Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 163: Restructuring

  Chapter 163 Restructuring

  The two went to the iron factory together.

  The factory is located on the outskirts of Taiqing City. It is also a collective enterprise under the jurisdiction of a local town.

  I heard that it was a capitalist factory before liberation, and it was nationalized after liberation.

  But because the factory has a single small product, and Taiqing has gradually become an industrial city, this small industrial product is slowly ignored by the local town government.

  However, after the difficult times of the 1960s and 1970s, this kind of iron has almost no market. It is just kept alive and maintained the wages of a few workers. Now even this wage is almost impossible to maintain.

   When the two went to the ironing factory, they found that the factory was still relatively large, with thousands of square meters, but the factory was relatively old, but it was a brick building so it was relatively strong, and the inside was clean.

  It is said that there are about 30 people, but only a few people have seen, and they are basically in a state of shutdown.

  There are still two production lines in the factory, and some scattered materials.

  The two asked the workers and went to the office to find Zou Zhengxing, the current director of the iron factory.

  "What's the matter with you?" Zou Zhengxing asked.

   "Director Zou, hello!" Guo Xiang walked over and smiled and stretched out his hand, "That's it. We want to set up a factory and are looking for a suitable factory. I think yours is pretty good. I don't know what is going on in your factory now?"

  Zou Zhengxing shook hands with Guo Xiang, and shook hands with Lin Guangrong, "Sit down!"

   "Our factory is not working anymore." Zou Zhengxing shook his head, "I'm afraid I can't open it anymore."

  "What should I do? Just shut it down like this?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "Didn't all the restructuring begin now? Don't your factory have it?" Lin Guangrong asked.

   "We want to change too, but no one wants it." Zou Zhengxing looked sad.

  "What did the government say?" Guo Xiang asked.

  “Our factory is a collective enterprise. There are two main methods for restructuring. One is to convert corporate assets into individual employees’ shares and reorganize and transform into a joint-stock company. The other is to sell all to individuals and transform it into a private enterprise.”

"But no matter what it is, it doesn’t work, because no one wants it. Our employees dare not invest in it, for fear that the money will be lost and sold to individuals, and no one will buy it. I don’t know what to do if I live or die. It's done." Zou Zhengxing sighed.

  Guo Xiang’s eyes lit up. If he could sell it, that would be better. Let alone other things, the plant site alone would be worth a lot of money.

   "Then if it is sold, how much does the government plan to sell?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "I really don't know about this." Zou Zhengxing shook his head, "How about I call the government's restructuring committee to ask? You want to buy it?"

   "There is this intention, of course it depends on how much it is sold. If the price is not suitable, we don't want it." Guo Xiang smiled. Of course, he can't act eagerly. It will only increase the price.

   "Okay, I'll call and ask first." Zou Zhengxing said.

   made the phone call, Guo Xiang only heard Zou Zhengxing's vague hum, and he didn't seem to say anything specific.

   "That's it..." Zou Zhengxing hung up, "The people over there said they want to talk to you in detail, do you see if you are free?"

   "Okay." Guo Xiang nodded. The restructuring of the enterprise is not a trivial matter, of course it needs to be discussed.

  A comrade named Zhang Hua of the Town Government's Economic Reform Commission received three people.

   "I heard that the iron factory is restructuring, but I don't know how to sell it to individuals?" Guo Xiang asked straightaway.

  "Do you want to buy? What do you want to do?" Zhang Hua asked.

   "We want to build a small power plant, but we can't find a suitable plant. To be honest, your plant can still be used. Those old equipment that are not useful are all too outdated." Guo Xiang shook his head.

  Zhang Hua did not deny that this situation is naturally very clear to them. When the restructuring started, they first included the iron factory on the list, but no one invested in shares.

  "If you buy, can workers accept it?" Zhang Hua asked.

In fact, this is the most troublesome problem for them. Originally, the factory was shut down after a loss. However, there were still dozens of workers. They had no food and no place to relocate. It's a big problem.

Just as Lin Guangrong wanted to say something, Guo Xiang gave him a look and said, "If the factory is sold to us, of course we want to recruit workers ourselves, but if the former workers are willing to come to our factory, we are welcome, after all, we too Do you want to hire people?"

   “However, the previous workers are likely to be poor and good. We cannot accept them all. We must be screened, so this cannot be completely agreed.” Guo Xiang said.

Zhang Hua nodded. He also understood that this factory was originally a collective enterprise and was not a state-owned factory. Some of them were owned by related households. They must not be so active in doing things. If they were sold to private individuals, others would definitely not want to be lazy. He can understand.

   "In this way, there are 32 people in the factory, including the director. If you can accept more than 20, then the price is easy to negotiate." Zhang Hua said.

  After all, this factory is no longer good. It can be sold for a little bit. If the factory is broken in the future, no one will want it.

   "20 people?" Guo Xiang meditated. There are only more than 30 people in a factory. It is impossible that more than half of them are not good. This number is acceptable.

   "This can be considered. If I accept these 20 people, we will pay their social security in the future, and we will not take care of the others." Guo Xiang said.

   "That's natural." Zhang Hua nodded, "Wait a little longer, I will discuss with the leader."

  Leave the office after speaking.

  Zou Zhengxing seemed to be a little eyebrowful when he was talking, and couldn’t help asking: "You really want to buy?"

  "Look at the price." Guo Xiang said, "However, it is true that we want to set up a factory. If the price is too high, we won't buy it.

  "If you buy it, can I stay?" Zou Zhengxing asked worriedly.

  Guo Xiang and Lin Guangrong looked at each other. If you want to accept some workers, of course it is better to have an original factory manager, but you are worried that the workers will listen to the original factory manager too much, and it will be difficult to manage if you don’t listen to them.

   "In this way, Director Zou, when we buy the factory, we will discuss it together, and of course I hope you will stay if we can." Guo Xiang said.

  After all, he still has experience as a factory manager for so many years. There are generally two reasons why he didn't leave.

  If you don’t know how to go to the camp, that’s fine, it means that the director is honest and can be used.

  If he is incapable, then don’t be afraid, just give him a spare job to supervise the workers. I’m afraid that he is the kind of person who likes to use power for personal gain and treats others as relatives. Isn’t the factory in his hands troublesome for himself?

  Zou Zhengxing saw that Guo Xiang did not say that he was dead, and he was happy and anxious.

  After a while, Zhang Hua came back. The reason why it was so fast was that the factory was originally affiliated with the town government, and there was no need to report it again. It was enough for the leader to make a decision.

  (End of this chapter)

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