

"Then they are... "

"Yes, they are former human souls who lose their hearts to despair or regret. Any souls that are not guided by Shinigami may eventually become a hollow." said Ulquiorra.

'So, he also lose his heart, is that why he don't have any emotion?' Sona thought making many guesses in her mind.

Serafall already left the room as she could tell the heavy atmosphere around the room. She already know about Ulquiorra so it's okay for her to not listen. She leave Ulquiorra to her sister.

'I hope So-tan wouldn't be afraid of Ulqi-tan if she know the truth.' Serafall thought as she walked to her room.

Ulquiorra cast a glance at Sona before he continue, "Once a soul become a Hollow, it is driven by an eternal and insatiable hunger to devour other souls, living or dead, to fill the void cause by its descent. Low level hollow usually are mindless, only the high level hollows such as Adjuchas or Vasto Lorde have intelligence."

Sona looked at his hollow hole while processing the information she got. After a while she opened her mouth, "Then, where's your mask?"

"Before I met Serafall-sama it's still here," Ulquiorra patted the left side of his head. He looked at Sona and asked, "You saw me in my release form, right?"

Sona nodded in response.

"The bone that is on my head at that time is my hollow mask, although it's broken after I become an Arrancar. After a hollow broke their mask they regain a human like appearance but they still have a part of their hollow mask."

"When a human souls are not enough to sustain them, the hollow will start to devour other hollows."

"Devour, you say..." Sona was shocked. She looked at Ulquiorra with widened eyes.

"Yes, Cannibalism. They cannibalize each other resulting in a hollow called Menus Grande. This cannibal hollows are attracted and a mass inter-devouring follows, resulting in a Gillian class hollow. Following this transformation a Gillian can evolve twice more, first into an Adjuchas and finally into a Vasto Lorde. But it take so much time for them to evolve as they have to devour hundreds of thousands soul or hollows. And I'm a Vasto Lorde class hollow before I became an Arrancar."

"Did you also devour humans?" Although she know the answer she still ask this question.

"Yes, probably as many as you can imagine but I don't have memories of that time like most hollows. Most hollows will only regain intelligence after they became a high level hollow such as Adjuchas and Vasto Lorde. Gillian class hollows are conglomeration of lower hollows and when they evolve only the most dominant personality will regain the body."

Ulquiorra looked at her for a few seconds before he answer, "Arrancar are hollows that gained powerful strength by removing their mask. The most powerful arrancar were ȧssigned ten numbers by Lord Aizen himself, and it came to known as Espada. The Arrancar seal most of their power in the form of a sword. When they released their sword they unleased their true power and regain a bit of their hollow form. This act of release is called Resurrección."

'Resurrección means returning blade' Sona thought. She suddenly felt tired when she was merely listening to him.


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