Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 147: My first kiss (please subscribe, second more)

  Chapter 147 My first kiss (for subscription, two more)

   asked what kind of dishes, Huang Zhengli was also welcome, ordered the sauce skeleton, pork stewed noodles, and chicken stewed mushrooms, enough for two people, the Northeast dish is a big plate, and they may not finish eating.

   "You didn't mean to come to Taiqing to see a friend last time. Why did you come again this time? Where is your own home?" Huang Zhengli asked curiously, just to help Yi Zichen also inquire.

  "My home is in Shonan." Guo Xiang gnawed a piece of bone, "I also live here temporarily."

  She didn’t want to talk too much about herself. After all, it was privacy. She had never asked Yi Zichen and Huang Zhengli about the situation of their family. She felt unnecessary.

  But when she said that, Huang Zhengli felt she was a little untruthful, so why didn't she say anything?

  In fact, Guo Xiang is a person from later generations. He pays more attention to privacy and is unwilling to talk about himself with others.

  Maybe I don’t think I have reached the level of familiarity yet.

  "What do you think of Zichen?" Huang Zhengli still couldn't help but said, Yi Zichen didn't dare to ask him to inquire for him.

   "It's pretty good." Guo Xiang nodded indifferently.

   "That's it?" Huang Zhengli was a little unhappy.

   "What do you mean?" Guo Xiang looked at him, a little puzzled, "I don't know him. As an ordinary friend, I think he is not bad. Why, what's wrong?"

  She also had a lot of friends in her previous life, and most of her male friends are ordinary and good ones. Where can I get to know them all?

   "It's okay..." Huang Zhengli sighed. It turns out that Guo Xiang just regarded Zichen as an ordinary friend? It seems that Zichen is really passionate.

   But also, Guo Xiang didn't look like a woman in front of them, maybe he didn't treat them as men? Such women are not suitable for families.

  Huang Zhengli wanted to go back and persuade Zichen.

  After dinner, Huang Zhengli went directly to the train station and returned to Shencheng, and Guo Xiang went home.

   Gu Zhennan was at home when he got home, and he greeted her as soon as she came back, "Are you out? Have you eaten?"

   "I have eaten, went to the city, met a friend, ate together." Guo Xiang said.

   "Do you have friends here?" Gu Zhennan was surprised.

   "Well, I made some money thanks to the friends I met in southern Yunnan." Guo Xiang said, "I will have the opportunity to introduce you to you in the future."

   "Okay!" Gu Zhennan nodded, took the jacket that Guo Xiang had taken off and hung it up, holding her hand and rubbing it with her mouth while warming, "Is it cold?"

   "A little bit!" Guo Xiang nodded, and fell into Gu Zhennan's arms, resting his head on his chest, "a little tired!"

   "Then rest." Gu Zhennan sat on the kang with her in his arms, and put some firewood in the kang stove.

  "When is the Chinese New Year this year, can you go home during the Chinese New Year?" Guo Xiang asked, leaning on Gu Zhennan's shoulder.

  I bought clothes for Wang Guiying Guoer and the others last time.

   "New Year's Day on January 20." Gu Zhennan said, "It should be no problem to go home, but we don't have many holidays. We may have to come back after staying at home for two days."

  The main reason is that the time spent on the road is too long, otherwise you can stay for a few more days.

   "That's fine, go home and have a reunion year with my mother. This is the first year after we get married. It would be better to live at home." Guo Xiang said.

   "Yeah." Gu Zhennan nodded, and looked sideways at the daughter-in-law who was leaning on him, sweet in his heart.

  "It's hard to buy tickets for the New Year, isn't it?" Guo Xiang asked again.

   "The oil team will send people to buy tickets at that time, so don't worry about this," Gu Zhennan said.

   "That's good." Guo Xiang nodded, otherwise it would be too tiring to go in line to buy.

She had good living conditions in her previous life and was spoiled by her family. Basically, she didn’t have to worry about anything. To be honest, she was lazier than the current person. A lot of money is easy to handle.

  I don’t know how to cook. I will ask a babysitter in the future. She is not afraid of other people’s gossip. Life is her own, so why care about other people’s thoughts.

  It's just that the conditions are limited now. If there is a big house in the future, it will be easier to handle.

  Two days later, it's New Year's Day.

  Originally, Guo Xiang wanted to buy some good vegetables and spend the Gregorian calendar year, but Gu Zhennan said that a leader of the oil factory came to give condolences, and the oil team held a group visit in the evening and could not eat at home.

  Guo Xiang nodded, then it would be easy to eat by himself.

  I cooked some rice in a rice cooker at night, steamed red sausage on it, and ate it with kimchi.

  The main reason is that I don’t bother to start the furnace and start a fire, which is too troublesome.

  There is no takeaway now. If there is one, she will order it.

   Around nine o'clock in the evening, there was a knock on the door outside, "Mother, Mister..."

  Guo Xiang hurriedly went down to the kang to open the door, only to see Li Chun and Lin Guangrong two drunk Gu Zhennan returning, Yu Xiuxiu still yelling "Slow down, slow down!"

   Guo Xiang saw Yu Xiuxiu's face immediately became bad, "What's wrong? How much alcohol did you drink?"

   "I didn't drink much, just one cup. Master was not drinking well, so I poured one cup." Lin Guangrong said and helped Gu Zhennan up.

   "Why let him drink if he can't drink?" Guo Xiang was a little unhappy.

   "Isn't there a leader, Zhennan has already drunk very little, and some can't stop it..." Li Chunsun said.

   Helped Gu Zhennan to the kang, Yu Xiuxiu stood behind, and Guo Xiang's expression was also very bad.

  Guo Xiang was too lazy to care about her, and said to Lin Guangrong and Li Chun, "Thank you."

   "It's okay, Master, Master will trouble you to take care of it, and we are leaving." Lin Guangrong said.

  The three of them went out, Yu Xiuxiu looked back, and Guo Xiang immediately closed the door with a bang.

  I will look after Gu Zhennan again, drunk and unconscious.

  Pour a cup? Drinking so bad?

  Guo Xiang took out the quilt, but Gu Zhennan was lying on the kang.

  Take off Gu Zhennan's shoes, and then help him take off his coat and pants.

He was tall and mammoth, and he was so drunk that Guo Xiang took a lot of effort to take off his coat. Just about to pull the quilt over, Gu Zhennan suddenly turned over and hugged her. He hugged her tightly into her arms, drunk and confused, "Daughter-in-law? Why are you here?"

  Guo Xiang could not laugh or cry, "This is our home, where am I not here?"

   "Daughter-in-law, you are my daughter-in-law, hehe..." Gu Zhennan drunk his eyes, "Daughter-in-law, let's sleep together!"

  Guo Xiang blushed, "Gu Zhennan, you get up, you are drunk..."

   "I'm not drunk..., I want to sleep with you... I already thought about it..." Gu Zhennan lowered his head and kissed Guo Xiang's mouth.

   Guo Xiang banged in his head, widened his eyes, and held the grass. How did the first kiss of this life be taken away by the drunk man?

  It’s so special, it smells like alcohol in your mouth.

  Guo Xiang struggled, "Gu Zhennan, you can drive me..."

  Gu Zhennan grabbed her hands with one hand, pressed her legs with her long legs, and pressed her whole body on her body, "Daughter-in-law, I want you..."

  Guo Xiang flushed, "Gu Zhennan, are you crazy about drinking?"

  It’s not this time, you are so drunk, don’t you know?

   "Daughter-in-law..." Gu Zhennan pulled the quilt on the side, covering both of them in the quilt, and his hands were not honest.

   "Gu Zhennan!" Guo Xiang's frustrated voice came out from the quilt.

   "Daughter-in-law, I like you!" Gu Zhennan murmured, hugging Guo Xiang tightly, and then... stopped moving.

   "Gu Zhennan, Gu Zhennan..." Guo Xiang pushed him, but a snoring sound came from his ear.

  Guo Xiang couldn't laugh or cry, so he fell asleep? I thought he would do it today.

  Struggling to open a corner of the quilt, exhaling, almost suffocated.

  I wanted to climb out, but Gu Zhennan's hands and feet were so tangled that he couldn't move at all. Guo Xiang wanted to cry without tears.

  Forget it, just sleep like this.

  (End of this chapter)

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