Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 143: Let's go to college together

  Chapter 143 Let's go to college together

  "How about going to the south this time?" Gu Zhennan asked.

   "It's going well." Guo Xiang nodded as he ate the noodles, "Now I have a share in the two factories, and I will never be afraid of running out of money in the future."

  Gu Zhennan was silent. It was a man’s responsibility to support the family, but now his wife is doing much better than herself.

  Think about your life in the past few years. Is your thinking too rigid? That's why it didn't improve. Mother and younger siblings suffered so much.

In fact, he can’t be blamed. He would never have thought that Guo Xiang came from later generations. All kinds of new ideas and concepts are not reachable by people in this period, and she can also see the first opportunity. No one can. Do it.

  Gu Zhennan has actually done a good job, working very hard and motivated.

Guo Xiang seems to be aware of Gu Zhennan’s thoughts and stretched out a hand to cover his hand, "Zhennan, people are different. Maybe my strength is here. Don’t be under pressure. You do better than me in other aspects. Much. If our husband and wife complement each other, life will be better!"

  Gu Zhennan nodded, he is not a pedantic person, his wife is strong, he is happy, he will not give up on himself, he will only work harder to catch up with her.

   "By the way, how is your double donkey-head pumping unit?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "It's almost there, the final adjustment is being made. As long as it is approved by the design and research institute experts, it should be ready for production." Gu Zhennan said.

   "It's amazing!" Guo Xiang admired.

  Look, this is where men are better than themselves. If this is done, the contribution of the oil field to the country is immeasurable. This is not what you can compare.

  If it is a trail to make money, Gu Zhennan is the road.

   Gu Zhennan was very happy to be praised by his wife. Although he couldn't make expressions on his face, the light in his eyes exposed his mood.

   "Zhennan, there is actually something I always wanted to tell you..." Guo Xiang hesitated and said.

   "What?" Gu Zhennan asked.

  "Have you ever thought about re-entering the university? I heard my mother said that you were admitted to the university before and you gave up because you didn't have money at home. I think it's a pity." Guo Xiang said.

  Gu Zhennan was taken aback, but he did not expect that Guo Xiang would say this.

   said that it is impossible to have no regrets. He was also uncomfortable when he was admitted to university and could not go to college. However, he was the eldest son in the family.

   So he took on the important responsibility of the family. In fact, not going to college is a great regret in his life.

  But it’s been a few years, he really didn’t think about it, he just wanted to work hard and let his family live a better life.

   "It used to be because there was no money at home, but now that we have money, we don't have to worry about it at home. If you don't work, we have enough money to spend." Guo Xiang said.

   "But I am already twenty-five years old, and I will be twenty-six during the Chinese New Year." Gu Zhennan said. Is too old to be thirty after college?

"Age is not a problem." Guo Xiang shook his head, and there are even bigger people who are going to college. "Think about it, everything you learn now is self-taught. Is it difficult to learn? In the future, various scientific and technological advancements, are you? Can't keep up? It will be more uncomfortable when you have weakness."

  "But it’s different when you go to university. You can learn a lot of professional knowledge that you could not learn before, and you can get in touch with more advanced things."

   “In this way, in the next few decades, you may be able to stay ahead of the industry. That is a lifetime thing, and you can make a greater contribution to the oil field to the country!” Guo Xiang said.

  Gu Zhennan groaned, feeling that what the daughter-in-law said makes sense.

  Even if I learn later, there is still a long way to go in life, and going to university is a lifelong experience.

   "What about you?" Gu Zhennan looked at Guo Xiang, what is her plan?

   "Actually, I am also thinking about it. Although I have obtained the qualification of a Chinese medicine doctor, I always feel that I used to study Western medicine. I think I can be a surgeon and perform operations on people."

   "I don't know who I was before the amnesia, maybe I was a college student? But I can't find it back now, so I can only take the exam again and take the medical university again." Guo Xiang said.

   "This way..." Guo Xiang held Gu Zhennan's hand, "Let's work hard together and take the university entrance examination together. When we pass the entrance examination, there will be two college students in the family, and my mother will be happy."

  Gu Zhennan looked at Guo Xiang, saw the care and sincerity in her eyes, and nodded emphatically, "Okay, let's take the college entrance examination together!"

  Guo Xiang smiled, this feeling is very good.

   "Then two days later, I will go to the city to see if there are any college entrance examination books and buy some back. Let's review together." Guo Xiang said.

  Gu Zhennan nodded, if this is the case, I have to work hard. Although I have passed the exam before, it has been several years, and the current exam questions are definitely different from the past, so I need to review it carefully.

   "By the way, my hukou has been transferred from Guo's family to my home. By then, I may have to take the exam from Xiangnan for the college entrance examination. Is your hukou in the oil field?" Guo Xiang asked.

  Gu Zhennan nodded. He is officially working, and his household registration has moved with his work unit.

   "That's fine, then you will take the test from here, I will take the test at home, the same." Guo Xiang said.

   "Then we can take the exam together?" Gu Zhennan looked at Guo Xiang. He didn't want his wife to be too far away from him. She was so good. Then there would be other good men in the university chasing her and he was not around. What should I do?

Guo Xiang is silent. Gu Zhennan is going to take the University of Petroleum, and 80% will be in the Northeast, and he is going to take the medical university, but the best medical university is in the capital, so maybe we will not be together. It is really impossible to have it in four years. What variables.

   "Let's discuss it then." Guo Xiang said.

  Perhaps she can give up the capital for him to take the university entrance exam in the Northeast, maybe Gu Zhennan will give up to go to Beijing in the Northeast for her? It is too early to say this.

   "Hmm." Gu Zhennan nodded, there are many unknown factors, let's talk about it then.


  Yi Zichen arrived in the capital. He wanted to find Guo Xiang as soon as he came, but because he opened a new store, he had to find him for everything, and he was very busy.

  The rental and decoration of the store, and the newly arrived jewelry and jade must be personally reviewed by him, and everything must be done by himself.

  When he finally finished his work and went to the Chunfeng Hotel to look for Guo Xiang, the people there said that she had already checked out.

  He went to the Hengtong Paper Mill that Guo Xiang said to find someone, and said that she had already left.

  Yi Zichen felt a little melancholy. Why didn’t they always meet her? Are the two really so unfavored?

  Waiting for the branch in Beijing to open, Yi Zichen let his younger brother take charge of the branch, and he still returned to Shencheng.

  Shencheng is the base camp of Yijia, and the main store can be better managed if it has branches.

  (End of this chapter)

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